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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 53 KB, 767x620, FRANK_drug_image_alcohol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15962614 No.15962614 [Reply] [Original]

For a popular drink there isn't a great deal of literature from the classics to now. I've never touched the stuff because drugs messing with your mind to have fun feels weird to me. Obviously it can be linked to temperance and not indulging yourself etc. I've read some stuff such as from Seneca praising its bringing of a relaxing balance to life, its ability to inspire ideas and can be tied to not dissociating from society.
Do you drink? Is it justifiable?

>> No.15962640

I don't drink because it's too expensive and I'm not a depressed loser who needs a temporary means of escape from their daily existential crisis.

>> No.15962675

The bible said it all: "Better drunk than dead."
If your life becomes ridden with misery, escaping with alcohol is preferred over killing yourself.

>> No.15962695

Wouldn't better advice dive into confronting life rather than escaping through descent into further harm

>> No.15962702

i drink occasionally, i don’t care for it really but sometimes it happens.

>> No.15962719
File: 568 KB, 922x1211, SevenSevenSevenSevenSevenSevenSeven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yall niggas be drankin for no reason,
I drank cause the worlds so displeasing
I notice I'm surrounded by disachievement
Seven seven seven
Seven seven seven seven seven seven seven

>> No.15962827

your mind is stupid.

>> No.15962927

>The German aristocracy is almost entirely absent from the history of higher culture: you can guess why ... Christianity, alcohol - the two great means of corruption ...
AC, § 60

>Alcoholic drinks are bad for me; one glass of wine or beer in the course of a day is more than enough to turn my life into a 'veil of tears', - my antipodes are in Munich. Since I was a little late in understanding this, I really experienced it from the time I was a child. When I was a boy, I thought that drinking wine, like smoking tobacco, started off as just a vanitas of young men and became a bad habit later on. Perhaps the Naumburg wine is partly to blame for this harsh judgment. I would need to be a Christian to think of wine as a stimulant, which is to say I would need to believe something I find absurd. Strangely enough, given my extreme susceptibility to small doses of strongly diluted alcohol, I am practically a sailor when it comes to strong doses. [...] Later, of course, towards the middle of my life, I became more and more strongly opposed to those 'spiritual' beverages: experience has made me an opponent of vegetarianism, and, like Richard Wagner who converted me, I cannot recommend seriously enough that all spiritual natures give up alcohol entirely. Water is enough ...
EH, Why I Am So Clever, § 1

>Maybe the alcoholism of young scholars does not call their scholastic pretensions completely into question (you can be a great scholar even if you are completely devoid of spirit), but it is a problem in all other respects. - And is there anything that has escaped the mild degeneration that beer produces in spirit? I once put my finger on a case that is almost famous now - the degeneration of our first German free spirit, the sensible David Strauss, into a writer of beer-bench gospels and the 'new faith' ...
TI, What the Germans Lack, § 2

>> No.15962933


>> No.15962938


>> No.15962945

Scruton wrote a book called 'I drink therefore I am' where he evaluates the aesthetic status of wine and food.

Nietzsche hated alcohol, and saw all drugs as cowardly form of escapism for inferior minds.

>> No.15962950

even Jesus drank wine

>> No.15962952

that is why Nietzsche never ascended to I.

>> No.15962976

Wow Nietzsche sounds pretty cool here. Which of his works covers that sort of topic?

>> No.15962991


So fundamentally, Nietzsche never escaped his Lutheran upbringing, even though he railed against Christianity and religion in general is what I'm getting out of this.

>> No.15963031

>too expensive
a cheap bottle of wine is $3

>> No.15963074

what is the most /lit/ drink and why is it wine?

>> No.15963087


>> No.15963140

Boilermakers all day long my man
"Never trust anyone who doesn't drink. They have something to hide."

>> No.15963475

Interesting. I have been wondering what the $9 bottle of wine in the "with a car you can drive anywhere"-meme meant. So it isn't actually a cheap wine.

>> No.15963506

Distilled from day-long used stockings, virgin librarian girl's sweat

>> No.15963523

What a virgin lmao

>> No.15963532
File: 299 KB, 369x438, Chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based alcoholic poster

Imma drink to that cheers mate

>> No.15963746

And a $3 bottle of wine can be surprisingly good too. Winking Owl is fantastic.

>> No.15963754

In Ecclesiastes it said “Better to be in the house of mourning than the house of feasting”

>> No.15963777
File: 506 KB, 1577x2048, 56334_XXL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't drink
Opinion discarded.
There's only one answer anon.
I've thought about writing on this before, maybe later I can write some notes if this is still up.
I don't know how useful a philosophy would be for you given that you don't drink, and I won't suggest that you take it up either. Drink can be a strange experience, and in many ways it conflicts with the modern spirit, so most won't be able to appreciate its true qualities (confrontation with fate and death as well as the dionysian realm, the seasonal passage of reordering). Both alcoholism and casual drinking speak to this, as well as painkillers being the natural drug of our time (not in a positive way).
If you don't want to ease your way into drinking with some friends the best alternative is probably to observe, even as an outsider - the girl staring through the tavern windows in Satantango. Otherwise you could try the scholarly approach. I'd definitely suggest Moscow to the End of the Line, especially over any of the alcoholism novels popular in American literature. Both the Russian soul and drinking spirit live on in Erofeev's writing. Other than that I think the poets and songwriters are the best, as well as myths of Dionysus; Baudelaire, Holderlin, the Carmina Burana.

Drinking songs live on in many places and there's nothing quite like a bar erupting in one of its regional anthems. They are perhaps better to look into than any literature.


>> No.15963889

>Is it justifiable?
What kind of dumbass question is this?

>> No.15964025


The best work of literature / philosophy concerned with alcohol is of course

>The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

translated by Fitzgerald. If you haven't read it, go read it. Doesn't take long.

A few select stanzas:


Come, fill the Cup, and in the fire of Spring
Your Winter-garment of Repentance fling:
The Bird of Time has but a little way
To flutter ― and the Bird is on the Wing.


A Book of Verses underneath the Bough,
A Jug of Wine, a Loaf of Bread ― and Thou
Beside me singing in the Wilderness ―
Oh, Wilderness were Paradise enow!


Some for the Glories of This World; and some
Sigh for the Prophet's Paradise to come;
Ah, take the Cash, and let the Credit go,
Nor heed the rumble of a distant Drum!


The Grape that can with Logic absolute
The Two-and-Seventy jarring Sects confute:
The sovereign Alchemist that in a trice
Life's leaden metal into Gold transmute ―


The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all your Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all your Tears wash out a Word of it.


Yesterday This Day's Madness did prepare;
To-morrow's Silence, Triumph, or Despair:
Drink! for you know not whence you came, nor why:
Drink! for you know not why you go, nor where.


And much as Wine has play'd the Infidel,
And robb'd me of my Robe of Honour ― Well,
I wonder often what the Vintners buy
One half so precious as the stuff they sell.


>> No.15964035

God you must be absolutely insufferable to drink with. Do you get bored of yourself?

>> No.15964040

Nietzsche was right about alchohol

>> No.15964082

another one from GS:
>For the thinker and for all inventive spirits ennui is the unpleasant "calm" of the soul which precedes the happy voyage and the dancing breezes; he must endure it, he must await the effect it has on him: - it is precisely this which lesser natures cannot at all experience! It is common to scare away ennui in every way, just as it is common to labour without pleasure. It perhaps distinguishes the Asians above the Europeans, that they are capable of a longer and profounder repose; even their narcotics operate slowly and require patience, in contrast to the obnoxious suddenness of the European poison, alcohol.

>> No.15964106


>> No.15964161

>sober discussion of philosophy
>you must be insufferable drunk
You don't go to bars often do you.

>> No.15964355

>drinking in bars
Oh, anon... I just hope that one day you'll grow up.

>> No.15964465

Lol I've spent about 20 years hanging out in bars. You would not be well received in any of the places I hang out at. You're looking for the ones with 80 millenial retards staring at their phones while drinking something faggy and overpriced. You'll fit right in there!

>> No.15964475

Also I wasn't implying that you'd be more insufferable drunk, moreso that you are fundamentally insufferable. Don't get me wrong I'm sure you're twice as obnoxious when you've had your 3 IPAs.

>> No.15964485

>Never touched the stuff
Justifiable or not, you're still a pussy.

>> No.15964495

You sound like a retard.

>> No.15964522

Sweet comeback, kid! I'll go ahead and rest assured that everything I said is completely accurate now.

Don't you have some faggy, brand du jour bourbon or something to drink?

>> No.15964565

You're a 40 year old talking shit to people you don't know on the internet.

>> No.15964580

As long as you're not using it as a cope. It's a social drug that, in a controlled use, is more enriching than harmful. Friends that drink together stay together

>> No.15964610

I know enough about bars to know that you're the guy stumbling over drunk and about to pick a fight even though he can barely see.
But go ahead, tell me why I'm insufferable and give us the true philosophy of drinking. And what's a real man's drink?

>> No.15964716

Am I? Neat!!

The real man's drink is whatever is in front of him when he feels like drinking. Alcohol is alcohol, obsessing about it is for elitist fags who need props to define their personalities. Like you....

>> No.15964752

I recommend Scruton's I Drink Therefore I Am. He writes about wine elegantly and situates it at "the heart of civilization." Here's an essay he wrote about it.


Here's Wine was revered in ancient times as the work of a god. Its subsequent place at the heart of our civilisation justifies that attitude. Wine has been, for us, a glowing threshold through which we pass from work to play, from business to friendship, and from means to ends. In due course wine became an essential part of the sacrament that defines the Christian religion, singled out by Christ himself as the right way to honour him, to be taken at communion in remembrance of his sacrificial death. Through all our art and literature wine displays its distinctive light, offering shared moments of joy, and shining a light of forgiveness on our everyday misconduct.

>> No.15964830

what the fuck am I reading. get off this board, get off this website. what the fuck is wrong with you. this is a board for talking about BOOKS.

>> No.15964859

I really enjoyed Fitzgerald's "May Day" novella. It's about a giant party after the ships return from WW1 and it features tons of different groups drinking heavily all centered on one city block. Rich socialites on the top floor in a grand ball room, homeless drunks in the back alley at the bottom and everything in between.
It's a great story to read drunk.

>> No.15964868

deleuze used it as an example for something bad in his monograph on spinoza. to him, the bad is that which dissolves relations to self, such as alcohol

>> No.15964916

Awww, sorry for challenging your generic worldview kid. Also, way to address any of my completely valid points!

This isn't a board for the 'discussion' of anything. This is a board for loser zoomers to fill their days while they hide from life. I don't think I've seen anything even resembling an actual conversation online for years now.

>> No.15965023



>> No.15965411

Unironically projecting.

>> No.15965525

Are you drunk right now?

>> No.15965652

What exactly am I 'COPE'ing with?

Are any kids on the internet capable of forming anything resembling a sentence anymore? Did you honestly think that was in any way funny or clever when you wrote it?

Do you ever think about the fact that if you hadn't posted that, some other generic millenial loser would have posted the exact same thing? Of course you don't...

>> No.15965661

Oh shit really turned that one around on me. Touché, Jordan Peterson!

We're having a discussion!!

>> No.15965673

No. Why would you assume that?

>> No.15965805

>Mass replies half the thread
>Doesn't even try to refute anyone else's argument (especially mine about Nietzsche still subjecting himself to German Lutheran values despite hating Christianity and religion in general)
>Isn't just projecting like the brainlet he is

>> No.15965970
File: 65 KB, 630x472, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't know about anyone else
but my philosophy is that no good story ever starts with drinking tea

>> No.15966527

nahhh nietzsche never escaped from reality cowardly even when he THE MAXIMUM INCEL HIMSELF went to die to brothels.