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15960658 No.15960658[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>turned 24 recently
>still live with my parents
>no drivers license
>lost job recently due to bankruptcy by corona
>franchise got revived by new owners offered me a new contract
>denied it to get more time for myself and get some NEET bux
>told myself I will be productive and start an online business
>each day wake up browse the internet all day each day
>mastrubate atleast once a day often more
>ghosted all my friends
>see my phone ringing sometimes, just let it ring till it automatically hangs up
>no idea who's calling me, too anxious to even bother looking at it
>sleep schedule completely fucked
>feel embarrassed when seeing my sister and her successful normie boyfriend
>lock myself in my room most of the time
Fuck, man. I don't know how the days fly by so quick. Turned 24 on 16 July, parents weren't home only my sister and her boyfriend, locked myself in my room till 4 pm hoping they would leave and hoping my sister didn't know it was my birthday. Eventually went down anyway to make some coffee, sister start singing happy birthday her boyfriend saying congratulations even handing me a small present all normie like. They ask me what I'm gonna do with my birthday, I say hang out with a friend this evening. Evening comes, I leave the house start just aimlessly riding on my bike in the city. Eventually go innawoods, try setting goals for myself scribbling in my notebook. Notebook is a few years old, see that I've attempted setting the same goals multiple times in the past. Around 4 hours have passed, feel safe to go back to make it seem like I had a healthy social interaction. Only thing I changed from the day that I turned 24 is stop habitually smoking weed.
I don't like my reality, I keep craving escapism.
Books that help me?

>> No.15960691

>Notebook is a few years old, see that I've attempted setting the same goals multiple times in the past.

and you should ask the new owners if you can get that contract you turned down

>> No.15960697

Reading a book is going to help you. You need to do something concrete with your life. Go backpacking or join the Army or work on an oil rig or something.

>> No.15960702

*is not

>> No.15960713

Good on you for quitting smoking, I did that myself a year or so ago and I'm better for it. At that time I was absolutely miserable. I've since realized I didn't want to work in my major (CS), taken an EMT course, graduated, and just recently got hired as an EMT. I got a girlfriend for the first time ever, we just celebrated six months, and I'm pretty into her. I'm in the best shape of my life and going to be a police officer in a year or two. Things will get better anon, I could not imagine a year ago that i'd be as happy as I am today. I recently found a suicide note I wrote right before I made the change, and I can't believe the shit that I wrote in it. You'll be good. Get your license and get yourself on a good sleep schedule anon.

What's your fancy as far as genre goes?

>> No.15960715

>join the Army
being a zogbot aside this is probably the best thing you can do. you'll be forced to get out, get disciplined, and get socialized
if you're going to read anything then read notes from underground and be the opposite of everything the narrator embodies

>> No.15960725

Become religious and take the cloth

>> No.15960740

Chill the fuck out

>> No.15960749
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This sounds so American, is this really the best advice?

>> No.15960766

you are nothing special, it doesnt matter if you get a job and improve your situation, it doesnt matter if you stay a neet, it doesnt matter if you pick up that phone, get your license, talk with your friends

nothing matters

>> No.15960785

1st world problems

>> No.15960793

>the internet will make society better in every way!
thats what they said

>> No.15960812
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he tried to warn you

>> No.15960825

yeah shame about his crazy rant about wanting us to go back to the stone age though

>> No.15960891

Why does any of this bother you? It sounds kind of comfy.

>> No.15960894

meh. could be worse

>> No.15960917

you're the crazy luddite now anon, yelling at the internet

>> No.15960923

we weren't living in the stone age 30 years ago

>> No.15960925

>join the Army
Not in the modern day. Unless you enjoy getting yelled at by dykes.

>> No.15960927

he's just more consistent than you about the negative effects of new technologies

>> No.15960930

Teddy isn't an anprim, his ideal is something like pre-industrial colonial USA.

>> No.15961006

enjoy being obliterated by china then

>> No.15961054

>told myself I will be productive and start an online business
Do you have an actual idea or is it just "start online business, get money?"

>> No.15961071

27 year old grocer here.

>> No.15961075

nice drama blog posting

>> No.15961096

I want to do content creation, mainly livestreaming but also editing it down to videos and overall establishing a social media presence.
Unironically want to be some kind of e-celeb/e-begger.
My idea is to try to improve myself in every possible aspect and also get well cultured. Learning together with a small community thus not only helping myself but helping people in similar or worse situations than myself.

>> No.15961102

Sorry pal, but you will get no sympathy from me. Times are hard, but they are hard for everyone. You're still quite young and you need to stop imaging your age as some social barrier to achieve shit in the future. Get your shit together, you're still priviledge enough to live in a first world country (I assume). It's natural for people to suffer and struggle in this world.

>> No.15961129

I am only 4 years older than you, yet this shit is completely alien to me. Can't believe people aspire to make "content." Like, at least have the dignity to try making art

>> No.15961136


>> No.15961147

I'm just like you, a natural slacker and procrastinator. You have to do something with your life. You have to apply yourself to something where you need to show up. Even if it means taking a pay decrease for doing something you mildly enjoy. Enroll in community college. Get a job where you're forced to socialize. Doing that while going to college was one of the best things for me. Plus if you're in college your lack of work history won't look like a big black hole to future employers.
You don't sound charismatic at all. Work on that. Get a job. Wait on tables. Be an IT guy who needs to deal with people.

>> No.15961267

Sounds comfy. I hope it's at an small family run grocery store and not Walmart.

>> No.15961293

Nope, it shitty corporate run store. I had hopes of going to school, lost the will due to lack of required skills and age. I might just pick up a trade to avoid ending up homeless, which is one of my worst fears.

>> No.15961313

>I had hopes of going to school, lost the will due to lack of required skills and age.

College is so fucking easy dude, if you can shitpost on here all day banging out a degree is not going to be hard

>> No.15961324

Mainland America is uninvadeable. You could throw all the cruise missiles and attack helicopters and your troops will still get domed by some good ol' boy behind some kudzu.
24 trillion rounds of ammunition. 300 million firearms.

>> No.15961346

I literally can't do basic math, have limited knowledge on science, how to write essays and have forgotten like most of the history taught to me during high school. I had years after high school to self learn all this stuff and I decide to just veg on games, books and tv.

>> No.15961360

Khan Academy. Study 8 hours a day.

>> No.15961376

Fuck that, man. Just learn plumbing or some shit

>> No.15961380

Good luck getting an apprenticeship. Tradesmen are bigger nepotists than die Juden.

>> No.15961396

And if they're not hiring their relatives, they'll just get a spanish guy

>> No.15961458
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>franchise got revived by new owners offered me a new contract
>denied it to get more time for myself and get some NEET bux

>> No.15961639

>>mastrubate atleast once a day often more
Change this first. I'm not some ledditfag who'll say that it will cure all your problems, but it's a start.
Hedonism breeds an inability to work productively. Believe me, I have, and in many ways still do, struggle with pornography use.

>> No.15961691

Every nation has militaries anon. In some places like Switzerland you have to serve. There are 2 and 3 year contracts if you don't want to do 4 or 6 years, or you could join the National Guard and just do several days a month.

>> No.15961695

>enjoy fucking dykes

>> No.15962661

>no drivers license
try getting a scooter or motorbike. way cheaper to run and WAY less hurdles to jump to get your full license.
>Books that help me?
forget books. buy a cheap pair of running shoes and light clothing and go jogging 3 kms every 2-3 days, or use your bike and go cycling however many kms.
gets you off your computer, fixes your sleep pattern, and makes you less insecure around people (you mentioned being embarrassed around your sister) since you're out doing shit.

>> No.15963068
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fix your sleep schedule, this goes for anyone with problems reading this. im convinced this is the absolute cornerstone of being functional, you will never be able to address any of your problems until you deal with this one. making the choice to stay up late for one more f5 of 4chan or episode of kino or whatever or making the choice to just give in to comfort and sleep in late is absolute poison for your willpower and comes with all sorts of adverse side effects that will destroy you. its a horrible path and not always easy to come back from once youre far gone after years of living like that. i dont care if you ignore every other problem for now, just fix one this one

>> No.15963127

>>mastrubate atleast once a day often more
oh no imagine doing something like this who could masturbate more than once a day?

>> No.15963162

I was thinking you're based until I read this

>> No.15963168

Go to bed grandpa, I too look back in nostalgia to the times of refreshing the front-page of /b/, but since the catalog and thread updaters were introduced no one has touched that button. I recently noticed that my new laptop doesn't even have a refresh function on th f5 key.

>> No.15963173

>baaaah I lost my job
>but actually I was offered work but turned it down
Stopped reading there.

>> No.15963181
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>Notebook is a few years old, see that I've attempted setting the same goals multiple times in the past

>> No.15963200


>> No.15963203

>College easy
thats what makes it worthless

>> No.15963207

i mean I have been here for 12 or so years but do you not refresh the catalogue?

>> No.15963212


>> No.15964282

your sister and her boyfriend sound like nice people. learn to appreciate things and not be a whiny bitch all the time.

>> No.15964344

Ignore both of those normalfaggots. And you have to be careful when you're in the company of those two faggots or otherwise they will try bring you down to their pleb-tier level.
You're already living a comfy aristocratic life. Try to make some art work.
If things get really unbearable in the future then always remember that suicide is an option.

>> No.15964374
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>You're already living a comfy aristocratic life.

>> No.15964423

Honestly tested for adhd

>> No.15964452

what is this driver's license meme? I never wanted to own a car and I'm not interested in any lifestyle that can't be managed by public transport/biking/walking. I made that pledge towards myself when I was 10 and I don't know why I would change my decision because of consumerist peer pressure.

>> No.15964531

Been 24 since february, the realisation that I'll be soon 5 miserable years away from my 30's is a crushing feeling
I quit High School in 2011, hikkikomori'd up my teenagehood for 3 years but finished it school in 2016. Finished my bachelor in business year at 24 (couldn't enroll in a school for my master due to nomoney and I was too late for Uni), the school has put me heavely into debts, and I didn't really learn anything beneficial from those 3 years because I really didn't take it seriously. I now see that I'll just be some wageslave, a not very good one at that and that I should've listened to people telling me to get into a field that would please my soul but I didn't listen to them, I was thinking that a business envionnement would fix my shit since those years in isolation left me a mute autistic mess and I imagined myself a suave guy closing deals with foreigners on the daily.
Taking on a new carreer path right now seems impossible, how would I even start? I don't have any hobbies nor any passions, used to have ambitions but now my only goal is not to fucking kill myself.
Ever since then I waste my time, I know all the things that I should be doing, but I can't bring myself to do anything about it, my body is decaying, my mind is rotting and the years go by. I watch my old colleagues getting themselves carreers and going places and I'm still wanking it in front of 4chan, I see the younger people catching up to me and it's terrifying.
The more I wait the harder it'll be, and I do efforts here and there, but I just can't catch up with a decade of skills I threw away playing shitty Steam game and procrastinating heavely, don't even have a driver's licence at 24, there is some tenderness and comprehension for younger people trying to do simple things but at my age it's just pathetic
Is there something about the mid 20's? The realisation that you'll never amount to anything and that you haven't built shit?

>> No.15964533

this doesn’t seem like that drastic of a situation. you’re only 24, and your sister seems like she would help you out if you told her the same things that you just posted.

>> No.15964592

You're a whiny little bitch and you deserve the hardships being thrown towards you. You can choose to stand fast and approach them head, or you can continue jerking off in your room and playing video games all day. Literally every single problem you listed is something that you can fix. You don't need a book to help you, you need to muster some discipline and responsibility like a fucking ADULT.

>> No.15964607

i still use F5

>> No.15964670

Why does it terrify you that younger people are more succesfull? Life isn't about who's fastest but who goes the furthest. Sounds like your doing great crawling out of the hikkikkomori pit and finishing your BA at 24! l would be proud of you if you were my mate.

If you'd want my advice I'd say: stop thinking about what you should do, and focus on making the most out of what your already doing. Lose yourself in your shitty job, have shitty friends, have fun. Don't be hard on yourself for not having reached some ideal yet.

>> No.15964695


>> No.15964697

>he doesn't have a macbook pro with the emojibar instead of function keys


>> No.15964713

Same. I had a car for a little while when I was a teenager, but I'd rather put the money I'd spend on a car towards better rent in a good location

>> No.15964818

I don't know anon, if you have a deficient personality then in all likelihood it's something you were born with and there's not much you can do. You say you wanna be a streamer, and I would say you should drop that. You don't seem cut out for this type of thing. Set yourself some realistic goals. It's okay to live with your parents if you have a job at least, don't make too much out of it. Grit your teeth and carpe diem anon, nothing out there will cure you. If that doesn't work you can always overdose on hydroxichloroquine.

>> No.15965162

Bitch i'm exactly the same (almost 25) only i don't have a university degree and i'm renting at 600£+bills with no parents to move to, not to metion i worked in hospitality and that sector is the most fucked.
I won't give you any advice, i'm just here to say you're a weak faggot and don't deserve things you have, consider becoming an hero

>> No.15965185

This so much, these kids are soft and should be replaced

>> No.15966018 [DELETED] 

Look I’m a successful career professional and I sleep 4 hours a night. I just live off caffeine and nicotine.

OP if you’re serious about actually fixing your shit forget the idea of doing worthless shit like playing video games and watching Netflix. You need to set unrealistically unattainable goals for yourself and relentlessly pursue them until you’re greying at 24 if you want to actually get somewhere.

I came from fuck all money, from a backwater nowhere town with the best job around being a clerk, being the first in my family to go to college, to having published Op Eds in major newspapers before I’ve hit 26 and influenced government policy. If that means you literally don’t sleep at all some days because you’re churning out new drafts for your editors, or sucking down 6 packs of cigs so you’re better than all your peers you just do it. If that means reading 80 different books on the tribal dynamics of Algeria in a month, you just do it. Once you start doing it, everything becomes easier. You get used to actually achieving shit, and you suddenly find out that you have way more time than you thought you did and everything starts falling into place.

99% of people are in a rut in their lives because somewhere early on they gave up on the idea that they could make it. Even if it seems wildly unrealistic, chances are the majority of other people aren’t even going to try, so you’re already ahead of all of them.

>> No.15966118

Im glad im the only child and don't have to deal with shit like this
Also give your friends a call

>> No.15966252

I'm not as pathetic as you but I'm also stuck in a rut. My days go by in a haze of cheap escapism. I wake up at 6PM, scroll through tiktok, watch youtube videos, smoke cigs, spend hours looking for porn to coom to and shitpost on 4chan.
Just three months ago, I had stone cold self discipline. It all went to shit when I went back to the comfort of my parents house. My sleep schedule is all fucked up because I work from home. I get to see some friends everyday and get shitfaced with weed. I don't have to cook, I don't have to do any laundry, I don't think of bills anymore. I don't even have to put any pants on until I leave the house to smoke weed.
You need something to keep you grounded. School/work/a martial arts dojo, whatever. Something to build your schedule around and not let you just slack off indefinitely.

>> No.15966291

Get a grip man. You don’t need a book, you need basic actions and routine. Book can come shortly after.

>> No.15966343

No it's not. This is just replacing one form of illusion with another, more socially acceptable, one. Save some money and then go on a 2-3 week silent meditation retreat. Once your head has cleared itself of intoxicants (both physical and mental) use this website (https://www.guidedtrack.com/programs/acyci4m/run)) to detail some of your goals.

I highly recommend moving out so as to drastically change your environment (the retreat will help with this, but it is only temporary). There are only two things that a man needs to learn: how to deal with suffering and how to overcome akrasia. These can only be learned through careful introspection and come down ultimately to redirection of attention.

>> No.15966364

>join the Army
OP, please just do this.
Join the army, do your time, turn out, and learn a trade.
While you're an apprentice Uncle Sam will give you money in order to equalize it with a journeyman's wage.
Then spend the rest of your days fucking around on construction sites with fun tools surrounded by your bros.
It's a good life, anon. Just go talk to a recruiter.

>> No.15966404

But 30 years ago led to what we are today.
If you really want to make sure we don't get to this point again you have to go way further back and not allow any form of capital accumulation.

>> No.15966432

Man I am exactly in the same place as you, with the unemployment and masturbation and ghosting everybody, except I turned 21 yesterday. I feel ya. Hit me up if you ever want a loser friend to talk.

>> No.15966446

I was in a very similar situation when I was your age. I did very little about it, and so today I'm 34 and basically in the same place. I'm telling you this so that you can use me as what not to do. Literally get help and be humble enough to accept it. As for me, I'm not doing too badly at the moment, starting to get better and I'm even thinking about going to college next year (and finish the course, this time)

>> No.15966453

Can you suggest me some books that would drill this into my head. I keep on reverting back to thinking that things matter and it just ends up hurting me everytime.

>> No.15966476

fucking bomb them and then colonize the land with our people. Its some good land, America.

>> No.15966477

Philosophy of Rick & Morty

>> No.15966481

I second this if you have the heart for it, anon. Maybe a branch besides the Army though.

>> No.15966532

Isn’t construction permanently straining on the body?

>> No.15966552

No I want some real books, without the comedy shit, that would sit me down and explain to me with logic how nothing really matters. Then I will read it again and again till its etched into my mind.

>> No.15966590

Straw Dogs by John Gray

>> No.15966699

Not if you're an electrician. If you have to work underground then it can get pretty straining, but regular commercial electric work isn't too bad.
Data/com guys really don't have to do any straining shit.

>> No.15966822

Please at least try adhd meds I’ve pleaded with you above. I’m an exact carbon copy of you but when I take meds I become normal, i also had a journal like you.

>> No.15967003


I always feel more relaxed and peppy after listening to this. Maybe it won't help you straight off but it puts you in a good mood anyway.

>> No.15967009


>> No.15967154

5 years is a long time bro. I'm almost 29 and I've accomplished more since 24 than I did in 5 years prior to that.