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/lit/ - Literature

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15969764 No.15969764 [Reply] [Original]

how can one court the muse in such an environment?

>> No.15969770

invite her to your basement

>> No.15969771

Because it doesn't look like that unless you're flying overhead.

>> No.15969787

Is this hell?

>> No.15969801

Purgatory anon.

>> No.15969808


>> No.15969817
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No, but zoom out a little.

>> No.15969819

If you were in that situation shooting yourself several times in the head would be a good start

>> No.15969829

>i suffer having a house

>> No.15969831

Looks alright. I've seen much worse. Why are first worlders such whiny bitches? The Muse is in your head, not in your neighbourhood.

>> No.15969841
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>> No.15969842

I wrote 500,000 words spread across two novels in the upstairs bedroom of a house just like that, only worse, because that appears to be in California and I was in the most soul-sucking part of the midwest. It can be done. The Brontes worked in a damp, creaking parsonage in one of the poorest parts of Britain, above an open sewer, and pretty much never traveled. You don't have to be a cosmopolitan to write well.

>> No.15969845
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>> No.15969856

Is writing well the muse?

>> No.15969859


>> No.15969860

You do know that it was because of the Brontes specific environment that formed the bleak aspects of Emily’s Wuthering Heights right. In comparison to windswept moors a suburb is just neutral, just soulless.

>> No.15969869 [DELETED] 

Did you dudes read Cheevers' The Swimmer? If not you should it's like 10 pages or something

>> No.15969874

Not necessarily, but since you're on here, I assume that's your objective.
The stark beauty of the moors is an obvious counterpoint, but you guys do know that there is probably total wilderness/desert like a 30 minute drive from where that photo in the OP was taken? Most outer ring suburbs fade away to emptiness quite quickly.

>> No.15969884
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amazing picture. it reminds me of turner's painting of vesuvius

>> No.15969885

damn what's this muse look like?

>> No.15969895

Without a parole officer

>> No.15969902

Ridiculously sexy

>> No.15969931

Very nice what's the lit equivalent? (Actually on Vesuvius)

>> No.15969940

under the volcano

>> No.15969945

This has to be shopped.

>> No.15969957
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>> No.15969986

In what environment? Constantly flying above the cities in a helicopter or balloon?

>> No.15970002

It feels like that even when you close the doors and windows
One has to go deeper into a headset and some pages to escape it.

Doesn’t it remind you of the pods from the Matrix?

>> No.15970021

Reminds me of this scene (go to 3:15): https://youtu.be/FASvJF21yXU?t=195

>> No.15970035

How do I find the muse when I live in a flat and neighbours won't stop hammering and slamming doors every moment of the day and night

Lucky cunts with houses

>> No.15970042

To anon and all 15 year-olds ITT:

Suburbia is not "hell." You think it's hell because it's all you know. You are sheltered. Hell is very real, and it's not this. People living together in comfort, raising families, playing out in the yard; that is not hell, that might be the opposit of hell. Hell is eating shit-water and getting an intestinal parasite in 108 degree weather. Hell is broken bones, pierced and burnt flesh for the sake of nothing or no one. Hell is not a home and a family. If you think it is, I just don't know what to tell you other than that you'll gain perspective as you get older and realize how wrong you were.

>> No.15970049

Hell is using Fahrenheit.

>> No.15970051


>> No.15970074
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>> No.15970077

well the pods were dark and monstrous, this is sunny with abundant plant life. Furthermore I grew up in a suburb and have warm memories of it.
this looks comfy to me

>> No.15970119

Well that just reminds me of the coffin suites in Japan now.

This is from Holy Mountain? I don’t remember the voiceover. Definitely a film one has to see a couple of times

We’ve been atomized by capitalism. None of those people now each other like a small town would.
The worst aspect is the retirement homes

>> No.15970135

>guys my rich privileged christian neighborhood is sooooo boring
if only you knew how bad things really were, faggot.

>> No.15970152

>We’ve been atomized by capitalism. None of those people now each other like a small town would.
I hear you, but I think it's a little bit exaggerated. In practice, all of those people's kids probably go to the same school, and so long as the households are socially integrated those families see each other at sports games, community events, and church.

>> No.15970154


>> No.15970165

when the problem at hand is first world rich suburban housing I'm not at all in the wrong for having 0 sympathy.

>> No.15970199

>i suffer the problem of having a house

>> No.15970211

first worlders in a nutshell

>> No.15970234
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It’s not the house. It’s that it’s a cell.

>> No.15970235

No, it looks like an upper middle class neighborhood. 99% of the world's population would feel very fortunate to live there. Hell is downtown Hollywood, LA.

>> No.15970238

You are free to spend your sympathy on african kids, does not make your "A is better than B therefore A is good" logic less faulty.

>> No.15970260

Being better than 99% of the world is nothing.

>> No.15970264

>i suffer the problem of having a house

Corona really has you firstworlders all types of out of sorts.

>> No.15970266

OP's picture looks like a nice place to live. Keep being a ridiculous simpering fag

>> No.15970273

>having a house makes you god
I'm sorry for hurting your homeless feeling.

>> No.15970276

Seethe, privileged boi.

>> No.15970296

i wonder if youre a repairment and your an alien to this neighborhood, driving around you feel like your part of a toy story

>> No.15970297

I hope you will find a comfier bridge to sleep under and a luxurious box to sleep in.

>> No.15970298

A house is not a home
And their are empty houses here. Enough of them to solve the homeless problem.
Paying for our prison cells isn’t just a first worlder problem now.

>> No.15970308

I hope you will realize how much of an ungrateful whiny faggot you are.

>> No.15970326

Ungrateful to whom?

>> No.15970352

boo hoo thats your reality. ops is different.

>> No.15970357

>still a whiny faggot
I don't know and I don't care about your life or heritage, but if you've managed to grow up in an area like OP's picture, I'd be willing to bet you're white and wealthy. In my opinion, to be white and wealthy in US society is something to be grateful about.

>> No.15970387

the muse is in the head not the neighborhood.

>> No.15970400

>t. suburbanite

>> No.15970405


>> No.15970409

Once again, if you insist on using the "A is better than B therefore A is good" logic, you should prove it because it's far from obvious.

>> No.15970411


>> No.15970424

I don't have to prove to you that living in suburbia isn't hell. If what I assume is true and you insist on perceiving you existence to be burdensome and difficult then I'll let you live in your self-imposed misery.

>> No.15970436

Living anywhere is not hell, because Hell is a place in the afterlife and it is supposedly worse than every human life on the Earth. Enjoy being literal now?

>> No.15970439

You're nitpicking my choice of words instead of coming to terms with the fact that your life isn't nearly as hard as you make it seem.

>> No.15970448

There's truth to both sides. I grew up in the most soul-sucking California suburbs imaginable, and have been to a few of the worst most poverty stricken cities in the world. The despair of a city where every street corner is littered with stray dogs with maggots eating away at their exposed brains and the smell of rotten flesh in the hot humid air chokes you with every breath, that's a very immediate and embodied Hell.

But there's so much immediate misery around you that you're spared from the long-form cerebral delirium and despair that comes from feeling trapped in a maze of neighborhoods exactly like your own. It puts a kind of existential dread in you that you don't get from 'worse' places. It's not better or worse, just different.

>> No.15970447

It is harder than some lives and easier than others.

>> No.15970468

Easier than billions of others, anon. I don't hate you for being a privileged idiot, but having more perspective couldn't hurt.

>> No.15970487

Sorry, but I can't derive enjoyment from the fact that a lot of other people live worse than me.

>> No.15970497

It was never said it had to be enjoyment, just perspective.

>> No.15970502

Ok, a certain number of billions of people live worse than me. That's a perspective. Now what?

>> No.15970520

I think how you cope with the fact that your life isn't nearly as hard as you make it out to be is up for you to decide. Like I said I don't care about your life. Live in your self-imposed misery for all I care.

Is this how you firstworlders function? I have to tell you how you should interpret life for you to operate healthily?

>> No.15970546

Coping is the opposite: pretending that you are ok because of some flimsy reasons.

>> No.15970552

It's literally impossible. That environment is designed for one thing and one thing only— C O N S U M P T I O N

>> No.15970557
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>> No.15970562

>Imagine thinking your life is hard because you live in the suburbs.

>> No.15970583

>being bitter and jaded because people don't believe your existence in the suburbs white america to be burdensome and difficult.

>> No.15970593

>A is better than B therefore A is good
We already discussed that.

>> No.15970596

>I think how you DEAL with the fact that your life isn't nearly as hard as you make it out to be is up for you to decide

fixed if for ya

>> No.15970599

It is pretty bad even relatively, not even talking about absolutely.

>> No.15970600

we already discussed your tendency to nitpick instead of dealing with the fact you're a whiny faggot

>> No.15970607


>> No.15970610

i highly doubt it :D

>> No.15970616

"X is not hell because some african children are hellier" is the original nitpick.

>> No.15970619

I have a question for you, my dear retarded muricafags: so having a house in suburb is not good enough? Then what is? I don't really understand. What kind of house would you consider good? Those people literally have a swiming pool in their back yard!

>> No.15970622

You are free to doubt things, my skeptic friend.

>> No.15970623

C O M F O R T*

>> No.15970624

Let him be anon. It's in first worlders' nature to act the victim. They are talentless, lazy, indiscipline so they have to blame something other than themselves for their underachievement. To them it's always the environment, the government the world itself that at fault. As if it's not the same soulless atmosphere that plagues every corner on earth nowadays, but let them have the little fantasy that if they were born in the boonies they would have been such good writers or something.

>> No.15970634

A manor

>> No.15970645

Those african kids surely produce a lot of literature.

>> No.15970647

It's really funny the mental gymnastics you go through to perceive yourself as righteous . Like with the deriving enjoyment from suffering, and now with the mentioning of African children having it worse, I never said these things you did. Keep living in your self-imposed misery, loser.

>> No.15970654

>Then what is? I don't really understand. What kind of house would you consider good?

A house near nature. On a little bit of land. It's also cultural, with places like OP posted. Yeah, the houses are technically okay. But that's it, that's all there is. Just some houses in the middle of nowhere, all 5 feet from each other, growing like a tumor.

>> No.15970656

>having a house is for gods
A comfy box is for the kings then.

>> No.15970659


>> No.15970664

Wow. Really? You guys are unhappy because you don't live in a manor? Whoah. With maids and butlers, right? And a personal garden full of roses. Occasional ball once in a while. mmmmmm

>> No.15970666

If you were not talking about African kids, then who were you talking about? Indian kids?

>> No.15970669


>> No.15970671

Then how about you fucking leave your parents house and go live in a forest, dipshit

>> No.15970677
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Not having a maid is suffering.

>> No.15970681


>> No.15970682

Yea, you certainly need a manor

>> No.15970683

Not him but literally kids from everywhere that isn't a first world country, and kids in first world countries who weren't born in upper middle class families

>> No.15970686

So their lives are great?

>> No.15970689

I just answered your question not sure why you're mad or assume I live with my parents desu.

>> No.15970692

Be the maid you want to have anon

>> No.15970693

mental gymnastics.

>> No.15970696

Manor is a must.

>> No.15970698

not for you

>> No.15970699

1 and 2 are the only good ones.

>> No.15970703

5, but I degrade her.

>> No.15970706

I am really angry because this "manor" thing is preposterous.

>> No.15970707

But their lives must be great because Central African Republic kids are in the worse condition.

>> No.15970708

You don't want a manor or a maid? Seems like the problem is with you buddy.

>> No.15970710

This, but cyber.

>> No.15970711

I have an idea! How about you sell your anime girl statue collection on amazon and buy yourself a manor?

>> No.15970715

Spoken like a true manorlet.

>> No.15970717

1>8>5>10>>>>>>the rest

>> No.15970719

That would be enough for a skyscraper, but the completeness of a collection is more important.

>> No.15970720

The premise was that *you* dislike having a pool in your back yard in not good enough an you want more. Admit it, you would sit in one room all day and surf internet anyway

>> No.15970725

I want to be a loli vampire instead.

>> No.15970730

But now I need to make tea myself, and in a manor maid will do it for you.

>> No.15970735

>their are

>> No.15970745

spoken like a true victim minded white boi. one can only hope with age you'll realize how retarded you were.

>> No.15970753

Wanting more and more is the mindset of true consoomer.
The only lit way to live is on the street quietly observing passing by and keep your works in your smelly underwear until the day you die and people discover the masterpiece of centuries glued together by dried cum

>> No.15970757

No, seriously. You think that your life is bad because you are poor in Brazil? Consider Chad (the country, not the nonvirgin).

>> No.15970766

It's the mindset of true human. If you claim otherwise, then it's 99% that you lie and 1% that you are not human.

>> No.15970768

no i'm actually worse off because i'm a wealthy white guy living in the suburbs, m8 :/.

>> No.15970774

No one is considering anything. The only one whining about their living environment in the whole planet are basement boys in rich suburban areas, which is repulsive to the same minds

>> No.15970776

like it's so boring here in white america bro :///

>> No.15970782

But now Brazil is out too. South Africa is out too. Even Chad is out because Central African Republic has it worse. Oh, you also need to have cancer.

>> No.15970787

i think the plight of the white america bug man is worse bro sorry :////

>> No.15970788

In Brazil and Africa it's actually possible to buy a live-in maid for a reasonable price, something which is impossible in America. No idea why these thirdworlders are getting so uppity.

>> No.15970793

>it's the mindset of human to consooooom, must consoooooom

>> No.15970794

What, anon? Now you lost your Eastern Europe victimhood card?

>> No.15970801

Yes. It's better to consume than starve.

>> No.15970804

What are you fucking talk about. The mental gymnastics of this lad!!!!

>> No.15970813

Now anon, we need to decide whether second world is paradise, hell or purgatory.

>> No.15970820

Boredom is a plague.

>> No.15970821

dude i'm american

>> No.15970830

I'm happy to hear that you consider your life paradise and are praying to God every day.

>> No.15970831

did it ever occur to you a fellow firstworlder doesn't hold the same view that their life is burdensome and plightful?

>> No.15970838

The whole thread consists of considering and reconsidering.
>basement boys
Is it bad or not?

>> No.15970840

i'm not a christian i'm more of agnostic/theist, though

>> No.15970851

read a book, faggot

>> No.15970853

You surely can face the world with happy face and start every day with a merry laugh. But I'm not sure if this improves your logic in any way.

>> No.15970859

We don't do that on /lit/.

>> No.15970867

Of course it's bad, a basement boy will whine it's hell wherever the basement he's in is. It's not the suburban towns, it's the pathetic basement state of mind that caused it all. So yea, bad.

>> No.15970874

You can praise the lack of God or uncertainty of God then.

>> No.15970876
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>> No.15970881

If basement boy is a good insult, then it proves that basement boy life is truly bad.

>> No.15970887

yeah your logic is rock solid, brother. surburbia is so hard to live in :/

>> No.15970890

This thread isn't that bad, there are threads on 4chan which have it worse.

>> No.15970895

Yes, humans are having it rough.

>> No.15970899

Congratulation! You understand a part of my point! Now read again once more, you may discover something else, come on don't be shy

>> No.15970903

Seriously. It’s not even like, let me expend my wit and writing skills to personally swipe you /lit/ style
It just fucking bickering like holy fuck have you bitches nothing better to do then back and forth with pith

>> No.15970907

sniffs green panties

>> No.15970913

Granted, it was entertaining.

>> No.15970916

t. soulless bugman

>> No.15970923

Not all suburbia's are like OP's pics. I grew up in a smaller, more colorful one with quick access to the city and the country. I found it to be the better situation of either one.

>> No.15970925


>> No.15970938

You are proving my point too.

>> No.15970943

It's called "bike-shedding"

>> No.15970949

Better post more maids.

>> No.15970957

Oh I sure am, if your point is pathetic fuckers will whine wherever they are, even if in a manor they will just dig a hole under and live like a blind mole, all the while complaining that the manor is soulless and denying them the chance to be a writer or anything they fantasy to be.

>> No.15970965

It’s called being lame. Go to literally any other board. If your gonna argue, try to put some thought and cleverness into it. You niggers are literally just bickering like... like... women! GET THIS FUCKING ESTROGEN OFF MY BOARD

>> No.15970968

>even if in a manor they will just dig a hole under and live like a blind mole
Now that starts to rhyme.

>> No.15970986

>the plight of living in a house

>> No.15970987

Post butlers then.

>> No.15970997

its not in that regard. But I guess it could be like hell if you look at hell as a place that you go after the suffering, and if OP's pic is what awaits after - the (american) dream - a house filled with people who are happy some days but miserable for most others, who sit around and watch netflix, and despite the smiles and occasional laughs are basically waiting for some kind of Christ to give them some more life. Its more like Gehenna. Its especially strange to move in to a newly built neighborhood and slowly watch as the years tick by and it seems like the same people in the same cars are moving in and out, and the natural, seemingly free landscape is crowded with the same house over and over and over. You can change and reinvigorate your life but if everyone did so it wouldn't really be suburbia anymore.

>> No.15970998
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>tfw no maid or manor

I just want to be the lord of an estate and have a bunch of qt maids bros....

>> No.15971011

I’m an abolitionist. On top of that a person who doesn’t enjoy cleaning and yet can’t stand to live his his filth is not fit to breath near me

>> No.15971020
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>not wanting to live in a gothic castle among trusted knights, expressing purest form of love everynight

>> No.15971285

well reasoned point, your anime girl has converted me absolutely

>> No.15971313

Why do Americans equate suburbs with wealth and privilege? In my country all the poor people live in the exurbs.

>> No.15971335

Isn't that Santiago, Chile?

>> No.15971828

I unironically live in Haworth. Thanks global tourism for letting me sell fish & chips like it is the seaside.

>> No.15971834

I would kill to live in a house and neighbourhood like that

>> No.15971837

Privileged faggots.

>> No.15971842

imagine looking at this picture and thinking this is hellish. this is paradise.

>> No.15971851

Tent cities for homeless?

>> No.15972765

Pretty sure this is Mexico city

>> No.15972804

>feels like that when you close the door and windows
butterfly confirmed for basement dwelling neet, as if confirmation was needed

also, why are you so into this kind of detached neoliberal (yea yea, “leftist not liberal” no one who’s read two posts of yours even reads this half ass cope) narcissistic self-pitying. it would be more like the matrix if you lived in Soweto in SA where the streets are literally designed wide enough for tanks to roll through (when it was built of course, no it’s just a disaster area, go figure)
I get the angle of “I didnt ask for all this” but don’t pretend it’s sos harrowing while your nice lifestyle is 100% dependent on it. have some fucking perspective and try to share the benefit humbly instead of patting yourself on the back for consuming with a sardonic sneer.

>> No.15972922
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>court the muse
Maybe stop using phrases like that. Do your own laundry.

>> No.15973134
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>Enough of them to solve the homeless problem
...by creating a new problem of property seizures?

>> No.15973148

How sheltered are you faggots to think the suburbs are hell? Live in an actual shithole and see how fortunate you've had it

>> No.15973204
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The grass is always greener. The suburbs are safe but soulless. Materialism and propriety are the norm, and anything more than surface-level feelings of community ("eh we're having a barbecue to drink and talk shit about the leafs!") are hard to come by. It's completely understandable to dislike the suburbs.

>> No.15973252
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>relaxing on the lawn in your fenced-off backyard while basking in the sun
Truly a dystopian nightmare. The horror is mind-numbing.

>> No.15973288

This is a problem? For who, the banks?
Money is fiction.

My window faces the street. Suburbs are the opposite of community. We atomize and escape in various ways, and that’s the problem.
(It isn’t a “cope” to clarify one’s actual political stance. “Left liberal” isn’t socialist. It only borrows social programs to sooth the poison of capitalism)
Some “pods” are worse than others. I’ve also lived in pretty shabby bungalows where we’re stacked on top of each other, but of course there’s worse still. It is actually a liberal shill/cope to say “well at least it’s not a shanty town!” Ha ha. Wtf.
Hey I got perspective

Well damn.

>> No.15973302

You like clowns?

Soulless sums it up. But they aren’t really safe either

>> No.15973326

the slums are just as soulless, stop romanticizing shitholes

>> No.15973372
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>This is a problem?
Yes I don't like the gubberment stealing things from private citizens in order to support their pet projects. You really think all these homeless people, should they be given on of these nice homes in the burbs, would take care of them? You're honestly telling me that they wouldn't turn the whole area into a crime-ridden hellhole? For real, FlyFly?
>But they aren’t really safe either
The suburbs are way safer than inner cities. Arguably even safer than rural areas for people who are scared out the outdoors and don't own guns.
>stop romanticizing shitholes
Show me where I said the slums were nicer (or even nice), brainlet.

>> No.15973740

It’s a bit more complicated. Capitalism put them there, ending capitalism can get them off the streets. All you’re imagining is a social welfare program that makes a ghetto of a place.
Sure, safer to spread people out in a two dimensional layer than three. Poverty comes to either.

>> No.15973750

all you've got is your head two miles up your own fucking ass. totally called your pedantic tribalistic nitpicky as a copout, btw, as if your categorical hairsplitting had any effect of the impact you force your own country to make. further, perhaps it was my mistake, I shouldn't have said HAVE perspective but INCULCATE it. it's not a cope to say others have it better it's a fundamental truth to accept if you ever want to effect change. what is of limited perspective is to isolate certain spheres and engage in double think so you can pity your situation, while the people you claim to empathize with would give their left arm to even be near such limitless bounty. but of course, as is always the case with you, anything that challenges your conceptions is a neolib shill cope or some shit. honestly your worse than /pol/fags, at least they'll get bored with their shit after they finally get liad, you'll literally be here in 2030 saying the same tired shit from books you havent read

>> No.15973766

>money if fiction
>said the first worlder with access to clean drinking water, cheap food and basic human rights as she stuffed nuggies into her mouth and typed on an anime forum
lol you're such a revolting swine it's unbelieavable sometimes

>> No.15973817

Comfy. Reminds me of all those puck rock music videos they used to play on mtv when it was still good.

>> No.15973819

>Capitalism put them there
Debatable in many cases. Capitalism didn't help them, but their own actions (or inactions) and ineptitudes are a major factor. Let's not forget that on the gradient of humanity some people will inevitably come up on the bad end. Some people are biologically less-than, which isn't the fault of capitalism. The number one hiccup I see people make in these sorts of conversations is assuming everyone exists on a level playing field biologically. And no, I'm not talking about race.

>> No.15973821

dude just let a homeless person live with you.
YOU can help fix the problem, why are you trying to force people out of their homes in the name of YOUR goal
practice what you preach, if it's so important to you. all of these principled demands cost other people their money and labor, why don't YOU lead the way and be a little understanding

>> No.15973884

Have fun shitting on the street

>> No.15973985

Take her to Arbys.

>> No.15974418
File: 54 KB, 717x550, 1595449062021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To everyone who laid their for your comfort, whether on battlefields or in coalmines

>> No.15975126

Favelas should be nuked

>> No.15975439

Hell is extreme detachment from God.

Follow this path and you'll see both places having different, but equally powerful elements of Hell in them.

>> No.15975471

You kidnap the Muse, tape her limbs, and lock her up in your basement

>> No.15975518
File: 191 KB, 1280x767, 1595804215942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine looking at this picture and thinking this is hellish. this is paradise.

>> No.15975575 [DELETED] 

>limitless bounty.
Fantasy world, schizo lib.
I’ve spent my life considering all these angles and I’m a socialist now. I don’t know if you even have an objective, a reason, for your life, but I do.

>access to clean drinking water
Flint isn’t the only place in this country with contaminated water. We are fast becoming one of those failed third-worlder states. “Like Brazil” I’m hearing these days.
Cheap food? Basic human right?? Are you working for the DNC? You clueless bastard.

It’s not debatable. In a world without capitalism, a feeble mind would be taken care of.

>Open borders for Israel
And? Move the poor into some of those extra rooms of the rich?
>NOoOOOoOOo! Not my heckin rich people. Don’t oppress them!