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File: 456 KB, 1934x893, 1582656435854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15963403 No.15963403[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>But... b-but Cultural Marxism
Okay why it's bad? Do you have other solutions?

>> No.15963415

What is bad is reductionism. Cringe OP drinking semen. Sage.

>> No.15963419

makeup looks so fucking bad

>> No.15963420

Do anglos really find black women attractive?

>> No.15963433

lots of commodity fetishism there with those bathroom products

>> No.15963439

>hand cream
Yeah, wicked stuff

>> No.15963447

why is her face orange?

>> No.15963457
File: 1.90 MB, 3200x2000, the result.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15963472

Is that a ftm and a mtf?

>> No.15963474

Need a cute germanic gf so I can racemix as is my nature

>> No.15963512

Imagine judging people on their ethnicity

>> No.15963556
File: 130 KB, 640x726, ethnic-preferences2[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bill Barr had a good talk about this, that Afro-American women are so abrasive, loud, defensive, and combative that its almost a terror to date them. However, Carib women are the kind to have around since they will always cook for you and keep house for you and treat you like a man. Black women raised by white women end up going insane.

>> No.15963557

Was watching my daughters play yesterday. Their dolls were getting married, and my younger one (6) got Finn from star wars. She's like, Im not getting married to this guy. My oldest (9) was like, why not? My youngest: because....he's black!

>> No.15963560

you do not have daughters and live with your mom

>> No.15963563

>you do not have daughters and live with your mom
You're half right, it's actually your mom I live with

>> No.15963591

>>But... b-but Cultural Marxism
>Okay why it's bad? Do you have other solutions?
Obviously yes you utter retard.

>> No.15963640

lookit dat booty!

>> No.15963703

it's a black lady. the absurd lengths they'll go to cauc-ify their otherwise nappy velcro hair is frankly depressing.

>> No.15963708

lmao shut the fuck up

>> No.15963710

>the absurd lengths they'll go to cauc-ify their otherwise nappy velcro hair is frankly depressing.
Why? It looks like shit

>> No.15963719

I wish postmodern cultural neo-marxism was a real thing instead of a boogeyman from the right, because it sounds cool as fuck

>> No.15963742

>if i keep saying it doesn't exist it becomes true!
try harder leftoid

>> No.15963744

dios mio! las abominaciones de las americas!

>> No.15963761


>> No.15963767
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>> No.15963773
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>> No.15963782

Where do I find women like this?

>> No.15963793


>> No.15964053
File: 14 KB, 255x247, 85E228C1-F79B-4ACC-92C0-820FECE8FD90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love that most racist posts on 4chan boil down to "nonwhites are ugly". These types of images are always posted by ugly skinnyfat men with acne, or fat guys, or short men. You are not better than any black, asian, or mixed race man on the street. Nothing in you is superior or befits a member of the master race.

>> No.15964142

not him but there is a lot of people in the world, to my tastes is a bell curve, i actually find mixed latinas often to be atractive and dateble (hard to find ugly ones but i'm from mexico though), the ugliest are black and whites, but also the most beautifull are some whites, and blacks have better bodies.

>> No.15964160

>These types of images are always posted by ugly skinnyfat men with acne, or fat guys, or short men
You have no way of actually knowing that, coper

>> No.15964182

wherever you get your trannypills/

>> No.15964196

Imagine not doing that

>> No.15964210

I am curious: are you even capable of thinking in terms which are not /pol/ memes? Or has the perverse satisfaction of identifying with a large group of people, aka "fitting in" completely overridden your ability to form abstract thought?

>> No.15964214


>> No.15964215

dial 8

>> No.15964224

>Or has the perverse satisfaction of identifying with a large group of people
Agreed, nothing more perverse than identifying as a group member

>> No.15964225

The saints (peace and blessings be upon them) were right. People who follow their carnal affections are no different than dogs in the street. Look at him. Controlled by inordinate lust. These creatures deserve to burn for all eternity.

>> No.15964228

Case in point, whatever that is

This but unironically

>> No.15964229

>Why it's bad?
When you start a relationship following some religious or political doctrine who tells you to date within a certain parameter, the simple fact that you are not making that choice, will lead the relationship to an inevitable colapse, it's basically living a lie, no one can lie forever.
Date with people who share your most important values and has some similar interests with you, and most important have mutual respect.

>> No.15964238

Second point, chastity is the highest ideal for a man. Through sexual comixture and the loss of semen, he loses his masculine essence and becomes effeminate. Look at him. Almost looks like a homosexual. This is what happens when you surrender your seed day in and day for and worship idols like women or any created good. Definitely is not going to make it.

>> No.15964245

This is bad because blacks are animals and bestiality is repulsive.

>> No.15964249
File: 127 KB, 334x346, Cute Pepe with cigar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he won't date outside of his race because he's afraid of having goblino offspring
Just don't have children, easy.

>> No.15964261


>> No.15964270

Attractive women are attractive

>> No.15964274

except for her fake hair and makeup

>> No.15964292


>> No.15964295

It's called makeup
have you never seen a girl irl before?

>> No.15964311

You should google Herbert Marcuse if you don't think cultural marxism exists.
Look up Antonio Gramsci while you're at it.

>> No.15964317

I’ve never been attracted to a nigger and I spent my teens desperately trying to be a left-wing anti-racist retard too.

>> No.15964320

Why are we focusing on Queen Mean? She’s taken. What about this “Dummy”?

But seriously. Why do you start these off topic thrrads?

>> No.15964326
File: 103 KB, 1080x1350, 1588845797233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's rather overdone the makeup in this picture but man, her body rocks. black girls are fucking great. i had a black girlfriend once and she was utterly mental but man i fucking miss her

yeah colgate is basically a synonym for conspicuous consumption

>> No.15964347
File: 573 KB, 1025x768, BB1CD256-B74F-4056-8AC0-F47156D0D02F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re not getting what I said.

And Dungeons and Dragons got me hooked

>> No.15964411
File: 125 KB, 720x1115, Mogged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like shit.

>> No.15964488


>> No.15964516

i think you might be a homosexual anon

>> No.15964521

>dude I have jungle fever bro lmao xD
It's just a phase if you're lucky.

>> No.15964532

She looks like a tranny like all negresses.

>> No.15964559

Low test
Just gay

>> No.15964583


>> No.15964584

reeee there are peope with faces a bit darker than mine reeee

>> No.15964588

>race is only about skin color
lmao imagine thinking this

>> No.15964635
File: 691 KB, 3500x3500, 1588376717317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I grew up in a white upperclass South American family and have vivid memories of being told that if I ever brought home a black girl I'd have my dick cut off.
I've never been attracted to a black girl and have openly rejected girls on the basis of their race.
I wonder to what extent my conditioning influenced my attractiveness, or lack thereof, to blacks

>> No.15964658

>ugly people have ugly children
Shocking. Now post all the mixed celebrities like Zendaya and Halle Berry who look good.

>> No.15964680

It largely is.

About 100%
Don’t post that garbage.

>> No.15964690

>now post the outliers

>> No.15964706

>It largely is.
lol no. It's just one of many other features.

>> No.15964709

You have reading comprehension problems?

>> No.15964714


This pic never fails to please me. When will n*gger women finally learn?

>> No.15964720
File: 36 KB, 400x500, 142262-3f147c123f6eecc8e230ef38f273c66e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It largely is.
And other anatomical and physiological differences. Brains are identical though, trust me.

>About 100%
>Don’t post that garbage

>> No.15964746

No, it really is a huge part of the irrationality of it.
True though, if it were a world of all whites you’d bitch and moan about redheads, brown eyed, Finns, Pols etc.
You can’t stand other people in general so you construct this misanthropic race war excuse.
You’re on the wrong fucking board. Stop testing our waters to see if you have “frens” who are as fucked in the head as you. Go back to YOUR BOARD

>> No.15964756 [DELETED] 

I realized this when I was watching on youtube a surveillance video of a white guy shooting an "unarmed" black guy after the black guy started to whip his ass for taking his parking spot or something. There was a black guy in the comments like "look at the black woman escalating the situation until someone gets killed!" and when I watched again I noticed the black chick in the car yelling for the black guy to start the fight.

>> No.15964808


Butterfly, I like black women as much as you do (you dirty old dyke), but this is a retarded take.

>> No.15964869

Holy shit
I dont browse lit often but I understand why people hate you now

>> No.15964900

I'm non-white, you stupid dyke. Race is beyond mere skin color and you can whine all you want. Pick any black and make him white via photoshop. He still won't be white.

>> No.15964905

fuck off retard

>> No.15964963

Super Smash Bros tournaments, apparently

>> No.15965007
File: 42 KB, 582x720, 49CCBFA5-7FB8-44FE-935E-99E4A1E3B689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do your pigment an injustice by not getting what I’m saying.
Lame thread

>> No.15965029

>You do your pigment an injustice
Go back to twitter

>> No.15965038

>You do your pigment an injustice by not getting what I’m saying.
What about the morphological and physiological difference? Are they betrayed, too?

>> No.15965051

>Cultural Marxism
Was a thing in the 50s, get with the times Neanderthal

>> No.15965060

Vive la différence

>> No.15965062

>Race is beyond mere skin color
Says the cockroach
Pro-tip: It's not, and you are going in the chambers with all the other scum

>> No.15965071

What an ugly bitch. She looks like a cartoon lmao

>> No.15965084
File: 359 KB, 1456x1941, 80AEF0B4-9FF6-4C1E-8ED6-ECBDCFD1A8E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He says on a cartoon worshipping site

>> No.15965115

>the anti-racist racist
Delusional cringelord. And race is just a feature out of the many that constitute race, yes. You can ignore biological differences all you want but truth still comes. Don't even @ you creep LMAO

>> No.15965125
File: 62 KB, 294x345, 1583779540650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Posting a literal goblina who was to whitewash herself to be remotely attractive

>> No.15965135

>He’s never been out in the sun

>> No.15965137

An ugly cartoon, of course. Disgusting bug eyes, hideous overly thick lips, probably even uglier with her natural velcro hair. There are pretty black women, but this isn't one of them.

>> No.15965144
File: 51 KB, 640x972, CANDID BADDIE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get mogged

>> No.15965148

Im literally South American you cave dwelling whore

>> No.15965152

Zoom zoom.

>> No.15965165

You forgot your tripcode

>> No.15965171
File: 15 KB, 248x189, 1535647209859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calls others "goblina"

>> No.15965176

Hilarious that your counterexample is someone who looks hot by virtue of her whitening herself

>> No.15965180

read >>15964635

>> No.15965182

would there be constant discussions about incels and virginity if this website were filled with attractive people

>> No.15965199

Even Borges had a bit of native and Jewish blood. Chances are you also have some non-white blood, kid.

>> No.15965209

No male group finds black women aesthetically preferable on average, not even their own men.

>> No.15965211

>ugly = bad
even on 4chan of all places people succumb to this cheap illusion

>> No.15965217

Seeing as one of my parents was born in Europe and emigrated and the other kept vast genealogical records,
I highly doubt it

>> No.15965255

That would be cherry picking retard on average they will look like that persons image. Do you happen to read fiction?

>> No.15965266

black people are so ugly. It looks like a monkey with makeup

>> No.15965296

it looks like she smeared for body with poop and looks like shes half monkey

>> No.15965299

>average people look average on average
No way

>> No.15965301

I’m a switch.

Colombian duder?
Why are blancos there so stupid?

Why no one understands the nuance of a multiculturalist speaks to the degeneration of my once intelligent board.

>> No.15965302

Shut the fuck up tripfaggot. This board detests you. You are worst pollution in 'our waters'.

>> No.15965319

Again the point of the post is making fun of your retarded comment where you say
>b-but look at these mixed models!!!

Stop with the sarcasm and just take the L, brainlet. And back to your JRR Tolkien books

>> No.15965322


>> No.15965328

>Race mixing isn't bad look at these 1% mixed models up!!!!
Can't tell if this post is supposed to be ironic or you really thought this was worth post.

>> No.15965329

Take a genetic test, it's how I found out about my North African ancestry. Though it was pretty obvious to me as this fat cock had to come from somewhere...

>> No.15965330

The point of the post is you're a generalizing faggot who's no doubt a hypocrite to boot. Most people don't look like anything special. >>15963457 is not "the result" unless the parents are average / ugly looking.

>> No.15965334
File: 149 KB, 1124x1140, ..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15965340

>The point of the post is you're a generalizing faggot
At this point I can't tell if you are pretending to be dumb honesty. Yes, we are talking in general here race mixing is bad. Did you just figure that out? I think your lost honestly.

>> No.15965354

>brooo what about those 1% mixed models they look super good!!!!

>> No.15965356
File: 203 KB, 1206x1357, 2AC36AA3-004A-45D5-8B0E-DA8D13151E6C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pedo posting now

>> No.15965359

It's not just race mixing that produces those results. Shit genes come in all colors.

>> No.15965368

it is race mixing that produces those results retard did you not see the image posted here >>15963457 ? That is not from whites mixing with whites you absolute mong. Seriously can you amerifats be anymore fucking stupid?

>> No.15965373

>bro race mixing isnt bad haven't you see those models!! that account for like 2% of the population that are mixed and pretty!!!
Fucking hell you must american

>> No.15965375

>Colombian duder?
No, but there was a Colombian ginger in my neighborhood which I always found quite strange

>> No.15965378

>did you not see the biased image showcasing kids of ugly / average looking parents I posted
Yeah I saw it, you retarded fuck.

>> No.15965384

Ok american no more replies for you because either you are genuinely retarded and everything is flying over your head from reading to many harry potter books or you are just trolling.

>> No.15965399

Those are the average people race mixing which is the majority of the population and every single one of them is hideous. Now go look at estonia where there is no race mixing and then compare the average person there to that image you posted, you low IQ mutt

>> No.15965405

You don't know how genetics work and you don't leave your house. Consider reading a book before posting on the literature board again.

>> No.15965416

>t.disgusting mixed dog

>> No.15965428
File: 48 KB, 719x540, 1b0f1045454a51d7905a98dec99ea90b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, now let's see the cuties

>> No.15965431

You disgusting amerifarts are lowering the standards for average the more you mix which is absolutely hilarious. Keep seething mixed mutt.

>> No.15965443

You're cherry picking; Baltic women are literally the most beautiful in Europe. Why don't you compare Jews instead, who also don't marry outside of their race, but are generally ugly people?

>> No.15965454

>Baltic women are literally the most beautiful in Europe
Hard no

>> No.15965459

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

Now go read a book

>> No.15965465
File: 153 KB, 1080x2220, yummy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White women are by far the most beautiful, but they're crazy. Some of them give me serial killer vibes. Same goes with Latina and Black women but to a lesser extent. Blacks also can have really good bodies, and I'll admit, sometimes I feel myself wanting that chocolate action.

>> No.15965468

You obviously don't know what cherry picking is but that's alright keep mixing you mixed mutt and the standard representation of a person will keep lowering in your obese country.

>> No.15965469 [DELETED] 
File: 243 KB, 537x305, Ed3CI7dX0AAd1e4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone want to speculate on this dude's genetics? he seems a little off, wonder if he'll be able to thrive at life

>> No.15965473

>Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
Getting desperate now.

>> No.15965481

Are those Fordyce spots on her lips?

>> No.15965492

The Queen and even Hitler had distant North African DNA (E1b1b). I assume some of them were Jews as well.

>> No.15965494

It's a pretty well known fact. Go to Vilnius in the summer and you will see yourself.

>> No.15965495

You can take most countries from europe that don't engage in most race mixing and see the average person is much more attractive than the average mixed mutt like yourself in this image >>15963457 , so in conclusion race mixing is bad and lowers the beauty standard and you are just a ugly mixed mutt coping

>> No.15965501
File: 154 KB, 786x1277, golden_ratio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not too sure about that. I'm a strong believer in the golden ratio

>> No.15965506

Holy shit that bitch is old, you can see the wine aunt lips

>> No.15965509

>ur cherry picking
>proceeds to cherry pick baltic women
Amerishit go back to mixing and making ugly fucking mongoloids

>> No.15965517

He's a wprm from pathologic

>> No.15965520

>t. black eyes black hair
Cry more mutt

>> No.15965523


>> No.15965530

>obvious samefagging retard
Calm down mate. Do you have any studies proving a correlation between racemixing and ugliness?

>> No.15965537
File: 15 KB, 443x332, 0FF27CFC-8F89-4DC4-A0AD-77EBACF25615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stating the universal fact that is ignored so that shit threads like this can take place.

Phones are so low definition. I hate that about this age in pictures.

>> No.15965547
File: 169 KB, 600x584, 898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>obvious samefagging retard
>Calm down mate. Do you have any studies proving a correlation between racemixing and ugliness?

>> No.15965555

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder but whites are overwhelmingly preferred to blacks, and that’s not just due to social conditioning. We are in agreement, my friend. Now take off the trip code, you attention whore.

>> No.15965559
File: 121 KB, 640x640, 1592539177286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beauty really isn't subjective. It has to do with shapes. For example almost everyone universally would agree this man is beautiful.

>> No.15965577

The most kino combination.

>> No.15965580
File: 204 KB, 1152x2048, CD654892-7982-4912-B1CC-131333300C2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and that’s not just due to social conditioning.
That’s your opinion.
And get a name

>> No.15965583

Well as you said that image that was posted here >>15963457 was the average mixed race person, so now go to any place in europe thats mostly white and take a look at the average person. Theres your study mixed mutt.

The sign of someone losing is when they cry samefag.

>> No.15965588

>projecting your homosexuality on everyone
nice try, Alan.

>> No.15965590
File: 202 KB, 1366x1366, C1A3E7F3-2701-4D78-9B8B-12307B2819E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We tend to not want a deformity, but some mistake too different looking people to be deformed.

>> No.15965591

Found the insecure mutt. Enjoy your black eyes and hair.

>> No.15965598

That was obviously done by a person who wanted to highlight the downsides of miscegeny.

>> No.15965599


Something about her face seems so cartoony, almost like a caricature of beuty. The girl im dating now has the same atributes. The more i look at her face, the less appealing it becomes.

>> No.15965605

It's still not really subjective as you can sculpt a person almost everyone finds beautiful anytime you want. Though yes it is somewhat subjective I guess but mostly in the case of people having very weird standards.
The saying beauty is in the eye of the beholder is pure cope.

>> No.15965606
File: 77 KB, 683x1024, 3BEB368B-0771-4458-8C5A-F768621C8F61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and he looks weird. I am not attracted to him at all. I can only consider that some people would find him “handsome” because of the resemblance to Johnny Depp

>> No.15965613

Again, if you don't find him attractive, its mostly because you just have an extremely weird standards as I said in that post and mostly lying and trying to cope and for the sake of trying to be correct, you are disagreeing with me

>> No.15965621
File: 315 KB, 244x480, this is a 10 in burgerland.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TOP KEK, Murica.

>> No.15965625
File: 116 KB, 1080x1153, 3B4DC659-2A1F-402D-9C63-DF8F5E061987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And since it is a little of both, and any “race” have their “uglies” why are we entertaining this dipshit discussion AGAIN?

>> No.15965631

I also didn't say everyone would find him attractive but the majority of people would definitely find him attractive and there would of course always be that small 10% of outliers with some weird fetish that dont find him attractive but beauty overall has to do with shapes as I already said you can literally sculpt a person most people will find attractive. Anything else people say is pure cope for they are ugly and not very attractive

>> No.15965638

Is that your boyfriend? He's average at best. He has nice features but they aren't balanced, therefore, not beautiful. Also his face is asymmetric.

>> No.15965639

Because I'm speaking about the average. When you race mix, take a look at america, you bring the standard of average down. And You started replying to me I was talking to someone else, mutt.

>> No.15965644

I'm a virgin, how do I court women into having sex with me?

>> No.15965648

You aren't the real butterfly anyway right? That tripcode was cracked :3

>> No.15965668

>The girl im dating now has the same atributes
No she doesn't. You do not have the SMV to date a girl that looks like that.

>> No.15965670
File: 54 KB, 1200x1200, amerimutt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>RACE mixing is fine!!!

>> No.15965676

>Do you have other solutions?
Solutions to what?

>> No.15965684
File: 399 KB, 403x372, kek_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15965688
File: 7 KB, 264x191, 835E6DD8-8459-4336-B5E8-9F26891D809B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15965700
File: 146 KB, 853x1280, EB5C5920-5B5A-4581-A9E3-9574B7F6D2D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be nice.
Be confident
Have some direction, some qualities.
Forgive and forget the ones that don’t even consider your qualities. Laugh it off as their loss.
Volume volume volume.

Irrelevant as it is untrue

>> No.15965903
File: 93 KB, 976x850, 1590284097314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont get it. a fuckload of these are either
>awkward looking babies/teenagers, who will look different in a few years
>unfortunate pics due to grimaces or bad angles
>random shit like shitty hairstyles or dyes
most of them dont even look bad at all. most of them look average, and maybe 1/4 or so are actually ugly, and even that doesnt prove anything, cause making a collage of ugly people of any race wont take more than an hour.
>inb4 calling me a mutt
im not american, fuck you, dont (you) me

>> No.15965927
File: 80 KB, 1280x720, 25B08999-E1CD-4347-8077-0512E75FA4A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s their shallow argument. Always.
Why do we have these threads agin?
Cringing weasels ought not be entertained. Report and ignore them. PLEASE

>> No.15966327

Did you post what you think is an attractive negress?

>> No.15966353

Man black women's bodies are so hot

>> No.15966359
File: 301 KB, 794x1685, 1526607757884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15966360

>butterfly says the same exact shit as any redpill pua guy
>screeches that redpill pua guys are misogynist beasts that need to be banned from polite society

>> No.15966375

Nobody likes a fat butterdyke though.

>> No.15966391
File: 226 KB, 1080x1080, 1498870260889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agreed anon

>> No.15966395

>universal fact
>objectively false
just because you morons repeat it doesn't make it true retard

>> No.15966406

yoo that's a sick skatespot! where is that?