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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.94 MB, 1996x2890, Gravity's_Rainbow_(1973_1st_ed_cover).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15986851 No.15986851 [Reply] [Original]

"The ironclad wastes of the Eagles Nest atop Kehlsteinhaus was a portent to the Zone’s grip; 3rd Infantrymen flowing from the burned façade with whatever sensible treasures sans soot they could get their hands on. Slothrop sits on a tree trunk glaring at the mountainside air, hawks encircling above while fawns inspect craters below, mother deer projecting a plea to follow her, a bid away from the people and their silly war… and the Spring seeps from all the hollowed streams underground, bestowing waters like the Styx for consumption to forget this terrible time… and the celebrations of hops fueling the carnal conquistadors, supposedly on the good side, shouts pangs at the unfolding sky, as clear now as the crystalline waters of some private beach where eyes cannot gaze upon the perdition of Men Of Folly—a chance flight out to cremate the care of pernicious beings. A net gain nowhere in sight to him. A dawning of some terrible truth… imagined marionette strings dangling from the fingertips of some gnarled wizard’s hands, placating the disgust of spilling viscera upon the green aisles of Europe, warding off the Angels who now float, watching, stretched spread-eagle in the penumbra of the Moon, wallowing as their wings are clipped and spinal fluid fills the space like plasma… the Farben techocrates, whose chants and sigils were spread across the Atlantic, can now feast upon five-course celebrations at black-tie events. The Burnt Offering accepted. All Theater. Terrible Theater."

Are you among the desperately redpilled few who know that the whole war was nothing more than a power grab by the elite, using the bodies of military as a sacrifice to their Gods? That IG Farben was a company with no clear nationalistic allegiances?
What say you, /lit/?

>> No.15986942

Was Pynchon, dare I even say it, bros, sucking on big Khazar milkers the whole time he was writing Gravity's Rainbow?

>> No.15987078

man stop making these pynchon imitation threads it's sad and embarrassing

>> No.15987098

I swear you post in every one of these threads. Why are you seething so hard? Are you an ESL incel?

Can someone explain "seethe and cope" to me?

>> No.15987106

tf are you on about? we can’t discuss literature on /lit/
not playing homie: kys

>> No.15987124

>the desperately redpilled few

this is the whole point of the book anon. Anyone with reading comprehension understands this.

>> No.15987142

Well it's common knowledge most people here have not read GR, let alone read in general...
It's telling that Pynchon threads that touch upon the major plot points and themes of his books don't gather that much attention, as opposed to the e-celeb ones. This place is overrun by philistines.

>> No.15987145

What is your endgame

>> No.15987161

To make proselets seethe.

>> No.15987208

yea this is literally the obvious entire thesis of the book if it has one
a more nuanced reading would be the gnostic one or the man inside the bomb as culmination of human existence

>> No.15987247

Actually no, the thesis of the book is about fucking yer mum.
"Open wide for the Rocket!"
"Phheeooowwwwww! Pprhooooooo!"

- Tom

>> No.15987257

my first post in one of your threads, just dunno what you're at mate. make an actual thread about GR instead of rewriting it in your own personal Pynch impersonation,

>> No.15987271

No, it's you. I can tell syntactically that you're the same person. Very bad English. Very bitter. Very ESL.


- GPT-3

>> No.15987858
File: 273 KB, 600x522, pynched.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking WREKT

>> No.15988200

>That IG Farben was a company with no clear nationalistic allegiances?
It's not for nothing Hjalmar Shacht (City of London educated financier) goes on to head the BIS in Switzerland after the war, or Walter Dornberger continuing space/rocketry and god knows what else with NASA (out ranked Von Braun before and after the war). It conforms to Joseph Farrell and Walter Bosely's speculations on a wild card eastern faction within the power elite of central/eastern Europe that doesn't neatly conform with the Redshield/Anglo banking establishment as it has become memed

>> No.15988411

Man, I used to think there was no way Ruggles really posted here, but after this post... I just don't know, bros...

>> No.15988429

>Joseph Farrell and Walter Bosely's speculations on a wild card eastern faction within the power elite of central/eastern Europe that doesn't neatly conform with the Redshield/Anglo banking establishment as it has become memed
Can you elaborate on this? Never heard these names or this idea

>> No.15989533

Wubadubdub, two digits in a tub. ;)

>> No.15989583

can you say more about "man inside the bomb"?

>> No.15989597

how could Pynch have been so redpilled about literally everything when he was writing before the internet? How did people become based in the old days? Or how do you think he came to an awareness of these things?

>> No.15989608

witnessed! Tom is here!

>> No.15989715

Involves a lot of Hebrew, making circles, and, honestly, fucking yer mum.

- Tom

>> No.15989879

I have read rumors you learned about spirit summonings and seances by way of some obscure Yeats stuff that is now out of print. Is it true, Tom? And that you tried to stop after GR, but Vineland was such a club that you went back to it for M&D?

>> No.15990553

Tom wrote started GR and M&D at the same time, all the while throwing the idea of AtD around in his head.


>> No.15991266

they put a guy in a bomb dumbass