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/lit/ - Literature

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15981032 No.15981032[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some good left-wing books?

>> No.15981037

nazis were left-wing

>> No.15981041
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mods are baiting /pol/ again
they don't like philosophy posts filling up the board

>> No.15981043

I guess the ego and its own?
i don't read literature for cucks

>> No.15981044
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>> No.15981045 [DELETED] 


>> No.15981049

Go fucking ask the fucking sea of leftist sites that are only a click away, fucking nigger faggot cunt

>> No.15981050
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>> No.15981056
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>> No.15981079
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You might like this one OP-chan

>> No.15981087

>not My Snuggle

>> No.15981150

all the good books are left wing so just pick one

>> No.15981156

Historically, all the good books have been right-wing or written by right-wing authors.

>> No.15981190

no they havent.
anyway, all right wing writers are closet homosexuals.

>> No.15981198

>right-wing authors
We're going to be removing those anon they are racist, so that all books will only be good and not bad

>> No.15981204

>no they havent.
Yes. Pick any classic author. There's a 99% chance he's right wing.
>anyway, all right wing writers are closet homosexuals.

>> No.15981208

They only act like closet homosexuals because they don't know how to talk to women aka the left, so they sexualize warfare instead and make it overly homoerotic

>> No.15981222

IMAX tier projection.

>> No.15981240

I thought it was a decent insight frankly. Read into Hotspur and Hal's relationship in Shakespeare Henry IV part one.

>> No.15981254

>english title
>that low testosterone font

>> No.15981257

Here I'll give you an overview
Hotspur is like "hnnnnghchyeah gonna fuck u up hal aaaaaaaawwwwwwyeeeeeeeee" whereas Hal is more or less doing his duty after fucking around in Eastcheap for a while. Hotspur on the other hand finds a way to criticize all his allies like Glendower and basically alienates himself, the guy is maximum incel energy. Not jacking on right wing necessarily. But you get homosexual vibes from them because guys like Hotspur put every dimension of their being into warfare because they don't know how to express themselves in interpersonal relationships, so he has to do it through warfare and attain vain and reckless forms of honor as a cope.

>> No.15981261

what's a high testosterone font?

>> No.15981270

Literature is by nature creative, and creative individuals tend to be left-wing

>> No.15981320

High five this post if you love Hitler

>> No.15981334

Not back then they weren't lmao all those guys are right-wing by modern standards. And creative people tend to be liberal, whether that's conservative liberal or progressive liberal, not left-wing.

>> No.15981336

>high test
times new roman
>low test
sans serif

>> No.15981340


>> No.15981346

>new york times font is High T


>> No.15981350

what about Georgia?

>> No.15981357

It's the truth.

>> No.15981361


>> No.15981364

>conservative liberal
this is literally a contradiction in terms

>> No.15981371

>It was commissioned by the British newspaper The Times in 1931

>> No.15981382

Found the American.

>> No.15981393

Wrong, being an actual liberal today is an extremely conservative position because liberalism is an 18th century philosophy. Believing in free speech and small government is practically reactionary in this shitty era.

>> No.15981417
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>Believing in free speech and small government
Weakness. The strong shouldn't have to abide by codes of tolerance or constitutional limitations.

>> No.15981429

open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.
holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation, typically in relation to politics or religion.

I don't care if there are parties who claim this name, it is still a contradiction in terms

>> No.15981441


rookie mistake, burger.

>> No.15981445
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>> No.15981452

But ascribing to Liberalism (the real kind not authoritarian 'progressivism') is a conservative position. National liberalism also contains conservative elements because they are nationalists.

'I am a liberal nationalist'; is a good way to confuse the ignorant though.

>> No.15981457

This is a free speech site, not a right wing site.

>> No.15981463

There are none (mic drop)

>> No.15981470

That definition is wrong.

>> No.15981472

Free speech is for faggots. On my turf, the only free speech you'll get is when you cry to your mom for mercy,

>> No.15981474

Not sure what meme US dictionary you have configured but liberal in a political context relates to Liberalism.

>> No.15981475

If someone says "this government has very liberal spending" you know they mean the government is spending a lot

If someone says "this government has very conservative spending" you know they mean the government is spending very little

They are definitionally opposites

>> No.15981481

>Free speech is for faggots. On my turf, the only free speech you'll get is when you cry to your mom for mercy,
Now say that publicly and see how it goes.

>> No.15981484

ironically he'll be able to say it because we live in a free country

>> No.15981490
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>Now say that publicly and see how it goes.

>> No.15981496

>deliberately igfnoring the point

Liberalism is an 18th century political philosophy advocating low taxes, small government and individual liberty. Being a Liberal in the 21st century is a conservative position, understand?

>> No.15981498
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>we live in a free country

>> No.15981510

Id suggest Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, by Hunter S. Thompson.

Malcolm X Biography is worth a read.

Sartre wrote good literature too.

>> No.15981520

My point all along has been that the term "conservative liberal" is a combination of two words which contradict each other. Is that so hard to understand?

>> No.15981526

>The strong shouldn't have to abide by codes of tolerance or constitutional limitations.
>small government does these things to (((the strong)))
God it feels so empowering to regulate Amazon.com, that weak faggot Bezos is probably closet homo

>> No.15981531

The problem is not saying it. Anyone can say it everywhere in the world. The problem is the consequences.

>> No.15981534

That doesn't even make any sense. If he lived in Iran or North Korea and said “free speech is for faggots,” I doubt he’d be hassled.

>> No.15981540

Only if you're a burger do they contradict each other. The rest of the world knows exactly what the term means.

>> No.15981544

enjoy your basement battle-station big man

>> No.15981546

If you are suggesting you would do violence to him based on his stance on free speech you basically concede the point to him

>> No.15981563

No, I'm saying progressives will make him lose his job and education for being "le homophobe xD". There's no free speech in the US anymore.

>> No.15981570

I'm enjoying very well yes

>> No.15981573

I think the state should have little to no impact on the economy, but it shouldn't be a moral obligation like the libertarians think. Small government has always been codeword for weak institutions and limp-dicked populism.

>> No.15981592

If you are right wing and reading this right now, I want to say to you, thank you for fighting the good fight. FUCK discord trannies.