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/lit/ - Literature

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15990818 No.15990818 [Reply] [Original]

I want to write anti-trannie literature.

What if I made my main character a cute tomboy that gets addicted to online media and is groomed into thinking she is a man and then gets raped by men in dresses. Then she gets rejected by her childhood friend for being used goods and then injects herself with testosterone. The novel will end with her looking at her gross hairy body thinking about how 'manly' she looks.

>> No.15990880

You'll need to self-publish it. God speed, you're doing god's work.

>> No.15990883

>Being so obscenely obsessed with trannies you have to write a story about how bad it is to be tranny
If they want to be tranny and suffer I would say let them be. Your story is mot going to be published in today political climate anyway.

>> No.15990896


>> No.15990899

Not after you dilate first.
Oh wait you already did.
Then it's my turn.

>> No.15990906

don't write 'anti-trannie' lit
you need to write anti-self identification lit

>> No.15990913

Transhumanism is now anon. Species is a non-transitive spook

>> No.15990916

the ending doesnt seem like it would go through a female brain, if it was someone who injected themselves with such like steroids they would probably pump themselves up into a balloon, further insecurities feeding off into another thinking maybe more muscle definition with take away from some of those untouched insecurities

>> No.15990920


>> No.15990925

>I want to write anti-trannie literature.
Maybe start by writing non schizo paragraphs.

>> No.15990947

Dude I dated a 14 year old ftm tranny when I was 15, shit was cash. "He" literally looked like a cute little tomboy/dyke

>> No.15990961

the most anti-trannie piece of literature you can write is one that glorifies traditional female virtue. Men are wandering into the metaphysical role of woman (primarily) because women have been displaced from their biological and social function.

>> No.15991027

I cant wait for fascism to rise again. I will land myself a job as a propagandist and enjoy maybe 4-10 years of happiness before ZOG puts me up against a wall and shoots me.

>> No.15991079

Just become a statistician

>> No.15991095

Tone the dysphoria down, all the violence and rejection going on would not be a red flag for someone mentally/emotionally/spiritually fucked up enough to think they're a different gender because the internet told them so. You want it so that even a heavily indoctrinated reader would see these moments but instead of dysphoric regret it's the bizarre cope trannies use to dismiss reality. You gotta be subtle and go in with good intentions or you'll overplay your hand.

>> No.15991840

my sister is ftm and randomly got a boyfriend after a life of only ever dating girls. she just barely turned 20. I was thinking this person is obviously some kind of freak who's into the lgbt scene just to score insecure college freshman tomboys, therefore I've refused to meet him. but hey maybe he'd be a good influence. I mean my sister literally is in a normal hetero relationship now, so that counts as 'progress' right?

>> No.15991853

Send it to publishers under the pseudonym of a Jewish woman and insist on they/them pronouns.

>> No.15991954

Is transgenderism is just LARPing taken too far?
I don't get this whole gender identity bullshit of today, how does a person feel like they're a different gender? How can you know how another gender feels, you are yourself.
Also gender reassignment surgeries, how do they work? Like how functional is it afterwards? I can't imagine how disgusting it must be, all the stitches and stuff? I doubt a MtF pussy is unable to withstand a good pounding without tearing open. Also it would require some crazy amount of lubrication.
I feel like I need to talk to actual trans people and sjws, I just don't get it. Do the trans people feel like they have to separate themselves from the gender group identity, is it just a way for people to feel different?

Are there any /lit/ anons that are sympathetic towards trans people, I don't want to circle jerk with /pol/tards. I'm trying to form an understanding.

>> No.15992033
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How is that anti trans? Being hairy gross and manly is literally the goal of ftms, most of them are very happy when they start getting mustaches and body hair

>> No.15993088

I dunno man. Have you met any trans people? In my own experience, some of them have been really down to earth, cool people. Some of them are pretty sick in the head too. some overlap, but no more than any other kind of person. For every sexual predator trans person there's an alt-right white supremacist who shoots up a school.
I think the actually insidious, pervasive threat to the youth is in the form of actual predators. It isn't just trans people either. Spend any time around a DIY scene or any sort of left-leaning culture and you'll see that there's often some type of creep trying to prey on young people. I suspect it's because they find them easier to get to then more conservative social groups. It's not like anyone wants that sort of shit around, but it's not always easy to catch.

>> No.15993100
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You have to go back

>> No.15993129

You wanna write huh-WHAT now?
Spend your time on something useful instead.

>> No.15993433
File: 23 KB, 400x400, christinechan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a trans friend that killed themselves. FtM. She was always into women but took awhile to come to terms with that- so she tried to compensate by getting into a long-relationship with this guy (who was also gay).
Eventually, she came to terms with liking girls, but not with herself. So about a year later, when she was 17, she begins transitioning with approval from her grandparents. She changed her style, name (multiple times), interests, even friend groups, to whatever she perceived to be more masculine.
She had an easy time transitioning in college. Today's society is.. I don't want to say accepting, but 'okay' with more effeminate looking men? So she was able to pass for a girly dude on the surface. However, that wasn't enough for her; she wanted to be this stallion of a man that played intense sports (American football mainly), got metric fuck tons of girls, etc. I tried to tell her she wasn't going to achieve all this - as PC as I could - that there were biological men that couldn't get all of these things, but she didn't want to hear it. It's part of the trans thing I guess, the idea that with enough belief and hormones, you can surpass nature.
Needless to say, she never achieved any of this. She was weak and couldn't go toe-to-toe with men who didn't even exercise. She only ever got with one girl. And she was ridiculed and shit on for ever wanting to be in sports with other men.

I'm going to be honest and level with all of you. I think I contributed to her suicide, or at least I blame myself for it. Me and her talked the night before she killed herself and it was about the male identity. She was telling me how impossible it seemed, how few girls seemed interested in her, how weak she felt, how the world suddenly shifted and no one was sympathetic towards her anymore.

I told her that was the essence of being a man. The world doesn't cater to you. It's structured around you, sure, but that doesn't mean you've found your place in jigsaw puzzle. And some men never find the place where they fit in. It's easier to be a woman, because they're meant to be led and rely on men. That means the man is on his own and must rely on himself.
So if she wanted to be a man. she would have to embrace loneliness and independence. Ensuring the balances never tip one way or the other.

The next day she was found hung in her dorm room. I blame myself a bit. My .02 drunk 'philosophizing' may not have been the catalyst, but I don't think I offered her the support she wanted.

Anyway, I don't know if that's the kind of story you're wanting. My point with that story though is I don't think anyone truly knows what it entails being the other gender. Men and women only understand each other on the surface level, and when that transition really occurs for someone, they may find that the other gender isn't all it was glammed up to be.

>> No.15993449
File: 1.68 MB, 1204x677, 1595976929430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based thread

>> No.15993456

exhibitionist tranny horseshit. fuck off.

>> No.15993457

This was a great very illuminating story thanks for sharing

>> No.15993466

If OP actually wants to write a novel this is a much more realistic and relatable tale that that edgy shit he posted.

>> No.15993494

I once wrote a short story about a man whose neighbor's son decided he was a dog and spent his days on fours, shitting on the floor and having to be walked by his mom. The mom takes the boy-dog to dog fairs and shit and is removed and eventually sues them and wins. It's meant to be an obvious - lazy, even - tranny allegory.

Sent it to a local short story contest that's full of progressive types, for giggles. Didn't win but got praised and I have no idea how they didn't catch on.

>> No.15993539

>Tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny
Holy shit, actually fuck off and go back to /lgbt/ or /pol/. It's everyday with you faggots talking about trannies. How can such an incredibly tiny part of the population be constantly talked about on this site. You guys are unironically fucking obsessed with trannies. I mean it's everyday with this tranny shit, why the fuck do you people feel the need to post about trannies 24/7? I don't want to read posts about trannies every day, do you guys? Because you faggots keep posting about fucking trannies despite supposedly hating them. I'm unironically starting to think you guys are fucking trannies with the amount of dumb ass tranny posting you guys do. Stop posting about trannies you raging homosexuals.

>> No.15994400

You don't really need to talk with anybody. You can search up the academic and medical literature on gender theory and transition medicine (actual scholarly articles, mind, not medium posts). It's all out there publicly available and it's been studied rigorously for over a century, tumblr and reddit didn't just meme it into existence in 2010.

Personally, I think the emphasis on "gender" (ie. societal expectations, others' perception, roles, etc.) is rather misguided. In my experience most trans people have problems with their body and self-perception, and feelings of social inadequacy stem therefrom. Most people's personalities or behavior don't change that much after transition, either. It's a problem of being dissatisfied with one's birth sex and the physical characteristics thereof- existential dread over what you see in the mirror, rather than "I want to wear panties and bake cupcakes and can't as a male" or whatever. "Transexual" is seen as kind of a curse word now because of its history but I think it's much more accurate than "transgender." I could give less of a fuck about being a subservient homemaker with 2.5 kids, a Macy's card, and a minivan; I want perky tits and a pretty face.

>> No.15994444

Can we keep the tomboys though?

>> No.15994484

Some twenty years ago a girl like that would just be a tomboy and spend more time with male friends and doing male things without needing to pump herself with hormones or suddenly feeling the pressure of being a man without the prep of years for that.

FTMs seem to be overall different from MTFs in their motivation to transition. I see FTMs transitioning almost as a defense mechanism - they had bad past experiences on the hand of males and change into males so they no longer would be victimized by males.

It's different from MTFs where the motive is either for getting off sexually or to try and get what they perceive as the "easy mode" women get.

>> No.15994502

Cringe and wasted

>> No.15994725

You´re mentally ill Lineham
Go back to twitter pls

>> No.15994764

Rent free.

>> No.15994872
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underrated post

>> No.15995042
File: 80 KB, 1022x946, 2l32n7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can i ask you a question,
you´re propably mentally ill but maybe it is worth a shot.
Trans people are almost looked down upon in almost any culture and any country but somehow you always think you´re the chosen edgelord cause u feel the same. it´s litteraly the boomer meme of "riding the tiger" from a few months ago.
Why you feel the need to seethe just cause some weirdo with strange hair colors exist somewhere on a campus?

>> No.15995451

Trans ppl generally aren’t going to give you answers as much as they are just going to report their experiences causally. A lot of them are real fuckin crazy or mentally ill and from a biomedical view point there’s a lot of unanswered questions

>> No.15995470
File: 332 KB, 604x756, 1591912068927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Write her story, OP

>> No.15995525


Instead of writing anti-trans literature, how about you read literature written by transpeople?

>> No.15995547
File: 9 KB, 300x168, 17847414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how about you read literature written by transpeople?

>> No.15995584

>I told her that was the essence of being a man. The world doesn't cater to you. It's structured around you, sure, but that doesn't mean you've found your place in jigsaw puzzle. And some men never find the place where they fit in. It's easier to be a woman, because they're meant to be led and rely on men. That means the man is on his own and must rely on himself.
So if she wanted to be a man. she would have to embrace loneliness and independence. Ensuring the balances never tip one way or the other.
jesus fucking christ man, i really hope this isn't real