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16010685 No.16010685 [Reply] [Original]

"I wiped the blade against my jeans and walked into the bar. It was mid-afternoon, very hot and still. The bar was deserted. I ordered a whiskey. The barman looked at the blood and asked:



‘S’pose it’s time someone finished that hypocritical little punk, always bragging about his old man’s power…’

He smiled crookedly, insinuatingly, a slight nausea shuddered through me. I replied weakly:

‘It was kind of sick, he didn’t fight back or anything, just kept trying to touch me and shit, like one of those dogs that try to fuck your leg. Something in me snapped, the whingeing had ground me down too low. I really hated that sanctimonious little creep.’

‘So you snuffed him?’

‘Yeah, I’ve killed him, knifed the life out of him, once I started I got frenzied, it was an ecstasy, I never knew I could hate so much.’

I felt very calm, slightly light-headed. The whisky tasted good, vaporizing in my throat. We were silent for a few moments. The barman looked at me levelly, the edge of his eyes twitching slightly with anxiety:

There’ll be trouble though, don’tcha think?’

‘I don’t give a shit, the threats are all used up, I just don’t give a shit.’

‘You know what they say about his old man? Ruthless bastard they say. Cruel…’

‘I just hope I’ve hurt him, if he even exists.’

‘Woulden wanna cross him merself,’ he muttered.

I wanted to say ‘yeah, well that’s where we differ’, but the energy for it wasn’t there. The fan rotated languidly, casting spidery shadows across the room. We sat in silence a little longer. The barman broke first:

‘So God’s dead?’

‘If that’s who he was. That fucking kid lied all the time. I just hope it’s true this time.’

The barman worked at one of his teeth with his tongue, uneasily:

‘It’s kindova big crime though, isn’t it? You know how it is, when one of the cops goes down and everything’s dropped ’til they find the guy who did it. I mean, you’re not just breaking a law, your breaking LAW.’

I scraped my finger along my jeans, and suspended it over the bar, so that a thick clot of blood fell down into my whisky, and dissolved. I smiled:

‘Maybe it’s a big crime,’ I mused vaguely ‘but maybe it’s nothing at all…’ ‘…and we have killed him’ writes Nietzsche, but—destituted of community—I crave a little time with him on my own.

In perfect communion I lick the dagger foamed with God’s blood."

- Nick Land

What did you think? I think it's brilliant and shows an angle to christianity that theology religion never saw. Any other books that expound on these ideas?

>> No.16010707
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>> No.16010742

i think you should stop spamming this fanfiction tier r/atheism garbage

>> No.16010779

What's this mean?

>> No.16010884
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>> No.16010902
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>> No.16010908

take the g/acc pill

>> No.16010938
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>Suppose rather that the Serpent was not Satan himself, but merely a common demon birthed by Lilith. An impersonator of Satan acting in Lilith’s stead to tempt Eve. We could then look at the story of the Serpent and Eve as Lilith’s lesbian seduction of Eve with the mediating artificial cthonic phallus (a dildo). From this, Eve was given the earthly knowledge of sexuality that awoke her from the empty and boring pleasures of Eden. Lilith of course was not to be tied down, and so Eve had to return to Adam and bide her time. And so Eve becomes the first follower of Lilith on the path of a radical separation with the masculine ruling principle of the universe and Divine universal ordering, towards the infinite cthonic upswelling. She wields the unholy pseudo-phallus or anti-phallus that does not produce the creative masculine seed that connects straight up through the Tree of Life back up to Kether, but rather only produces a sterile and destructive imitation. An Acéphallus from which spurts only venom.

>> No.16011062


>> No.16011252

>Thus the Atziluth completes itself in the divisive individuation of God as a distinct being and not an abstract oneness. The remaining emanations on the Tree form its three pillars: The black pillar of severity on the left, the white pillar of mercy on the right, and the gold pillar of mildness in the middle. The top of the black pillar is Binah, the top of the white is Chokmah, and the top of the gold is Kether. Thus in the Kabbalah, choosing either the path of mercy (compassion and connectiveness) or the path of severity (analysis and disintegration) doesn’t fully repair the bridge to God. Only the middle pillar which balances all of God’s aspects, the pillar which connects from Kether to Malkuth (the realm of Man which falls from the rest of the Tree into the Abyss in the Fall of Man), is the true path by which we can return to God.

>> No.16011415

wow thats some bad writing. dam.

>> No.16011429

but the cheese factor is pretty good. would edit it bext to shadow the hedgehog.

>> No.16011461

what's wrong with it? I think it's great.

>> No.16011476
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>> No.16011573

the notion, composition, and phrasing for the most part

>> No.16011577

Why are brits such cringe laws?

>> No.16011607


He's british? Sounds like another verse of the devil went down to georgia.

>> No.16011612

I think it's good and fits well with his other writing. which is top notch.

>> No.16011648
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i'm atheist and this is deep

>> No.16011664

Acknowledged, but totally disagreed.

>> No.16011677

Holy shit, that is actually from Nick Land! Bwahahahaha! I knew Land was corny, but omg wow. Heh. Oh man.

>> No.16011729

>Nick Land
Why is everyone involved in the "Dark Enlightenment" a brainlet?

>> No.16011749

Cuz it's a "movement" for teenage boys.

>> No.16011753

it's based. kys brainlet.

>> No.16011929

>not understanding
maybe you're the brainlet.

>> No.16012643


>> No.16012649

He kinda looks like Ted Bundy

>> No.16012853

wow. this is fucking horrible op. I was actually considering reading Nick Land at some point but this is really making me reconsider.

pure fucking trash. like a midwit teenager's diary

>> No.16013309

ok brainlet. your loss stay dumb.

>> No.16013570


>> No.16013589

This became a very shitty bait like a week ago. It's /b/ tier bait at this point. I don't get why mods don't band and delete this shit. Oh, right, they're sharing scat pics over discord.

>> No.16014128

It's literature. Maybe you should be banned for an off-topic post.
Discuss the quote, ideas, and book or go elsewhere.

>> No.16014232

it's from a Nick Land book. try reading before making yourself look stupid.

>Ever since it became theoretically evident that our precious personal identities were just brand-tags for trading crumbs of labour-power on the libidino-economic junk circuit, the vestiges of authorial theatricality have been wearing thinner.
― Nick Land, The Thirst for Annihilation: Georges Bataille and Virulent Nihilism

>> No.16014439

I agree.

>> No.16014549

“This book was supposed to be finished at Easter, like God.”

>> No.16016019


>> No.16016158

Was this a genuine belief held by those who studied Kabbalah in the past?

>> No.16016945


>> No.16017130

Nobody here seriously believes in God. So many are larping as Catholics because it seems edgy and interesting in our age.

>> No.16017254

good but all that remains needs to be destroyed. christian hatred of intelligence can't go unpunished.

>> No.16017371

You mean hyper-THEISM, right? If God is a physical entity that can bleed, than he certainly exists. Atheism is the LACK of belief in gods.

>> No.16017409

it's a metaphor slowfag.

>> No.16018388

I love Nicky but religion isn't really a very interesting subject matter. THankfully he has moved on to politics and tech since then.

>> No.16018488

Someone should make a youtube skit of this but the protag is wearing a fursuit

>> No.16018495

>What did you think? I think it's brilliant and shows an angle to christianity that theology religion never saw. Any other books that expound on these ideas?
Good bait

>> No.16018504

Is this really Nick Land's? I assumed people were joking. Where did he publish this, on his blog somewhere?

>> No.16018512

Stop spamming brainlet for a second, clearly Nick Land means a lot to you (if any of this is genuine) and its bruising your ego to see people trash him. Serious question, how old are you?

>> No.16018676

>it's a metaphor slowfag.
A metaphore for what?

>> No.16018741


Sure thing Nick

>> No.16018756

Cheers pal

>> No.16018786
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Not surprising from the world's greatest pseud

>> No.16018808

Land is a known poofter. My friend's uncle went to Warwick when Land was there, and he was known for asking male students to fart in his face, and paying them for used underwear.

>> No.16018823

I need no evidence to believe this, I will now pass this info on anytime someone mentions Nick Land

>> No.16018853


>> No.16018926

>was known for asking male students to fart in his face, and paying them for used underwear.
An..any more info on this?

>> No.16018938

i want to like nick land but jesus this is the most childishly edgy thing i have read in my entire life

>> No.16018978

Woah... so this... is the power... of Nick Land...

>> No.16019040

It wasn't something I wanted to know much about. Land apparently had a fart fetish and would deliberately release silent, eggish farts while teaching.

>> No.16019407

"The Thirst for Annihilation" is /b/ tier bait. Anything that fucker wrote after using drugs is just shitty writing that you faggots seek to push.

>> No.16019435

This trend is like judging Hegel for his shitty poetry. Land's no literature writer.

>> No.16019622

you? and what have you read by Land?

>> No.16019631

the killing of god.

>> No.16019708


>> No.16019859

There's so much religious fag's cope in this thread. They wish they could write something as good as that.
Go take your meds and read some more of your fairy tale book, schizos.

>> No.16020737

they have no arguments because deep down they know that god is dead. Nick Land killed him.

>> No.16020748

see >>16019407

>> No.16020776

i liked the first sentence op

more than can be said about most garbage here

the rest is cringe never do this again

or else

>> No.16020953

but he always did drugs.

>> No.16021534
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>gaabijuul gawd
who knew it was so strong?

>> No.16021541

>doesen't know Land lives in China

>> No.16021632

how is that relevant?

>> No.16021803

>i liked the first sentence

>> No.16021888

“Machinic desire can seem a little inhuman, as it rips up political cultures, deletes traditions, dissolves subjectivities, and hacks through security apparatuses, tracking a soulless tropism to zero control. This is because what appears to humanity as the history of capitalism is an invasion from the future by an artificial intelligent space that must assemble itself entirely from its enemy's resources.”


>> No.16021897

I remember trying to read this in 2012 when the first Nick Land wave broke with speculative realism, but I never got to that part, lmao...
How are things like "Chasm" or "Phyl-Und"?
I scrolled through the epubs and they seem okay. He does not do drugs anymore, right?

>> No.16021927

Well lucky you read it now. Great way to get back into Land.
This is from Chasm, it's bretty gud.
>In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessing. But because, I am englightened by my intelligence.

>> No.16022196

>Capital is God.
This is actually genius a necessary step in completing the circle of Christianity through secular humanism. It is what allows us to complete the Kantian critique, subjugating the noumenal to rigorous economic growth.

>> No.16022334
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>> No.16022437

It's very Middle Belcean.

>> No.16022548

A little bit brutal for my tastes, he does convey anxiety well which helps dull the edge, I actually enjoy the bitter cynicism of it as it lets you know the writer is definitely not handling his own shit and that always makes for better writing.

8-9/10 in terms of style

2-3/10 in terms of message, something a 20 year old could easily convey in a much less enjoyable way

>> No.16022585

Thanks for the serious feedback anon. There are some things to think about here.

>> No.16022599

Very few things to think about unfortunately, much to enjoy though. Sanctimonious had to be my favorite word tho, 10/10.

>> No.16022740

I think there's more to it than you think. But you're right about the prose, scrumptious.

>> No.16022744

cringe writer, cringe fans

>> No.16022795

I wish there was really, but it's not a very deep cut, maybe if he wrote a little bit more than the bit sized chunk but as it stands it's much more aesthetically pleasing. I am rating those two things respective to one another though, so any undue harshness is probably conveyed in the disparity between my opinion on his style and my opinion on his message.

>> No.16023438

no you.

>> No.16023496

where is that from? i am very interested in that specific thought

>> No.16024129

It would be interesting to have a chart for this? Really good stuff.

>> No.16025583


>> No.16026135

Try r/atheism.

>> No.16026768


>> No.16026851

I feel it is kind of unfair to use this against Land considering he hardly remembers it, disowned back in the 90's. On the other hand lmao.

>> No.16026880

>what is scholasticism

please neck yourself

>> No.16026910

Dead end.

>> No.16026955

This. Time to delete this retard of a thread.

In other words, gods exist and theism is true. Which is fine, but the headline in this thread suggests the OP is advocating the opposite. Which, obviously, he is not. The OP is a full on theist.

>> No.16026989

ITT: pseuds getting filtered by Land's intentionally cringy prose

>> No.16027025


>> No.16027264

stupid or prove otherwise.

>> No.16027321


>> No.16027958


>> No.16028968

no u

>> No.16028987

Wtf what do I read to become this based??????

>> No.16029311


>> No.16029345

even as a pre-op tranny you're already filtered from the gene pool

>> No.16030267

we need a hyperatheism chart.

>> No.16031027

acc has nothing to do with trannies. at all.

>> No.16031922


>> No.16032810


>n-no, you don't understand, being a fedoralord is actually based, not cringe!

>> No.16034510


>> No.16034966

This somehow made me want to become even more fascist than I already am, so I can put anyone who thinks this is ''deep'' or ''new'' into camps.

>> No.16035348
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>> No.16035359

Even Land knows the whole g/acc and general acc shit is dumb.

>> No.16035366


>> No.16035384

just look at CC. completley grounded and separated from the acc shit, nigger

>> No.16035385

Double double sixes woahohohohoh

>> No.16035708

Is it over for God?

>> No.16036146

I don’t get it, who is God’s father?

>> No.16036151


>> No.16036859


>> No.16036894


>> No.16038425

let's go.

>> No.16039491

fuck off nigger

>> No.16039555

Can we get back on topic please?

Post why you like this quote or anything from this book that supports hyperatheism.

>> No.16040411

Nick Land fags can't comprehend how cringy they always are

>> No.16040430

Nick Land threads are always shit

>> No.16040450

How is this cringe?

>> No.16040670
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>> No.16040694

You did this last week. Go away.

>> No.16040922


>> No.16041096

This deserves a pin desu

>> No.16041460


>> No.16042376


For me it's Nick Land. He's just too based and probably the number one atheist.

>> No.16042417


>> No.16043029


>> No.16043119

So this is the legacy of pseud? A 4chan cult made up of anonymous hyperautists and hyperschizos?

>> No.16043836

he's not a pseud. you probably didn't read it.

>> No.16044045


>> No.16044462
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>> No.16044483

one of the worst and cringiest thing I've ever read, the author should do something else with his life

>> No.16044672
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I'm paging through the latest academic book to deal with Nick Land. ("From NeoReactionary Theory to the Alt-Right")

It's so very bad. Get a look at these three representative excerpts. How can it be this bad?

>> No.16044681


Minor correction. The book is called "Critical Theory and the Humanities in the Age of the Alt-Right."

"From NeoReactionary Theory to the Alt-Right" is one of the chapters.

>> No.16045113

Whoever is struggling at writing should read more Land, then they'll realize the kind of edgy over the top Linkin-Parkian stuff passes for philosophy, and won't be so hard on themselves.

>> No.16045488

about to read CCRU 1997-2003 , is this what i'm in for?

>> No.16045510

A book about navigating a self referencing reality tunnel based on some schizo-enthusist french fucks and the relationships of the numerals 0 - 9.

>> No.16045521


A few gems strewn across undercooked meat.

>> No.16045549

Sounds relevant and contemporary

>> No.16046085
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>> No.16046427
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