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/lit/ - Literature

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15972417 No.15972417 [Reply] [Original]

>favorite book
>favorite writer
>current book
>favorite movie currently
>age you lost your virginity

>> No.15972497 [DELETED] 


>> No.15972520 [DELETED] 


>Franz Kafka
>the Castle
>Perfect Blue

>> No.15972590

>Moby Dick
>Franz Kafka
>Ulysses (almost finished now, I've only got Penelope to go)
>8 1/2 or La Soupe aux Choux
>still waiting (I'm only 18 tho, and I've finally started going out drinking with some mates, so maybe there's still some hope)

>> No.15972597

>favorite book
The Bible
>favorite writer
Idk, Chuck Palahnuk, Stephen King, David Icke, Aldous Huxley, Dante Alleghieri.. I don't have a favorite
>current book
The Orthodox Church by Timothy Ware. Kinda boring but I'm learning a bit about the history of the orthodox church
>favorite movie currently
Silence Of The Lambs
>age you lost your virginity

>> No.15972617

>favorite book
Crime and Punishment
>favorite writer
Dostoevsky, Joyce, Kafka
>current book
Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung
>favorite movie currently
The Holy Mountain
>age you lost your virginity

>> No.15972631
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>Cormac McCarthy
>I don't watch movies

>> No.15972634

The Book of Monelle by Marcel Schwob
Temple at the Golden Pavilion
Lost in Translation/Porco Rosso

>> No.15972639

>Edgar Allan Poe
>haven't yet (I'm 21)

>> No.15972659

I've been meaning to read about Miyamoto Musashi for a long time now, that Musashi book looks pretty good

>> No.15972662


>all this Kafka

What is it about him? Is he /ourguy/?

>> No.15972678

It has some cheesy bits but if you like samurai shit it's great.

>> No.15972679

> Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
> Emily Dickinson
> The Travels (Marco Polo)
> Your Name
> Probably won't ever!

>> No.15972700

Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Synecdoche, NY

>> No.15972739
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book of job

>> No.15972754
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>favorite book
The Evening Redness in the West
>favorite writer
Slick Willy
>current book
The Sun Also Rises
>favorite movie currently
Ad Astra
>age you lost your virginity
implying implications (I'm 25)

>> No.15973188

>Aldous Huxley
>my own
>I haven't watched a movie in over 5 years

>> No.15973279

>The Lost Weekend - Charles Jackson
>Richard Yates
>Finding a Girl in America - Andre Dubus
>The Blair Witch Project

>> No.15973721

>Lord of the rings

>Probably Christopher Hitchens

>Grapes of wrath



>> No.15973767

>>favorite book
Moby Dick
>>favorite writer
>>current book
Leaves of Grass
The Diversity of Life
Complete Plato
>>favorite movie currently
I don’t watch many movies, maybe American Psycho
>>age you lost your virginity
18 both ways with guys
19 with girls

>> No.15973802

>Notes from Underground
>The Tartar Steppe
>37° 2 le matin

>> No.15974487

>Les Miserables
>Don't watch enough film

>> No.15974520
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>Book of Disquiet
>Don Quixote
>Eyes Wide Shut
>still a virgin

>> No.15974710

>favorite book
Les Mis
>favorite writer
>current book
Figures I by Genette
>favorite movie currently
The miracle worker
>age you lost your virginity

>> No.15974735

Right little update an that, I've just finished Ulysses so I am no longer reading anything.

>> No.15974799

>age you lost your virginity
If anyone here wasn't a virgin, they wouldn't post on 4chan, anon.

>> No.15974822

speak for yourself

>> No.15974823

>The Conquest of Bread
>Discipline and Punish
>Sundays and Cybele
>Seems unlikely

>> No.15974885

Incel detected

>> No.15974915
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>East of Eden
>The Odyssey
>The Shining? I don’t really watch film.

>> No.15974919

>zimzum by gordon lish
>nabakov/ w. s. burroughs
>voyage to arcturus
>indiana jones temple of doom

sun also rises sucked the life out of me
scary friend
pseud friend

>> No.15974925

The Catcher in the rye
Pynchon,palahniuk,nabokov still exploring other writers
American Psycho
Inherent Vice

>> No.15975167


>> No.15975187

The guy who wrote Freakonomics
Freakonomics again
Joker (2019)

>> No.15975205

how big was your uncle?

>> No.15975214

It was with a female friend who was 10 at the time

>> No.15975216

>favorite book
Hyperion (Friedrich Hölderlin)
>favorite writer
Friedrich Hölderlin
>current book
Victory Odes (Pindar)
>favorite movie currently
Se7en (1995)
>age you lost your virginity

>> No.15975239

>Day of the Dragon
>Richard A Knaak
>Day of the Dragon (readthrough 8)
>I don't own a DVD player

>> No.15975562


>> No.15975655

so your cousin

>> No.15975828

i really didnt like the inherent vice movie. it was very adaptation-y if that makes sense and the acting/editing/general feel was very cheap. the book was inconsistent also. long chunks of nothing interesting happening. something like the big lebowski is how that might have looked if it succeeded. otherwise i like everything else you like

>> No.15976473

>favorite book
The Wasp Factory
>favorite writer
PKD, Carson McCullers
>current book
capitalist realism, the soul after death, everything is fucked
>favorite movie currently
>age you lost your virginity

>> No.15976657

>favorite book
Metamorphosis by Kafka
>favorite writer
Horacio Quiroga
>current book
Reviving Ophelia
>favorite movie currently
Night is short, walk on girl
>age you lost your virginity

>> No.15976664
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>favorite book
Fry The Brain
>favorite writer
David Kilcullen or Ragnar Benson
>current book
SHTF Intelligence: An Intelligence Analyst’s Guide to Community Security by Sam Culper and The Going Home series by A. American
>favorite movie currently
The Naked Gun series
>age you lost your virginity

>> No.15977407
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>favorite book
Pedro Páramo.
>favorite writer
Nabokov, McCarthy.
>current book
The Republic
>favorite movie currently
No country for old men
>age you lost your virginity

>> No.15977439

also reading don quixote

>> No.15977463

Why was >>15972520 deleted when he said 17 was the age he lost his virginity, not his current age lol. Jannies are literally just pressing ctrl + f and deleting every post that has a number in it lesser than 18.

>> No.15977600

How’s Reviving Ophelia? seems really interesting. Social science books can be hit or miss especially when pages and pages read like a statistics book.

>> No.15977620
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> Myth of Sisyphus
> Fante and Bukowski
> The one Dimensional Man by Marcuse and Why I Am A Pagan by Benoist ( I like to read two books at once)
> the Man who Knew too Much
> 18 and I married her

>> No.15977657

>Les Chants de Maldoror
>William Gass
>The Lost Weekend/ Will to Power/ Bataille: A Critical Introduction
>Aguirre, The Wraith of God

>> No.15977760

>favorite book
Seymour: an introduction
>favorite writer
>current book
Ligotti collection
>favorite movie currently

>age you lost your virginity

>> No.15977782

Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Get fucked.

>> No.15977833

really good so far, actually. honestly wish i would have read it as a young teen since i know it would have had an impact on me. and no it thankfully doesnt read like a collection of data, it's a lot more personal and easy to read (not personal in regards to the author, but there's many girls' experiences told throughout the book).

>> No.15977965
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>favorite book
Dracula by Bram Stoker
>favorite writer
Franz Kafka
>current book
>favorite movie currently
Taxi Driver
>age you lost your virginity
I haven't at 19 and at this rate I'm afraid Ill never will.

>> No.15978013

>KUBARK, Counterintelligence interrogation, CIA manual, A963 edition
>George F. Kennan
>KUBARK, Counterintelligence interrogation, CIA manual, 2020 edition
>The Red Danube
>18, during training

>> No.15978029

>favorite book
Count of Montecristo
>favorite writer
Herman Hesse
>current book
Brothers Karamazov
>favorite movie currently
Dunno, LOTR
>age you lost your virginity

>> No.15978060

>>favorite book
It's gay to have a favorite book, the last book I read that stuck with me was 'the tartar steppe'
>>favorite writer
Emerson idk
>>current book
>>favorite movie currently
I don't really watch movies
>>age you lost your virginity

>> No.15978068

>favourite book
The Ginger Man (Donleavy)

>favourite writer

>current book
The New Science (Vico), Wallenstein (Schiller)

>favourite film currently
The Great Beauty

>age you lost your virginity

Quite based, just finished Maldoror, enjoyed immensely. Also love Aguirre.

>> No.15978120

>Sexual Personae
>gene wolfe
>Latro in the Mist
>Evil Dead 2

>> No.15978325

If you want to share any I’d be open to reading it.

(Also if you don’t want to type out blocks of text you can download this app Google Keep, you can snap a picture, then they have an option to grab text and it shows up to copy-paste. If you paste it it will be spaced according to the picture, so what I do is I use this website https://onlinetexttools.com/join-text and it will wordwrap the text so it comes out joined.)

>> No.15978717
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How do you like it?

>> No.15978732

>Ulysses by James Joyce
>Ted Hughes
>Duchess of Malfi by John Webster
>Synechdoce, New York

>> No.15979075

>Ted Hughes
Does he deserve the hate?

>> No.15979569

>>favorite book
Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War
>>favorite writer
>>current book
Hegel: A Biography by Terry Pinkard
>>favorite movie currently
The Reflecting Skin
>>age you lost your virginity

>> No.15979772

>crying of lot 49
>the system of objects
>city of pirates
> ;....(((((

>> No.15979875

>Satantango (again)
>Satantango (film adaptation)
>6 (molested)

>> No.15980035

>>favorite book
Collected Fictions of Jorge Luis Borges
>>favorite writer
Samuel Beckett
>>current book
Underworld by Don Delillo, not going so well.
>>favorite movie currently
La Dolce Vita
>>age you lost your virginity
Virginal at 24.

>> No.15980062

>Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut
>Kurt Vonnegut
>Behave by Robert Sapolsky
>American Beauty

>> No.15980211

>No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai
>temple of the golden pavilion by Yukio Mishima, critique of pure reason by Kant, and the making of modern japan by Marius b Jansen
>perfect blue

>> No.15980228

>favorite book
Cat's Cradle
>favorite writer
John Steinbeck
>current book
Foundation and Empire
>favorite movie currently
American Beauty
>age you lost your virginity

>> No.15981199
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>The lighthouse (I suppose)
>19 or 20

>> No.15981258

>Sailor Who Fell From Grace with the Sea
>Alasdair MacIntyre
>Jacques Derrida - Writing and Difference
>Spirited Away
>Still have the v card

>> No.15982147

>favorite book
don't really have one, the plague i suppose
>favorite writer
hemingway, donna tartt, and camus are all up there
>current book
>favorite movie currently
the wall
>age you lost your virginity
i haven't yet.

>> No.15982235

>favorite book
>favorite writer
Hunter S Thompson
>current book
Radhakrishnan's translation of The Principal Upanishads
>favorite movie currently
The Man from Earth
>age you lost your virginity

>> No.15982258

Ulysses (unironically)
Dmitry Gorchev
Infinite Jest
O Brother, Where Art Thou

>> No.15982274

>The World as Will and Representation
>Buddenbrooks, The Journey to the End of the Night (re-read)
>Das Boot/Stalingrad (1993)

>> No.15982304

>favorite book
>favorite writer
Philip K. Dick and John Steinbeck
>current book
The Pale King by David Foster Wallace
>favorite movie currently
The Beginners
>age you lost your virginity

>> No.15982323

Elegies are better

>> No.15982326
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>favorite book
Crime and Punishement
>favorite writer
>current book
Le Nouvel Esprit Scientifique
>favorite movie currently
>age you lost your virginity
No. I'm virgin by choice

>> No.15983802
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>favorite book
Probably Shogun (>>15972631 how far through it are you? I'm sure you'll love it)
>favorite author
Peter Matthiessen
>current book
White Noise by Don DeLillo
>favorite movie currently
Embrace of the Serpent
>age you lost your virginity

>> No.15983825

Are you Hungarian

>> No.15984914
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>Labyrinths - Borges
>Weird and the Eerie - Mark Fisher
>Barton Fink

>> No.15986529

>Nietzsche compendium
>Vladimir Nabokov
>collection of John Keats poems
>la confidential
> I will lose my virginity at the age of 25

>> No.15986560

> Master and Margarita
> Natsume Soseki
> Confessions
> The Revenant
> 16

>> No.15986598 [DELETED] 

>fav book
the moviegoer
>fav author
beckett or sebald
nabokov glory
millennium mambo or le révélateur
19 (by a few days, first week of uni)

>> No.15986616
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>fav book
the moviegoer
>fav author
beckett or sebald
nabokov glory
millennium mambo or le révélateur
19 (by a few days, first week of uni)

>> No.15986848

No, Am*rican :(

>> No.15987580

>Nigger of the Narcissus
>Sword of Doom

>> No.15987583

>Thus Spoke Zarathustra
>The Man Who Fell To Earth
>waiting. 19

>> No.15987600

>the Arabian nights
>the Iliad
>speed racer (2008)

>> No.15987619

>Moby Dick
>Mircea Eliade
>various essays of Ralph Waldo Emerson
>The Wind Will Carry Us

>> No.15987726

>The Stranger
>Cormac McCarthy
>Kafka on the Shore
>Werckmeister Harmonies or Upstream Colour

>> No.15987962

god I fucking hated upstream colour

>> No.15987989

>The Brothers Karamazov
>Philosophy of Mind
>The Thin Red Line

>> No.15988006

>that pic
>that fav film
>that fav book

I want to be your friend, I don't like Nietzsche tho

>> No.15988066

Fictions by Borges
Infinite Jest

>> No.15988276

don't have a absolute favorite but blood meridian is up there
cormac mccarthy, vonnegut, murakami, hunter s. Thompson, asmilan kundera, yukio mishima, kafka, ken liu, christopher moore
black leopard, red wolf
promare(nostalgic feels and it's
cheesy in the best possible way)

>> No.15988521

Book - Plato's Sophist
Writer - Plato
Current book - The Holy Bible
Movie -Grande Bellezza
Lost virginity at 15 years of age

>> No.15988588

>favorite book
Anna Karenina
>favorite writer
Ernest Becker
>current book
Why Nations Fail (studying for Foreign Service Officer Test)
>favorite movie currently
Entertainment value: Interstellar
Thinking: The Man from Earth
>age you lost your virginity

>> No.15990020

>All these collage reads
When are kids today gonna stop being such sheep?