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/lit/ - Literature

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15971260 No.15971260 [Reply] [Original]

What's /lit/'s opinion on book books?

>> No.15971270

Pretty good good

>> No.15971273

The fuck is wrong with his hand?

>> No.15971291

Which i had one. Everything i bought recently turns out to be too short. I been reading Christopher Marlowe which turned out to be short plays and yesterday i ordered Flannery O'Connor because people here told me to do so. Apparently that's all short stories. When will i find a t h i c c book again.
>why don't you look up page numbers / research the texts beforehand

>> No.15971300

It's really small for a man

>> No.15971306 [DELETED] 
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I don't see much wrong with it

>> No.15971314

How do you take a picture like that?
The phone must be really close to your head and you have to press a boton and hold it with the same hand. I don't get it.

>> No.15971317

fuck off, can we not have a thread like that one?

>> No.15971322

This is the same sniveling sort of asswipe that would watch a season of his favorite show in one sitting.

>> No.15971369

You mean a season of Bojack horseman that is like 2 hours of a season of some drama that is like 10 hours?

>> No.15971395

Oh look, a bugman jumping to the defense of his co-tribal. How cute.

>> No.15971406

Just asking a question. Not defending anything but i do watch full seasons of friends in a day so you are prolly right.

>> No.15971408

Are you taking pictures with a laptop? Why couldn't you press a button with the same hand that you hold your phone? Try it.

>> No.15971420

What kind of phone allows you to do it right and how deformed your hand must be?

>> No.15971528

Did you not wipe your ass the last time you shat? Fucking disgusting. You should be clean enough to have no skid marks in your undies when you take them off.

>> No.15971585

It’s not black

>> No.15971586

How dare you oppress this man with your outdated White European standards.

>> No.15971596

well Dune IS a pretty dull read to be honest.

>> No.15971598 [DELETED] 
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>I don't see much wrong with it

>> No.15971614

It puts me right to sleep. So do the film adaptations. I can't imagine ever being able to finish that story. I simply won't watch the new movie, 'cause fuck hollywood. I'm destined to never get in on this part of culture.

>> No.15971667

Skidmark apologism and unfunny jokes? You must be a hit with the ladies

>> No.15971671

My bad, that was some damn upsetting moral objectivism I engaged in. Everything is relative, after all.

>> No.15971675

schlicking goo and shit are not the same thing anon.

>> No.15971684

>schlicking goo and shit are not the same thing anon.
It's an insider joke of /lit/.

>> No.15971688

oh ok thanks anon

>> No.15971788

Those midget books are so fucking frustrating to read, be normal sized you fucker

>> No.15971794

My copy is like 300 pages and it includes all of the lexicon. Did they use xbox hueg font for this or something?

>> No.15973257

Am i missing something here?

>> No.15973401

My pdf from libgen have 1307 pages.

>> No.15973431

it is the coloring book companion.

>> No.15973434

Count of Monte Christo.
Don Quijote.
Don Juan.
The Last Roman.
King Arthur.
Moby Dick.
Lawrence of Arabia.
War and Peace.

>> No.15973477

catching up on all the books you skipped for high school reading?

>> No.15973487

These mongrels of the mind can't handle anything beyond 'young adult' fiction.

>> No.15973514

Don't larp like you read even half of those classics. You forgett where you are.

>> No.15973534

>taking pictures of it to post on media instead of reading it
Do american really?

>> No.15973536

The only required reading for my classes were F451, To Kill a Mockingbird, Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, The Great Gatsby, Of Mice and Men, Oedipus Rex, Antigone, The Catcher in the Rye, and I know I’m missing a few more.

>> No.15973550

what does that even mean

>> No.15973552

Why does this casual show the books thickness of its pages? Does this halfwit think that's a lot lol?

>> No.15973578
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>rather post pictures of the book than read it

>> No.15973615

schools don't require you to read that many books. threre were like 2 books I had to read for school.

>> No.15973659
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and why would he need to? They're simple and the reading level is extremely low for them. No one is even slightly impressed you have read those literal beginner books.

>> No.15973701

I replies to an anon kvetching about not having thicc books to read. Are you mentally challenged?

>> No.15973707

Don't reply to me unless you've read Écrits, simpleton.

>> No.15973726

are you for real, we had to read different book every month here in my country and that includes books like Anna Karenina, The Plague, The Sorrows of Young Werther, Decameron, Don Quijote and many more

>> No.15973733
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>reading Lacan

>> No.15973743
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We only read some interracial love story from Kleist, which was like 30 pages.
t. Country of the poets and thinkers

>> No.15973773

damn that sucks, most people here hate reading because we had to read so many books during our schooling but i guess that is better than the alternative

>> No.15973816
File: 1.74 MB, 1216x1059, 1651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Public schools in germany are becoming more and more of a meme. The vasall staat transforms ito its master.

>> No.15973848


>> No.15973857

in what kind of fascist hellhole do you live anon

>> No.15973861
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And what do you read imbecile?
Infinite jest?

>> No.15973892
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is it really that weird that we had to read so many books, i thought that every country was like that

>> No.15973905

Currently Korolenko and Löns.

>> No.15973959

Is dune a good place to start if i want to read sci-fi?
Brainlet here

>> No.15973991

no it's very long, dense, filled with weird names
start with Hitchhiker's Guide or something

>> No.15974001

I've also wanted to get hitchhikers guide or neuromancer

>> No.15974017

Something really off putting about that edition. It looks too small

>> No.15974028

Hitchhiker's Guide is one of my favorites, and i'm actually reading Neuromancer right now - that wouldn't be a bad place to start either if you already have some cyberpunk background
otherwise you might feel a little lost, but i'm loving it