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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 782 KB, 828x1411, C520C62F-E512-44A1-9D6D-03ACB1465278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16007719 No.16007719 [Reply] [Original]

Please stop bullying kantbot

>> No.16007745

no one cares about you fatso

>> No.16007748

Kantbot has always been nice to me whenever I interacted with him. He's a genuinely very thoughtful and intelligent person. All these assholes ganging up on him now (even though he hasn't changed at all and has always said the same shit) is really shitty.

>> No.16007749

>guy comes up by pandering to general sort of alt-right crowd
>starts spouting prog platitudes and is surprised that a large number of people attack him
I don't have that much sympathy. Im sure it must suck to be harassed, and I would never go do it myself, but obviously a lot of the people who know who he is are going to raise their eyebrows when he starts signalling anti-right stuff.

>> No.16007752

reminder that kantbot:
i. is fat.
ii. is a bandwagoner.
iii. cannot read german.
iv. has never built anything with his hands.

>> No.16007758

people are sick of him because he's a grifter and a pseud

>> No.16007767

If Kantbot really becomes a leftist he'll actually complete the system of German Idealism by picking off where Marx and Engels left off.

>> No.16007773

Where can I hang out with you and Kantbot that isn't fucking Twitter? Tell me.

>> No.16007776

People can't handle the banter nowadays. Sad!

>> No.16007780

>i turned leftwing because people bullied me
so he's not a real philosopher, he's just a normal guy that wants to fit in somewhere, anywhere that will have him?

>> No.16007786

this just proves you can't fence sit. catboy groypers will call you a commie and the pronoun trannies will call you a Nazi. There is no hope unless you join one of these faggot mobs.

>> No.16007791

Lol nijja turn off ya computer

>> No.16007792
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>> No.16007793

Kantbot is cool. Chill out.
Yeah, I unironically enjoy his autistic podcast and he will always be a legend for the German Idealism in NY video.
Pseuds are based. The grifting is whatever, but he is just trying to pursue a leisurely life. Can't blame him. If I had an audience like that I would ask for 5$ a month too.

>> No.16007794

Anytime anyone bullies anyone the other person constructs entire identities based around how wrong the bullies are. This is why it's dangerous to bully those ideologically closest to you, you run the danger of making them flip to the other extreme.

>> No.16007795

I just reply-guyed him off and on, not on twitter atm

>> No.16007796

I always wonder how these eceleb dipshits fall into the trap of self-obsession and image maintenance to the point that they babble to their tiny captive audiences like this about how maligned they are. The only people tuning in are the stockholm syndrome simps that every "influencer" has to some degree, the bottom layer of slime that watches you out of habit and would follow you off a cliff, so you're not going to get anything useful out of them.

You're not growing your brand, because nobody uninitiated would want to listen to this self-involved drama garbage. You're spinning your wheels at best, and much more likely, clogging your platform with white noise that decreases the % chance a passerby will decide to follow you if they chance upon the page at that moment. You probably lose the smartest and most precious potential followers when they turn away in disgust from your dime a dozen slapfight shit.

Their whole trade is in swindling people into reading their bite-sized op-eds, so why do they jeopardize their own income like this? Every streamer does it to some degree. Always whining fucking faggot videos about how some other douche said something about someone else and that person said something about someone etc. Who fucking cares. Who cares if it's a legitimate grievance. Stop fucking whining you fat pussy. Stop having e fights with other e faggots like your fat self. If you want to be an e faggot then at least do it with some dignity.

>> No.16007799

I'm so glad I nuked his reputation on this board with that stupid effort post.

>> No.16007801

You didn't and no one gives a shit except people jealous of his Twitter follower count. Have sex, incel.

>> No.16007806

I always wondered who those losers are
Are you lonely or something?

>> No.16007807
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you didn't. I was his guest on his Kurosawa podcast episode, and several of the Japan anons hsve featured in his discussion on eastern religion. The only person who thinks you changed anyone's mind is you.

>> No.16007808

"Frogtwitter" is boring anyways, anyone with content creation skills pre-2016 has moved on to making Chainlink pepes.

>> No.16007810

>Pseuds are based
back to twitter

>> No.16007812

>jealous of his Twitter follower count

You've truly sunk to the lowest form of life yet discovered.

>> No.16007815


>> No.16007816

he never will, he shitposts a lot about Marx but has made it pretty clear that he only likes early Marx and thinks Das Kapital is retarded

>> No.16007819

I guarantee most anons here would love to have 45K followers and they're jealous. I don't even own a Twitter account.
/lit/ is full of pseuds, that's why you come here and not other boards.

>> No.16007824

>guy that relentlessly bullied people online and bragged about it gets mad when others bully him
live by the sword, die by the sword

>> No.16007827

Who did he bully

>> No.16007828

oh look more advertising

>> No.16007838

I did, but it was years ago, when people on /lit/ were sucking his dick over the stupid youtube video. After I made that post, his other haters came out so that Kantbot fans were in the minority. It took longer for his twitter to crash and burn.

>> No.16007840

don't forget to do your duty and report e-celeb self-promotion threads, citizen

>> No.16007841

If Kantbot rejects the Althusser epistemological break thing and realizes that the Marxist humanism in 1844 was not really gone even by Critique of the Gotha Programme, he might start liking Marx. Depends though. Worth considering though is the way people like Land connect Marxist materialism with Kant's transcendental idealism. Kant and Marx are bookends to German Idealism, if Kantbot wants to try somewhere he should check and see how the middle of the bookends can be made to fit with the now-synthesized bookends.

>> No.16007843

would be a real shame if the groypers dug up kantbot's old material on feminists and lgbt and sent it en masse to the current site hosts of his podcast

>> No.16007847

I have no idea who that is, but it sounds like he's having a full-on mental breakdown. Someone should check on his welfare.

>> No.16007849

kantbot had a handful of good posts (out of literally thousands). I had to unfollow him because every tweet recently has been physically bad. Wish he would just start tweeting less, higher quality, stop engaging with gay twitter fights

>> No.16007854

I've been here since 2008 and save every thread to a private server in Shenzhen that I have access to. Please give me the approximate date range that you did. I will happily prove to you that you didn't.

>> No.16007862


>> No.16007863

You'll find it in the archives between now and the youtube video date. Note that the majority of the posts praised him up until my several paragraphs long longpost, then reception of him soured immediately after.

>> No.16007868

>save every thread to a private server in Shenzhen
top lol why?

>> No.16007869

"reception" -- you mean your samefagging?

>> No.16007872

If there were good boards I would go there. But there are not.

>> No.16007874

Just use Warosu btw

>> No.16007876

confirmed newfag, confirmed probably kantbot or some absolutely pathetic shill promoting him

kantbot if you're here, put your FAGGOT DOG on a leash, he's embarrassing you

>> No.16007877
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His Twitter would be fine if he ignored the haters and didn't post about it. Just carried on as usual, but I guess it's getting to him. I feel bad for him. He is just an autist who likes to read. He is one of us whether anons like it or not. I'm not big into German philosophy or anything, but he's definitely got me curious about a lot of new stuff and once in awhile he has a pretty thought-provoking take. I also liked his stuff in Tfw no gf. He looks pretty cool with the beard. I would be his friend irl even though I don't like Lovecraft and haven't read any German idealists.

>> No.16007878
File: 755 KB, 828x1068, D9DCB342-02BA-4206-8171-EF58786044D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is kantbot’s trustfund kid ex podcast cohost boytoy
Everything went south when they broke up i wonder wat happened

>> No.16007879

I'm going to steal all the content from here and turn it into a novel eventually. My dad owns the server storage company so it's no skin off my back.

>> No.16007881

He's some fat dude that is angry because Bronze Age Pervert made fun of his weight and told his fans to harass him or something.

>> No.16007882

Is he more of a loser than someone who goes on 4chan to act like a spiteful cunt for no reason?

>> No.16007883

Because that's a literal newfag who doesn't know about archives.

>> No.16007884

Too much effort to bother with it for weeks and months. Nobody really cares about Kantpseud, I just wanted to see less of the newfag pol zoomers sucking his dick.

>> No.16007887
File: 13 KB, 300x400, 198384-jpg--1559450507972-ConvertImage-jpg--1559450507972-ConvertImage-jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Worth considering though is the way people like Land
not even once

>> No.16007888

you're welcome to check the 2011 /lit/ zine on the wildwestwaffles mirror. I'm in there.

>> No.16007889

Is his podcast actually interesting? I saw he did an episode on Akira Kurosawa but I'm not paying to listen to it. He should make it for free.

>> No.16007890

"Fewer," newfag.

>> No.16007894

Yes, if he was really a regular since 2008 he'd know about the public archives like Warosu. Just a lying newfag.

>> No.16007898

What a fucking crybaby

>> No.16007901

>low effort, not to mention, wrong, critique post

>> No.16007906

He used to put up some free episodes in the past. Whether it's interesting or not depends more on the guest than him. He is always kind of awkward and austically talks about stuff his guests clearly aren't interested in. But I do enjoy hearing some of his tangents. I haven't heard any of his new stuff but I did want to hear his podcast with Ashley.

>> No.16007907

you're a retard if you think those are going to survive the coming fedpurges.

>> No.16007915

You're a retard if you think any private archive (and therefore editable) will be worth anything.

>> No.16007917


>> No.16007919

I'm well enough connected within the Chinese Communist Party (my wife's father is on the Dongbei provincial politburo) where I will have sufficient warning.

>> No.16007921

>don't know German
>don't know English apparently, either


>> No.16007922

Ever since he got btfo by RW bodybuilding twitter he’s been in shambles

>> No.16007924

Warosu and stuff are private too, and editable, they're not 4chan

>> No.16007934
File: 71 KB, 640x384, Karl-Marx-portrait-jubilee-trier-germany-capitalism-economist-communism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Kantbot, it's time we stop trying to fit in with the /pol/tards. It's time we embrace the left and destroy the NPC right. We can't let the world slide to fascism again. As the western European imperial block is slowly removing their dependence on the USA and establish better relations with china. Iran is still dabbing on the petrodollar and refuses to give in. The tides are shifting and as the USA is gonna lose world dominance, embracing fascism seems attractive way to mantain your honor and fight.
This has to be stopped, stopped before we slid into a third world war. We need to speak sanity in these young minds, and think of solutions from a left perspective. We need to redesign the way we work, as automation starts taking over.

>> No.16007941

BAPniggers are literally the dumbest and most cringe niggers on twitter easily, they literally just recycle google searches about diet and talk about pussy (which they don't get), it's the gayest larp possible and the homoerotic element behind it all is telling. BAP is 100% a fed and his polemic is very boring. the feigned illiteracy is also fucking retarded, he has been doing that for years, it's gay. plus he has a shit russian accent, i fucking hates slavs, literal subhumans.

>> No.16007942

They're more available, >>16007919 is just a faker.

>> No.16007943

what proof would you like?

>> No.16007947

Tell me more of your opinions about who's who on Twitter. You should start a podcast talking about tweets and twitter users! Then you can hang yourself, zoomer fag.

>> No.16007949

Land sucks but he's not wrong to see affinities between Kant and Marx. Marx makes ideology something conditioned by material conditions. Thus, you can't pretend that your ideology reveals reality as it is in itself. But you also can't help but apply that in understanding reality. Are you seeing where that crosses over with Kant's transcendental idealism?

>> No.16007950

Your face, timestamped for this board (but on something more complex than a sheet of paper, which is easily fakeable now with phone apps), with an ID card linkable to a public record.

>> No.16007951

Twitter is retarded and I don't own an account. I sometimes scroll through tweets when I'm extremely but it's all just attention whoring. It gets annoying

>> No.16007952

The world never slid to fascism in the first place...
>We need to speak sanity in these young minds, and think of solutions from a left perspective. We need to redesign the way we work, as automation starts taking over.
You're still living, mentally, in the 20th Century. The Left has moved on. It's about the struggle of the subaltern now, not Materialism. Marx didn't invent left-wing politics.

>> No.16007957

Based Marxposter, I hope Kantbot realizes Marxism is the way to complete the system of German idealism.

>> No.16007958

that’s ok, kantbot, relax, they won’t hurt you anymore

>> No.16007961

would a CPC membership and foreign business membership sufficient for you?

>> No.16007963

what happened to his old show? why did he leave? who is the other host and what was wrong with him lol

>> No.16007964

that is a rather tenuous link, and it's also self-defeating since it would throw into question Marx' own analysis, unless he rescues it by saying 'but this alone is not ideology' which well..

>> No.16007965

I hated BAP way before the Kantbot-BAP feud, he is retarded. A homosexual Romanian and a fed.

>> No.16007967
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I have nothing to hide, I was on Kantbot's podcast and went by my name.

>> No.16007969

RWBB twitter != BAP

>> No.16007978

>and it's also self-defeating since it would throw into question Marx' own analysis, unless he rescues it by saying 'but this alone is not ideology' which well..
Indeed, and that self-defeat has been leveled against poststructuralism as well. It has also been leveled against Kant himself in a certain way (by the German Idealists no less), since for Kant to say much about things in themselves seems to require using language wedded to concepts which it is inappropriate to apply to them.

>> No.16007980

If it allows tracking across other confirmable public platforms like Linkedin. But any document is fakeable without a time stamped selfie.

>> No.16007981

They really are
You ever see that midge looking spinach kid

>> No.16007984

>Land sucks
>but he's great
you're still posting this?

>> No.16007986

my previously posted CPC membership is the best I'll give you. I have no interest in posting my Chinese passport or anything to that effect. You can reference my number on the party's website and look me up there.

>> No.16007991

>he Left has moved on. It's about the struggle of the subaltern now, not Materialism.
So clinging to materialism is reactionary?!
This is what we need, we can make the /pol/tard see. Convince him that reactionary leftism is the way!

>> No.16007993
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>> No.16007997

All leftism is reactionary, it's about trying to recreate a primitive society while still having technology "somehow".

>> No.16007999

This has been happening for years, nazis talking about 'nazbol' while the Left have invented the funny term 'class reductionist'.

It gets even more heated if you start talking about banks.

>> No.16008004

I don't have a webm player so sorry I can't watch your epic rebuttal.
No, please share

>> No.16008006

So you're one of the fags spamming China shit.

>> No.16008011

Twitter is cringe filled 12 year olds following retarded pedo larpers like the master and low iq retards like frank hassle

>> No.16008012

It's a based madman btfoing steroidfags.

>> No.16008015

Not really, I haven't been in China since... mid-2019 or so. I once of those rich multinationals that /pol/ dislikes. I'm currently in Japan now and prefer it here.

>> No.16008016

The left can only be about materialism, retard. You're thinking of rad libs.

>> No.16008019

Oh shit, gonna convert to mp4 real quick

>> No.16008023

What do you mean? Every philosopher that isn't me sucks. I wouldn't believe the things I did if I thought anyone that wasn't me was 100% right. I'd just be a clone of them. But there's specific things people say that I think are right. What's the problem with that?

>> No.16008024

Baps masterrace

>> No.16008025

>"The Prophet Marx (PBUH) invented the Left, all other leftist thinkers are radlibs."
Feel free to join us in the 21st Century.

>> No.16008028

>nothing to hide
>wont post face with timestamp
>doc could have just been something posted in irc or discord before.
cant prove its you beyond a reasonable doubt otw
its not like im asking for your address or wifes tits. what i ask for is basic transparency.

>> No.16008032

>the left were originally about opposition to monarchy
>then they were about opposition to capitalism
>now they are about opposition to le racism and etc.

living in the past anon

>> No.16008033

Lol is that warren

>> No.16008037

just buy Kantbot's premium subscription and I drop all of my contact info in the Kurosawa episode. If you DM me on twitter I will DM you back. At the very least you can give my boy some bux.

>> No.16008041

sounds gay, fuck kantbot fatass could stand to lose weight

>> No.16008045

are you some kind of wagie who can't afford premium podcast content? lmao

inherit some wealth, faggot.

>> No.16008046
File: 46 KB, 800x533, hi-res-09547201694cb20f3d0595fe3661b23c_crop_north.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They all fear the fat skinny master race, beautiful, honestly they should unironically too, guys that big can't fight for shit and everyone knows it, they gas out before the fight can really begin unless they train their endurance, and even then. with guys that big they have 10-15 seconds to finish the fight and if they don't, it's over for them. even pro athletes gas out really fast, i.e. stipe/ngannou
lmao man, these guys are pathetic. they all larp as esoteric primitive men types, but really they're just retards addicted to twitter who happen to go to the gym 3 times a week

>> No.16008058


>> No.16008060

spoken like a true larping neet, actual faggot

>> No.16008061

spoken like a true larping neet, actual faggot

>> No.16008065

guy in your pic has plenty of muscle though, he obviously works out a lot

>> No.16008069

>can't afford a podcast to win an argument online


>> No.16008075

the jannies have forsaken us

>> No.16008076

Hey yall.... smdh.. lets all take a chill pill listen to an alan watts or ram dass lecture and start getting along. We all one for sure

>> No.16008077
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what on earth is this thread about?
/lit/ - yesterday's twitter drama

>> No.16008081

>being so poor as to beg for money online

>> No.16008082
File: 279 KB, 1315x740, Francis-Ngannou-Stipe-Miocic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ngannou (black guy) has an insane amount of muscle, and he gassed out fast in that fight, in less than one round. Miocic (white guy) has a more or less normal physique. Of course he's in good shape, but if he was carrying as much muscle as Ngannou he would've gassed out fast too, but he didn't and he beat up Ngannou for five rounds straight. Grotesquely muscular guys usually can't fight unless they train. But body building fags are almost always easy fights, any fat skinny dude who has trained boxing for a few months could handle a body building faggot who has never done anything but lift weights. the ideal "warrior" body type is a lean muscle build with good stamina, not an obscenely muscular build, that was my point

>> No.16008084

If they thought like this they wouldn't become e-celebs in the first place

>> No.16008085
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>e-celeb grifter defence squad is out in force today
/lit/ is dead.

>> No.16008087

>we never moved pass capitalism
The French deconstructionists postmodern gibbersh retards ruined the left, people like Foucault got propped up by the CIA. All this identity politics has always been a diversion,
>hurr durr wake up to the 21st century
No you wake up to the fact that anti-capitalism still is the main fight for leftism, this coopted idpol bullshit is just cultural warfare fought by those who call them left or right. It is of no importance since the economic dimension of politics is the most important one.

>> No.16008089

shut up pussy

>> No.16008095

there's no kickback to me, I assure you. I'm one of kantbot's patrons, in fact.

I've paid my way on to Kantbot's pod, Matt Forney's Terror House Mag, pre Fedposting P.T. Carlo's Thermidor, etc. Search the name I posted on those sites.

>> No.16008098
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>just buy Kantbot's premium subscription

>> No.16008100

>this coopted idpol bullshit is just cultural warfare fought by those who call them left or right. It is of no importance since the economic dimension of politics is the most important one.

Yes, this is pretty clear to anyone who can see through the bullshit.

For that matter, why do you suppose the mentally ill and gullible fall for idpol traps so easily even when given clear tips about idpol traps?

>> No.16008104

you samefag with the same 30 or so pepes, there's no need to hide my friend.

>> No.16008106

What's daddy tubs promised you for your service?

>> No.16008113

>The French deconstructionists postmodern gibbersh retards ruined the left, people like Foucault got propped up by the CIA. All this identity politics has always been a diversion,
"Every leftist I disagree with is a pawn of the CIA."
>All this identity politics has always been a diversion,
CPUSA has had identity politics as a major part of its platform from the beginning. Many of the organizers of the current round of race riots are old CPUSA members and fellow-travelers.
> No you wake up to the fact that anti-capitalism still is the main fight for leftism, this coopted idpol bullshit is just cultural warfare fought by those who call them left or right. It is of no importance since the economic dimension of politics is the most important one.
"Please take me back to the 20th Century where things made more sense."

>> No.16008122

silence pussy

>> No.16008124
File: 25 KB, 294x329, 1577818259642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time replying, lad, cope harder and with more imagination.

>> No.16008129

image sizes tell no lies, King.

>> No.16008130

Hope he sees this m8. Give this (You) a screenshot and send it to him.

>> No.16008133

Why are my two gay dads fighting again

>> No.16008135


>> No.16008139

quiet you infinite nigger

>> No.16008140
File: 30 KB, 460x307, 711slavojzizek_owdgdTq.width-800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real left is still alive, it's less organized maybe. Probably reverted to pre USRR levels, small reading groups here and there. Usually these people do want to show their solidarity when racism, sexism etc is being fought but they are no confirming progressive liberal or mere socdem. We need to grow our numbers. Leftism is definitely on the rise on the internet, breadtube is getting bigger and bigger.

>> No.16008141


>> No.16008147

That wasn't me, nor were many of those posts, I don't really use pepes.

>> No.16008151

cope with the rope you posted earlier, fren

>> No.16008157

>(even though he hasn't changed at all and has always said the same shit)

that's not true, he is clearly shifting over to the post-woke left. He memed trump, saluted Steve Bannon when he left the white house, and used to be friendly to everyone on RW twitter, he told his followers to UNFOLLOW him if they didn't buy BAP's book in 2018; now in the middle of insane left-wing activist hysteria and attempted power-grab all of his political takes are mocking ring-wing twitter, conservatives, MAGA moms, and rw twitter e-celebs. These daily hate threads about him are a bit much but you can't tell me that he hasn't changed. The guy spent years building up a right-leaning following, now counter-signals the right constantly and he's confused about why people are pissed off.

>> No.16008159

Fuck off joseph

>> No.16008165

I can buy you too, if you want. Make a podcast dragging kantbot and I'll patreon you $100 a month. Deal?

>> No.16008166

Make me, faggot.

>> No.16008172

Low iq magatards and boomers deserve to be mocked for the bootlicking idiots they are

>> No.16008174

make me

>> No.16008177

>The real left is still alive, it's less organized maybe. Probably reverted to pre USRR levels, small reading groups here and there. Usually these people do want to show their solidarity when racism, sexism etc is being fought but they are no confirming progressive liberal or mere socdem.
>Leftism is definitely on the rise on the internet, breadtube is getting bigger and bigger.
Do you not see how these two contradict each other? The reality today is, if there's one thing that will actually get all the different types of leftists out to riot, it's antiracism. This shows you where the priorities truly are. Materialism is over, it's all about the subaltern now.

>> No.16008181
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>The tradition of all dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brains of the living. And just as they seem to be occupied with revolutionizing themselves and things, creating something that did not exist before, precisely in such epochs of revolutionary crisis they anxiously conjure up the spirits of the past to their service, borrowing from them names, battle slogans, and costumes in order to present this new scene in world history in time-honored disguise and borrowed language.

>> No.16008189
File: 180 KB, 1200x908, DdZaKf3W4AAmACA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good post. He seems weak, shiftless, and lazy. Not all fat people are bad, but he is that particular sort of fat person, that particular breed and species of fat person, where you can tell his bloated obesity reflects an easy assent to public pressure, and a lack of firm convictions. He easily conforms to the pressure of the fast food advertising campaign and the portion size at the local restaurant. And, in the exact same way, he easily conforms to the will of the mob, the demands of those who shout the loudest. He has no strength and no conviction. There is nothing for which he would die.

Pic related, Chesterton is the GOOD kind of fat person. The solid kind, the kind whose obesity almost seems to embed them into the earth and make them firmer and more resolute. But Kantbot is the BAD kind of fat person.

>> No.16008192

>no u
Your favourite Newman cosplayer is gonna be so disappointed in you.

>> No.16008194

lel the child is playing rebel dress up again

>> No.16008198

>Your favourite Newman cosplayer
I don't know this reference, how old are you?

>> No.16008210
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>tfw this all started because one of BAP's bumboys told Kantbot to exercise more.

>> No.16008213


>> No.16008216

>zoom zoom

>> No.16008217

where tha fuck of these shills coming from? DIE FUCKING EDRAMA TWITTER FAGGOTS

>> No.16008220

The fuck is this fat analysis post
Kind of based though not gonna lie

>> No.16008243

Thanks but no thanks chink, take that 100 and send it towards “kantbot” who desperately needs it for validation and sugary snacks.

>> No.16008247
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Simple observation of data.

Chesterton is based, but is fat.
Kantbot is not based, but he is ALSO fat.

Therefore, not all fat people are bad. But not all fat people are good, either. So there must be some fat people who are good, and some fat people who are bad, and there must be a way to tell them apart.

>> No.16008257
File: 227 KB, 1879x1190, triggered.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, PLEASE stop bullying kantbot about his weight. there's nothing wrong with it. As you can see from his twatter and his crossposts on /lit/, YOU are actually body dysmorphic! Thanks.

>> No.16008261

now now, my familial wealth was made by thePortuguese exploiting chinamen's taste for wine, not the other way around.

You can't offend me with "chink" when I'm colonizing their women

>> No.16008268

good analysis. kantbot is the classic bugman role

>> No.16008269

ban twitter threads, simulate your friends somewhere else

>> No.16008271

I like the guy raging at Kantbot, I think I found him on twitter too.

>> No.16008291

>guys they used the same word!

>> No.16008309

>kantboat getting btfo by Fuentes, of all people.
What a fall from grace.

>> No.16008403

OK concern-trolling tranny Kemala/Biden staffer

>> No.16008417

It was friendly advice lmao

>> No.16008439
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This blob deserves to be bullied.

It should be obvious to everyone that Kantbot is just a regular attention whore, and a pseud on top of that. Every single public action he is known for was specifically and purposefully engineered to bring eyes on him and cause controversy. Remember during the 2016 election when he stated that Trump would "complete the system of German idealism?" His intention was obviously to ruffle some feathers since he knew normie retards would interpret "German Idealism" as some neon Nazi idea, and it worked because the video spread like wildfire:


That video is the singular reason anyone even cares about him; let that sink in.

Now he and his droogs are busy riling up reactionary twitter with banal and evasive statements that you'd ordinarily expect from a midwit "apolitical" female like "Caring about stuff is for retards" "Political movements are pointless" "There is no cancel culture" and so forth. He knows he'll get attention for this, and so he does it. The longer we give him attention the more he will double down.

It should be suspicious to anyone that this guy has decided to publicly renounce his previous political views because he was bullied on Twitter. Does he even have any inner beliefs of any kind, or is he just a cynical grifter changing his views with the contemporary social currents? I'm sure if you bullied Kantbot enough you could get him to renounce intellectualism as well, if that's what it would take for him to gain more followers.

Honestly at this point I'm beginning to question anyone who ever thought that Kantbot was smart--it's really obvious that he's a 105 IQ grifter pretending to be erudite by making intentionally vague and contrarian posts on twitter and posting book covers to prove how much he "reads."

>> No.16008460

>Honestly at this point I'm beginning to question anyone who ever thought that Kantbot was smart--it's really obvious that he's a 105 IQ grifter pretending to be erudite
He's maybe up to 130, but he's a blunt thinker.

>> No.16008463

that video was funny though. I mean just the sheer context of what he's doing there in public is amusing. It's not the same as being snarky on twitter

>> No.16008464

Hey Kantbot if you are reading this thread, it's a mix of people who have pre-existing ulterior motives to hate you (rightly or wrongly) and are using this thread as an outlet because it makes it seem like all the hate is spontaneous

Some of it is spontaneous because of bandwagoning and partly deserved because you/your fans shill too much but don't go and commit suicide or something, you need to develop a thicker skin my man. Internet is full of schizos who obsess over personalities like you. Learn to glean the valid criticism and laugh off the rest, like that idiot Sam Hyde

>> No.16008468

>thicker skin
blubber more like

>> No.16008473

He needs to bow to the pressure of Catholic Twitter and convert. He's in Tradical's mentions a fuckton these days, yet he waffles about on the subject. Maybe if he actually became a believing Christian he'd grow convictions and not dither.

>> No.16008491

Kek, deleted

Poor choice of words prior anon.

Maybe if he was a Christian with a basis in absolute morality he'd be a lot of better things.

>> No.16008502

Peter Thiel pays women to talk to him. He's a pathetic faggot.

>> No.16008504


>> No.16008510

Kek, I'm going to pretend this is true from here on out

>> No.16008512

Stfu nigger fucking worthless scum

>> No.16008514

incredibly neurotic individual
shitposts attacking people with bigger audiences to drum up business for his podcast where he and Curtis Yarvin jerk eachother off for an hour, then plays the victim when people respond
used to be funny, now sad

>> No.16008519

wasn't this guy's whole thing to celebrate trolling, how trolling was a key component of the literary tradition... now he's crying on twitter because people called him fat? he was became a lot more insufferable when he moved from literature to theory, he never talks about Sterne anymore

>> No.16008521

>Maybe if he was a Christian with a basis in absolute morality he'd be a lot of better things.

He is legitimately very intelligent and he is not really very stupid, I think he is actually quite smart. He is just very susceptible to peer pressure, and this is very bad, and also I think he is a spineless gelatin who bends to the will of the masses. I think, most importantly, that he lacks courage. Maybe if he converted to Christianity, he'd HAVE some.

>> No.16008530

>He is legitimately very intelligent and he is not really very stupid, I think he is actually quite smart.
wtf is this sentence

>> No.16008534

>it's really obvious that he's a 105 IQ grifter pretending to be erudite by making intentionally vague and contrarian posts on twitter and posting book covers to prove how much he "reads."
It was obvious after hearing him speak on his podcast that he wasn't as smart as he was letting on. Instead of engaging ideas in a discussion, he uses namedropping as a placemarker for trying to make a point. Definitely not the sign of someone well developed.

>> No.16008536


Most people bullying him at the moment don't have any ulterior motive--they're rightly identifying that he is a weak-willed man(?) with no strong inner beliefs who constantly bends the knee to external pressure. This is a problem because his behavior is dissonant vis-a-vis the persona he presents online, which is that of an erudite intellectual who informs his views with literature and derives a weltanschauung immune from immediate need.

Instead of behaving like an intellectual, he instead decides to revert to his natural form: An effeminate and insecure attention whore. Stop coping for ever having thought he was smart or worth your attention--put some Visine in your eyes and take another look at this fat retard.

>> No.16008538

It was just a joke anon.

>> No.16008545

This is exactly right. His early posting was celebrating trolling and bullying, and when he gets a taste of it back he has a cry about it.

>> No.16008555
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>> No.16008566

He is very good at giving the impression of being well read. It's his sole talent.

>> No.16008567
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It's me being up late at almost 2 AM and being also somewhat drunk. It's not the most well-constructed sentence, I'll grant you that.

My basic idea is: I think Kantbot isn't stupid. But he also seems extremely cowardly and does not have strong convictions. I think Kanbot is actually pretty smart, but he is cowardly. When men are smart but cowardly, it leads to evil things. I think Kantbot needs courage. That would be my advice to him.

>> No.16008579
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It sucks. Kantbot is a pretty cool guy desu.
This is why I don't want to join any community. They'll rip you apart if you dissent with their rhetoric

>> No.16008617


Most communities are capable of handling some dissent. I criticize the right regularly and it never rejects me--it's intent and competence that counts. Kantbot is being obviously disingenuous and contrarian and nobody likes it save for those who truly bought into his erudite intellectual schtick. Everything about the guy is a schtick, he behaves like a woman with BPD and no one--not even "apolitical" people--likes that kind of behavior.

>> No.16008626

>the fatman tweets out in pain as he e-bullies you

>> No.16008636

>he was became a lot more insufferable when he moved from literature to theory
This is always the case. You can pretty much classify anyone into theory as being anti-literature and boring.

>> No.16008645

why do they call it simply 'theory'. Shouldn't it have a qualifier

>> No.16008647

Somewhere Thad Russell is laughing

>> No.16008648


He had it coming he can expect a methhead murder squad within the month

>> No.16008655

theorycelism was a mistake

>> No.16008671

>Everything about the guy is a schtick, he behaves like a woman with BPD and no one--not even "apolitical" people--likes that kind of behavior.

No you don't get it dude, behaving like a sulky self-pitying teenager as a 30 year old man is the mark of a misunderstood genius.

>> No.16008694

>upsets pol
>Noo don't bully me
Well he had a following form there what did he expect it's how Pol reacts to shit like that.

>> No.16008695
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Reminder that anyone advocating left, right or center is a glownig, or simply doing their work for them.

>> No.16008706
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I imagine getting spammed with hate comments every day can be irritating and frustrating. I dunno. I try to avoid judging people that are in situations I've never been in.

>> No.16008717

A number of years ago, Kantbot used to single out twitter users and do the same thing. Some of his followers used to pile on as well. Maybe this will be a moment of self reflection for him, but I doubt it.

>> No.16008722
File: 2.88 MB, 600x600, 1588972437091.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what a meagre prospect of Red Scare pussy does to a nigga

>> No.16008725


Why would someone NOT expect to be criticized as a public figure? People who are this sensitive to criticism should not become public figures and should be bullied until they quit.

>> No.16008752

>enjoy his autistic podcast and he will always be a legend for the German Idealism in NY video.
yep ,but its the only nice thing about him.
He's forgettable everywhere else.

>> No.16008805

this guy is very retarded

>> No.16008898

He's a Romanian Zionist academic grifter. Unironically, he was doxxed recently

>> No.16008899

listened to like 80% of TekWars, and I conclude that this summer, he's really been cracking up and tilting at windmills. His tone of voice on recent podcasts has been that he's arguing against something vociferously, yet he never seems to make that argument. Chill out a little.

>> No.16008906

This thread caused me to look this guy up. He's unintentionally funny. He's clearly just a harmless bumbling oaf who pictures himself as a radical underground intellectual. He amusingly makes up bullshit larping as an expert and doesn't seem to be aware that he's full of shit. I heard him talking about the psychadelic properties and "psionic energies" of oil. It's laughable that some of you are treating him as a legitimate thinker that deserves to be caught up in political controversy.

>> No.16008909

that was a terrible, overly autistic cast

>> No.16008916

qrd on this conflict?

>> No.16008925

He won't deb8 me so who cares

>> No.16008926

kantbot is fat and deserves to be bullied as such

>> No.16008930

The guy is still stuck on some 2000s /b/ edgelord shit, he's unintentionally funny as a clown. He's a pathetic fat sack of shit.

>> No.16008938

chesterson is also fat and gay fuck that nigger

>> No.16008943
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He's a literal cuck, there was some post about it on the redscare sub, the fatty likes to be fucked in the ass by "sex workers".

>> No.16008947

all counter traditional forces deserve to be eliminated. kantbot ranks among these forces, and although he seems like a gentleman, he must be eliminated on account of his views.
nothin personnel kid

>> No.16008959

Those were his 15 minutes of fame. They're over, the guy is irrelevant, he's a loser.

>> No.16008966


>> No.16008980

Very based post

>> No.16008983

You must be new here.

>> No.16008993

>so he's not a real philosopher
no shit you dumb motherfucker

also why the fuck no one has reported this thread yet you subhuman morons

>> No.16009025

do you actually report threads on 4chan? i just hide them if i dont like them

>> No.16009041

He is a fat pseud trying to make sure he can get a job one day by cutting away his alt right connections

>> No.16009045

Name one way he is cool

>> No.16009051

>mooooooooooods moddddddddddds

>> No.16009104
File: 445 KB, 1242x707, 52192561-5BFA-423F-B09F-0E7E037E4144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao these people have memes for brains

>> No.16009117

>Carlo's Thermidor
did this guy turn state’s or

>> No.16009130

no, reddit

>> No.16009149

I like kantbot. He is right about about a lot of things. The level of discourse of that sphere is genuinely at an all time low. Fuentes is just embarrassing. BAP is a neocon, and his followers are weak larpers who get carjacked and bum raped by Mexicans.
I don't know what he was expecting, though. He is a not particularly right wing guy with a right wing American audience who suddenly decides to advocate political indifference, inaction, and to "pass by" in an election year.

>> No.16009270

Literally who?

>> No.16009273
File: 37 KB, 387x437, MMsV5It.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's exceedingly easy to be right if you don't have any beliefs.

>> No.16009305


Yes yes exactly. He doesn't subscribe to the most BASED ideology on the market so he must be a CRINGE grifter. He must not have any inner beliefs because he is not TRAD cat. He must be a spineless coward because he doesn't agree with my BASED ideology, which is very popular among his own followers.


>> No.16009347

>It's exceedingly easy to be right if you don't have any beliefs.
I don't know what you mean by this. Is it even possible? Anyway, I listed some of his beliefs.
I think if you find it difficult to be right then your beliefs are false.

>> No.16009385

sad fat loser realises that might is right and the mental gymnastics he practices in his head all day long don't count for anything, no doubt one of the same fags that complains about his freedom of speech being "suppressed" on a social media platform owned by internet megacorp

>> No.16009428


Sorry, I guess Mammon is a belief after all. Reminder that he asks for money for his shitty podcast.

>> No.16009438

probably the most ass blasted post to the point of hilarity itt

>> No.16009479

>I guess Mammon is a belief after all.

>> No.16009494

who cares

>> No.16009757
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>> No.16009768

virgin german idealist pseud vs. chad illiterate rap listener

>> No.16009787

link to clip pls

>> No.16009803

>antisemites are NPC
literally the opposite of reality you mongol

>> No.16009828

Literally who

>> No.16009837

Kant is fat, true. BAP, his minions and the "new right" in general are retards, also true. I dont see the problem here.

>> No.16009848

i'm sad, yesterday people on twitter were retweeting his "fuck you all im leaving twitter you guys are bullies im gonna stop tweeting" post and encouraging him to fuck off, and it looks like he hasnt.

>> No.16009952

I don't have a stake in this fight but I think there are objective differences between people who promote and practice health and fitness and those who attempt to promote obesity and sloth in response.

The first group can exist without descending into body dysmorphia or related pathologies while the second group can never escape the implications of hedonism and low impulse control, which also seems to be exhibited in the compulsive tweeting and pursuit of novel intellectual positions.

Trump and pepe may be cringe for the extremely online, novelty addicted leisure class, but that doesn't refute the underlying arguments about immigration and the corporate ideological revolution (leftwing identity politics). Some arguments remain no matter how much you make something about your personal boredom with a movement.

>> No.16010002

This, it was below the level of discussion you'd get even on r/movies. Totally banal observations

>> No.16010008

I have a feeling it's the man himself.

>> No.16010014

Type in "kantbot Fuentes" into that video sharing site.

>> No.16010015

>cosy up to far-right scum
>use them for validation': they don't read so think you're smart
>one day challenge their prejudice rather than simply rationalise it for them with big words
>they harass you, bully you, send you death threats etc because you're now a 'traitor'

Seriously what the fuck did he expect from altright mouthbreathers.

>> No.16010022

fat people have no self-control, no willpower and even less self respect. one of the few things we can control in our lives is what we put in our mouths and how we use our body. this fat worm can't even do that. why would anyone listen to his views on world politics or philosophy when he can't even handle his own body?

>> No.16010025


>> No.16010066

so its agreed that cuntbutt is a cynical grifter midwit with no ideology

>> No.16010106

Kantbot is a deep cover Ford Foundation backed fat activist from the fat underground that has emerged right now in a rotund revolutionary moment to educate y'all about fat thighs and BAP lies.

>> No.16010129

>reply to his twit with counter argument
>you have been banned

>> No.16010139


>> No.16010154

The majority of /lit/ posters are the scawy “alt-right.” Nice ad hominem.

>> No.16010167

Not lit so sage. He had a good thread the other day laying out what he thought about The Situation of the World and What is to Be Done. I don't agree but it was nice.

I'm not a fan of his generally as he seems preoccupied with waging a war on probably the least worthy people of his attention or ire but that one thread was a good read.

>> No.16010191
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>> No.16010196
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>> No.16010207

>No you wake up to the fact that anti-capitalism still is the main fight for leftism,
Not according to leftists who matter.

>> No.16010214
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>> No.16010222

Hot takes from TV News and Social Media is the majority of many people's interaction with society at large, though. That many people, important people, who influence culture and policy advocate for things is not trivial.

>> No.16010245

I think want Kantbot needs is a small group of likeminded people who aren't going to feel insulted or slighted by his posts. I don't always agree with the man but I appreciate his voice

>> No.16010250

These ideology-fags seem to think that because they can label something an ideology it doesn't have any sort of socially or politically causal realness to how events play out. It's a form of nominalism verging on solipsism. The Rwanda genocide was precipitated by a radio station that made constant jokes about who they were going to mass murder.

>> No.16010259

>current year
>caring about what some insecure e-celeb has to say

And this is relevant to literature discussion because...?

>> No.16010275

Because he is one of the pseuds on twatter who pretends to read, gives contrarian hot takes and name drops famous authors.
He is basically /lit/ in one person, including the hatred of /pol/ and the projection of personal inceldom on it.

>> No.16010288

He has just come to the unfortunate reality that you cannot be fat and a Nazi at the same time

>> No.16010304

Fatbot is losing grip on reality
How long before he offs himself
All his closest friends are abandoning him
All he has left in this world is the anorexic adderall addict logo and retarded takes on videogames no one cares about

>> No.16010309

For me, its gotta be seanguy.

>> No.16010397

>Kantbot is cool. Chill out.
Fuck off pseud. You're on the wrong board.

>> No.16010400


>> No.16010412

literally all he had to do was stop antagonizing every single little account that had a minor disagreement of opinion, but he is addicted and must post 6 million tweets a day

>> No.16010429

all the egirls the gross misogynist bullied throughout the years handle bullying better than he do lmao what a b***h

>> No.16010437

great way to find people to block

>> No.16010486

yeah, i liked that thread. best thing he's put out in a while. made me wanna join his gardening club desu

>> No.16010491

kb kinda sucks but this is a good development. BAP was funny but he spawned the dumbest fucking grifter copycats and fanboys imaginable. the altright discovering ”books” (much like the way a rock artist discovers the synthesizer) has been a disaster for /lit/. hopefully this rift grows even larger

>> No.16010506

He's done that since he used to post on reddit years ago. There's a reason why /r/drama and other meta-reddits used to post the drama he caused on reddit. He's a bully at heart that non-stop harassed a wide variety of people. He's deleted his account there under the same name, but you can still find remnants of his posts. There's anons above who can't understand why there's some venom directed at Kantbot without invoking cope about BAP or right wingers. Nope, but I thank the idiot frogposters for harassing him enough that he's now getting his comeuppance. It's been a long time coming. He pretends to be this nice guy, but he's actually a piece of shit. You people defending him are like battered wives. It's known to a certain subset of post-rat twitter that he drove one guy on twitter into a mental hospital due to his bullying. Kantbot is a piece of shit and anyone defending him is a fuckwit. If you hate what /pol/ stands for, you should also hate what Kantbot stands for.

>> No.16010522

hes a classic sociopath hes self victimizing himself, its a classic tactic they do to take advantage of people , use them then dispose them, he has done this tons of times before psychologists say these people cannot be helped and should just be segregated from society desu all he cares about is making podcast money and gaining followers through his self victimization now ,hes latched on to the alt right , nrx, tfw posters, austists, he pretends to be all these things because sociopaths need to be accepted by and worshipped by others, they feed off their attention , once theyre questioned of their motives and attention is not as pletiful from their victims they move onto the next group of victims , in his case the "left" or whatever tf is is now , all of you people who are defending his are just very vulnerable and these types of sociopaths can smell you a mile away and will manipulate you to sticking with them so they always have an alternative energy source, do better for yourselves i would think youre better than that

>> No.16010525

We hate pol?

>> No.16010545

everyone who knows kantbot knows hes a piece of shit and this isnt about attacking him as much as its about heeding a warning and protecting others from this sociopath

>> No.16010575

when sociopaths have been found out they disappear and find new groups to victimize and take advantage of and its never the sociopaths fault its everyone elses fault , ring a bell

>> No.16010582

What exactly make him a sociopath?
Aside from the fact that it's a meme word not used anymore in a clinical setting.

>> No.16010597

Anon i think that the more simple solution is that he just wants to get laid and thinks he can bang some lefty thot if he converts.

>> No.16010610

>Kantbot is cool. Chill out.
Eat shit faggot

>> No.16010611

his new gardening club is just a new way if finding new victims , hes started many a club before believe me lmao

>> No.16010634

You are literally the lowest quality poster I have ever seen.

>> No.16010658

>gardening club

>Kantbot is immunized against all dangers: one may call him fat, grifter, cringe, blue pilled, monolingual, and pseud, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But tell him he's never done any physical labour and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I've been found out.”

>> No.16010731

>the hermeneutic of how I'm interpreted
Am I low IQ or does that statement not mean anything

>> No.16010848
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>I told a woman I've known for ten years that I was afraid to go to graduate school because of ideological considerations, because I'm opposed to progressive politics and social justice and feminism
Whadda little (fat) bitch.

>> No.16010853

>daily schizo thread
290 posts, how many accusations of being Kantbot are we up to yet? 145?

>> No.16010862

No, it genuinely means nothing. An actual thinker could discuss the hermeneutics (the study of how books and such are interpreted) of his own works, but Kantbot isn't an actual thinker and has never produced any works so it's a moot point.

>> No.16010869

146 now, you tubby pseud

>> No.16010871


>> No.16010882

He used to tweet at professors all the time, challenging them.
This fatass gets what he deserved.

>> No.16010919

>be professor
>be compelled to use twitter by department
>some random fat troll starts shitposting nonsense about Goethe in your general direction
>ignore/block as you would swat away a fly
>fat troll declares intellectual victory
Truly the Socrates of our time.

>> No.16010931
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Hes actually a really nice guy

>> No.16010951

How did he get /lit/ so obsessed with him? Was it just the german idealism video? I want to replicate this level of fixation so I can shill shit on here

>> No.16010976

Im tempted to try watching him to see how retarded and stupid he is because from the sound of it hes an absolute riot

>> No.16011067

Wow attacking a literally nobody
How brave

>> No.16011076
File: 617 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20200731-175826_Twidere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He talks about books, philosophy and politics. Also it's clear that he isn't a 'normie'. That's about it really, with a little bit schizobabble you can come far, just look at Nick Land.

>> No.16011106


>> No.16011134

ahhhhh, that's where these threads are coming from

>> No.16011137

What a nitpicking wanker

>> No.16011173

If you ever bought a ''twitter'' book just get the fuck out of here, they're all midwits who jerk each other off with retweets

>> No.16011177

>tweet about the left being gay for a few years
>figure out all the ecelebs your right followers subscribe to
>suddenly flip and attack those guys
>get spammed with so much FAT posting from their fanbois that you threaten to leave twitter about it
what's his endgame? one of the more interesting meltdowns i've seen on the internet

>> No.16011180

Will he ever recover from this

>> No.16011196

Highly doubtful.

>> No.16011232

a while ago he thought he was some grand strategist who could do no wrong. he claimed he was the one bringing chapo poeple over to whatever side he was on. it was around the time he was in the movie, dropped his co-host, went on red scare, and doxxed bap. its all backfiring now and i think his brain broke without twitter retards sucking his dick 24/7

>> No.16011234

Its funny how kantbot and all these other ''intellectual'' twitter users like logos have had a platform/audience for 4-5 years now and they're still just writing boring tweets people retweet to make themselves feel smart. Their books are terrible, baps book is one of the worst things ive ever read; glad I was just sent a pdf of it.

>> No.16011314

How long before fatbot turns on logo

>> No.16011318


>> No.16011320

Why did he dox BAP?

>> No.16011328

Logo is Kantbot's lapdog. He'll follow whatever he says.

>> No.16011331

probably thought bap would lose his mystique and he would win over his followers

>> No.16011353

Oldfag who became a namgefag on NRX reddit, moved to frogtwitter and associated himself with the alt right which got him a small amount of clout on here which got slightly bigger when Trump got elected and he did that retarded video. The obsession is just pseuds recognizing a fellow pseud grifter when they see one

>> No.16011365

He changed his views literally on a dime. You can mark his shift the second BAP's peeps started calling him fat. There's no sincere belief in him only self aggrandizement.

>> No.16011495

They wouldn’t get so much hate if they weren’t so fucking obnoxious. Logo is the most pretentious pseud I’ve ever seen and Kantbot just fucking cries when he isn’t making boring threads. They’re like children, which is sad because the stuff they say about neoliberalism and the End of History is pretty accurate and especially relevant to all these social movements everywhere

>> No.16011542

Shut up they are starting the next rand corp together

>> No.16011597

You need to be a John von Neumann stem autist to do that. Humanities liberal arts wannabees cannot

>> No.16011967

Surely not Young Hegelian astroturf

>nobody uninitiated would want to listen to this self-involved drama garbage. You're spinning your wheels at best, and much more likely, clogging your platform with white noise that decreases the % chance a passerby will decide to follow you
Hard not to when your ego as brand and public persona are counfounded

>the economic dimension of politics is the most important one.
Fiat and those who control it have muzzled free enterprise; we're not getting off this rock to hedge our asteroid/crust slip bets until they're dealt with and labor can really go buckwild

Too much foreskin

>> No.16012745

Lmao you unbelievable faggot

>> No.16012820

I just saw this thread and I don't want it to die.

>> No.16012830

it can't be bumped anymore newfag