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File: 884 KB, 1884x2409, 1l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15949647 No.15949647 [Reply] [Original]

Does /lit/ own a physical copy of the holocaust handbooks series?

>> No.15949882


No, but I want to buy them.

>> No.15949933

Why is their website so bad?

>> No.15949957


They are historian boomers, not zoomer nerds.

>> No.15950016

When we get Yangbux I'm buying the whole set

>> No.15950023


So never.
Yang dropped out of the race, dude.

>> No.15950039

The spirit of UBI will rise from his campaign's grave and the world will know he was right

>> No.15950055

enjoy getting fleeced for your /pol/ fanfiction, nerds

>> No.15950062

I think they should get someone to re-desgin their entire website and book covers so that they look more professional, modern and academic. In my opinion, the covers designs look very outdated.

>> No.15950095

it looks like holocaust denying joke history for racist jerkoffs because that’s precisely what it is, ace

>> No.15950104


>> No.15950110

oh shit you used the cope word I guess you win

>> No.15950118
File: 36 KB, 680x383, 6d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh shit you used the cope word I guess you win

>> No.15950273


The OP pic isn't Anne Frank's diary, though.

>> No.15950575

The books are pure research with sources on every page. They've utterly humiliated the opposition.

>> No.15950647

Note how detractors can only malign the authors, but never the content. Weird.

>> No.15950691

Carlo Mattogno is such a boss.

This might have been Rudolf's original work but I think CM: the ceiling holes at Auschwitz are symmetrical and equidistant from the walls according to the NEW gas chamber, which is BIGGER--missing a wall. The real gas chamber, with those holes, would have one drop point in a corner.

I mean, DESTROYING THE ORIGINAL HOLES was suspicious enough, but this is game over.

>> No.15950724


Do you know any of works in particular that dismantle the Einsatzgruppen "Gas Van" lie?

>> No.15950736

There's literally an HH (kek, just made the connection) about the gas vans

>> No.15950749

holy shit the Satanic Nazis did intend extermination and they left clues because they wanted to be caught, cat and mouse man, check this out: they made-a-gas-car.

Brb reading David Icke

>> No.15950810


It's called shungite.


Indeed there is. How reliable is Alvarez?

>> No.15950826

the one on treblinka blew my fucking mind

>> No.15950849

>How reliable is Alvarez?

>> No.15950947

ITT: Whole lot of gullible-ass tryhards

>> No.15950993

Prove the holocaust, faggot. You're so sure, you must have seen something very convincing.

>> No.15951369

Is that from the Real Case for Auschwitz? Or what book?

>> No.15951903

Answer >>15950993

>> No.15953279
File: 670 KB, 806x4054, gas chambers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Example of their work.

>> No.15954689
File: 248 KB, 750x450, 1588443264704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder: there's nothing wrong in helping to die to millions of illegal migrants without education and work permit. means of production freed people from manual labour making them neets. and they all migrated via vagina border, not demanded by business, but because mommy wanted a toy, and another pederast wanted to pass genes.

>> No.15955348

Would Biden impliment UBI? He seemed to openly agree with Yang as a person and his visions.

>> No.15955646


>> No.15955649


>> No.15955652


>> No.15955677


>> No.15955689

Hoaxers literally fucking flee when these books enter the fray. Notice no dissenters itt have any arguments.

>> No.15955732
File: 583 KB, 720x960, 1595283893205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They've got nothing.

>> No.15955738

>not using coofbux

>> No.15955769

It's really true.

Jewish historian Raul Hilberg was one of the first people to ever be cross-examined (in 1985; yeah, it took that fucking long for a cross-examination in a courtroom to happen) on the existence of gas chambers used to kill masses of jews. 3 years later he was so traumatized by the experience that he refused to participate in a second trial, citing the cross-examination with questions written by Germar Rudolf as the reason why. He was utterly discredited. So was the star witness. Since then witnesses have been hard to come by for any trials relating to the Holocaust. They remain safely in the media where they are listened to only.

>> No.15955778


Hilberg was probably the least deceptive of the kikes, honestly. At least he eventually repudiated the claims of soap and lampshades. Others, like Shirer, never did. The 1990 edition of Rise & Fall still contains that odious lie.

>> No.15955793
File: 32 KB, 348x499, 324234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has anyone read pic related? Was thinking of doing that to grasp a better understanding of the mainstream orthodox narrative.

>> No.15955798


If you want to read it, find the unabridged tome, not the student version.

>> No.15955799

>Hilberg was probably the least deceptive of the kikes
I don't see any purpose in pointing that out. He still upheld the biggest lie in history, that is currently used to justify the subjugation of whites. Fuck him and anyone else who does the same. He's not better.

>> No.15955806

any transcripts of this?

>> No.15955810

It's in the OP book.

>> No.15955811
File: 38 KB, 705x705, 1591917168723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't see any purpose in pointing that out

Triage for the day of the Matzoh. Not that it matters anyway, since Hilberg has already gone to Satan with the rest of his semitic synagoguers.

>> No.15955814

thanks for the advice. Also, any other books similar to this one that you recommend me from other mainstream historians?

>> No.15955820


The standard works are ones like Rise & Fall, Hitler by Kershaw, Hitler by Bullock, Evans, etc.

Once you're done that read Irving and then move onto the CODOH handbooks.

>> No.15955822
File: 144 KB, 950x950, 01c8a821adfde159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm living in germany. I'm pretty sure the goverment would visit me, when I would try to import it, seing my illegal thought library and burn them all. I even thought about binding my own books due to it.

Any mutt visiting the rhineland maybe?

>> No.15955839

Reading about German trials for "denial" I would definitely not try to buy anything like this while a resident there. Your system is witch trial tier. Can't even bring evidence to defend yourself, because that would be repeating the crime. Lawyers get fucking arrested for presenting evidence.

>> No.15955893

welcome to neoantifascism lol

>> No.15955907
File: 63 KB, 1030x602, Shlomo 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They even throw actual grannies into prison for simply saying that the holocaust didn't happen as they claim it did. Basically boomers telling someone which lived throught it, that she is wrong and they are right, no matter the evidence. Oh and evidence is vorbiden because it's obviously true.

>> No.15955930

Yeah, it's crazy. America isn't safe itself, though. We just get more corporate targeting of wrongthinkers, and destruction of exonerating evidence.

>> No.15955974

There is no safe country. Maybe the technological self-destruction will heal our degeneracy, in which case I need to get those problematic pdf books printed out.

>> No.15956013

>technological self-destruction
Maybe, but it's not something you can just wait for. The same families that were rich and directing the world 400 years ago are still at it today. The system is pretty stable for them. We need to be proactive, not hopeful.

>> No.15956037

I believe in the revolutionary phenotype and that it will destroy those willing to submit themselves to short term superiority - the heeb being waht it is, will willingly give it's lower nature for bcming what he seeks to destroy, therefore succesing in what we couldn't.

>> No.15956044

If you want the true mainstream orthodox narrative just ask the average person what the holocaust is. The shit in the books is not what's floating around in people's heads.

>> No.15956090

It's pretty obvious that, say, Chomsky, knows damn well that the Holocaust didn't happen as claimed, and likewise is fully aware of the strong evidence for a significant genetic component to intelligence, but he's also smart enough to know not to explicitly exclaim these things to retain plausible deniability.

I like that this board is 'secretly' the best place here to talk about this topic and get a clear sense of what we actually know without getting swapped by bullshit.

>> No.15956092

Anyone ITT read the whole thing (or most of it)? What are its general conclusions/claims? Quick rundown?

>> No.15956112

It's over 600 pages and very detailed. If you have a specific question just go to codoh.com and use the search bar.

>> No.15956122

He also claims that Israel does the US's bidding rather than vice versa. It's hard to be a public intellectual. Too much fame, too much to lose by telling the truth. They so often sell out.

>> No.15956134

>sell out.
Who's he selling out? He's jewish. It's in his best interest, and the best interests of his fellow tribe members for him to perpetuate lies to the goyim.

>> No.15956157

Didnt he write a foreword to a Robert Faurrison's book or something?

>> No.15956171

>Anyone ITT read the whole thing (or most of it)?
Which one anon? They have published like 40 books.

>> No.15956187

>Who's he selling out? He's jewish.
Truth, humanity, etc., but I guess the Jew is essentially set against all that. God I hate them.

>> No.15956219

>Truth, humanity
One thing we can learn from jews in order to protect ourselves against them and others is that we don't owe truth to anyone. It should be safeguarded, and given only to those that will do good (for us) with it.

>> No.15956340
File: 1.39 MB, 1080x1082, 1580149411774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if I read these books then I can BTFO the "OY VEY MUH 66 MILLION" fagets?

>> No.15956350

You can btfo them just by demanding proof. They have none. But yes, if you want to get into the weeds, these books are thorough.

>> No.15956373
File: 27 KB, 640x480, pepe_uofren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then these sound right up my alley

>> No.15956421


>> No.15956432
File: 127 KB, 334x346, 649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So if I read these books then I can BTFO the "OY VEY MUH 66 MILLION" fagets?

>> No.15956447

In the Kali Yuga, too *many* know the esoteric secrets, not too few

>> No.15956508

this is their bitchute channel if you want to check it out.

>> No.15956692

Damn,,, im thinking lit is base

>> No.15957905


>> No.15958288

>God I hate them.


>> No.15958702

>There is no safe country.
I mean I could easily keep these books in my drawing room in Pakistan and people would think what an enlightened individual I am

>> No.15958834

For now, yes. Check back when anothr revolution hits because McDonald doesn't want to make halal burgers or Amazon to be bothered with local restrictions.

>> No.15959568

Cope. Prove the holocaust, faggot, let's see it.

>> No.15959626


>> No.15959692

Completely empty of proof, my man. What else you got.

>> No.15959710

>completely empty
it's easy to say that nobody has ever disproved you if you just ignore proof

>> No.15959730

Show me the proof. I'm looking at your stupid fucking link right now. There's nothing. The gassing section has photographs of buildings claimed to gas chambers, and "oral history" (bullshit).

Show ME what convinced YOU. You're so sure it happened, therefore you must have seen something undeniable.

>> No.15959744

>"oral history" (bullshit
again it's easy to say that you have never been disproved if you just ignore proof

>> No.15959758

Witness testimony is not proof. Show me proof. This is like pulling fucking teeth.

>> No.15959767

I'm using occham's razor
the theory that the simplest answer is usually the right one
what's simpler
that the holocaust happened
or that the jews made up the holocaust to get power

>> No.15959769

How long until it's illegal to question their narrative of slavery in the US? That's basically where this anti-racism stuff is headed, right?

>> No.15959784

LOL You're using no proof is what you're using. To answer your question, obviously it's much simpler that kikes just lie. No witness of gas chambers was even cross examined until 1985. It's especially easy to lie when nobody questions you, or if it's illegal to question like in Germany and other parts of Europe.

Show me proof, faggot.

>> No.15959799

As whites become a smaller percentage of the country, yes, the laws will change to reflect that.

>> No.15959801

So it's simpler to forge evidence
which include simulcrums of bodies
and line people up on sets to take photos of
make up a war that happened

>> No.15959824

Are photos what convinced you? Show me what photos. SHOW ME SOME FUCKING PROOF!

>> No.15959826

all of the photos simultaneously

>> No.15959836

So you have nothing, gotcha. When pressed for proof you produce zero specifics and "occham's razor".


>> No.15959844


they made this up
this is your argument
they made up this entire site

>> No.15959851

they made all of this up

>> No.15959882

The euthanasia program was likely real, but the idea that it was some heinous prologue to the holohoax is not based in fact. And it's not what I asked for proof of.

Show me proof. What in there convinced you? Why can't I get a specifics out of you?

>> No.15959909

search for Occam's razor
it's the entire page that you said was all made up
there are source's on the bottom of the page
I don't need to keep spoonfeeding you
It's easy to say that you have never been disproved if you just ignore the evidence

>> No.15959940

You are too afraid to make specific claims, that's why you're linking me to entire websites. You're transparent, buddy.

>> No.15959956

the soil data in the camps of aushwitz
the data of all the nazi's saying that yes it did happen

>> No.15959983

you can go to Auschwitz, it's a museum now
and you can see that there was gas chambers
you are saying that Auschwitz was built to perpetuate a lie

>> No.15960036

Amazing, I got something out of you. It's not bodies, but finally something.

Now, I want your proof of the Auschwitz soil data. I'm not going to bother with unsourced claims. As for the "nazi testimony", testimony acquired via torture for show trials is of zero value in court, and to me personally.

A building is not proof, and there's no reason to believe those are gas chambers.

>> No.15960049

where did you get that they were tortured?
where did you get that they were show trails?
what's the proof for that?

and how is a building not proof?
and why is there no reason to believe those are gas chambers?

>> No.15960091

Oh, no, that's not how it works, buddy. You're the one making the positive claim, that means YOU provide evidence and then I refute if I'm not convinced. I have to go run some errands, so you'll have the next few hours to build your case.

>> No.15960097

You have made a claim as well
I have been providing you all of the evidence
not my fault that you don't read it

>> No.15960212

oh and you're claim that the holocaust is a hoax is presupposing that jews are all liars and are lying about this
and where's the proof of the lie?

>> No.15960363

That's not Occam's razor you pseud

>> No.15960705

Oh I'm sorry
>"Plurality must never be posited without necessity."
>Put more simply, the simplest answer - that is, the answer that requires the fewest assumptions - is generally the correct one.

>> No.15960999
File: 269 KB, 1237x941, Auschwitz Swimming Pool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this photo proved to me that the holocaust never happened. i don't care about any other "evidence". I buy holocaust books simply to catalog the jewish lies within them.

>> No.15961029

If I make an unsourced claim in response to your unsourced claim then I have met you at your level, and, since you are the one maintaining the positive position that the holocaust happened, you are the one obligated to prove a position.
>I have been providing you all of the evidence
You have provided links to mainstream holocaust narratives without quoting specifics of any article, or providing sources for your claims, not evidence.

It's not on me to prove that jews are lying, it's on you to prove they're telling the truth. This is basic stuff, dingus.

>the answer that requires the fewest assumptions - is generally the correct one.
Considering there's no proof for your claims, the assumptions are all on your side.

>> No.15961042

My god, look at those poor people. They don't even have full dress. They're gonna get sunburned!

>> No.15961055

i know! and think of the horrors of not having any towels to dry off with after taking a cooling swim in the olympic-sized pools! those evil nazis!

>> No.15961056

Watch this, I'm gonna refute all your "proof" in one go:

>> No.15961066

>This photo of recreational facilities at a death camp PROVES that jews weren't killed
How do you know the swimming pool wasn't only for the guards?

>> No.15961069

It's amazing how fast and easily the Holocaust narrative falls apart upon very little examination. The more you look, the more you see that most every little detail is a constructed lie.

>> No.15961078
File: 136 KB, 827x680, Wall Shotgun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>durrr the nazis would allow female to guard thousands upon thousands of male inmates
>Durrr so what if they had olympic-sized swimming pools at Auschwitz!
>So what if they had hospitals at Auschwitz!
cringe and dialate. The holocaust never happened, but it will.

>> No.15961098

all have you given me is unsourced claims
I told you that all of the sources on the wikipedia page is on the bottom
Auschwitz I Stammlager had indeed a swimming pool. But the answer as to how the presence of a swimming pool, adapted from a water reservoir, does exactly negate that Auschwitz was a place for mass murder is one that Holocaust deniers do not deliver. They work through insinuation and argue that if there was a swimming pool, how could it be a center for extermination without explaining exactly how the presence of a swimming pool primarily for SS-personnel does invalidate Auschwitz being a center of extermination. Why is the fact that the people carrying out mass murder in that place enjoyed a swim somehow contradictory to the idea that murder on a massive scale was carried out there? Do murderers not like to swim, read, or listen to music?
First of all, Auschwitz was not one camp but a complex of different camps: Auschwitz I Stammlager was a Concentration Camp in the sense of Dachau or Buchenwald, meaning it was a place with the specific purpose of imprisoning real and alleged political and "racial" opponents, exploiting their labor, and killing some of them. Auschwitz II Birkenau was both a place to exploit labor but also for large scale murder: Similar to the Reinhard Camps and Chelmno, a major focus of its existence was to murder thousands and hundreds of thousands of people upon their arrival in the camp with only select few to survive arrival and be subsequently exploited for their labor with the purpose of working them into a state where they'd either die by themselves or be killed by the camp administration for having outlived their usefulness. Auschwitz III Monotwitz was a camp build with the expressed purpose of constructing a Buna (synthetic rubber) factory for the IG Farben, one of the major industrial partners for the SS, with political and "racial" opponents having to do forced labor under inhumane conditions for the IG Farben.

>> No.15961120

>all have you given me is unsourced claims
And that's all you've given me. If you want to count those nonspecific links you gave me, then fine, I'll respond in kind: https://codoh.com/

There, I refuted everything.

>> No.15961127

Not sure

>> No.15961133

how should I believe you if you don't try to disprove any of the evidence that I'm giving besides telling me that I'm wrong?

>> No.15961138

Nah he's a shill

>> No.15961158

God I wish I were unemployed due to chink AIDS

>> No.15961166
File: 292 KB, 1233x774, Auschwitz - Camp Births.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a whole paragraph of pilpul, appeals to morality/emotions, hyberbole and slight-of-hand speech tactics
don't care
Holocaust didn't happen. Even the holocaust books i have, which most are written by jews, even (inadvertently) give evidence that it never happened. Jews can't keep their story straight with the little details. And every investigator will tell you that the little details build cases or destroys them

>> No.15961182

>primarily for SS-personnel
It was inside the barbed wire right next to the prisoner dormitories. SS lived outside the fence.
>Auschwitz III Monotwitz was a camp build with the expressed purpose of constructing a Buna (synthetic rubber) factory for the IG Farben, one of the major industrial partners for the SS
Which is exactly why Allied intelligence would have known what was going on there. They wouldn't have to be told by Tim Wise's rabbi grandpa.

>> No.15961190

what does that picture debunk?

Auschwitz I Stammlager in line with it functioning like a concentration camp rather than a death camp (this doesn't mean that a lot of people died there or were killed there btw., rather it means that its expressed purpose was not the systematic murder of Jews and Roma) had hardly any Jewish inmates and developed an internal social hierarchy along the lines of those camps in Germany. In practice, this meant that the Nazis created an internal hierarchy among the prisoners designed to make their administration of the camp easier and dangle rewards like being able to swim in the pool as a carrot for prisoners in order to make them complicit in their own oppression. As in other camps, being able to swim in the pool, visit the bordello, and play soccer was used as a way to make non-Jewish, mostly German prisoners act in accordance with the guidelines and wishes the Nazis laid out for them, such as in running work details, administering things like the camp kitchen and so forth.

>> No.15961194

What evidence? Quote something, supply a source. I mean, this is fucking pathetic. You claim to be so sure, and yet you can't produce anything. You even resorted to "well don't you think it's likely?" when I asked for specifics. Linking me to a website with dozens of topics only makes you look desperate. What am I supposed to, write a fucking novel debunking every single claim on the website? If you're gonna be that lazy then so am I: https://codoh.com/

>> No.15961198

After an open mind and an impartial judgment of all the facts, the sources in this thread have convinced me. The Holocaust was real.

>> No.15961202
File: 886 KB, 2000x1481, Reality of Auschwitz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what does that pic debunk?
the notion that Auschwitz was a murder-camp or death-camp. Why the fuck would the "Genocidal Nazis" allow jews, or any other inmates, the opportunity to breed, and THEN AGAIN allow the woman to give birth? Why would they also build entire buildings, whose only purpose is to be hospitals/infirmaries?

>> No.15961203

I did quote something

but when I asked questions

I didn't get answers>>15960091

>> No.15961216

There are no quotes or sources in those posts. You're a retard.

>> No.15961234

Where did you get that she was jewish?
it even says that she was polish
just polish

>> No.15961237

Reminder that Treblinka, Sobibor, and Belzec were places where the railway gauges changed, i.e., exactly where you'd put a transit camp. People had to get off one train and on another anyway. There are records of groups of Jews being shipped eastward, e.g. to Minsk.

>> No.15961250

there wasn't in yours either

>Of the 3,000 she delivered, some 2,500 newborns perished

>> No.15961271
File: 131 KB, 659x909, Out of gas 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you retarded, or just going to disregard everything in my post?
>"Auschwitz, the most famous 'Death-camp', allowed jews and other inmates to have children within the camp"
>The same camp has olympic sized swimming pools, in a pic where inmates are enjoying the pools
>They also raised rabbits, had an indoor farm, dentistry and hospitals strictly for the inmates
>thinks this all aligns with the Death-camp notion
infant mortality is always high during war. read some books.

>> No.15961284


>Auschwitz I Stammlager in line with it functioning like a concentration camp rather than a death camp (this doesn't mean that a lot of people died there or were killed there btw., rather it means that its expressed purpose was not the systematic murder of Jews and Roma) had hardly any Jewish inmates and developed an internal social hierarchy along the lines of those camps in Germany. In practice, this meant that the Nazis created an internal hierarchy among the prisoners designed to make their administration of the camp easier and dangle rewards like being able to swim in the pool as a carrot for prisoners in order to make them complicit in their own oppression. As in other camps, being able to swim in the pool, visit the bordello, and play soccer was used as a way to make non-Jewish, mostly German prisoners act in accordance with the guidelines and wishes the Nazis laid out for them, such as in running work details, administering things like the camp kitchen and so forth.

>> No.15961288
File: 377 KB, 850x553, gradually.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there wasn't in yours either
Not my job, you say the Holocaust happened, you prove it.

>> No.15961298

The moment that I start asking questions for you to expand upon things I'm a shill

>> No.15961301

Reminder that Holocaust™ includes 900,000 Jews gassed, buried, exhumed, and burned in the open air. That's not a random claim like the Holocoaster, that's official dogma. 15 typical football stadiums. 9 of the biggest in the country. 200 million bones would be left.

>> No.15961306

*just at Treblinka

>> No.15961333

Why are you asking me questions? Just prove your fucking position. You refuse to cite specifics because then I can refute you specifically, so you do nothing play pilpul and link to entire websites.

>> No.15961343
File: 350 KB, 1002x872, 1587353201264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Concentration camps are different than death camps
Not according to literally every movie, tv show, book and history class. Auschwitz is the most known one because it's supposed to be the MOST deadly of the concentration camps, where all sorts of freaky shit went on. It's all cope from the jews because, for once in 5,000 years, they had to do physical labor to earn the right to live, just any other human on the fucking planet.

>> No.15961373

because I am curious about what you know anon
and a discussion is meant to be a back and forth getting questions and giving answers

>I don't see the difference being made in fiction so it must be fake
>not to be confused with concentration camp

>> No.15961386

alot of the movies depicting the holocaust in a historical context, use eye-witness accounts and "documentation" to get the size of the camp right, the building sizes and locations, literally everything. your holocaust is but a figment of a made up dream, dreamed by resentful "people" who resented having to "do the work of the goyim" for once in their lives

>> No.15961402

that's a lot of assumptions being made
that the jews are lazy
lazy enough to getting the entire world believing them with an establishment of fake buildings
fake photo ops
and that the jews are liars

>> No.15961417

>refusing to do physical labor is the same as being lazy
nice speech tactics, definitely not jewish of you.

>> No.15961418

>I am curious about what you know anon
Fuck off. What you're doing is studiously avoiding being put on the defensive, but that's your default position, being that you say something happened. Now PROVE it.

>> No.15961425

>building fake buildings is not physical labor

So answer the questions that I asked

>> No.15961433

>history class
Most are not claimed to be death camps. That's basic.

But they were at first! Which raises the question of whether the evidence for the death camps is really any different.

The only extant extermination gas chamber is a reconstruction made by the Soviets immediately after the war. How nice of them to be gripped suddenly by a passion for historical preservation! Too bad they destroyed the original evidence in the process!
>trust us, the ceiling holes were in the same places, we could see
THEN YOU SHOULDA LET THE WORLD SEE! Unreal. According to their own story they found the murder weapon and destroyed it. Talk about spoiling evidence.

Imagine a murder trial where the prosecution says
>We found the knife the defendant used! Then we melted it down and reforged it into THIS knife!
They'd be laughed out of court. Not guilty!

>> No.15961440

>>We found the knife the defendant used! Then we melted it down and reforged it into THIS knife!

>> No.15961441

>refusing to understand the statement that jews have refused to physical labor for nearly 5,000 years, and instead subsisted on parasyting off their hosts
i know that most camps aren't said to be death camps, but Auschwitz is ALWAYS referred to as a concentration-camp / death-camp. Always has been.

>> No.15961485

because that doesn't answer how they could of forged everything that was discovered

>ALWAYS referred to as a concentration-camp / death-camp
that's because it is
>The Auschwitz concentration camp (German: Konzentrationslager Auschwitz, Polish: Obóz koncentracyjny Auschwitz) was a complex of over 40 concentration and extermination camps operated by Nazi Germany in occupied Poland during World War II and the Holocaust. It consisted of Auschwitz I, the main camp (Stammlager) in Oświęcim; Auschwitz II-Birkenau, a concentration and extermination camp built with several gas chambers; Auschwitz III-Monowitz, a labor camp created to staff a factory for the chemical conglomerate IG Farben; and dozens of subcamps.[3] The camps became a major site of the Nazis' Final Solution to the Jewish Question.

>> No.15961491

>Gas chambers
>The camps became a major site of the Nazis' Final Solution to the Jewish Question
all fake and gay.

>> No.15961522

>So answer the questions that I asked
No, I'm not the one trying to prove anything. This started with you claiming the holocaust happened, and you done fuckall to support your claims.

This is amusing. It's proving what I said earlier in the thread to be true: "you can btfo them just by demanding proof. They have nothing".

>> No.15961533

you are trying to prove to me that the holocaust is fake
you are not doing a good job by denying that I had any proof at all
you are just wasting my time

>> No.15961678

All I'm trying to do is get you to prove your position. I've been very consistent on this, it was the first thing I demanded from you. If you think those link your posted are enough proof then https://codoh.com/ is all I have to say in return.
>you are just wasting my time
KEK the chuztpah!

>> No.15961703

you are actually not being reasonable because you have assumed on the very first outpost that it was fake
and treat that as the default
which makes it extremely easy to just deny everything that I bring up
you gotta come from a position that you don't know about it first

>> No.15961719

how do you cope with the fact that the 6 million figure has been shown since the 1800's and "officially" for the first time in the Nuremberg trials, yet historians have revised the death tolls in the deaths camps. For instance, Majdanek went from 2 million death toll to only 78,000 and Auschwitz went from 4 million to 1.1 million yet the 6 million figure never changes...

>> No.15961723


>> No.15961725

Claims made without proof can be dismissed without proof. Show the proof, you fucking moron, or I will respond with dismissal. If those links alone are all you're going to post, then https://codoh.com/..

>> No.15961739

There's also this https://national-justice.com/israeli-historian-discovers-6-million-holocaust-figure-was-invented-zionist-conference-two-years

>> No.15961803

where did you get your claims?

I see that you still have not seen any of the paragraphs of proof that i posted

>national justice
where did they get the sources for most of what they claimed?

All this is someone saying that they are discredited from the get go instead of actually posting evidence of saying how they were discredited

>> No.15961896

>I see that you still have not seen any of the paragraphs of proof that i posted
Feel free to point them out to me at any time, I've been fucking begging you to post proof. I'm not the only one you've been talking to, but all of our interactions have been about this very simple fucking demand: POST FUCKING PROOF. Post it to me.

>national justice
I posted that. Their sources are in their article as clickable links. The discredited witness is Rudolf Hoss. https://archive.org/details/CommandantOfAuschwitzTortureConfessions/page/n3/mode/2up

>> No.15961929

>Feel free to point them out to me at any time
Now you're just insulting me
you have replied to posts that have them
so you must have saw them and then just continue to deny that I had posted them
you are dishonest
and a waste of my time

>> No.15961953

>you have replied to posts that have them
Are you referring to the links?

>> No.15961990

I assume you mean the links, so allow me refute the holocaust again with the same amount of effort you put into proving it: https://codoh.com/

>> No.15962014

>where did you get your claims?
just look it up you nigger faggot

>> No.15962062
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He ran away.

>> No.15962107


>> No.15962108
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>> No.15962112
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>> No.15962123
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Part 2

>> No.15962140
File: 102 KB, 860x420, holocaust trial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15962146
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>> No.15962164
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>> No.15962422


>The Tribunal shall not be bound by technical rules of evidence. It shall adopt and apply to the greatest possible extent expeditious and nontechnical procedure, and shall admit any evidence which it deems to be of probative value.
>The Tribunal may require to be informed of the nature of any evidence before it is entered so that it may rule upon the relevance thereof.
>The Tribunal shall not require proof of facts of common knowledge but shall take judicial notice thereof. It shall also take judicial notice of official governmental documents and reports of the United Nations, including the acts and documents of the committees set up in the various allied countries for the investigation of war crimes, and of records and findings of military or other Tribunals of any of the United Nations.

>The Tribunal shall not require proof of facts
>The Tribunal shall not require proof of facts
>The Tribunal shall not require proof of facts
>The Tribunal shall not require proof of facts
This isn't even out of context. It literally says hearsay is evidence.

daily reminder /lit/ is moderated by literal kikes and most of the users that are left after the constant bans are illiterate zoomers and kikes

>> No.15962471
File: 42 KB, 980x296, walk backwards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Catastrophically based.

>> No.15962758

I don't know what "tribunal" this is or what you're replying to, but you're fucking retarded and that IS taken out of context. The quote says that whatever tribunal this is, will not require proof of facts OF COMMON KNOWLEDGE. This is the same as stating that the tribunal will agree to some axioms which they believe are common knowledge and build upon that as an argument, and the same way when you're arguing with someone you must agree to certain initial principle of which to base arguments off of.
t. Ethno-Monarchist, before you call me a kike shill

>> No.15962806

>I don't know what "tribunal" this is
International Military Tribunal of Nuremberg Trials.


From "Dissecting the Holocaust" by Germar Rudolf
>According to the London Agreement, these “facts of common knowledge” included anything which any office or commission from any Allied nation claimed in documents, files, reports and protocols. Thus, all ‘evidence’ produced in the trials discussed in to was deemed to be a matter of fact needing no further substantiation. The IMT categorized the SS and the Waffen-SS, for example, as criminal organizations primarily on the basis of the ‘evidence’ produced in the Dachau Trials. (91)
>91 E.g., L. Greil on the Malmedy Trial in Oberst der Waffen-SS Jochen Peiper und der Malmedy-Prozeß, Schild, Munich 1977, p. 90; for the view taken of the SS and Waffen-SS in the IMT, cf. G. Rauschenbach, Der Nürnberger Prozeß gegen die Organisationen, L. Röhrscheid, Bonn 1954; cf. also R. Hilberg, op. cit. (note 26), p. 692.

>In the time leading up to the trial, the Soviets bluntly stated that they wished to execute the accused without a trial or at most after a summary show-trial, since their guilt was self-evident anyhow. (92)
>A. von Knieriem, op. cit. (note 29), pp. 127f.

>> No.15962859

>From "Dissecting the Holocaust" by Germar Rudolf
I wasn't necessarily trying to say this term "common knowledge" wasn't misused, and I thought about noting that in my original reply - although like I said, I didn't bother to actually check what the tribunal was. What I'm trying to get at is that, when you claim such things as "The Tribunal shall not require proof of facts" as pivotal to your statement that the trials were fixed, while intentionally leaving the second phrase out, your argument is weaker.

>> No.15962862

Yeah, It wasn't my post, I just responded for him.

>> No.15962898

>plainly bizarre wartime and postwar propaganda fictions are unquestionable facts when in fact many historians have questioned and dismantled them despite heavyhanded censorship and career-ending
you wouldn't do this for anything else, for instance the numerous other atrocities in more recent history that are just as if not more obscured. consider where that comes from. consider why caricatured fictions bloated into myths were taught as factual to you in school. consider why you can only present a reactionary emotional mindshut against detailed documentation.

>> No.15962937

Is there anything in the books about the Posen speeches?

>> No.15962944


>> No.15963692
File: 39 KB, 318x467, 349626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just found this yesterday at Goodwill. As Holocaust deniers, I think we should know our enemies.

>> No.15963811

Doesn't hurt to know where they're coming from. Here's their answer to codoh:

>> No.15963821


Of course. I just like collecting the literature, so I can address individual points -- pre-war, inter-war, post-war -- fabrications of every design, pretty much. I have not read my new Dachau book yet, but I am expecting to read in it all the myths about Dr. Rascher and so forth.

>> No.15963835

You'd think they'd try a little harder to make that page seem like it's presenting historical evidence. It basically just says "No!" and then tried to remind you of stuff from grade school they guilted you with. I don't have a strong opinion on this (despite my father being ripped off by a guy who faked being in some camp, even had the tattoo), but it does seem like the revisionists are putting more effort into appearing to make a legitimate case vs the Holocaust museum focusing on some kid's diary and appeals to emotional guilt we were all given as children. If they responded with their own autistic research I think it would be smarter

>> No.15963876
File: 870 KB, 1664x1074, debunking the debunker of the debunkers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, absorb all you can. Much better to do this than to just post memes from /pol/. But since a lot of people do that here's some ammo for the next time some tries to debunk your gas chamber meme.

>> No.15963878

Can never understand holocaust deniers. If they hate Jews why would they want to disprove their attempted extermination? The only answer is that holocaust deniers love Jews so much they want to show that their lowest moment never happened, and that they've always been a great and noble people without defeat.

>> No.15963894
File: 69 KB, 720x752, 87 year old criminal thinker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why would they want to disprove their attempted extermination?

>> No.15963899
File: 74 KB, 371x396, 1595588080896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I swear, it's becoming a problem. I've got all nature of WWII book stacking up. Pro-Reich, anti-Reich, neutral on the subject.

I'd really like the complete handbook series, but it's about £560, or $700 USD.

>> No.15963906

? Who cares about some old woman

>> No.15963910

>I'd really like the complete handbook series, but it's about £560, or $700 USD.
I've been wanting that, too, but I need to build my funds up a bit before spending again. They deserve the money, though.

>> No.15963933

Fuck old people. Everyone over 65 should be shot into space.

>> No.15964138

the PDF versions are completely free on their website.

>> No.15964199


Yes, but their work and efforts aren't free. I certainly owe them.

>> No.15964236

I agree. I'm thinking on ordering 10 books for now, possibly the main ones and in the future I will buy the rest. I wish they had a hardcover edition.

>> No.15964262

>I wish they had a hardcover edition.

I suspect it's hard enough to get a paperback publishing house to run their books, let alone one more prestigious. This is the kind of material that people just don't want out there to begin with.

>> No.15964434

Most of the book doesn't actually deal with the holocaust itself. It focuses more on political changes and policy of the Third Reich than on jews being gassed with insecticide in fake shower rooms. Read The Giant with The Feet of Clay if you want the short and sweet version of it.

>> No.15964576

oral history's only "proof" if it supports your argument right? When it doesn't it's just "hate".

>> No.15965278

yeah because witness testimony is never used as evidence in murder trials right?

>> No.15965295


Witness testimony is typically used in conjunction with other forms of evidence BECAUSE it is so unreliable. That the holocaust is built almost entirely on this 'witness testimony' is its undoing.

>> No.15965309

it's not built on almost entirely witness testimony tho?
there is everything else
that you won't look up
because you don't want to

>> No.15965311

Gay post. Jews have always slandered mankind--everyone is so stupid and immoral, they slaughter Jews! In reality Jews just learned they could exploit people, and bond together their group, with victimhood porn.

>> No.15965344
File: 1.63 MB, 220x393, 1595776611724.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no rebuttal of my basedposts by Holobunga believers

>> No.15965349


>just look it up you nigger faggot
it's funny you ask that of me but nobody does it for me when I gave you a starting point in the wikipedia page

>> No.15965374

>the jews are controlling everything
sounds like victimhood to me

>> No.15965389

>there is everything else

Such as?

>> No.15965430

the buildings, the soil report
all of the bones
the documents

Despite the difficulty of finding traces of this material 50 years later, in February 1990, Professor Jan Markiewicz, Director of the Institute of Forensic Research in Kraków, redid the analysis.[39] Markiewicz and his team used microdiffusion techniques to test for cyanide in samples from the suspected gas chambers, from delousing chambers, and from control areas elsewhere within Auschwitz. The control samples tested negative, while cyanide residue was found in high concentrations in the delousing chambers, and lower concentrations in the homicidal gas chambers. This is consistent with the amounts required to kill lice and humans.[40]

The search for cyanide in the bricks of buildings said to be gas chambers was important, because the pesticide Zyklon B would generate such a residue. This was the gas most often cited as the instrument of death for prisoners in the gas chambers, supported by both testimony and evidence collected of Nazi policy.[41][42]

Another claim made by Holocaust deniers is that there were no specially-constructed vents in the gas chambers through which Zyklon B could be released.[43] The BBC offers a response showing that this requires disregard of much documentation:

>> No.15965436

Deniers have said for years that physical evidence is lacking because they have seen no holes in the roof of the Birkenau gas chamber where the Zyklon was poured in. (In some of the gas chambers the Zyklon B was poured in through the roof, while in others it was thrown in through the windows.) The roof was dynamited at war's end, and today lies broken in pieces, but three of the four original holes were positively identified in a recent paper. Their location in the concrete matches with eyewitness testimony, aerial photos from 1944, and a ground photo from 1943. The physical evidence shows unmistakably that the Zyklon holes were cast into the concrete when the building was constructed.[44]

>> No.15965477

sounds like you're a faggot

>> No.15965497

>the buildings, the soil report
>all of the bones
>the documents

>> No.15965527
File: 61 KB, 763x356, 234234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw, the present claim is 1.1 million for Auschwitz. Interesting, 3 million mistake yet the 6 gorillion figure never changes...

>> No.15965560

>while in others it was thrown in through the windows
>wooden doors

Laughing madly out loud.

>> No.15965569

no the jews control everything
everybody is the victim of jewish mind tricks
and that's why i don't have a job

>> No.15966110


>> No.15966337

>I don't even know what judiciary I'm talking about and can't be bothered to look it up

>the tribunal will agree to some axioms
>that they didn't specify
such as the accused being guilty

this is the level of retardation the average 'person' wallows in every day
these are a deadly enemy that must be mercilessly subdued if not exterminated, in the media age these subhumans are shackles on us in deep water

the second phrase is irrelevant and meaningless you stupid fuck nigger kike shill cuck
but you are so brainwashed you reflexively defend any authority that roughly aligns with the gestalt of your brainwashing

>> No.15966509
File: 65 KB, 500x704, 6BD4FD6F-130D-4A82-ACB7-9BF65ADD305C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it’s a stormfags post useless info graphics, distorted willfully untrue arguments, and discredited misleading photos episode


>> No.15966831


Chapoids! Out, out, out!

>> No.15967651

>iphone retard cattle appealing to authority
these things do not have consciousness, their very existence is a compulsion forced by their masters

>> No.15967834
File: 615 KB, 1600x1138, 1945-02 dresden_bombed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>firebombing civilians is so funny!

This is the kind of person saying the holocaust happened and that we all need to feel bad about it.

>> No.15968047

>they burned all those people in the open

>> No.15968081

except one happened and the other didn't

>> No.15968108

>Jan Markiewicz
Debunked. Following link shows, with sources, that the Polish test is worthless from the outset:
>"By their own admission, the motivation for their report was to refute research that "attempted to 'whitewash' the Hitlerite regime"[4] – or, in other words, it was ideologically motivated propaganda.
And they didn't even test for key compounds:
>When the samples were analyzed in the Polish study, they deliberately used a procedure that was unable to detect iron cyanide compounds, such as those which produce visible blue staining on the delousing chamber walls. Despite a wealth of information confirming the fact that HCN can produce these compounds, the authors wrote:[4]
>"It is hard to imagine the chemical reactions and physicochemical processes that could have led to the formation of Prussian blue in that place."

>> No.15968196

>eyewitness testimony
>aerial photographs
>physical evidence
Also debunked

>> No.15968257
File: 59 KB, 395x401, 1408995760152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy FUCK this one is still up on wikipedia right now https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mietek_Grocher

>> No.15968271

Someone's really into the Marx Bros.

>> No.15968280

/pol/ is so retarded holy shit

>> No.15968293

Prove the holocaust, faggot.

>> No.15968294

Can we keep this thread going as a /pol/ general and ban /pol/ posters from the rest of the board? Very similar to kpop on /mu/

>> No.15968320

Good luck.

>> No.15968334

I agree, threads about political writers such as Marx and his sycophants should be quarantined somewhere.

>> No.15968335

hence the quotes

>> No.15968412

they already do that as much as possible
apparently it doesn't work very well

fuck you nigger kike, we're gonna kill you all

>> No.15968419

That's a conspiracy theory that was debunked extensively by top experts in the field, you should read some of the peer-reviewed literature on the subject

>> No.15968613

Alhamdulila, the Jews admitting their own lies!

>> No.15969502


>> No.15969569


Watch the believers come back after having their initial arguments refuted and say "Well what about this other thing!?". Remember: people lead with what they think is their best argument. Anyone who doesn't do some serious reflecting after having their BEST argument squashed is just a shill, not someone who cares about the truth.

>> No.15969736

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is The Holocaust Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Backwards Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha

>> No.15970032


>> No.15970104

>dude the wiki!
Not him but you really are a braindead npc that can't think for yourself. At least they have been able to argue whereas you have nothing and just post a fucking wiki like an undeducated NPC. Why not just fuck off? . And no I don't care about any of this whether its real or not, shit I never even considered it to be fake until I came in this thread.

>> No.15970129

>I don't care about any of this
WW2 and the Holocaust in particular is the basis of secular ethics in our time. It's very important to know the truth about this.

>> No.15970231
File: 48 KB, 678x500, Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is not the point. point is people who cannot fit into economy but still want food and sex are toxic and dangerous. those who died in labour camps in whatever country did it for a reason. nobody wanted their skills and loved them but their moms when they were little and cute. all those tens of millions who killed each other in WW1 WW2 were all useless products of stupid natalists.

>> No.15970249

so, jews control everything but you are exception? you are jew. if jews are so powerful, that means humanity is weak and people are faggots. fuck humanity if it allows to be fucked.

>> No.15971611

Unironically nazis get btfod all the time on Pol
Shame lit

>> No.15971617

/pol/ doesn't read.

>> No.15971639

I'm pole and i read

>> No.15971733

Guys, how do i use the codoh website or where do i begin with all this
I really wanna know if the holocaust actually happened

>> No.15971822

There's a beginner's guide on the front page.

>> No.15971862

You could read the wikipedia article on the holocaust to get the orthodoxy, and then use the search function on codoh to inquire about things you read.

>> No.15971888


To supplement >>15971862

Read Hilberg, et al. Whenever you see something that sounds like a hysterical story, look it up on CODOH.

>> No.15971941
File: 91 KB, 800x600, 1529914512375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironically posting ancient, long debunked /pol/ macros
Indeed, Auschwitz was a totally harmless summer camp.
>t. great-grandpa worked and lived with his family for years as a german civilian employee in the direct vicinity of Auschwitz, including serving as a pit foreman in a sub-camp that was coal mine.

>> No.15971959

Just for context, Haverbeck is well known as a fairly fanatic neonazi activist.

>> No.15971990


Is that really material? She's still 91 fucking years old.

>> No.15971992

>fairly fanatic
Shut up, faggot. She's a 91 year old woman in prison for disagreeing. Meanwhile corporate stooges and niggers are burning down cities.

>> No.15972837

Neonazis will tell you to your face that they hate Jews and want to exterminate us to save Western civilization, and then turn around and claim that the idea that the Nazis would try to kill Jews to save Germany is a horrible libel. Incredible double think. Hate is seductive, but when confronted with the actual, stinking stacks of bodies, most people turn away in shame. Therefore the Nazis will write promises of future crimes while simultaneously denying their guilt for the actual crimes of the past, fantasize about death squads in the Turner Diaries while dismissing the horrors in the diary of Anne Frank as malicious propaganda. It is a pathology that can be cured not with arguments but only with cold steel and hot lead.

>> No.15972909

Post proof, faggot.

>> No.15972937

what crimes??! you are crazy. take meds. history cannot be "wrong", just as reality.

>> No.15972956
File: 18 KB, 180x200, 1589216232666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hate is seductive

You know what's seductive? Using my goy charm to bed a shayneh maidel. Love that big schnoz and blasting Aryan rope on her shmushka.

>> No.15972959

>dismissing the horrors in the diary of Anne Frank as malicious propaganda.
>There's nothing wrong with taking the diary at face value, as it describes a reality. And doesn't mention gas chambers.

>> No.15973038
File: 239 KB, 1200x675, dresden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when confronted with the actual, stinking stacks of bodies

>‘The streets were littered with hundreds of corpses,’ S.S. Obergruppenführer Kehrl described, ‘Mothers with their children, youths and elderly people; sometimes their bodies were charred and burned, sometimes untouched; sometimes they were clothed, sometimes naked, with a waxen pallor like tailors’ dummies. They lay in every attitude, now quiet and composed, now hideously contorted, with the final struggle of death crying out in every line of their faces.’

>> No.15973046

Good bait anon.

>> No.15973226

Shocking stuff.

>> No.15973568
File: 218 KB, 1126x758, 1595189324067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, I find it hard to believe that the NSDAP, being very well aware of history and how unusual was it for them to gain power, wouldn't try something like that. I mean just think about it:

If you had one shot, or one opportunity
To get rid of all the jews you ever wanted
in one moment
Would you go for it or just send them to Russia and hope they won't find a way to take ravage on you?

So what would you do in their position?

>> No.15973617
File: 92 KB, 777x652, 1594999520842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>So what would you do in their position?

Sexually assault Jewish women. Yeah.

>> No.15973810

I would create the state of Israel.

>> No.15974193

Any serious answer?
Why would the Germans send them to Russia rather then work them to death?

>> No.15974286

Compassion. Germans are a good-hearted people and Hitler, being the most German of all, did not want to harm a single jew unless absolutely necessary.
Hence why the germans, despite fighting a world war tried to make life as comfortable as possible for their prisoners, like building them pools, allowing them to engage in plays, allowing them to breed, etc.

It never crossed their mind that extermination was an option, nor to treat jews cruelly at all (as far as what cruelty means, everyone knows the child-eating kikes think doing an ounce of labor is like a shoah all over again, and they are technically correct).

>> No.15974646

bump for truth

>> No.15974730
File: 24 KB, 323x474, 51HK7TWA2ZL._SX321_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rereading this little number from my childhood, and there's a scene where Hannah is helping her father destroy and flush papers down the toiler. According to her narrative, these were dangerous papers that her father did not want the Nazis to capture.

Really makes you wonder: what was so dangerous about these papers? What kind of unscrupulous Jewish business was Mr. Goslar conducting that he didn't want anyone to find out?

The more I read the less sorry I feel for these biologically-inclined criminals.

>> No.15975132

That's idealistic and unrealistic. The NSDAP were openly anti-Jewish, saw them as vermin, parasites and sub-humans, and had no issue sending them to hard labor.
Your depiction sounds like what Stalinists or North Koreans might have said about their leader.

>> No.15975156

It is not racism nor hatred, it is simply stating a fact, like how negroes can resist the sun better. Facts are not racist.
Also look at how you flip out at the idea of labor, lol. It's no wonder the jews are communists, the idea of hard work is like a genocide to them!

>> No.15975349
File: 55 KB, 620x487, D7DA2B3A-747D-4521-A756-B7F58DCDF89B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s the explanation behind all the malnourished looking people in prison garb, and the human experimentation?

>> No.15975423

I'm not sure of this specific picture, but I remember some photos of supposed holocaust victims being actually photos of soviet victims.

>> No.15975497

it's the base of common knowledge
I don't have to prove that shit
they are the one making the claim that it's fake

>> No.15975569
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Because they had no food and no medicine??? The allies were targeting industrial centers, railways, means of transportation and distribution of supplies. They literally destroyed entire cities (Dresden) and many of the photographs used as propaganda of the piles of corpses are in fact innocent German civilians victim to the bombings. If you did some research you would know that typhus and cholera were rampant in many of the camps, in fact Anne Frank died of Typhus. Have you ever considered questioning why the extermination camps had delousing chambers in which they used Zyklon B?

>> No.15975707

Once again, can you please explain why the death toll numbers keep changing but the 6 million figure never changes? >>15965527 This plaque is from Auschwitz after historians revised the death tolls.

Also from the Wikipedia article of Majdanek Concentration Camp since "it's the base of muuhh common knowledge"
>The official estimate of 78,000 victims, of those 59,000 Jews, was determined in 2005 by Tomasz Kranz, director of the Research Department of the State Museum at Majdanek, calculated following the discovery of the Höfle Telegram in 2000.

>The Soviets initially grossly overestimated the number of deaths, claiming at the Nuremberg Trials in July 1944 that there were no fewer than 400,000 Jewish victims, and the official Soviet count was of 1.5 million victims of different nationalities,[25] Independent Canadian journalist Raymond Arthur Davies, who was based in Moscow and on the payroll of the Canadian Jewish Congress,[26][27] visited Majdanek on August 28, 1944. The following day he sent a telegram to Saul Hayes, the executive director of the Canadian Jewish Congress. It states: "I do wish [to] stress that Majdanek where one million Jews and half a million others [were] killed"[26] and "You can tell America that at least three million [Polish] Jews [were] killed of whom at least a third were killed in Majdanek",[26] and though widely reported in this way, the estimate was never taken seriously by scholars.

>> No.15975732

Because it is very hard to determine the death tolls because the Nazi's were said to have destroyed the documents
which is reasonable to assume because if you were part of a genocide
you would want to destroy the evidence

>> No.15975904
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>Once again, can you please explain why the death toll numbers keep changing but the 6 million figure never changes?
>Because it is very hard to determine the death tolls because the Nazi's were said to have destroyed the documents
lmfao cant tell if you're a troll or if you're unironically just retarded..

>> No.15975949

>Historians immediately point out that the 1949 World Almanac does not list that figure for the world Jewish population. Instead, the increased number was taken from an erroneous Senate Judiciary Committee report in 1950. Anybody looking in the 1949 World Almanac would instead see the figure of 11,266,600, along with a revision of the 1939 population upwards to more than 16-and-a-half million.

>Another argument stems from the change to a commemorative plaque at Auschwitz. Until 1994, the plaque read “Four million people suffered and died here at the hands of the Nazi murderers between the years 1940 and 1945.” In 1991, that plaque was replaced with a new one that listed only one and a half million victims, “a majority of them Jews.” Deniers quickly pointed to the revision as proof that the numbers were inflated.

>In fact, the actual numbers were inflated, but not by Jewish historians trying to guilt the world into compensation. The Soviets overstated the number of non-Jewish victims for propaganda purposes. A noted historian, Raul Hillberg, estimated just over a million deaths at Auschwitz. He did that in 1950, and estimates by historians such as him have been always been the scholarly basis for determining the number of victims.

>> No.15975966
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In original newsprints, the man on the right was not present. He was composited into the photo before it went on tour in NYC after the war.

>> No.15975977

>the actual numbers were inflated, but not by Jewish historians trying to guilt the world into compensation
oy vey it wasn't us goyim

>> No.15975981

Why do you assume it was?

>> No.15976006

Who do you think the overwhelming majority of holohoax "historians" are?

I'll give you a clue: https://www.yadvashem.org/

>> No.15976022

>Who do you think the overwhelming majority of holohoax "historians" are?
are you telling me that the people who deny the holocaust are jewish?
because that's what you just wrote

>> No.15976135

>t. dyslexic retard with severe reading comprehension problems

>> No.15976169

you hating the jews is not evidence that it's fake
you can look up the soviet propaganda

>> No.15976207

massive ad hominem cope, faggot.

>> No.15976214

you just used an ad hominem
for saying that because they are jews they must be lying

>> No.15976572

Hey, it's my good friend Wikis With Jews, from the Posts No Proof clan. Allow me to refute your links once more for old time's sake: https://codoh.com/

>> No.15976821

Rudolf Höss was the commandant of Auschwitz from May 1940 until November 1943. From November 1943 until May 1944 the concentration camp was commandeered by Arthur Liebehenschel and from May 1944 until January 1945 by Richard Baer. Since Rudolf Höss “confessed” that 3 Million people had been killed in the camp while he was the commandant, it was a no brainer for the judges presiding over the Nuremberg trials to assume that additional people were killed in the camp while Auschwitz was under the command of Arthur Liebehenschel and Richard Baer and thus, the 4 Million number was devised.

Yet today we know that the total number of people killed at Auschwitz during its full run as a labour camp under three commandeers was no more than 1.1 Million. Then why would Rudolf Höss make false confessions that preposterous 3 Million people had been killed there during the first two and a half years of the camp? We can find answers to that in the accounts by people who were there when Rudolf Höss was held a prisoner.

so it was a british jew that tortured Rudolph but then the jews came in and corrected them
wait... why would they do that?

>> No.15976855

>so, jews control everything
I literally and unironically didn't say that. Or anything like it.

They control a lot tho ^_^

>> No.15977481


>> No.15977553

So you've been given an actual explanation. There was a discrepancy between the number accepted by serious historians, including Jews like Hilberg, and the higher number floating around in post-war propaganda. The propaganda was questioned and corrected. And instead of this changing your opinion on Holocaust scholarship or refuting the idea that questioning its dogma with historical evidence is forbidden, you're trying to spin this as an example of its dogmatism.
The reality is that "six million" is a very rough, popular understanding of the death toll, and that scholarly estimates have ranged from just under five million to just over six million. This is a much smaller range than you will hear for the Holodomor or the Great Leap Forward, because the Holocaust is better documented, but it does show that the idea of some dogmatic fixation on "muh six million," if it exists, is a popular and not an academic phenomenon. Using it to discredit Holocaust studies is either a sign of not having read very much mainstream scholarship or lying about its contents.

>> No.15977578

I can't think of a reason to get this physically except to be judged by house guests

>> No.15977582

>Jewish population has already rebounded to above pre-war levels
The scale of the scam is mind-boggling. They lost 1/3 in the Holobunga. That means they gained 1/2 since. That was fast!

>> No.15977603

> illegal migrants
You're talking about German citizens who had lived in the country for generations, not illegal immigrants
>inb4 b-but their ancestors didn't have proper immigration papers
Such papers didn't exist in the 1500s.

> and they all migrated via vagina border, not demanded by business, but because mommy wanted a toy, and another pederast wanted to pass genes.
Ok we're in full retard territory.

>> No.15977656

>in 1985; yeah, it took that fucking long for a cross-examination in a courtroom to happen
History is usually not decided in the courtroom, and Hilberg's major work on the Holocaust was published in 1982. Only three years before going to court would seem a pretty short delay in most cases, especially since Hilberg was just making historical claims.

But of course you are knowledgeable enough about the subject to already know that.

>They remain safely in the media where they are listened to only.
Holocaust deniers were given popular tribunes in the 80s (see Faurisson, who was published by Le Monde, the single most important French newspaper, in 1978).

>> No.15977674

>/lit/ being the best place to discuss anything other than vaguely literary memes
Oh boy.

>> No.15977765

>>durrr the nazis would allow female
It's a known fact that they were female membres of the SS, naturally they were a minority, but they exist.

> guard thousands upon thousands of male inmates
They were also a majority of SS guards plus many kapo who were also mostly male, don't see where the problem is, especially when the guard are armed. You think a trained female guard with a rifle can't watch over a few malnourished male civilians?

>Durrr so what if they had olympic-sized swimming pools at Auschwitz!
>So what if they had hospitals at Auschwitz!
Yes, so what? Recreational facilities for guards are a thing throughout the world, and hospital are a necessity for both guard and inmates since Auschwitz included a work camp. Especially after 1941 when the nazis started losing the war and they needed some of the labor. Primo Levi even mention this constraint in his account of his time in Auschwitz.

>> No.15977802

>the nazis would have buried the bodies only to later exhume and burn them instead of burning them directly
Come on anon, you gotta give some credit to the Krauts, they weren't that dumb.

>> No.15977844

>History is usually not decided in the courtroom
That's exactly where history is decided. That's what literally all court proceedings are about: what happened.
>Hilberg's major work on the Holocaust was published in 1982
This isn't about Hilberg, brainlet. The Nuremberg trials didn't happen in 1982, and between then and 1985 there were no cross examinations of witness or supposed experts.
>Holocaust deniers were given popular tribunes in the 80s

Your whole post is cope, and a weak attempt to distract from the points you're responding to.

>> No.15978110

>The reality is that "six million" is a very rough, popular understanding of the death toll, and that scholarly estimates have ranged from just under five million to just over six million. This is a much smaller range than you will hear for the Holodomor or the Great Leap Forward, because the Holocaust is better documented, but it does show that the idea of some dogmatic fixation on "muh six million," if it exists, is a popular and not an academic phenomenon. Using it to discredit Holocaust studies is either a sign of not having read very much mainstream scholarship or lying about its contents.

Reitlinger claims that like 500k died, just fucking lol

>> No.15978280
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The one thing that every American WWII historian fails to understand is the extreme sense of Chivalry possessed by Adolf Hitler. He genuinely believed that through Chivalry, the Jews and Britons could be won over to a position of neutrality towards Germany. He was not a hateful man, and he consistently showed Mercy and good faith as a tactic to de-radicalize his opponents, and to humiliate the press which painted him as a villain. It was through this Chivalry that Adolf Hitler won the hearts and minds of the vast majority of Europe. The USA is truly the great Satan for getting involved in the war on the side of the enemies of humanity.

>> No.15978285

>That's exactly where history is decided.
History is usually decided by historians, courts get involved only in extreme cases. If you think ortherwise feel free to show me the court trial that invalidated the hypothesis that early humans were scavengers, or the one who refuted the historicity of the Atlantid.

>This isn't about Hilberg, brainlet.
Yes it is. Before Hilberg's work got mainstream nobody cared about the Holocaust, Hilberg himself had much trouble publishing his work.
>The Nuremberg trials didn't happen in 1982
Not the point, the Holocaust was a side note in that political trial. It wan't about history.

> there were no cross examinations of witness or supposed experts
As is usual in a political trial, and as the nazis had no trouble doing when they were in power. Again, that part is not about history.

This exactly refutes your claim that
>in the media where they [Holocaust historians] are listened to only
The media also listened to negationist when the Holocaust started getting mainstream.

>Your whole post is cope
Right back at you, you didn't understand half my points, which were pretty simple.

>and a weak attempt to distract from the points you're responding to
Distracting from what? I exactly showed why your post is bullshit. Read the exchange again, you were just making up shit, like the idea that people took a lot of time to question the Holocaust narrative (they didn't, they questioned it in the few years after it got mainstream, and no, Holocaust history was not mainstream in the 50s, 60s or even 70s, it was niche if not viewed as politically incorrect).

>> No.15978315


Just think, if Chamberlain hadn't been ousted, it is almost certain that Hitler could have secured peace after France.

Instead, Churchill (who was saved from bankruptcy by Jewish bankers, btw) was compelled to fight the war to the bitter end.

>> No.15978564

>History is usually decided by historians
No, it's never decided by historians. If a historian is in court is he the final arbiter of whether his claims are true? Rhetorical question.
Regardless of whether you agree with the court decision, or whether it's actually correct, that's where the system you reside in stamps it's approval or disapproval.

>Yes it is.
No, it's not. The post in question was making a point about the invalidity of witness testimony concerning the Holocaust. Your pilpul is weak.

>This exactly refutes your claim that "in the media where they [Holocaust historians] are listened to only"
I would say you're retarded if I didn't know you were being willfully dense. For one, I was speaking specifically about WITNESSES, and second, "listened to only" means "not cross examined". This is all clear in context, which is why you have to take it out of context and add words so you can argue against a strawman.

>the idea that people took a lot of time to question the Holocaust narrative
Not something I said. I said no witnesses had been cross examined. You're caught in another lie.

>> No.15978582

Why is it that we can't have a nice Holocaust thread without Jews ruining it?

>> No.15978593

Woah this quote
>“But what began in 1941 was a process of destruction not planned in advance, not organized centrally by any agen-cy. There was no blueprint and there was no budget for destructive measures [of the Jews]. They [the measures]were taken step by step. Thus came about not so much a plan being carried out but an incredible meeting of minds, a consensus mind-reading by a far-flung [German] bureau-cracy.
Pretty enlightening, so what does this mean about the alleged destroy documentations?

>> No.15978597
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Imagine having this much cope.

>> No.15978790

So when William Pierce fantasized about leading all the Jews, mestizos, and brown people out of LA into the desert to be shot and nuking all of Africa and Asia to kill the subhumans in The Turner Diaries, you're arguing that he was not following in Hitler's footsteps, but actually internalizing and glorifying Allied propaganda? If that is true, wouldn't an admirer of Hilter's ideals support the defeat of the hateful idiots contaminating his legacy?
Is MLK the true heir of Hitler's legacy? Would Hitler be ridin' with Biden? Would Hitler say Trans Lives Matter? What's the point of lying to rehabilitate Hitler if even if you succeeded you wouldn't get your Day of the Rope?

>> No.15978802

Rent free.

>> No.15978866

Nazis suck

>> No.15979819

I'm convinced that "Anne Frank's diary was a fraud" line is a false flag to make revisionists look desperate to deny anything.