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16005835 No.16005835 [Reply] [Original]

How do I write a character who's depressed?

>> No.16005931

write the details of their surroundings
people will come to the obvious conclusion of depression

>> No.16005941

Writing characters with easily identifiable mental illnesses is something only bad writers do

>> No.16005953

Depressed people don't live interesting lives, what could you possibly write about?

>> No.16005968
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OK genius. Give me an example of what you consider not "easily identifiable"
self improvement.

>> No.16005985
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Make the narrator unreliable as his hallucinations have real manifestations in his mind.

>> No.16006047
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OK, I'll keep that in mind for a possible short story. But I'm writing YA and I'd rather focus on something simple and digestible to a normie audience.

>> No.16006058


>> No.16006127


just write all there dialogue post-nut

>> No.16006149

from experience

>> No.16006272

"I'm depressed", he thought depressively.

>> No.16006644

what's your take on erotica written by virgins?

>> No.16006746

depends on what your goal is.

if you want to portray it realistically, show a fat disgusting slob that nobody likes. no amibition, lays in bed most of the day, has hobbies but doesn't do them, lives with an idle anger at everybody that is obviously because they hate themself, doesn't know how to act or get along with other people, and is perpetually tired. also has crying fits and "Im GoNnA fUcKiNg KiLl MySeLf!!1!" moments periodically.

if you want a good case study on this, watch/read Welcome to the NHK.

if you want to portray it with the romanticism/fetishism that's popular nowadays then just have someone that goes out and does regular shit but drop them cutting themself or "I hAtE mYsElF!!1" and all the friends are like "b-but we love you!!1!" retarded ass emotional moment at the climax. if it's the main character maybe throw in a couple of internal monologues about how their envious/jealous of X or something idk


>> No.16006749

use an excerpt from my diary desu

>> No.16006756

Give them great expectations and mix it with self-destructive actions and apathetic attitude.

>> No.16006759

they have no energy, they don't enjoy anything, they don't want to get out of bed, they don't want to go to work/school, they might have an addiction of some sort which is the only thing that makes them feel ok, they see the negative in everything, they have no hope, they feel bad about themselves, etc

>> No.16007640

Listen to a lot of black metal on rainy days and get yourself depressed. then write a diary. that's how you do it.

>> No.16007651

"how do i write a character who x"

why do people always post this

the answer is to read literature that includes those types of characters, note what you like, dislike, and potential for experimentation