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/lit/ - Literature

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15970310 No.15970310 [Reply] [Original]

Harry Potter discussion goes here. Books not films, if you want to discuss the films go to /tv/. If you want to discuss the author's statements regarding anything not related to the books, go to /lgbt/ or /pol/ or /b/.

>> No.15970319
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>> No.15970331


>> No.15970410

Gay books, unimaginative magic.

>> No.15970538

um, excuse me please read the OP

>> No.15970559
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>> No.15970584

Does this serf dare decline the advice of the king’s ordained town crier? Such news shall be sent immediately to the holder of this fief; expect your debts and interests to be raised accordingly, wench!

>> No.15970604

Damn JK got them buns knamsayin. A nigga needs to hit that WAGON. ima show dat bitch my 9 3/4 knamsayin. Open up her diagon alley GODDAMN

>> No.15970625

Can I be an wizard if I am trans??

>> No.15970637

"Oh. Cool."

>> No.15970639

What did trans people do to JKR recently that started this whole rodeo? Is she simply starved for relevance?

>> No.15970651

Don't know what a terf is. Also this is implying that it's better to do it for the money.

>> No.15970663

JK Rowlinvs will to power is stronger than that of every trans person combined. She will not take no for an answer

>> No.15970665

Leave this board now.

>> No.15970670

>Realizing your potential no matter your background.
Harry has everything handed to him though, and the "oppressed characters" have no agency anyway, they're just there to help Harry. I'm tired of these overgrown children ascribing meaning to a YA series.

>> No.15970709

why don’t terfs buy books as opposed to trannies? i don’t follow

>> No.15970770

as a matter of fact the protagonist fulfills his birthright despite his enemies attempting to subvert destiny

>> No.15970870

It’s telling of the authors worldview. A rhetorical argument implicitly stating that because the TERFs won’t buy her book (unstated reason is as good as any: market saturation; implying terfs don’t support their ideological allies; implying terfs are poor; not part of the mainstream, this is the most likely albeit loose argument here, hubris of overstating Woke influence)

Because the terfs won’t buy her book (for see above) there is no monetary incentive to “wrongthink”, poking fun at Rowling for not giving into the soulless moral performativity.

As an afterthought, Occam’s razor has a more plausible explanation, note the stars in the tranny faggots eyes, Rowling “wrote a book about overcoming oppression...” on and on projecting the trannies perceived oppression into HP, Rowling is instead isolating her “intended” (per the comic) consumerbase and appealing to Terfs who do not identify with the projected ideals of Harry Potter started in frame one, ergo they won’t buy it: because people only purchase for self validation (once again, per the internal logic of the comic)

>> No.15970879

Nice books

>> No.15970927
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>> No.15971092

Is this supposed to be a comical strip?

>> No.15971110

Harry Potter books are awful

>> No.15971120
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Based conservative milf

>> No.15971123

Yeah, you're laughing at the authors deranged and distorted views for comedy.

>> No.15971261
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>neurotic teenage-minded fanbase for a terrible Terry Pratchett rip-off series tears itself apart


>> No.15971266

hermy own

>> No.15971284

The zealots turn.

>> No.15971460

I hate you all, but have fun!

>> No.15971493

>i gave her so much of my hardearned money

>> No.15971711

My opinion of her has improved considerably. Her books aren't that great, but they provided some pretty comfy worldbuilding and I enjoyed them a lot growing up

>> No.15971789
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>> No.15971798

Since when has this been a thread ? Do we LARP as /r/books now ?

>> No.15971861

Reddit hates JK Rowling cause she mocked da hermaphrodites.

>> No.15971920

You can be an hero

>> No.15971988

It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to our enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to our friends.

10 points, to JK Rowling.

>> No.15972115

>especially kids
Yeah, totally Ok to chop your 5 year old son's dick off and put him on estrogen though.

>> No.15972196


I'm going to guess you guys all hate Methods of Rationality because it is, admittedly, very reddit. I always liked because it has fun ideas and fun writing.

Guess what: some dude wrote a sentence-by-sentence seethe-post on an even more autistic forum shitting on HPMOR.


Because of the sheer unadulterated level of cringe involved in critiquing even a famous fanfic, does this now mean that HPMOR is now /lit/ approved?

>> No.15972264

Should i just get the complete HP set?
I'm a brainlet and i want to do something else other than vidya

>> No.15972358

Dayuumm... thass hawt

>> No.15972366

I liked HPMOR but I couldn't finish it, it was too long for my teenage brain to stay focussed on one thing. I might start again one of these days.

>> No.15972514

what retard dropped this turd

>> No.15972518

show pic

>> No.15972523


>> No.15972534

I did too, and I will not be ashamed of that. But The Cursed Child was shit. There have been much better fanfics that whatever that load of dung was trying to be.

>> No.15972543

I honestly think she is a bit based for standing up to the hivemind.

>> No.15972594

Try the first book maybe, see if you like it.

>> No.15973065

I only read the play. From what I can tell it was basically a means to feature all the iconic Harry Potter characters together, with some additional original-donut-steel characters thrown in.

>> No.15973224

>I only read the play
But that's all there was. Am I missing something?

>> No.15973234

I mean I never saw the play live.

>> No.15973267

lmao ofc neither did I, I live in fucking Bangladesh

>> No.15973290

No way this is her

>> No.15973307

I thought this was a far-right stonetoss-type comic the way the trans person was drawn

>> No.15974429

I will now buy your book