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15999978 No.15999978[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

JK Rowling is the queen of /lit/

>> No.15999996
File: 347 KB, 1280x1293, f25f18297b243c19384b99bad907881470bf1023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trannies will never recover.

>> No.16000045

i was here on this site for way too long but it´s still one of the weirdest thing ever happened here on how nazis on /lit/ suddenly started to worship her the moment she became entitelt

>> No.16000052


It's funny because that's not what they're about. It's a children's fantasy tale about an ordinary boy who turns out to be extraordinary. A classic premise in children's stories. How I laugh at adults trying to apply deep meaning and nuance to the McDonalds of stories.

>> No.16000057

TERF kween

>> No.16000088

she has long fingers

>> No.16000107

People are quick to forget, huh?

>> No.16000116
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>> No.16000147

>the fame we gave her
I didn't realise the billions of book sales were all to trannies.

>> No.16000152
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>> No.16000155

such a bizarre comic..like.. it feels like its missing 2 panels or something where there was some sort of punchline

>> No.16000159

Most trannies are ok, I had one waxing my back, she was very professional.

>> No.16000170

What’s bizarre to me about this whole situation is that Rowling doesn’t even dislike trannies. She’s just asserting that they’re not biological women.

>> No.16000175

Isn't this the exact same arguement neckbeards use for comics

>> No.16000350

What's the argument?

>> No.16000403


>> No.16000420

The position's already filled. Butters is our TERF queen.

>> No.16000508

>we knew she had terfy tendencies before

Why do these people always say "we always knew this person was PROBLEMATIC" about everyone they cancel? Like, what "terfy tendencies" did JK even show before? Not having trannies in her books?

>> No.16000524
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Labelle is so butthurt at JKR.

>> No.16000549

>buttertranny is our TERF queen

>> No.16000556

>experiment with gender
what the fuck was that?

>> No.16000560

Not being an ameripozz

>> No.16000564

When did Jo say any of that?

>> No.16000720

>Most trannies are ok
Most trannies are mentally and emotionally unhinged grooming child molesters.
The whole "wanting to be a girl" thing is the least fucked up thing about them.

>> No.16000773

The real butterfly is a lesbian terf. The obsessed haters that follow her around are mostly deranged trannies.

>> No.16000777

They're a tripfag communist, therefore a tranny by association.

>> No.16000809

never, the person who created this comic is projecting her fantasy that the Harry Potter series was designed for trans people. In reality, there's nothing about that in those books. I suppose the genius of Harry Potter is that it allows the reader to put themselves in the story because it is such a blank canvas.

>> No.16000819

Rowling is also a tranny, by that logic.

>> No.16000828

Rowling is not a tripfag communist.

>> No.16000834

John Konald Reuewling

>> No.16000835

>/lit/ can only think of the world through Harry Potter metaphors

>> No.16000839

Yes. A ton of people unironically believe in some kind of jewish conspiracy

>> No.16000854

What a quidditch post.

>> No.16000865

Don’t be such a Slytherin.

>> No.16000915

Nobody's talking about jews you schitzo.

>> No.16000960

That capeshit is more focused on appeasing people that didn't read capeshit and never would even though it was said neckbeards that have capeshit its popularity in the first place or so the arguement goes anyways

>> No.16000991

>classic narratives = junk food
What a retarded outlook.

>> No.16000994

I'm pretty sure Rowling is a billionare that didn't try to pander to trannies, and capeshit is dying because they did try to pander to trannies.
Trannies were never the original audience of either, and any attempt to pander to them for woke points at the expense of everyone else is always doomed to failure, because nobody fucking likes trannies.

>> No.16002197

>This person has different beliefs than me, therefore I can not enjoy their work that has nothing to do with their beliefs
Fuck these comics are pathetic.

>> No.16002208

wheres the joke?

>> No.16002221

maybe like half of this board consists of nazis

>> No.16002237


>> No.16002244

What does communism have to do with trannies
explain to me schizo

>> No.16002298

>A well documented argument by science is comparable to a conspiracy
muh antipolism

>> No.16002312

You nazi's bring them up in every thread

>> No.16002316

>trans kids
I’m patiently waiting for the day of the rope. Grooming must stop.

>> No.16002326

Nazis tried to stop this entire sexual revolution bullshit with their book burning and censorship of what turned out to be a Jew dominated field, though.