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/lit/ - Literature

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15956924 No.15956924 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any worthwhile philosopher since the 2000s?
Even people you don't agree with. I feel like philosophy kind of die out after WW2.

>> No.15956960 [DELETED] 

george h penis is a good philosopher.

>> No.15956963

Maybe McDowell, Kripke or Chalmers but the age of the great philosopher is over to be sure.

>> No.15956974

do you like george h penis

>> No.15956995

This is my theory only but the modern job industry, social pressure and the internet kind of kill Philosophy.
No one wants to sit down and write a long book of ideas about humans and politics. No money.
Social science is used as a political tool.
Even if you publish anything solo, it gets buried in the vast information sea on the internet.

>> No.15957008

Is there anybody worth calling a philosopher after Neet-chan?

>> No.15957011

george h penis wrote about this in his seminal book "penis"

>> No.15957026

i find myself listening to the works of george h penis i think he is a good philosopher

>> No.15957033

This just in, history has actually ended.

>> No.15957052

you should read some of george h penis's work

>> No.15957057

philosophy kind of exploted after WW2 and died in the 90's

>> No.15957167

TV was invented.

>> No.15957221
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>> No.15957229

you can read gender theory

>> No.15957234

Nick Land
Mencius Moldbug
Horia Belcia

>> No.15957257

Icylam is pretty retarded.

>> No.15957473
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No, just like there isn't any worthwhile literature written in the modern era, besides a couple Cormac McCarthy novels being halfway decent

Do not mourn OP, it's just like how no one is composing operas and string quarterts in modern times either.

However, we need to cherish these great minds so that they can help guide us through the muck of modernity.

>> No.15957582

Even if this sounds like something a boomer would say, I feel like humanity stopped progressing around 1950s or 1960s.
We have better technologies now but the society is in stagnation.

>> No.15957653

No, history ended in 1991

>> No.15957660

based fukuposter

>> No.15957662

He's Nietzsche's art tyrant.

>> No.15957664

I like sloterdjik

>> No.15957667


>> No.15957711

The death of classical university education in favour of fractured science education produces specialists

>> No.15957716
File: 56 KB, 618x772, 85CE1FF4-34A5-4E18-914E-FEA6588B14F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15957739

Nice joke.

>> No.15957763

The world after 1991 is a Monoculture globalized technocratic cesspool. Development of the world through conflict and ideology ended, for now we’re in a crippling state of decadence where Neoliberalism reigns supreme. This is why there’s hardly any good philosophy or art for the last 30 years. There’s no innovation, nobody has anything interesting to say, and if they do then they just criticize things within this Monoculture.

The New Atheist movement was the best example, since all of them are inherently liberal to their core but just had more of an anti-religious edge to them, meaning they never said anything new or interesting and faded away over time.

>> No.15957806

A lot. Badiou, Zizek, Ranciere, Agamben, Sloterdjik and others I may have left off.

Their legacies haven't been made yet. But those are the candidates for the most likely to be discussed from our time.

>> No.15957817

Byung-Chul Han

Who in their right mind takes Moldbug seriously

>> No.15958157

Byung-Chul Han is interesting but I don't think he's going to make it as big as we wish.

>> No.15958627

we'll probably be stuck like this for a long time
Nothing will change :/

>> No.15958811

The age of Kants and Hegels is over. Now only Ciceros and Senecas are possible. JBP is of that type.