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15975568 No.15975568 [Reply] [Original]

>Who is /jeg/ for?

For people that want to discuss ideas of the philospher-magician julian evola and cultivate the aristocracy of the soul.

>was Evola a nazi, pedophilia rapist I've heard some weird things about him

Evola described himself as "beyond facism" mistranslated as super fascist. He believed in living a life beyond material value aimed at a higher purpose as a method of attaining the divine.

>where do I start?

Pic related.

>> No.15975579

Just finished introduction to magic and raja yoga. Planning on incorporating some of the practices into my daily routine. Going to read revolt against the modern world next

>> No.15975583

Larp and rape fetishes nothing more

>> No.15975584

that's a lot of books and i just have a question: what did he say about cinema?

>> No.15975622

I can understand why you're hesitant given his profile and all but go in with an open mind. As another anon said recently:

Evola is my absolute favorite Philospher-Magician

Wildly important to truly understand the context and purpose of Life as a Human in so many deeply valuable perspectives.

Nietzsche saw Humanity as the greatest animal. Here he is correct. And also that our meaning of life should be ever becoming. This is a great addition to our thinking but limited as it is cannot be at one with Creation beyond a Material level. The Metaphysical that both recognized as the driving force behind all life was never actualized by Nietzsche, but Highly explored by Evola more than any other thinker. For example, They both saw structuring of our animal chaoses as key, but in different ways, for Nietzsche it was mainly internal and individualized. But for Evola it was both Personal and Interpersonal, and being able to trace this back to a distinct and fundamental pattern of creation found through all human society Thus, Evola completes his Ontology on this subject while Nietzsche couldn't as Nietzsche did not believe in Law even if it was based on the Metaphysical.

Anyway that was just one example of where Evola completes what Nietzsche couldn't because Nietzsche didn't wanna get spiritual. While Nietzsche was 100% right about slave morality and weakling religions being started by spiteful wretches this cannot apply to all religions. Some beliefs exist as a way of structuring everything so that it may live for a greater and ideal purpose no matter where on the pyramid, some religions just aim to explain the nature of God. To have both is Transcendent Structuring, it organizes from the source-point and not from the bottom so there's nothing missing that needs of becoming. Becoming is not a necessity as Nietzsche claimed; if something is already perfect, it can survive the trials of nature and reality indefinitely, hence the realm of Tradition superseding millennia as the general way to do shit.

Being doesn't have to Become anything if it already mogs everything. Real smart thinking.

>> No.15975627 [DELETED] 

Does Evola ever go really in-depth about this deficiency in Nietzsche and its philosophical significance or does he just hint at it?

I'd like to see him really put Nietzsche in context.

>> No.15975633

i just read his text on american civilisation and what the fuck is his problem? america and much of the western world is fucked and he illustrates why well, but the rest is just vague assumptions and word salad

>> No.15975645

Does Evola ever go really in-depth about this deficiency in Nietzsche and its philosophical significance or does he just hint at it?

I'd like to see him really put Nietzsche in context.

>> No.15975646


>> No.15975647

souls aren't even real lmao

>> No.15975658

Have you read his other works? Without a basis in his worldview you wont understand what he's trying to say

>> No.15975670

>souls aren't even real lmao
Uhmm sweaty

>> No.15975676

How are you defining metaphysics?

>> No.15975683

He has never grappled with Nietzsche directly. However if Nietzsche pointed out the deficiencies inbuilt into the human condition evola has talked extensively about overcoming them. I would highly recommend the holy grail, revolt and metaphysics of war to get an understanding of where hes coming from.

>> No.15975705

As it's most common sense definition things that cannot be known for sure because they cannot be materially studied like the elements or matter can but exist nonetheless. Concepts like time, space and identity. These are the basis of our lives even though we cannot study it empirically it is the basis of all human life.

>> No.15976035

>He has never grappled with Nietzsche directly.
Yes he does. Evola spent 9 chapters in Ride the Tiger discussing Nietzsche.

>> No.15976044

I havent gotten around to that yet I'm saving that for last

>> No.15976123
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>He has never grappled with Nietzsche directly


>> No.15976149


How have your lives been improved by reading evola? Were you able to devote yourself to a higher purpose? Do you now approach the world around you differently?

>> No.15976160

Took my entire worldview and flipped it on its head desu. The whole "world of Tradition" thing is no mere meme.

>> No.15976172

How did that affect the way you live your life? Actual actionable difference in career, the way you interact with family etc

>> No.15976181

I wanna do an audio recording of "Ride the Tiger" in 8 parts, corresponding to the 8 parts of the book. Would /lit/ be interested in listening? Would upload it to youtube maybe 2 or 3 days apart.

>> No.15976183

Yo cool that someone took my post, good to know I made something worthwhile.

>> No.15976185
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addendum to the evola chart

>> No.15976193

Do you have the voice for it? If yes, then I'd be interested.

>> No.15976198

With regards to my current life situation, I can reveal that I am living the monk lifestyle, minimal interaction with any human and devoting most of my time to meditation (a loaded word for moderners who are incapable of it, you could just say contemplation).

>> No.15976205

Have you read the yoga sutras by patanjali?

>> No.15976217

Sounds great man I'll take your word for it. I'm gonna record the first part tonight but I won't start uploading just yet. I'll keep you updated on these threads of course so keep an eye out.

No I have not. Bhagavad Gita and Ashtavakra Gita and some verses from the Rig Veda.

>> No.15976238

I would highly recommend raja yoga by vivekananda sounds right up your alley. It co trains vivekandas analysis of the yoga sutras along with a great explanation on the workings of the mind and sensory experience

>> No.15976282
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I became Jivanmukti 3 years ago. I go straight to the source, which is the true self. I even became aware of how trees selves are the same, as weird as it sounds. Speaking of which, the etymology of the word "weird" is interesting to say the least.

Thanks for your recommendation, I will certainly keep that author in mind. I've heard of him before of course but you know how it is, in the process of acquiring knowledge through books you are always following a thread as it were, and a lot authors appear on the periphery of your own personal "thread" as you trace it to whatever source, always inching closer.

>> No.15976740

Just finished recording part 1 of 8. It's about 13 minutes long. Figured I would just put it up on youtube with some simple background image but I need to do some editing first. Definitely wanna do more books after this one but it's been on my mind for a long time now to do a read-through of Ride the Tiger from the perspective I have now, which is that of having read quite a few of Evola's other works (Tiger was the first book i read by him and back then i didn't understand shit, it's def. the worst book to start with).

>> No.15976747

What do you mean about trees fren?

>> No.15976773

Was Evola a pagan?

>> No.15976775

I just got a bit carried away, as per usual as soon as someone mentions Eastern traditions. Basically, they have the notion of Atman, which the closest approximate term we have in the West is something like spirit-soul. The idea is, that all the "selves" are one and the same, all peoples Atman are the same Atman, not just the fauna but even the flora are also that same Atman.

>> No.15976789

He wrote quite a bit about what we moderners call "paganism", and he also quite utterly devastated the modern "pagans" who are trying to re-forge lost traditions, in his article "Against the Neo-pagans", which you can find online.

>> No.15977473
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>pedo rapist

Evola is my least favorite thinker of the conservative revolution. Junger is by far the coolest and better writer, who writes from unique experience. Evola was a sexual weirdo and writes terribly on certain subjects that he knows little about. As for the hermeticism and occultism, it's also pretty gay.

>> No.15977501

Based send link

>> No.15977511

Evola was not a (((conservative)))

>> No.15977568

>doesn't get it
Your post tells me that you know little about the conservative revolution, which also leads me to believe that you are of the same age group that finds Evola attractive. Just a reminder that you must be at least 18 to post here.

>> No.15977570


>> No.15979073


>> No.15980373

What was his detailed opinion on miscegenation?

>> No.15980434

Should be >Giulio

>> No.15980477
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>metaphysics, morality, human psychology, anthropology, interpretation of esoteric truths and fucking magic all rolled into one unified world view

Is there a more "complete" philosophy than what evola posits?

>> No.15981143

All the same idiot. Probably from /pol/.

Evola is great but you're doing him a disservice. Spend a few more years reading his works and then come back and post.

>> No.15981231

Read De Anima or Phaedo retard