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File: 22 KB, 473x346, jung-1959-now1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15971315 No.15971315 [Reply] [Original]

you ask me if I believe in God? ...I don't believe in God. I know God.

>> No.15971331

My dad says something similar:
With belief there is room for doubt and i do not doubt God's existence.

>> No.15971337

Know God? I *am* God.

>> No.15971338

how do you do that though. I understand believing but knowing for a fact?

>> No.15971344

You just do it.
Like you admit your own existence

>> No.15971345

So basically, he failed to comprehend the elementary folk-psychological concept of 'belief'. Sad.

>> No.15971351

Saying "I know" is epistemologically equivalent to saying "I believe".

>> No.15971358

Who knows. But english is a very limited language for semantics. They even translated Geist as Mind

>> No.15971371

What a sad language indeed

>> No.15971400
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suppose I break your leg and you squeal like a pig you are, you know you feel pain or believe you feel pain?

>> No.15971401

He regretted saying that.

>> No.15971470

He regretted saying such a sharp statement to the ignorant masses, but not believing in it. Jung was a "believer" until the day of his death.

>> No.15972459

I've read a few books of his students. On "entry" topics like archetypes of the shadow/anima/animus and some theory on myths. I guess god must be a central archetype or a manifestation of the archetype of the self? I saw the clip and he looks pretty happy with himself after the statement. He had many children, two waifus, created the tower he saw in his dreams and was a world famous man. How much more can you achieve (let's assume "godhood" is the top of the ladder that man can climb).

>> No.15972502

Reminder that everyone's an idiot and the "geniuses" just don't doubt themselves. They're basically serial killers

>> No.15972511

But not emotionally equivalent, bugmen. Who yourselves then became unable to understand the folk-use of the term "know" in respect to believing.

>> No.15972530

Jung accepted the existence of Gods and God, but as far as an naturally un-psychological God as could be said, he always spoke of it as if he considered it a highly possible reality, but never explicitly said he believed in it. And always maintained the importance of the explicitly psychological, such as explaining that he himself was not arrogant enough to suppose an all good God.

>> No.15972588

Didnt he believe in Abraxas God concept?

>> No.15972623

Yes something effectually very similar to that.

>> No.15972628


>> No.15972637

Jesus offers "protection".

>> No.15972672

have you heard of the heresy of belief /lit/?

>> No.15972697
File: 66 KB, 720x720, God.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ana Al-Haq
Aham Brahmasmi
I am God

>> No.15972735
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>> No.15973591

pic is very good once you understand context.

>> No.15975218

Yeah of course, he is asked about God on an interview but when he answers he wasn't talking about God, in reality, he was talking about the self. And when the guy asks him if when he was a kid in a Lutheran family he believed in God he says "yes yes yes" but he was referring to the self too.

Keep on with the negationism.

>> No.15975247

boo hoo my parents were religious.

>> No.15975298

You ask me if i believe in God?
*flexes to mirror*
I'm looking at him.

>> No.15975308

I guess objective morality just doesn't exist we're all just stardust monkeys bro

>> No.15975384
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>> No.15975454

Why is knowledge within poorly justified true beliefs lol

>> No.15975466

heresy. its not faith at that point

>> No.15975481
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Because even true knowledge is poorly justified

>> No.15975858

There are thousands of arguments for the existence of God. But thanks to our Protestant *heretics* reason is a whore and you cannot reach God in a logical and scientifical frame.

>> No.15976151

Belief is the lowest rung of the ladder of transcendence and something 100% of people automatically achieve, therefore Marxist subversion of religion made it the only necessity and killed the physical worlds orientation towards anything higher than illogical hearsays and bullshitting ourselves into the rubble.

>> No.15976219

>he considered it a highly possible reality
Very interesting thank you. Apparently the statement caused some discussion back then.
>he himself was not arrogant enough to suppose an all good God.
Right that archetype has a shadow archetypes too. I mean we invented countless myths around these.

What are you talking about, Sir?


>> No.15976319

Lol if you believe in the image of God you definitely believe in God. Because there cannot be an image without the original material from where the image is created. Logic that no atheist will understand, unfortunately.

>> No.15976365

This is a stage of absolute belief usually inly found in mysticism. "I believe" admits of separation between god and the believer, on the other hand, knowing is like saying that you think they are one. God, the universe and man, a unity of multitude based on meditation and spiritual contemplation. You can say he believes it because he "feels" the existence of a deity, beyond reason because if he used reason, being a rational person, he will find no practical basis for belief, so instead he "knows".

>> No.15976951

Yes and that original material is a psychological archetype. I am not in this thread because i wanna know if god is real or not. I am here because i want to pick up some biographical information before i continue reading his work. These people did really interesting thing. Marie-Louise von Franz was spot on when she realized that the christian myth for example has no good representation of negative female archetypes.Very interesting material

>> No.15977241

>no good representation of negative female archetypes
What about Eve, Lilith, Jezebel? The Whore of Babylon?

>> No.15977995

Based dad

>> No.15978041

Can you prove the validity of logic using logic itself?

>> No.15978209
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>"why yes i believe in god in fac-"
>"*sputtering and gagging on own blood*w-what?? y-you ca- *gurgle gag* cant just h-hit me with a hammer! th-"
>"*cradling stray skull fragments* n-noooo i-i can't re remember what i was going to s-say *hick sob*"
>"*glazed expression* wh-whuh? what's my name?"
>*THWIMP as the hammer embeds itself deeply into the skull that had become an indented pool for the blood that bow spills its crimson tide on the tile flooring as the theist slumps forward*
>the theist's corpse twitches as the last electro-neural impulse fires its final, futile charge and the room resolves into a somber silence
>"and so, class, as we can see, his god hypothesis is entirely refuted thusly."
>a sporadic applause is taken up among the college students that gradually swells into a full on standing ovation as they all recognize with absolute lucidity the empirically proven truth of Physicalism, knowing that at last the anemia of theological thought was passing from the face of the earth forever,

>> No.15978539

Since this is a Jung thread, can I ask a technical question from knowledgeable anons? I'd like to know if psychic inflation inhibits the integration of the Self. I believe my shadow and anima have become integrated too quickly on their own accord (before even reading Jung), and this has lead to a bad case of inflation that I've only recently became aware of. What should I do with this knowledge?

>> No.15978808

I wasn't specific enough. Christianity has no good integration of the dark feminine. That's how she phrased it. The term is a bit difficult to research especially since you confronted with a pile of feminist crap. Has nothing to do with being a tomboy. Dark femininity is not animus possession. In Greek mythology the goddess Aphrodite is confronted with a girl who rivals her beauty named Psyche. The goddess of love continually makes life hard for her constant. She does that out of shear jealously (dark femininity). In the process Psyche grows as a woman that will finally lead to her being gifted immortality by Zeus. Again its not some tomboy adventure. Psyche doesn't wield a sword, she doesn't slay monsters etc. She grows through female means the archetype of the jealous mother-in-law is pushing her forward. Would be to much to go into detail but her journey to Persephone has lots of stuff in it.

>> No.15978917

Got it, that makes sense. Though myself I suspect that the material world and the feminine are wholly evil and there is no female "journey"

>> No.15979089

what does any of this mean? i genuinely don't get psychologism, christian ''myth'' is on par with egyptan mythopoesis, they are both symbolique of the metaphysical, images of the invisible; while i would say that all of this psychological ''archetypes'' are inclinations and influences, cataphatic expressions of the ego

>> No.15979117

Jordan Peterson has a really good lecture somewhere about this. It also lends some credence to the Christian bible when it is interpreted as a metaphor for how to understand the self.

>> No.15979150

JBP tier cringe

>> No.15979645

Peterson doesn't even have the balls to say he believes in an actual God, and I don't know if he does

>> No.15979735

He even wrote a letter to clarify what he said here. He said that he was confronted to an unknown element and he calls that 'god'.

>> No.15979743

>He regretted saying such a sharp statement to the ignorant masses, but not believing in it. Jung was a "believer" until the day of his death.

>> No.15979767

Go back you barbarian swine!

>> No.15979808

He always struck me as agnostic

>> No.15979981

>what is God if not THE unknown element.

>> No.15980005

that's the point, he is not a christian

>> No.15980044
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>> No.15980079

>God has to be the Christian God to be God.

>> No.15980130

ah it's so tiring when retards are purposely obtuse

>> No.15980178

>>he considered it a highly possible reality
>Very interesting thank you. Apparently the statement caused some discussion back then.
>>he himself was not arrogant enough to suppose an all good God.
>Right that archetype has a shadow archetypes too. I mean we invented countless myths around these.
You should read his reply to them, I'm pretty sure it goes over some of this stuff. And you should also keep in mind that he considered Christianity and secondarily Buddhism the greatest religions.

>> No.15980185

That's what Jung was saying too, talking about God as a "symbol" or "archetype"

>> No.15980188

and he failed to understand the value of belief.

>> No.15980198
File: 31 KB, 699x485, thinking retard pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interdasting, dubs.

>> No.15980247

What a blasphemous thread. The very point of creation is to have faith, to believe without being able to know. To love God and obey (H)im, as a free choice. If God was to make (H)imself know to us, we wouldn't have the choice to freely love (H)im, so out of (H)is desire to be loved freely and not feared, (H)e conceals (H)imself, such is the greatness of (H)is self sacrifice and love that the Eternal unique One who stands alone outside time gave us the freedom to love (H)im.
Peace be upon this noble martyr.
Brahs, jung is not a good source. Read the actual source material. Go back to the ancients. Try the upanichads. But yes, personal ego is a barrier to higher realms.