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15978893 No.15978893 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15978897

A little bit angry at the guy who named that assessment tool

>> No.15978903

soulless, retarded burgers

>> No.15978909

Pretty good, because I walk as a God among men, where other places I would probably just be average.

>> No.15978912


>> No.15978922

I feel okay. I didn't score very well on the reading section of the ACT, so this makes me feel better.

>> No.15978941


>> No.15978947

What's the age equivalent of 7th grade?

>> No.15978956

Confused. That seems like a bad measure for reading level. Not that it's an excuse for the highlighted section.

>> No.15978965

12 years old, though I would assume reading at that level means being proficient at that level, so 13 years old is probably more accurate

>> No.15978976

I don't think it's THAT different in other countries, tho, anon. I understand your concern given that America is the most powerful country in the world, however.

>> No.15979005

I wasn't talking about in reference to other countries, just reflecting on how reading a X-th grade level might mean reading at a level that had finished X-th grade.

>> No.15979097
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>> No.15979105


>> No.15979110

It doesn't really make me feel anything novel.
I don't need the SMOG, FOG, or Flesch-Kincaid metrics to tell me that we're regressing back into the mud; I knew it already.

I do feel deep sympathy for the Americans who retain their higher functions.

The divergent species of humanity—our short, squat, obese, prefrontal-cortex-lacking cousins—know nothing else, and the midwits can at least cling onto their dreams of utopia following the coming violence, but my heart goes out to the ones who are truly sapient enough to see that this is the end for us.

>> No.15979112

all of those kids fuck more than you. They're winners, you're a loser.

>> No.15979120

lol this
was reading at a post-graduate level when i was last tested in sixth grade
been reading progressively more difficult texts since then
scale linearly and, well--
might as well be dead

>> No.15979132
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>> No.15979141
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>eat hamburger
>yumyum mcdonalds hamburger
>[insert random mcdonald menu item] yummy
>eat cheese burger french fry
>yummy mcdonalds
>I love black people

>> No.15979140

Americans are too stupid for democracy any more. I would unironically support Trump seizing absolute power and just ruling us for life. Americans are stupid fat chimps. They don't deserve to be able to govern themselves, because they're very bad at it. Look at how many fat Americans there are. Do you really think these huge, obese hogs have the self-control and consideration of thought required to participate in a democracy?

>> No.15979154

they're not strangers, in fairness. They're my uni students. After we fuck I tell them that they should alienate themselves from their conservative fathers so they can slowly get caught ever deeper in my web of sociopathic lies. I drop them once they graduate. 5 years of doing this and it is fantastic.

>> No.15979159

kek I remember banging a prozac whore in uni

>> No.15979163
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G-Guys we're all equal

Everyone is the same guys

>> No.15979198

If we could hermetically seal off the US from the rest of the world (less a wall than a dome), I would agree with you. Trap them all for a few decades under Trump and his degenerate progeny. Later, open the dome back up like a time capsule and behold a virgin land free of pesky 'humans'. Of course, the land wouldn't quite be "virgin" since it would be full of toxic waste, poisoned waterways, sprawling landfills, etc. But all things considered, it's worth the trade-off.

>> No.15979278

13 percent of the population but brings down the average American ability to read to the 7th grade level? Swedes almost have that many arabs and yet they don't have this problem. And neither does the UK.
American blacks have an IQ that's higher than Pakis and arabs at least according to your racist researcher Lynn.

>> No.15979309

Hardly a fair comparison since Pakis and Arabs are so systematically inbred that a toaster has a higher IQ than them

Take the hispanics out of the "white" category, a trick they use to make whites seem more level with blacks, and most American social issues disappear. The infamous gun crime problem disappears, since almost all of it is actually black on black and black on white crime. Most health epidemics disappear. Failing schools are suddenly fixed. Prison crisis.

Even police brutality goes away since cops now become what they are in all small white towns, glorified security guards.

>> No.15979323

lol cool education by pol infograhics and maybe browsing untz's blog compiler on occasion

>> No.15979369

All problems go away if we privatize the military and the police force but since you're a national socialist and would rather be red than dead(you fucking commie) these problems won't be solved.

>> No.15979439

I'm not even for complete iron grip level control on the economy, I just think economies should serve their people and the state should prosecute traitors in the same way it is supposed to dissolve monopolies. State socialism doesn't need to be completely planned from the top down unless you're a radical communist. Just eliminate the really bad problems and things will mostly sort themselves out.

I like libertarians and old school conservatives when it comes to questions like, does Denmark need state committees decreeing what kids should believe? Probably not. But when it comes to questions like, our deeply sick and dying country is being puppeteered by ten different foreign powers and by international money powers that want to turn all nations into strip malls, what do, I don't think that counts as a normal economic situation. You don't try to have free trade with someone who's trying to conquer you, you destroy them. We're at war with international finance.

>> No.15979588

Unironically this, talk about Plato in public and people look at you like you're some intellectual god. I love this country because of how good it makes me look when I'm in it.

>> No.15979658

Don't know what these graded levels mean.

>> No.15979842

Damn, we're doing pretty good.