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/lit/ - Literature

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15957377 No.15957377 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a series of books that redpills you on the major historical passages that lead to where the west is today - simmilar to Kenny's New History Of Western Philosophy with philosophy?
I was badly ignorant to these topics in HS and am realizing that one can't understand lit without knowing his.
..maybe /his/ is a better place to ask for this, but I'm sure you anons know a thing or two about history and I'm not trying to get deeply into one historical topic, just an overall grasp so that I understand his-based symbols put into art.
(I'm aware a series like that could consist of many books, but am willing to go for it, since otherwise I'm stuck)

>> No.15957464

i know where you're coming from anon but i would suggest 1st learning about the 20th centruy stuff and then proceed back in time. There is no 1 book that holds everything

>> No.15957506

Funny you say that, because reading Kenny, I read vol. 4 first.

>> No.15957574

The Decline of the West

>> No.15957612

Is this actually good or is it a /lit/-/pol/ meme

>> No.15957621

take a 2 semester history course

>> No.15957657

It's a Hegelian philosophy of history, /pol/fags like to appropriate it because of the title.

>> No.15957679
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Ok I'll read it

>> No.15957682

No you won't

>> No.15957691

Yes I will and then I will shitpost nonstop about for three days and then I will watch fisting porn

>> No.15957696

Maybe look at the Great Ages of Man series by Time Life Books. It's for younger readers so it should be good if you're a retard, you can find some on archive.org


It's a big topological meme

Spengler was anti-Hegelian and thought history wasn't progressive

>> No.15957710

>It's a big topological meme
Brother bls exblain

>> No.15957734

>Great Ages of Man
I am a retard outside of mathematical disciplines, but something that's for younger readers sounds dangerously dumbed down.

>> No.15957762

Spengler thought in terms of types not dialectics

You'll be surprised if you read older stuff (around 50 or more years) targeted at high schoolers that it was generally written at a level more advanced than stuff for undergraduates today... maybe that says something

>> No.15957813

Ok, thanks for sure for suggesting it and I will look at it.. if you say it's HQ.