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15994163 No.15994163 [Reply] [Original]

Why did JP ever become popular?

>> No.15994186 [DELETED] 

Modern men are nihilistic and lack proper father figures/guidance.

>> No.15994195


>> No.15994206

I'm old enough to remember that he became popular specifically for opposing the trans pronoun faggotry. Everything after that was just follow-through to milk the audience that appeared.

>> No.15994205


>> No.15994214

Online dating and the internet has created an even larger more clearer disparity between losers and chads.

>> No.15994226 [DELETED] 


Right place at the right time shilling the right shit. The anti trans stuff attracted a youtube atheism/gamergate crowd at the same time trump was gaining popularity. Most of these happen to be young men who are super online which leads to social isolationn/loneliness. His the ideas he was espousing along with the general get your shit together philosophy appealed to them.
It was the perfect storm

>> No.15994238

We live in fatherless times.

>> No.15994239

The real question is how many school shooting did he prevent?

>> No.15994337

the reason he became popular was the tranny free speak stuff going on in Canada in 2016.
The reason he STAYED popular was because most boys today are so overwhelmingly assaulted on on levels (see plastic in food, SSRIs fluoride in water, marxist subversion, etc) they need to be retaught even the most basic common sense like setting goals and building skills. It's really horrific how dystopic the times are that Jordan Peterson can be considered profound for saying that stories have meanings past what they are literally telling you. Imagine being controversial and revolutionary for saying hierarchies exist and IQ effects your success. Even his shit about personality traits can be skimmed from any psychology textbook

>> No.15994354

JP corners a well known market, namely that of the McMeaning market. In our fast paced consumer society, with its need for instant gratification, there’s also a growing need for instant meaning and purpose, despite the fact that such abstract notions usually take years of intense searching and pondering to figure out for each and every one of us, if we manage to figure it out at all. This is where McMeaning comes in. It provides consumers with an extremely shallow version of the ‘deeper’ meaning of life. Usually, this meaning is intentionally shallow to not upset the current status quo of ideological, religious and economical hierarchies, and usually involve meaningless platitudes like ‘work hard’ and ‘pull yourself up by your own bootstraps’. Up until recently, the McMeaning market in America was dominated by conservatives and evangelical Christians, but they suffered a disastrous loss of reputation after the invasion of Iraq by the Bush administration. In order to survive, McMeaning had to evolve. This is where JP comes in. After the Obama administration, JP must have realized that there was a growing market amongst young people for McMeaning, so he did his best, tried to take what worked with the previous instance of McMeaning works, and made it slightly more complex, referencing works that might take a little more time and effort to discover and actually understand. This gave JP a reputation of deepness among midwits, although this reputation will probably not stand the test of time, as the new McMeaning suffers from a similar flaw as the old McMeaning did. It’s a wild collection of ideas that have little relation with each other that are utilized to dye stamp the whole of western civilization into a single set of values. If you’ve studied western thought, you’ll quickly realize that this is an almost impossible task, and that if you do so anyway, you’ll probably end up with a distorted, cartoon version of western values. This is painfully apparent when you try to read some of JPs works. I tried to read Maps of Meaning, and only got halfway through it. I got completely sick of JPs endless intellectual cul de sacs that never went anywhere, which is a clear sign that the author is trying way too hard to explain way too much with way too little, in this case religious, philosophical and literary texts. JPs conclusions are equally dubious, namely that western civilization is the direct result of Christianity, which is at best questionable and at worst demonstrably false.

In conclusion, I’m afraid that JP is indeed a stupid men’s smart men. I’m sure he got very rich off of it, but money won’t stop the sharp teeth of time from eroding the validity of your works, which I’m afraid is inevitable with JPs works

>> No.15994377

>man's been a vegetable for at least one year
>still manages to trigger people

Based braindead man

>> No.15994389 [DELETED] 


What would you choose:
Rich and famous but time exposes you as a fraud.
Live a mediocre life but people give your ideas and thought some value after your death

>> No.15994395


>> No.15994401

holy based

>> No.15994407

I’m already living a mediocre life, so the latter isn’t too hard on me. Also, JPs drug problem shows that being rich and famous isn’t all that dandy

>> No.15994413

drugs just enhance an already awesome life

>> No.15994425

exactly this

>> No.15994470

I am conservative but the daddy thing is true as fuck.
he´s their replacement daddy, it´s a 100% emotional thing

>> No.15994472

>ITT: Lowest of the low IQ takes
Juden Peterstein is literally a UN shill (yes this is proven) who was placed into his position by intentional hype from the media. He stated goal is literally to prevent a hard right wing uprising, NOT to be philosophical or stop """cultural Marxist""". Basically he's a pressure relief valve to prevent political tension from rising.


>> No.15994512

>Juden Peterstein
>cultural marxist
What happened to /lit/

>> No.15994541

Shilled by the media and took advantage of a new niche youtube market

>> No.15994542

He literally is a UN shill though. Stay mad.

>> No.15994576

The retarded communists left

>> No.15994582

Ugh that video. Can you at least practice after you’ve written your script? Either learn how to speak to an audience through a camera or don’t at all.

>> No.15994619

I've heard far worse, and the actual information within the video make it worth it. The video basically killed Peterstein on 4chan

>> No.15994635

Just think of all the normies unfit for life still walking around because of JBP's treachery

>> No.15994637
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>> No.15994647

>What happened to /lit/

Our patience has its limits.

>> No.15994654

im not disagreeing that atheists got drawn in, but i dont see the connection that made atheist get it. gamergate i understand with disaffected people looking for something substantial to oppose the “isms”

>> No.15994675

>You don't agree with me, you must be a coward.

Nice feminine logic going on there. How do old men get off calling people cowards when they can get slapped around by almost any man who's not middle age? While we're talking about moral cowardice, maybe someone should bring up his substance dependence.

>> No.15994797
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this board has definitely been somewhat diluted but what kind of discussion were you honestly expecting on a jordan peterson thread? just filter the words and learn to avoid threads like this in the future

>> No.15994800

Thank god. It's time to get the show on the road dumb people will always lose. Stop larping and do something MY patience is running its limits

>> No.15994917

A lot of the gamergaters came from a splinter group of the new atheist movement that saw how Social Justice functioned similarly to religious morality.

>> No.15994930

anti-trans is not the right shit

>> No.15994948

>how Social Justice functioned similarly to religious morality.
I think it was actually because of their strong defense of muslims

>> No.15994957

Oooh, litte baby sad because he have to choppy the cocky to feel happy?

>> No.15994971

I'm stealing this

>> No.15995009

their defense wasnt strong but it was very enthusiastic

>> No.15995023

Yeah, that's what I was going for. Poor choice of word.

>> No.15995028

>anti trans
Not even, he was against a law that would force you to use their pronouns

>> No.15995081

‘Old enough’
get a grip zoomer

>> No.15995089

>His the ideas he was espousing along with the general get your shit together philosophy appealed to them.
not even a bad thing

>> No.15995104

It's a bit 90s sociology, with McDonaldization, but it sticks nicely.

>> No.15995127


Fucking new faggots. He's a fucking harvard psychologist. How hard is it? FUCK everyone is getting dumber by the day

>> No.15995136

>I'm old enough to remember that he became popular specifically for opposing the trans pronoun faggotry.
Everyone is retard.

>> No.15995150

Is reaffirming that Jordan Peterson is shit the new Anti-Ayn Rand virtue signal?

>> No.15995866

And that wasn't even what the amendment did. He just took the most retarded interpretation of it humanly possible.

>> No.15996018

>that western civilization is the direct result of Christianity, which is at best questionable and at worst demonstrably false
I've been interested in reading some more on this topic, do you have any suggestions on books that view Christianity as dubiously responsible for Western civilization?

>> No.15996067

Hm okay that doesn't sound too false
>JPs conclusions are equally dubious, namely that western civilization is the direct result of Christianity, which is at best questionable and at worst demonstrably false.
Oh no, you're just a retarded pseud and most probably a libtard.

>> No.15996076

Read the OP, idiot.

>> No.15996119

Has reviewbrah reviewed the new McMeaning? I heard the new version has a better balance of mayo and mustard.

>> No.15996657

Babby's first "philosopher," and also he has all the right buzzwords like postmodernism, leftism, marxism, etc. all the boogeymen people blame for everything but never properly define

>> No.15996667

>plastic in food, SSRIs fluoride in water
Please provide documented, peer-reviewed evidence of this and the effects it has.

>> No.15996824

He is like, what gullible young men want to become, I guess. He is a father figure. Did you ever see that video of those people confronting him about all his white supremacist fans and immediately the men there jumped to Peterson's defense? He is a grifter, nothing more. Young men on /lit are too smart to fall for it, JP fans are a stark contrast. They don't care about literature. They care about identity.

>> No.15996840

Yeah, exactly. Peterson fans don't like, read literature, because it is not what they do. They just want someone to be an anti-SJW smart guy type they can obsess over.

>> No.15996902

>He is like,
>Peterson fans don't like,

Is this humor or are you just retarded?

>> No.15996947

Nobody said it was a bad thing retard, the question was "why was he so popular?"

>> No.15996973

Hes actually a great ally to atheism even though he larps halfheartedly as religious. He has no genuine concept of spirituality and so inteprets it in some strange pseudo political manner much like a communist would, and in winning "converts" who are entierely politically (or convinced through some very weak intellectual conviction that wont last) motivated in doing so, which only serves to further despiritualise and materialise religion from both the left and right and make it even more redundant to your average midwit today. The deep clawing soul searching required for any sort of genuine religious beleif and the shared, indefinable thoughts it seeks to communicate between people become some psychological oddity or theory you need explained through reference to a famous intellectual or merely twisting the transcendent into a justification for wordly political ambition.

>> No.15997024

Ha... If some effete, gatekeeping academic stooge is their idea of a "proper" father figure, then manhood is forever lost to them.

>> No.15997025

Why do so many guys see him as a father figure? Ok he is an older guy and has some values that young men might like or are missing in their lives, but there are dozens of older writers, philosophers and publuc figures who fit that description.

>> No.15997212

All proper masculine role models are dead and their works and teachings are purposefully hid away from young men by the culture Peterson gives a sense of real proximity

>> No.15997217

How many of them had dozens of hours of lectures on morality and psychology up on youtube when they blew up famous for standing up to tranny bs?

>> No.15997427

I'll tell you why I liked him. I went to Berkeley and felt like I was going to be suffocated by the liberal atmosphere. It surrounded me so completely that I forgot that there is an entire world in which these people and their ideas are not welcome, and in which I would not have to experience the disturbing feeling of unreality that beset me there. I didn't worship him, and I thought that his political ideas were quite stupid, but putting his YouTube videos on in the background while studying or doing something else productive was comforting in the sense that I just described, and also mildly engaging in the sense that he discussed his own research and ideas from psychology that I had never heard of before.
At the same time, the data he brought up on how romantic success is a function of SES and is at best tangentially related to one's beliefs or personality helped me see beyond my own narrow personal experiences and imagine a future in which I do not have to become something that I hate in order to win scraps from people I don't actually like or want to be around.
Basically, I liked him because listening to him reminded me of the fact that there are other ways of being in the world and reassured me that I would not have to submit to the toxic atmosphere I lived in. As soon as I met people who I fit with, I stopped watching his videos.

>> No.15997547

Decent post aside from

>JPs conclusions are equally dubious, namely that western civilization is the direct result of Christianity, which is at best questionable and at worst demonstrably false.

Not even religious but you sound pretty resentful.

>> No.15997591

you have to be minimally exceptional to believe that. it's schizophrenia or false narrative on purpose, and it was in someone' else interest to draw more views on the video.

>> No.15997657
File: 71 KB, 500x676, I love being white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Peterstein admits his actual goal is to prevent a hard right wing growth, but its "schizophrenia"
>Literal proof of his involvement with the UN, but its "schizophrenia"
>Is featured on every single major media outlet instantly never stopped being pushed, but its "schizophrenia"
Wash your penis.

>> No.15997742

of course if you have to comply otherwise you will be censored. does not mean he is "anti-white", more like "pro-white" just not of the sort you expect

>> No.15997810

>of course if you have to comply otherwise you will be censored
What are you even trying to write here? Comply with what, to whom?

>> No.15997902

>Peterson followers still exist in 2020
Take your benzo, bucko

>> No.15997959

Based post

>> No.15997970
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Stop worshiping semitic desert demons

>> No.15998005
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Obviously the trans outrage got him popular but prior to this he had a entire backlog of psychology videos that people could watch after learning about him. At 18 I found out about him through a existentialism lecture he did then I found his other stuff. He was appealing because
1. Pyschocology is memey and appealing at first sight.
2. I didn't know anything about myths or Carl Jung.
3.The overwhelmingly liberal culture I grew up in was always fighting against my intuition so I sought media that would confirm these intuitions.
Overall he did more good than harm to my life and he was more valuable a person to follow than any YouTuber/Twitch/YouTuber/Twitch e-celeb at the time.

>> No.15998032

You dont have to be religious to see the major influence christianity has had though. Unless you are philosophically uneducated and dont realise where ideas come from historically.

>> No.15998037

>linking someone to judaism is evil
wtf how hasn't peepeeson been canceled yet this is so problematic

>> No.15998040

me on the right

>> No.15998060

How is he and his family nowadays? Last I heard, his wife had cancer and he had brain damage?

>> No.15998063

>steals Greek philosophy
>use it to cope with huge inconsistencies within the desert scrolls
>Calls others philosophically uneducated
Christcucks everyone

>> No.15998185

bastante basado este post

>> No.15998201

He had brain damage from all the drugs he was taking.

>> No.15998204

He's basically a guru type personality for a very specific demographic. He makes money of incels and dudes who can't get their shit together by acting as a parental substitute of some sort.

>> No.15998284

His lectures are specifically about clean your room, the nuclear family unit is the best and other nonsense that has as wide appeal as possoble. The type that watch Peterson aren't going to care about actual academics or Zizek or Sloterdijk for example. It's for loner anti-SJW kids and boomers who want their childhood society back.

>> No.15998313

blessed post

>> No.15998340

I remember a YouTube video where a woman referred to JP's messages as "Jordan Petersonism" and I realized he had become a lite religious figure to many.

The silver lining I hope will come out of his noteriety is his lectures being an initial inspiration for someone seeking more effortfull meaning.

>> No.15998473

Peterson is a grifter, but I do know someone that actually did get their life in order because he read his dumbass book. He’s also become completely insufferable and arrogant.

>> No.15998485

>the nuclear family unit is the best

it is anon. don't be bitter just because your perception of yours is trash.

>> No.15998509

I don't see what the problem is.
These people are probably raised by single mothers, and Petetson is the first time someone has given them common sense advice on basic self improvement.
The alternative is they're likely to get preyed on by the suicide cult of transgenderism.

>> No.15998534

>JPs conclusions are equally dubious, namely that western civilization is the direct result of Christianity, which is at best questionable and at worst demonstrably false.
Good post except for this.

Nevertheless, it should have been profoundly obvious that JP didn't know what he was talking about when he started discussing Nietzsche alongside his crypto-Christian ethos.

>> No.15998557

He was good at communicating what others had discovered.

>> No.15998586

Then he's not a grifter.

>> No.15998613

Peterson is a very sensitive guy, I have seen interviews with him where he was close to crying. Not even because he was attacked but simply because he was emotional about the subject. That is not a bad thing in itself but if that's the only male role model you have it's not perfect. There is value in very strong and masculine role models, you need the right balance.

>> No.15998736

>Good post except for this.
Why? He is correct that JP overrates Christianity.

>> No.15998752

That's called being a good teacher, and it is Peterson's greatest quality. Unfortunately the attention he received with the pronouns controversy made him overconfident in himself and he started believing his own hype.

>> No.15999006

People don't realize that Peterson is an atheist therefore he can only lead to atheism.

>> No.15999724

re-read it. Because no, he really doesn't. He's stating facts which are arguments against a lot of JP's presuppositions.

>> No.15999822

Who foresaw the stellar rise of Professor Jordan Peterson? Where is the tenth man for such a task? In fact, a century ago, a man foresaw that it was inevitable that someone like Peterson would come to prominence. In his great metahistorical study, The Decline of the West, Oswald Spengler asserted that the West was heading towards an unavoidable crisis. He predicted a time of chaos, accompanied by the rise of what he called the “Second Religiousness”. This book is an exploration of why the West has now finally reached its crisis point, and why Jordan Peterson is none other than the central “prophet” of the Second Religiousness.

The beginnings of the second religiousness often involve a degree of “let’s pretend”. People play act at being spiritual. They find it relaxing, entertaining. It’s not a serious part of their life, although they like to fake it that it is.

The three signs that the end times of a particular civilization are coming are: 1) The growth of giant world-cities, full of different cultures, that are cut off from the nations in which they are located, 2) The growth of militarization and regional conflict, and 3) The rebirth of the religious fervor of the early culture, but now heavily modified and reinterpreted.

You cannot recreate the conditions of the past, no matter how much conservatives would like to dream you can. No one can restore Christianity. As Nietzsche understood, the task is to assassinate Christianity, not to put it back on its dusty old throne, as some drooling zombie or decomposing corpse. Nietzsche declared the need to revalue all values. That’s exactly what is needed. Instead, the current age is trying to return to failed values and give them a makeover, a reinterpretation that makes them credible again. Jordan Peterson, using Jungian psychology, operates in exactly this territory.

The Second Religiousness presages the total collapse of not only rationalism, but also empiricism. What remains is emotionalism and intuitionism (mysticism). The particular form that the Second Religiousness is taking is that of a fundamental transition from the literal to the metaphorical. Instead of the claim that such and such religious event actually happened – such as the incarnation of Jesus Christ, or the resurrection of Jesus Christ – the same event is repainted in terms of its psychological power, its archetypal resonance. It is declared metaphorically true rather than literally true, but then the metaphorical truth is presented as having some “higher” truth content than either science or mathematics offers. This higher truth is cast in terms of meaning.

These psychologized truths are “truths for living”. They are the human truths we live by. This is the terrain where Jordan Peterson has come into his own.

>> No.15999852

I hope this is pasta, if not you are a mega pseudo.

>> No.15999896

t. buttblasted christcuck mad his dead jew on a stick is really dead this time

>> No.15999910

>t. worshiper of a braindead druggie with a whore daughter.

>> No.15999921

Extremely based

>> No.15999930
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haha, you don't know how to read

>> No.15999962
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>Implying anyone will ever read your pseudo-intellectual word salad
I only read the first paragraph and last sentence, which was still too courteous for such garbage.

>> No.15999994
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A toast to being retarded

>> No.16000050
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>> No.16000083
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no u x infinity

>> No.16000154


He's no Q, let's put it that way.

>> No.16000234

It wasn’t my point that Christianity had absolutely no influence on western thought, of course it did. My point was that JP presents Christianity as a singular set of rules and meanings, that fell from the sky one day in one solid piece. This is completely wrong. Christianity was developed in a place and a time that was a crossroads of various beliefs and world views, the two most prominent ones being Judaism on one side, and Hellenism on the other. These various influences are reflected within Christianity. We can clearly see within Christianity a somewhat changed version of previous moral rules, such as the silver rule by rabbi Hillel, which was then changed slightly into the golden rule that Jesus proclaims to be one of the two guiding principles of his religious vision. I’ve always considered the two guiding principles of Jesus, namely the firm monotheism of his first rule and the more tolerant notion of the golden rule slightly at odds with each other, and I suspect that the latter rule is far more Hellenistic than both Jews and Christians would like to admit, but that’s a subject of historical debate. My point is that Christianity didn’t form spontaneously out of a vacuum in one go. It is the result of a much longer and much wider development than JP seems to be aware of, or would like to admit. I suspect it doesn’t help his picture of a singular set of values that mechanically led to the west. History shows that the development of the west was a much more fluid, much more complex process than JPs version of it is.

Also, he presents the value of self sacrifice as a uniquely Christian value, for which there was absolutely no precedent whatsoever. It makes me wonder about those Jewish zealots of Masada, or the Roman soldiers and the barbarian opponents they fought to the death. Did they have no sense of self sacrifice whatsoever? Did they just randomly wander onto the battlefield, and consider their death completely meaningless and free of the religious context they had been raised in? I highly doubt that

>> No.16000283


>> No.16000297

2016 happened.
m00t should have nuked /pol/ before leaving the site

>> No.16000333


>> No.16000342

Like, just clean your room OP.

>> No.16000349

been said before but you've said it again, so thanks

>> No.16000394

lmao, i got an invisible reflector shield that makes everything you say go back to u

>> No.16000433

agree with the first part, but I don't think he was out there calculating how he can sell McMeaning during Obama administration, he was just pulled by the wave like everyone else

>> No.16000440

you kind of skipped the part where they influenced European thought for over 1500 years, but ok

>> No.16000465

True, but at some point he must have noticed some kind of traction towards his work, and I’m pretty sure to some level he adapted to this traction. Maybe he didn’t notice it himself, but his output still shows a sort of warped view of the ideas he tries to spread. This isn’t really unique, as far as I’m concerned the ‘Jesus was a communist’ narrative falls into roughly the same category, but it’s worth noting when the man claims to attempt to transcend ideology, which I don’t agree with at all

>> No.16000481

After he got famous I agree, all those carpet shit, his daughter book etc really distasteful, but he was preaching the same shit for 10+ years before he got famous

>> No.16000488

Mucho texto

>> No.16000688

Thank you for clarifying anon. Good post.

>> No.16000748 [DELETED] 

I'm pretty sure you leftist retards are the only ones trying to claim he's deep.
With all the utterly insane radlib drivel young men are assaulted with on all sides these days, "no go clean your room" is of more value that "ALL MEN ARE RAPISTS AND RESPONSIBLE FOR EVERYTHING BAD SO CHOOSE ONE OF THESE 458903275346 GENDERS AND CHOP YOUR DICK OFF AND GO ASSAULT WHITE PEOPLE FOR THE COMMUNIST REVOLUTION".

>> No.16000755


what percentage of people say this, in your opinion? stop taking twitter for reality and stop browsing /pol/, for your own good. you might meet some otherwise normal people.

>> No.16000758 [DELETED] 

Normal people don't control the media and academia, anon.

>> No.16000785

smarter than all the other public figures

>> No.16000788

by following the media, you give it more power because you're spreading it, regardless if you want to or not.

>> No.16000797 [DELETED] 

Ignoring it doesn't make it go away, and there's also a strong anti-male bias in schools. We're talking about a problem on a societal level, explaining why Peterson has gained such traction, so whatever other ad-homs you have left you can shove up your tranny hole.

>> No.16000837

I didn't say ignoring it will go away. But just following it and angrily commenting on 4chan can at best maintain it the same or at worst fuel it even more. If you wanted to change something you would do it where it matters, i.e. in real life, not online on imageboards. But you would most likely lose your job, it would mean losing out on some precious comforts, and you don't want to do that, do you? You just want to safely type from a distance "someone solve this fucking problem", but there isn't a 'someone' out there, because you're all cowards who don't want to lose anything that affects their personal comfort. Even if you live in some 'white' community on neetbucks and can afford to put swastikas on your walls, browse /pol/'s X hate threads daily and even say some stuff publicly, that's not enough.
So no, you're not solving anything.

>> No.16000872

I was a fan of JP, and for me it was those interviews he gave on network news channels. The reporters were so braindead that he'd give an argument that they just could not understand, even though what he was saying was plain as day. After that, I was just mildly interested in what he taught as a professor since I was going through university myself. Then I bought and read his 12 rules of life and lost interest because that book was occasionally thought-provoking, but really just a blase, self-help book.

But ngl, it makes sense why he grew in popularity. we were all watching a benzo'd out psychoanalyist which makes for GREAT TELEVISION.

>> No.16000887 [DELETED] 

Reread what I wrote you fucking retard.
This isn't about me.
Thankfully I graduated college before all this radlib insanity flooded schools.

>> No.16000931

Jordan Peterson became popular because he was the only intelligent figure in the media who took a stance against clown world. He defended free speech while the world nose dived into PC Policing and cancel culture. He stood against cultural Marxism in a time when going against the grain academically could get you booted from a university. And he did it all eloquently when all his opponents were deliberately pushing his buttons, twisting his words, and trying to make him cross the hair's-width line of what's acceptable and unacceptable so he could be labeled as a bigot misogynist tranny-lynching nazi.

Watching him navigate the minefield of trick questions and bullshit in this video and you see that Jordan Peterson is a saint.

>> No.16000947

It is fun to read every second day a Jordan Peterson thread about how stupid he is and how smart you are. Keep it going, Winners.

>> No.16001214

mega based

>> No.16001252

>Oh no, people are seeing the world differently and hold different opinions to me; specifically the kind of opinions which the oligarchy controlling my country regard as the most threatening to them.

>> No.16001260

Diluted from it liberal democracy and chosenite worshipping old self?

>> No.16001278

>tranny doesnt know the water really is turning the freaking frogs gay
Sounds about right

>> No.16001291

He's a liberal who argues with liberals about which kind of liberalism is best. He just repeats basic stuff my mum read in self-help books in the 90s and lonely weirdos lap it up. Its pathetic. He is the idiot's thinking man.

>> No.16001293

>He just repeats basic stuff my mum read in self-help books in the 90s and lonely weirdos lap it up

No, telling people to clean their room makes him the greatest philosopher of all time.

>> No.16001401

It's of more value than 99% of philosophy.

>> No.16001656

A youtube video of him standing up to a mob of trannies and their enablers went viral

>> No.16003167
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Higelian dialectic

Jordans rise was no accident and was entirely planned, he is a form of controlled opposition.

Ie the Left has been engineered to be so insane that when someone with a modicum of reason and authority comes forth to seeminly oppose them and then use common sense to help people along with youtube algorithms it becomes very clear that Jordan is a gatekeeping fraud who was shunted infront of the Internet as a fake guide. Of course he has to sound profound and convincing so he provides abused and deprived people with nuggets of knowledge they have never heard in their entire lives and they think hes some sort of messiah.

In realty people have found that Jordan has connections with Podesta and MK Ultra which should terrify you.

>> No.16004067
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Go outside and talk to 10 ""men"" and gauge their masculinity.

>> No.16004318
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>he still believes in peer review

>> No.16004323

this is some /pol/ shit, and its poster possibly retarded

>> No.16004418

Not that poster but Peterson is the most obvious plant in human history. Every person who attempts to justify his meteoric rise is a brainlet coping with an unfair reality. Imagine thinking "wash your penis" is enough to legitimately earn you fame and fortune.

>> No.16004759

2014 irrevocably ruined this site

>> No.16005040

>gib me buuk 'bout dat
Fucking illiterate americans, you are disgusting. Just read history books and you will get what you want; otherwise you will end up like JP, pretending your "one book based opinions" are worth.

>> No.16005494

Yes, instead of endlessly combing through history books for a topic I'm only superficially interested in, I asked whether or not you knew of any books that summarized the opinion and could serve to test my interest of the topic while providing further leads for inquiry if it happened that I found it interesting. If you sincerely do not understand the value of such a thing, I offer my sincerest condolences for the absolute state of (You).

>> No.16005721

>STILL bitching about this guy

>> No.16006306

JIDF or glow negro detected. Notice how there's no refutation of position/argument just insults.

>> No.16006775

That wasn't a good thing bucko

>> No.16006784

That's what happens to every medium though. Never has anything become popular due to its quality

>> No.16006816

I very much relate to this.

>> No.16007727

I think this is at least partially correct. Still a very great post regardless if I agree with it in its entirety or not
You need to acknowledge that young men really aren't given many better alternatives to McMeaning; for most it's either consumer nihilism or ideological possession, or both. A very last man-eque kind of existence awaits a young man who's spent most of his life being raised by a single mom, implicitly justifying his life with video games and retarded shit etc. Normies don't read either (think about how many JBP got reading at all)
Also, I think JP genuinely has some good content that isn't necessarily peddling recycled accessible life affirming narratives as you say. See his personality lectures or Maps of Meaning as evidence of this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8u3aTURVEC8&t=00S
This is the JBP I got into, and where /lit/ likes to hate on his political ventures (pandering sometimes lets be real) and pronoun whatevers that was all icing on the cake for me as someone who experienced something very close to >>15997427
Overall, if it ends here, he definitely did more harm than good. As another anon has pointed out: how many school shooters has he prevented? McMeaning it may be, but it's clear disaffected men fucking crave a higher order purpose instead of getting into blacked and doing dabs all day

>> No.16007777

Yea most shit is artificially planted by the media. With enough hype and coverage you can sell any garbage simply to the breadth of customers. Nothing popular has ever been organic, at least for the past 60 years at least anyways.

>> No.16007817

Everything you said here regarding
>[...] fell from the sky one day in one solid piece
and the bit of self sacrifice really only shows you haven't actually engaged with his biblical lectures or his Maps of Meaning content.
He says many times that
A) Christianity is neither the progenitor or the sole proprietor of the concept of self sacrifice
and B) Christianity / Western Logos - Ethos was absolutely an iterational process, referencing Mesopotamian and specifically Egyptian religion pretty frequently

I think there are criticisms to be had of said content. But dude where are you getting this? Kind of discredits your initial (you) post as agenda-ridden desu

>> No.16007822


>> No.16007966

what a nightmare

>> No.16007975

Wise take.

>> No.16007977

>being of jewish ancestry is an insult
What an antisemitic, why is he not getting canceled again?

>> No.16008009

>JPs conclusions are equally dubious, namely that western civilization is the direct result of Christianity
This is true, you like it or not.

>> No.16008493

you lost me at
>namely that western civilization is the direct result of Christianity, which is at best questionable and at worst demonstrably false.

>> No.16008652

JP is articulate and fun to watch, he captivates the audience with jumpy pitch and tempo and provocative questions. He could speak total nonsense about some poo poo pee pee, and still would gain popularity.

>> No.16008753

That's nonsense. I've watched a lot of Zizek videos before stumbling onto Peterson. They both have some valuable insights.

>> No.16008846


>> No.16008884
File: 84 KB, 500x500, C7B2C40D-8633-4E82-95F2-CC277C448E8F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put me in the screen cap

>> No.16009015

The fuck you think happened? It's /pol/'s exponential growth since 2015.

>> No.16010009

Pretty much it. Guys that watch peterson don't like, read Zizek or Deluze or even any RW writers. They are just american conservatives and very young.

>> No.16011506

say what you want, JP
>made it as an academic
>actually reads
>stands for something
>intellectual integrity besides obvious human flaws (addiction)
>actual effort to improve lives through philosophy and psychology (maps of meaning)

>> No.16011922

This, Peterson is far above most of the famous public “intellectuals” of today but is still an average and boring thinker for the consumerist dissidents

>> No.16012021

video popular on /pol/ where he debated students about pronouns & bill c16

>> No.16012049 [DELETED] 
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mucha letra

>> No.16012050
File: 81 KB, 571x560, nool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board is filled with drones

>> No.16012807

he caused me to beleive in god. a lot of the blowback against peterson among leftists is because they are atheist materialists and they roll their eyes at any concept of universal morality and logos.

>> No.16012861

devastating takedown. Will JP ever recover?

>> No.16012893

No alternatives to neo liberalism other than neo conservatives.

>> No.16012909

neocons are just neolibs who are especially hawkish

>> No.16014104

He stood up to the lgbtyranny.

>> No.16014113

Literally nothing wrong with this guy.

4chan loved him when he first started up. Now they hate him because he is popular. It is just contrarianism.
He is a standard academic jungian

>> No.16014131

Western civilization existed before christianity though. We wuz romans

>> No.16014438

damn, fucking based

>> No.16014660

this. From what I understand pretty much everything he says isn't an idea of his own but an elaboration or application of Jungian shit. He's quite open about it.

>> No.16014699

I don't doubt that. It was pretty much Christianity that preserved the previous iteration of Western culture and literature/thought though and made the current iteration, especially after the fall of Rome due to bad governance and constant barbarian invasions. Without Christianity, Europe would be very much more disparate than it is now and historically has been during the Medieval Era.

>> No.16015115

1. He had the balls to stand up to the intellectual elites
2. He has a firm grasp on the basics of the human condition
3. He can share philosophical ideas that are complex to most in a way that the every man can fully grasp and apply to their own lives

>> No.16015121

Disagree. The reason it's so easy to make that assumption is because we don't really have a control to compare to. For me it's pretty easy to imagine alternate scenarios where the function of the literate christian priest class is replaced by something similar. The negatives of christianity on the other hand, are right there for anyone to see, like dysgenics from celibacy, shittier hygiene and more disease, etc. Either way I'm not that negative on christianity in terms of saying the humanist doctrine destroyed us or whatever, I just think the (((judeo)))-christian roots of western civilization are exaggerated and the greco-roman roots are being forgotten.