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15962534 No.15962534 [Reply] [Original]

I wanna be a farmer. Lit on farming?

>> No.15962546

Here's a bunch. https://mega.nz/#F!WQ1j0Q5A!BrV-uEsC2VZlhFsqJV-YHg

>> No.15962554

It is hard, man. You'd better watch out for wrong pH levels in your soil before buying land.

>> No.15962558

I like plowing tight anuses

>> No.15962581

That's just superstition

>> No.15962595
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Go with indoor chicken farming, anon. Here's my set-up.

>> No.15962616

>revolt against the modern world

>> No.15962621

Don't they get big and make too much noise and poop everywhere and escape and stuff?

>> No.15962627
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>indoor chicken farming
Next step is indoor cow farmer

>> No.15962637

That's not yours, fuck off.

>> No.15962664

hitler, himler. Yeah returning germany to a preindustrial society by getting it tag teamed by two continents was quite cottagecore

>> No.15962678

You are now imagining the smell

>> No.15962682
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Imagine the smell

>> No.15962757

What are you talking about, faggot? There's nothing about Hitler in there.

>> No.15962983

The James Herriot novels are peak comfy, pre-war farming in northern England from the perspective of a relatively wealthy vet.

>> No.15963057

De Agri Cultura by Cato the Elder

>> No.15963065

>soil pH doesn't matter
are you stupid?

>> No.15963144

Well, la-di-da, mr. Park Avenue manicure

>> No.15963277

Virgil's Georgics is the classic example

>> No.15963285

Never read them but I've heard good things about Growt of the soil by Hamsun and Grapes of wrath by Steinbeck

>> No.15963299

>It's superstitious to make sure you're not buying land that is shit at the very thing you're buying it for.

You should also definitely know the pH of your land before you mess around with fertilizer. Honestly if you're going to be spending the amount of money a piece of land costs then a few basic tests aren't exactly going to be a big spend.

>> No.15963524

Its a notoriously unforgiving career anon. Earnings are low but work weeks are 60 hours. In the UK its the profession with the highest suicide rate. I'm afraid that its not the romantic life it should be because of fucking corporate bugmen ruining everything.

>> No.15963651

Growth in the Soil by Hamsun?

>> No.15963667

>growth in the soil
>farmer lit
>last name starts with ham

>> No.15963949


Grew up in a farm and made the hard choice to not take it on. Small farms are getting slowly edged out by corporate farms. They can survive a bad harvest better and the majority of government aid and grants goes to them. Look at the suicide rates for farmers in the US.

If you're serious, though, there are grants for prospective new farmers to get into the industry. It's how a lot of organic, small farms have gotten there start.

>> No.15964071

Post examples of these grants. I can't find them.

>> No.15964094
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Read grapes of wrath and realise things have only gotten worse

>> No.15964113

idk if you want comfy rural-core fiction or some kind of farming guide but anyway watch the Mossy Bottom youtube channel.
and if you want comfy fiction you can read Anna Karenina

>> No.15964125
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Here’s my garden from about a month ago(Most recent pic I have). Pulled up most of the tomatoes last week. Just planted more corn that will hopefully be ready around early November

>> No.15964816
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Masanobu Fukuoka - One Straw Revolution, this got me into farming when I was 15, easy reading.
Gabe Brown - Dirt to Soil, this book will convert you to a believer in pasture cropping and rotational planned grazing instantly.
Temple Grandin - Animals in Translation, good for understanding basic animal psychology, her books specifically about handling livestock go into more detail and give practical examples.
Joel Salatin's Pastured Poultry Profits and Salad Bar Beef are good basic introductions to raising poultry and beef cattle respectively.
Greg Judy - No Risk Ranching, good if you want to know how to build a profitable grass fed beef and lamb business. The main thing I got from this book is that buying land when first starting out is financial suicide. Multi-year lease is the only way to start grazing animals without a quarter million dollars to buy the farm. I'm planning on interning with him in 2021.
Allan Savory - Holistic Management, very dense textbook that is about not only managing livestock but the rest of your life and business.
William Albrecht's collected essays series, specifically vol 2 Soil Fertility and Animal Health, goes into detail about soil structure and mineral composition so I'd only read this after having a strong knowledge of the other basics I mentioned above.
Weston A. Price - Nutrition and Physical Degeneration along with Pottenger's cat study both provide a strong basic knowledge of animal nutrition and I think all farmers should read them both.
Anything by Eliot Coleman or Richard Perkins if you want to know how to grow vegetables.
You can find almost all of these authors on YouTube doing live talks that are just as informative as their books. Stockman Grass Farmer is a good magazine about beef cattle as well.
If you actually want to take real life steps toward becoming a farmer, read Joel Salatin - Fields of Farmers and apply for internships afterwards.

That can be easily fixed. The single most important factor in the real world is the monthly payment. It's also not as hard as it's made out to be by people who try to farm unnaturally with chemicals, tillage and so on
Regulation does make it annoying, especially in the UK, but if you farm naturally you make a much higher profit margin with less labor so the statistics only matter when talking about conventional farming. Now that I think about it I'd probably commit suicide if I had to farm like that lol

>> No.15964838
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>> No.15965106

Actually based

>> No.15965355

practice kicking yourself in the balls every day, all day
then go 5 million dollars into debt
congratulations, you're a farmer

>> No.15965484

read the last centurion

>> No.15965543


>> No.15965592
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The Jew fears the self-sufficient organic gardener

>> No.15965629

I think they have one of the highest suicide rate out of any professions in my country.

Globalization killed the job.

>> No.15965731

Solid list, Fukuoka is based.

>> No.15965820 [DELETED] 

is that your coon slave on the right

>> No.15966284
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We sure have these threads a lot

>> No.15967136

blessed thread

>> No.15967175
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Monsanto might employ some Jews, but that’s got nothing to do with it, frogfag

>> No.15967681
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I read this a few months ago, I enjoyed it quite a bit.

>> No.15967753

unironically Joel Salatin is based

>> No.15968263

it has the complete hitler you dumbass

>> No.15968285

nuh uh

>> No.15968312
File: 326 KB, 1100x450, dab.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you probably have some retarded city slicker view of what farming is actually like. go on the farming subreddits, read about how it is a soulless, hollywood tier industry that can only exist in the swamp of our sins, and banish any thoughts of what you previously thought "farming" meant. pro tip: you are either a bougie born with vast property that the government pays you to farm which makes up almost all farming these days, or you are a hipster faggot who sells meme-based products like GRANDMA POT SMOKER'S EPIC GUILT-FREE PERSIMMONS at a ridiculous markup to retards and you will fold in three years because a more savvy and cutthroat hipster farmer boxed you out of this ridiculous market. and of course one must note that even "starting from the bottom" is impossible as farmhands are all illegal spics and the phrase "living wage" will get you lmao'd out of the county

>> No.15969176

thanks anon. my uncle and I put a lot of work into it.

>> No.15969281

Are there books about bee keepers?

>> No.15969958
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Of course. My mom had some, but I can’t recall the names. Most any ought to do I’d imagine

>> No.15970027

Degenerate redditor. Self-sufficient farmers in rural Africa continue to farm honorably. Stop with your demoralizing. It may be dead in the west, but not in Africa

>> No.15970037

Willa Cather, brothers. Willa Cather.

>> No.15970162


OP the fact that you are looking for literature in this subject is a pretty god sign you are coming from an idealised perspective of it.

Just do some seasonal farm work and you will see that modern farming has nothing to do with the 18th century memes

>> No.15971212

Growth of the soil

>> No.15971262

Anna Karenina

>> No.15971292

Can you really just bee yourself? Without a license or anything?

>> No.15971298

Wendell Berry.

>> No.15971334

storey's basic country skills

>> No.15971346

>are there books about
have you ever been alive on planet earth in 2020

>> No.15971359

you must have missed where the Sacklers are the controlling shareholders of Monsanto.

>> No.15971368

i knew that butterfly cunt would be in here despite never digging soil in her life and not reading what she's recommending.

>> No.15971374

She will bury you, punk.

>> No.15971381

Reminder that the word farmer means someone who doesn't own their own land and instead rents it as a serf. Agriculture has economies of scale, either manage a large estate with workers or fail.

>> No.15971392

simp harder

>> No.15972622
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If you can find it, watch the movie "Bitter Harvest" with Ron Howard

Even before globalization, collectivization put the Sword of Damocles over the food supply. In the East Bloc they had Lazar Kaganovich, in the West we had Earl Butz.

>Post examples of these grants. I can't find them.
Unironically this:


Here's an example of one of the applicants:

NPR listener detected. IDK about all of these authors, but Eliot Coleman, for example, doesn't have to make a profit because his wife's an architect or something.


There is a more realistic goal, and one that is almost certainly on the way for some of us: Raising plants & animals on a small scale to supplement a very low income or food shortages. For this, James Herriot is a good start.

But what you're really looking for is "USDA Farmers' Bulletin 1733 - Planning a Subsistence Homestead" (published 1934)

>> No.15972692

What if I'm a guy who wants to fuck cows and wants some plausible excuse for why I keep them to feed my nosy family with

>> No.15973030

looks damn interesting, thanks Anon

>> No.15973149

My grandfather was a farmer in South Africa, Rhodesia, and Malawi. Literally carved farms out of the untamed bush. He's getting into his late 80s now and I'm worried he's going to die before he can write his memories down. I've tried asking him but as far as I know he hasn't made a start.

>> No.15973351

I am a farmer myself, moron. You just want an excuse to give up on producing your own food because you want to believe it's "too hard". You literally said you don't know any of the authors other than Eliot Coleman, who happens to be the one with the least profitable business model of them all. You couldn't detect shit if you smelled it

>> No.15973382

Damn thanks. I've been looking for this book. An anon recommended it but I couldn't remember the title.

>> No.15973465

Do a recorded oral interview/conversation with him, that way you can get the most important and memorable experiences on record even if it is incomplete. You can then later fill in the blanks and contextual details with your own research and turn it into a hybrid history/narrative.

>> No.15973513

I think I'll have to. Luckily my great-great-grandfather did write down his memoirs so I've always got that.

>> No.15973551

Animal Farm

>> No.15973595

It doesn't anymore.

>> No.15974015
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Due to recent events I've started learning towards this decision as well. I just want a near self-sustaining life style away from the general public. My own ecosystem. I've been working towards financial independence and both my wife and I have work from home jobs. I just want to wake up, go outside and tend to my property, make some home cooked meals, have friends over and read on my own schedule.

>> No.15974041

kek'd and check'd

>> No.15974086

Google Allan Savory