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16004487 No.16004487[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16004504

Liberalism will be replaced by Islam, insha'Allah.

>> No.16004528
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Liberalism will absorb Islam, however gradual the process. All this talk about reformation is polite window dressing. This saddens me.

>> No.16004531

I mean. Islam has thrived in mercantile liberal economies in the past. It permits nearly everything except usury to an extent.

>> No.16004555

Islam has always been liberal. Arabs were mercantile anything goes shekel grabbers. Like Jews. I think it will still exist but will be less diluted than chricuckery. Since Islam doesn't have retarded shit like trinitarianism. But I don't think lgbtq+ imams will be popular.

>> No.16004693

Islam, like all man-borne religions, acquiesce to the times in which they live. They change and conform to get people interested in them, but don’t have a solid foundation to keep them in the faith for very long.

>> No.16004698

>It permits nearly everything
What the fuck did he mean by this

>> No.16004731

Generally speaking Muslims living in western countries tend to become progressively liberal with each generation, unless of course they live in Muslim enclaves and fail to socialise with the rest of the community.

>> No.16004761

They've already started to be consumed.
Western Muslims are even more degenerate than their host populations.

>> No.16004772

unironically this, and its gonna have an easy time doing so since liberals are so happy about ignoring all its flaws

>> No.16004788
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It already has for long
The recent video by kraut gives a short example by telling the difference between Arab/Iranain Islamism and Turkish Islamism.
In the video he says that a lot of countries with Turkish migrants have once been invited to Turkish Islamic weddings while nations with other Muslim immigrants see that as absurd because those other Muslims will not allow non-Muslims into weddings. This difference is noticeable when Turks refuse to go to non-Turkish mosques.

>> No.16004817

For context

>> No.16004882

So, Muslims were always degenerate. As long as they keep they maintain the five pillars and are able to recite the fatiha won't that guarantee the religion will live on, more than cuckstianity atleast. Even salafism today is a recent invention and medieval muslim poetry is the most degenerate shit i've ever read. My question is whether Islam will adapt better or disappear like the cult of christ?

>> No.16004915

The only illiberal Islamic regimes are Russia puppet states and Iran. Make of that what you will.

>> No.16004940

Western Muslims are already liberalized. The future of Islam consists of women in rainbow hijabs calling Muhammad a feminist on their OnlyFans. Fukuyama was right once again.

>> No.16004963

nothing can defeat liberalism
The children of the most influential islamic men are all highly degenerate. I give it two or three generations before they are just as booty shorts and starbucks as the rest of us.

>> No.16005009

>The children of the most influential islamic men are all highly degenerate.

>> No.16005021

Yeah, look at Turkey and certain parts of North Africa, already heavily liberalized.

>> No.16005023

as someone who was raised muslim and visited many muslim countries, Islam is less resistant to liberalism than Christianity. I know /pol/ doesn't believe it, and I understand because at the moment Christianity is liberalized more than islam, but in general it's true. The islamic religion already has a lot of openings for liberalism (see Coltaine's youtube video 'islam is right about women'), in addition islam is getting rapidly liberalized because of the media, education system, and pressure from liberal countries like America. Liberalism ultimately has less to do with the religion, and more to do with societal factors like how much time spent without a major war fought near the country, and technology freeing women and men up from traditional roles. There are muslim countries with more female politicians than America, and some with equal rights ammendments, which the USA didn't even get passed yet.

>> No.16005053

So? None of this is anti Islamic. Aisha and some of Muhammad's daughter have served as substitute governers of their respective caliphates at some point.

>> No.16006008

The peoples who accepted Islam already experienced how absurd it is to attempt liberal thought in the harsh desert and similar climes. Liberals might have beachfronts among some Islamic communities, but it doesn't take long for them to realize browns will always be fundamentally disadvantaged and cheated by nominally liberal policies, and that browns are better off adhering to their boring but strong ethnoreligion.

If anything, the disorganized societal upheaval of liberalism will make liberal countries ripe for Islam to take over and flatten ideologically. Not in countries like France, where the immigrants are meant to weaken the native population, while being corrupted by the decadent culture, but among the edges of Europe, such as Turkey, Russia, and Germany, where weaknesses like homosexuality and effeteness are still widely hated.

>> No.16006179

>Germany, where weaknesses like homosexuality and effeteness are still widely hated.
Have you ever been to Berlin

>> No.16006203
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Islam will be replaced by Christianity.

>> No.16006288

It's still majority hateful of lgbt, even more so than Poland. Look up the statistics.

Eventually. Islam rejects too many good aspects of humanity to appeal to a truly thriving humanity. It's still better than secular religions which just seem to fuck until everyone's soon extinct.

>> No.16006300

>It's still better than secular religions which just seem to fuck until everyone's soon extinct.
Actually, I forgot about China, so I'm not sure here.

>> No.16006333

Depends on what you mean by Christianity. The “religion” is more guidelines than true way of life that if a gay transgender woman can say he loves Jesus but just ignores parts of the book he doesn’t like and people say he’s Christian then your religion is a joke

>> No.16006342

>edges of europe, such as germany
are you literally insane

>> No.16006358

It's at the figurative edge. West Europe occasionally bullies Germany as being Hun country due to its past.

>> No.16006363

My life, bro. I work in the gaming industry.
They lose the kind of money in a night that would make any normal person comfortable for several years, and they get a tongue lashing from dad about it. Do the whole thing again next month. It's disgusting.

>> No.16006402
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I mean the Christianity that actually matters, the Churches. Catholicism, Orthodoxy, that sort of thing.

Asia and Africa are converting like mad. The only reason the Arab/Muslim World doesn't have lots of conversions too is that in most of their countries it's literally illegal to proselytize. Pry those countries open to missionaries and see what they're like in 50 years.

>> No.16006403

That doesn't make them all degenerate though. Odds are 8 of 10 still adhere to the religion somewhat, even if the rest fall to alcohol and gambling. The religion's laws and resistance to profligacy didn't keep it in shape for centuries for nothing.

>> No.16006432

islam is a far-right ideology with much in common with conservatism