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/lit/ - Literature

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15996490 No.15996490 [Reply] [Original]

>favorite book and author
>what you're currently reading
>position on this chart

>> No.15996516

>favorite book and author
Dracula is my favorite book, Borges is my favorite author
>what you're currently reading
>position on this chart

>> No.15996526

>Blood Meridian
>Stage 2

>> No.15996546

Seeing as I am presently institutionalized and have been for four years, Broken going on mended.

My favorite book is A Night to Remember by Walter Lord

My favorite author is Fyodor Dostoevsky

Currently reading Emily Brontë’s collected poems

>> No.15996572

>I am presently institutionalized
How's your life like? I mean no offense, just curious. Do you have a career and/or hobbies? How does the place you live affect your life?

>> No.15996605

I had a career in banking, with this big of a resume gap, I don't think I'll ever get it back.

My hobbies are mostly writing/reading. I keep a journal. The quality of my life is very dependent on who else is in here with me. It's a pretty small hospital. I had a 'girlfriend' (it was completely chaste due to hospital rules, but we both wanted to do more) who was very kind to me and I to her, and she was a good artist who made drawings of the patients and staff. She hanged herself in her dad's garage two nights after she was discharged.

>> No.15996662

>favorite book and author
Proust, In the search of lost time
>what you're currently reading
>position on this chart
troubled, but im slipping to desperate
i dont want to go to the therapist anymore, i have disappointed even him..
i have tried to commit suicide several times but i aint do that shit again, i almost killed myself

>> No.15996675

>She hanged herself in her dad's garage two nights after she was discharged.
I'm sorry to hear that anon. Best of luck to you and your endeavours.

>> No.15996707

>favorite book and author
Ernesto Sabato, Abaddón el exterminador

>what you're currently reading
Demanding the Impossible: A History of Anarchism

>position on this chart

>> No.15996726
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>She hanged herself in her dad's garage two nights after she was discharged.

>> No.15996738
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>favorite book and author
Mishima and I think my current favorite fiction book is CRASH by j.g ballard. Favorite non fiction right now is Englands hidden reverse.
>what you're currently reading
HOGG by Samuel Delaney and non fiction is basic economics
>position on this chart
I'd say I'm pretty mended. Still recovering after a abusive relationship but finding my spirituality and just reading and enjoying my simple career and cooking brings me alot of happiness

>> No.15996816
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>allowed on 4channel


>> No.15996836

We have chromebooks with a pretty strict internet filters, though we can get certain restrictions lifted for good behavior. 4chan is banned, but the 4chan/4channel split is a godsend as they aren't aware of 4channel.

>> No.15996868


how many good boy points do you pay to bypass the porn filter?

>> No.15996872

There's no bypassing the porn filter.

>> No.15996904
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>> No.15996940

Why the fuck do you have my picture in the bottom frame, Opie.

>> No.15996959

Also, Wine of Satan by L. Gay and probably Steinbeck but it fluctuates.

>> No.15996966

Remains of the Day, Ishiguro
Brideshead Revisited

>> No.15996970
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Mfw mended

favorite book, frankenstein. It has sentimental ties to my teen years. (27 now)
favorite author, dh lawrence. for the same sentimental ties to teens.
what you're currently reading, rereading death on the installment, bukowski poems (mostly shit but also sentimental).

>> No.15996978

Narzis und Goldmund, Hesse
Thousand Worlds series, GRRM

>> No.15996989

One Door Away From Heaven, Dean Koontz

>> No.15997054 [DELETED] 

Godspeed anon

>> No.15997112

>favorite book and author
It's difficult in deciding a favorite book, I would wager it's tied between Ulysses and Beckett's Three Novels. Favorite author is Bataille.
>what you're currently reading
Thomas the Obscure for the 3rd time, and plan to reread some of Adorno's writings at some point
>position on this chart
Broken. Even more accomodating friends have distanced themselves from me, and those left have an intense worry for my well-being.

>> No.15997154

Two suicide attempts and supposed to be on meds, so broken I guess.
>Thus Spoke Zarathustra

>> No.15997167
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Sirens of Titan, Vonnegut. Currently reading the Republic. Troubled I guess, but I would argue that that is the sanest position on the chart.

>> No.15997175

sorry buddy.

>> No.15997188

Chart seems to be bpd timeline.
>Decline and Fall
>Invention of Morel
>not a teenager

>> No.15997282
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My favorite book is Son by Lois Lowry, mostly because of emotional attachment --it's not a very "/lit/" book.

My favorite author is John Ruskin, who you should check out if you haven't heard of him. I might even make a thread about him later...

Just started reading Unto This Last

Thankfully I am very much sane. Other than the troubling fact that in a month I'll start my second year of university and I'm still am not sure if I should continue to focus on pre-med or chase my wild and improbable dream of becoming a history professor.

>> No.15997314

Post body

>> No.15997432

I don't know. All Quiet on the Western Front is a recently finished one that I absolutely loved, but I don't know if I can call it a favorite.
Either Nietzsche or Dostoevsky
>currently reading
Discourses/Enchiridion, Blood Meridian and World as Will and Representation
Used to be desperate, went back to troubled, currently again on desperate.

>> No.15997678
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>favorite book and author
Blood Meridian and Oscar Wilde, respectively
>what you're currently reading
I'm getting into DFW, so I've been reading a bunch of his essays. Currently just finished E Unibus Pluram, and I really loved it.
>position on this chart
I really can't say. I've been institutionalized multiple times, have had multiple violent attempts on my own life, and am constantly medicated. Still, despite this, I don't feel quite broken, nor do I feel that I've mended. I feel the pain, for sure, but it's not as omnipresent as it was before. I haven't really found a philosophy that works for me, and my own personal life isn't particularly meaningful. And yet, I'm still feeling somewhat content with my current monotonous life. I don't know if this is mending, or if I'm just sinking deeper without even knowing. I guess only time can tell.

>> No.15997700

Fuck, I'm really sorry to hear that man. I hope you can at least know that you gave her some human warmth in those last few months. I know that isn't much, but there's still human goodness there, even in the darkest of times. Please, hold on to it.

>> No.15997707

>Anna Karenina, Maugham
>Brothers Karamazov, The Battle of the Atlantic (Dimbleby), The Party and Other Stories (Chekhov)
>Didn't read the chart, I just used this as an excuse to post about literature.

>> No.15997782

>Either El Aleph and Borges or Gravity's Rainbow and Pynchon
>A poetry anthology by Paz, Augustine's Meditations and Auster's New York Trilogy

>> No.15997819

Holy fuck. Why the hell are they still keeping you in there?

>> No.15997839

>Yukio Mishima - Sailor who Fell From Grace with the Sea
>Jacques Derrida - Writing and Difference

>> No.15997870

Holy shit anon. I'm so sorry.

>> No.15998125

I was really getting better before she died, then I had a psychotic episode that set me back some time. My family wants me here, which makes it hard to get out. Frankly, I'm not sure I want to leave anymore...

>> No.15998456
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>favorite book and author
Julius Caesar by Slick Willy himself
>what you're currently reading
just finished The Sun Also Rises this morning, thinking about a Bible fanfic such as Paradise Lost or The Divine Comedy
>position on this chart
Not sure, I'm tempted to say mended because I went insane in my early 20s and had to be medicated and go through psychotherapy but I still find myself being neurotic and edgy when it comes to people taking advantage of me, especially at work. I'm also fairly withdrawn from society and have no desire for sex which means 90% of my interactions with females are polite but dismissive.

>> No.15998514

>favorite book and author
Goes to Another Fine Myth and its author Robert Asprin
>currently reading
Mostly flipping through the different 5e manuals and expansions I own
>position on this chart
In and out of being Troubled. Never did drugs or alcohol

>> No.15998726

>favorite book and author
L'etranger, Kurt Vonnegut
>what you're currently reading
The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea
>position on this chart
partially mended

>> No.15999792

Being and Time


>> No.16000245

Shakespeares sonnets
The Fire by d'Annunzio
Sane but used to be troubled

>> No.16000300

Green except I've never tried suicide, took a carelessly large dose of sleeping pills once but those were mild things, but probably would have blown my brains out if a gun had been available.

>> No.16000307
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>tries to commit suicide
>i almost killed myself

>> No.16000313

>Moby Dick and Franz Kafka
>Sort of in-between Sane and Troubled

>> No.16000319 [DELETED] 
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there is now.

>> No.16000326

get help anon.

>> No.16000331

>favorite book and author
Only started really getting into reading again recently, but so far my favorite book is probably The Odyssey. I don't have enough experience to choose a favorite author but I really liked Oscar Wilde.
>what you're currently reading
The Count of Monte Cristo, Plato's Complete Works
>position on this chart
Hard to say, but I used to be somewhere between desperate and broken and am now "mended". I had really bad DP/DR and PTSD from childhood abuse. I strongly considered suicide at times and almost killed myself a few of these times but stopped myself, I never self harmed (although I do enjoy burning myself and I used to like to stab myself until I couldn't take it anymore occasionally, I never considered it self-harm but more of some weird OCD tick or something). I used to be addicted to DXM and weed, almost was addicted to alcohol, and I've been addicted to porn since I was 8 or so. I was hospitalized once. This chart isn't very accurate/good desu.

>> No.16000341
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OH and favorite author is Plato.
Favorite book? Not sure, why not Children of Hurin for fiction and Phaedrus for myth and philosophy. If I ever write something it would be to write my favorite text, since the Ancients have been fragmented like Dionysus.
Currently reading Proclus Commentary on Plato's Parmenides.

>> No.16000347

>favorite book and author
Dont really play by favourites
>what you're currently reading
The dark tower series, at the last book.
>position on this chart

>> No.16000408

>Favorite book
One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest
>Favorite author
Can't really say I have a favorite author actually. Probably in the "troubled" category nowadays but I was definitely skirting desperate/broken last year.

Just think, all that misery for absolutely nothing at all. At least I can say I've been back up to baseline/indifferent since maybe around May.

I probably won't ever attempt to grow a relationship with a woman ever again.

>> No.16000411

>favorite book and author
War and Peace or The Idiot, but all books are essentially worthless
>what you're currently reading
nothing, gave up reading more than 4 years ago
>position on this chart
healthy, asocial, had some anxiety going into the past year but generally not prone to hate and nihilism. philosophically loathe sentient life and can't wait to die, would most likely do it in a relatively painless way like shotgun to the head but no guns in my country and 100% would do it in a painless way like breathing helium or some shit; otherwise too much of a coward to jump off a building, knives, and so on. only thing that keeps me going without thinking "wow this is some pointless shit" at every moment is the expectation of some sort of ethical sense to life and a revealing moment in the afterlife. so i guess a combination of sane, troubled, desperate and mended.

>> No.16000430 [DELETED] 

The Book of Disquiet by Fernando Pessoa, Hermann Hesse
Nagatoro Vol. 2
A nice, even mix of tiers 1 through 3 I’d say. I was previously institutionalized for suicidal ideation, but I feel I’m more mentally cognizant now than I have ever have been before.

>> No.16000473

actually I could go with a book closer to reality like inferno by dante but even that is painfully naive, full of philosophical inaccuracies, nonsense providentialism and optimism. reality is much, much worse

>> No.16000483

>macbeth, shakespeare
>the aeneid

>> No.16000514

>no specific favorite author
>currently reading The Double
>Desperate/Mended somewhere in between

>> No.16000539

>The Good Soldier Sveik, no specific author
>A collection of Ostrovsky's plays

>> No.16000550
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>favorite book and author
A Canticle for Leibowitz. No favorite author.
>what you're currently reading
The Disspossesed by le Guin.
>position on this chart
If Sane is 0 and Troubled is 10, I'm maybe at a 3. Low low level anxiety. Saddened by the fact that I too will die someday. I don't drink often, and I don't do any drugs.

>> No.16000669

>infinite jest, nabokov and DFW
>To the Lighthouse
>I think somewhere in between troubled and desperate
>I dont read
I know this is a meme but why do you post here if you haven't read in four years

>> No.16000696

>I had a career in banking, with this big of a resume gap, I don't think I'll ever get it back.
you can just say you've been traveling or some shit

>> No.16000697

>know this is a meme but why do you post here if you haven't read in four years
You’re replying to either an extremely bored shitposter or a complete retard. Either way, stop

>> No.16000718

>favorite book and author
>what you're currently reading
My own stuff, duh. If I were forced to pick something else, I'd go with Les Miserables for fav. and last one is probably Deutschland und die Deutschen.

>position on this chart
Mended seems the closest although I read the news daily and don't have negative feelings outside of fun bursts which remind me that I still feel.

Never needed anything to achieve it beyond focusing on writing.

>> No.16000751

Well shit, that sucks, bro.

>> No.16000772

I browse /lit/ very rarely. It's mostly a pointless board really, only good for people wanting to stroke their ego with snarky replies and "look how stupid you are. now look how smart i am". there's hardly any 'discussion' going on. just the usual data-mining threads (like this one), the bible, racism, communism, capitalism on and on again. like all of 4chan its only a time sink for people with nothing better to do at a certain time (or all the time).

>> No.16000955

>It's mostly a pointless board really
compared to what?
>only good for people wanting to stroke their ego with snarky replies and "look how stupid you are. now look how smart i am".
I've had and seen many people have very productive conversations on here.
>there's hardly any 'discussion' going on.
Probably because you only look at and open threads where no discussion is to be had, like this one.
>just the usual data-mining threads (like this one)
Why are you posting in it then?
>the bible
What's wrong with this?
>racism, communism, capitalism on and on again.
Politics is a subset of metaphysics, and racism is an intrinsic part of many philosophies and politics. Why do you find it so hard to comprehend why a literature board would concern themselves with these things?
>like all of 4chan its only a time sink for people with nothing better to do at a certain time (or all the time).
I've used this board many times to get recommendations, reading orders, argue philosophical/political/theological points to come to a better conclusion for myself, etc. The only reason you think it's a time sink is because you use it as such.

>> No.16001163

>favorite book and author
Fear and loathing, Hunter Thompson
>what you're currently reading
Blood meridian
>position on this chart
Used to be desperate, now sane unless the amphetamine addiction finally kicks in

>> No.16001219

The Idiot
Moby Dick

>> No.16001413
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>favorite book
Don Quixote.
>favorite author
Hard to pick one in particular. I'll say Shakespeare—I've read 3/4ths of his plays and I'm looking forward to reading more.
>what you're currently reading
Life on a Little Known Planet, a nonfiction book on the wonders of entomology.
>position on this chart
Desperate. Severely depressed and institutionalized twice when I was younger. Started seeing a psychologist a few months ago and realized that I have next to nothing to live for.

>> No.16002578

>Notes from underground, Dostoevsky
>The Bhagavad Gita

>> No.16003606

>Book: The Count of Monte Cristo
>Author: Joyce
>Current read: Republic
>position on this chart: mended

>> No.16005246

Thanks anon I’d been looking for that picture.

>> No.16005937


>> No.16005948

>Favourite book
Les miserables
>What are you reading right now
Gravity's rainbow
Mended most accurately describes me, though I did not go farther than desperate even at my worst. Fuck social media and fuck stress, I wake up with the sun and bake now.

>> No.16005977

LOTR trilogy Tolkien but I haven't been reading enough
Currently reading shitty AP dogshit because of schoolwork

Not really anywhere on this chart, have always been pessimistic, perfectionistic, and skittish. 3 years into living with anxiety and etc. born insane is a better classification.

>> No.16006003

>Foucault's Pendulum / Murakami
>The Brother's Karamazov and Plato's Symposium
>Previously desperate a few years ago, now recovered to sane.

>> No.16006026

>David Copperfield, Charles Dickens
>Jude the Obscure

>> No.16006230
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>favorite author
Luís de Camões

>favorite book
Os Lusíadas

>currently reading
Gonna start The Enneads and Either/Or

>position in chart

>> No.16007627
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>crying of lot 49 / gombrowicz
>system of objects
>was broken for a while but I'm becoming mended

>> No.16007692

I reached troubled and memed myself.into mended

>> No.16009587

lmao me too that's a good way of putting it, I was thinking of how to write it but yours is a good explanation.

>> No.16009829

Have you read The Magic Mountain?

>> No.16010698

>favorite book and author
Fear in Loathing in Las Vegas, Hunter S Thompson is just a great writer, he's books are fun to read.
>what you're currently reading
Lord of The Rings, i'm listening to the audio book of Capital by Karl Marx
>position on this chart
Broken going into mended

>> No.16010750
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A tie between St. Augustine's City of God and Ed Feser's Aristotle's Revenge and After Virtue by Alasdair Macintyre. My favorite author is St. Augustine.

I'm currently reading Epictetus' Discourses/Handbook.

I'm somewhere between Sand and Troubled. Closer to sane though, but I'm a bit unhappy just due to being isolated from other people during this pandemic and the sudden urge to get into the dating market after keeping myself from it for all of high school and undergrad. The troubles will pass at some point though.

>> No.16010825

>anna k by tolstoy
>invisible man by h g wells, always been a big fan of wells but ive been putting off finishing the last 20 pages or so due to work

anyone here troubled going on desperate due to the quarantine? I feel like I'm slipping a bit more every day I don't go outside. Considering online dating just for contact because I have less and less to speak to my friends about as every day is just becoming a blur

>> No.16010845

finally going to go to a bookstore as im running out of things to read at home. whats the best translation for brothers k?
i tried rereading the metamorphosis and the sensation of dread and worthlessness from quarantine made me put it down. i remember really enjoying kafka in highschool though. what is good to read next?

>> No.16010852

Aristotle's Revenge is based

>> No.16010861

sorry to hear that

>> No.16010885


>Growth of the soil
>Natsume Soseki
>Mended, the memories will never fade tho