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/lit/ - Literature

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15979320 No.15979320 [Reply] [Original]

we all know about the western canon, but whats the incel canon? i'll start
>notes from underground
>hunchback of notre dame
>the sun also rises
(((frankenstein))) doesn't count as it was written by a foid

>> No.15979348

The foid was married to Shelley during the peak of his Byron crush, and she lost her virginity on her mom's grave before writing an incest sequel to her mom's work. Bitch was more /r9k/ than you'll ever be

>> No.15979363

thanks for proving my point, /r9k/ is shit.

>> No.15979447

What's the female simp cannon?
i'll start
Eponine Thenardier - Les Mis
Mathilde de la Mole - The Red and the Black
go on

>> No.15979494
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>this kills the roast

>> No.15979542

>>notes from underground
Even your canon doesn't take you seriously, lmao

>> No.15980171


>> No.15980514

It's fitting, I can't take myself seriously.

>> No.15980706

Pretty much the plan for my kitchen except ceiling height cabinets and no fucking paint on handmade hardwood cabinets. Especially with kids.

>> No.15980980

ok, some suggestions, feel free to aprrove or disapprove

some Houllebecq
Kafka's Metamorphosis
A Man Asleep, by Perec
The Outsider, by Lovecraft

>> No.15981104

don't get it

>> No.15982565

Goethe, Werther
Chateaubriand, René
Early Evola
Bove, My Friends

>> No.15982586

women really cant virgin, can they

>> No.15982664

Add The Idiot and My Twisted World. Read in tandem

>> No.15983560

TSAR is not for incels, Hemingway's self insert fucks. Maybe if you focus on the pathetic Jew it could qualify

>> No.15983622

Didnt Notes From Underground state that he went on "debauches" which he felt guilty for?

>> No.15983636

>t. roast

>> No.15983639

Hemingway's self-insert would fuck were he not impotent

>> No.15983659

Underground man fucked a prostitute, the aftermath of that situation sent him to live as a recluse underground. He couldn't handle conversing using emotion, and he definitely understood women from afar, but could not operate in the presence of one

>> No.15983697

Didn't the whole incel thing die out already?

>> No.15983727

99% of men live to compete for women' attention, irrespective of the moral behavior fo those women.
Women give meaning to men'lives. men seek to be valued by women at all cost.

All those men are cuckold sooner or later. As soon as a man values a woman, he will be cuckold. SOciety by women & ruling men is based on men being disposable and replaceable . A woman has no problem replacing a lover, a husband or a father, especially when she does it ''for the kids'', as opposed to doing it for ''her'', which would be selfish from their POV.

1% of men try to find something else to value
99% of this 1% go crazy in the woods becoming hermits and failing hard

the 1% of the 1% get good at meditation

99% of those 1% of 1% confuse meditation with enlightenment

so 1% of 1% of 1% of men actually stop being coomers.

>> No.15983753

Blood Meridian.
>no sex besides child and gay murder-rape
>no love interest for any main character
>everyone is violent and depraved
>more focus on sunsets and local vegetation and geographic features than feelings or any emotion
>some old lady nearly gets a speaking role, gets shot in the head

>> No.15983837

covid changed the material conditions to where nobody feels self conscious about isolation anymore

>> No.15983900
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>women really cant virgin, can they

>> No.15984292

I didn't realize that was a self insert in The Sun Also Rises

I thought that book fucking sucked. I thought I was a hemmingway fan before I read that book

>> No.15984430

these are a very good start

I'd also add:

basically any Bernhard
Hedayat, Blind Owl
de Montherlant, Chaos and Night
Dostoevsky, Underground
Tournier, The Ogre

Walser was a total incel but his writing is so unrelentingly positive that it's hard to gel with these more misanthropic examples

>> No.15984681

sex and character

>> No.15984703

Stop coping with your miserable existence and kill yourself already

>> No.15985245


>> No.15985399
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>> No.15985412

That would make you happy so, no.

>> No.15985426

My diary

>> No.15985501

can i read it?

>> No.15985697
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>> No.15985701

I wouldn't even notice but it would make the world just a little bit better

>> No.15985770

Ayn Rand

>> No.15986341
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>women should get back in the kitchen, am i rite my fellow ninegaggers!!?!?

>> No.15986441

They would unironnically be happier there then being slaves to capitalism

>> No.15986519


>> No.15986547

Behead All Satans

>> No.15987401

sorry i dont read women

>> No.15988492

What makes you think that Weininger was involuntarily celibate and/or that SEX AND CHARACTER has something (anything?) to do with involuntary celibacy?

>> No.15989837

he killed himself

>> No.15990796

so make a chart now

>> No.15991029

this, we respect woman on 4chan

>> No.15991589

So anyone who kills themselves was involuntarily celibate?

>> No.15991591

metamorphosis kafka
catcher in the rye
things fall apart (portrays a chad being stripped of the society hes a chad in)

>> No.15991801

the book of disquiet by Pessoa

>> No.15991834
File: 42 KB, 310x475, My Twisted World.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Twisted World, by St. Elliot Rodger

>> No.15992569

Robert Walser is extremely based

>> No.15993727

why tf are there so many foids on /lit/. fuck off attention whores we are discussing literature here

>> No.15994573
File: 522 KB, 922x515, jqlbWn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

books for this feel?

>> No.15994585

mishima: temple of the golden pavilion. misadventures of a cringe incel

>> No.15995374


>> No.15995468

incels pre 1823:
>zomg this anonymous man behind frankenstein is such a genius
incels post-1823
>doesn't count as it was written by a foid

>> No.15995521

>incels pre 1823:
gee whiz i sure love my virgin pure victorian waifu who shuts up and stays inside and who will bear me 10 kids
>incels post-1823
have nothing, are openly discriminated against, and are left behind by the clown world

>> No.15995621

1823 is the year that Shelley openly admitted to having written Frankenstein. Critics coped by pretending it was done by her husband.
No clue what you think happened in 1823

>> No.15997037

incels didnt exist in 1823 england. they all got married and women stayed virgin and pure

>> No.15997644

tfw banned on .co

>> No.15997659

This explains why prostitution was a large problem at the time

>> No.15998172

incels are just escortcels if they ascend with a whore. and everybody loves whores, probably the problem was more to do with the industrial revolution in britain at the time