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File: 588 KB, 1080x1679, Screenshot_20200724-201852_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15951504 No.15951504 [Reply] [Original]

Neo Nazi books to be banned from Amazon

>> No.15951541

A bunch of random things were removed without explanation on my Amazon wishlist. They weren't outright affiliated with that but this would explain it.

>> No.15951545

That's nice

>> No.15951548

>neo-nazi books

Such as? David Irving, stuff like that?

>> No.15951555
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Yes, very nice indeed.

Nothing legitimizes an idea faster than censorship.

>> No.15951573
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>> No.15951608

I don't get it

>> No.15951610

Communism is not really censored at all by tech companies. I don't think liberals consider communism a realistic threat anymore, though maybe this is unwise of them.

>> No.15951620

List of removed books?

>> No.15951627

>Nothing legitimizes an idea faster than censorship.
Go back to posting on Facebook, mate

>> No.15951652

Nazi, the n-word for white people

>> No.15951660

>posting on kikebook
No, thank you.

>> No.15951661

I thought that was the case already? What of new got removed?

>> No.15951662

So did they censor actual, openly neo-nazi books or simply anything they marginally disagree with ideologically?

>> No.15951672
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>I don't think liberals consider communism a realistic threat anymore, though maybe this is unwise of them.

>> No.15951677
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Too slow niggers!

>> No.15951682
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Why should it be considered a threat? Commies are literally the soldiers of liberalism at this point.

Do you even see the $15 minimum wage being talked about anymore? Nope. Black Lives Matter instead.

Subversion complete.

>> No.15951688

>E. Michael Jones is gone


>> No.15951697

They shoah well-known authors but a lot of historical fascist stuff is available

>> No.15951698

Is Logos Rising any good?

>> No.15951704

>that finger

la creaturaaaaaa

>> No.15951714
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Apparently not...

>> No.15951723

Considering Amazon pretty much controls the circulation of many books on the world, aren't they basically in position to enforce censorship on a level never before seen? The state seems to be growing increasingly superflous and effectively mutating into what Marx said it was, just the capitalist's fix-it guy.

>> No.15951724

He can’t even be construed as a Nazi. That’s absurd. Don’t know why I expected more from Amazon, though

>> No.15951725

I'm white as hell, I just get sun

>> No.15951727

>amerimutts licking jewish asshole
more news at 11

>> No.15951730

Thank you, global corporate hegemony, for being on the right side of history.

>> No.15951732

So, Amazon are a private company and can sell or not sell whatever the fuck they feel like.

>> No.15951739

It's not censorship.

>> No.15951742

Good troll


>> No.15951749

Those huge megacorps have transcended being merely business just by how much control they have over the flow of information. They are political entities of a new kind, different from the modern state as we know them.

>> No.15951754

digital book burning is absolutely censorship

>> No.15951769

Owen Benjamin's lawsuit alleges tortious interference against his cancellers. Seems legit to me. People paid, he said 1A protected stuff, some nobody shoahed his business model.

>> No.15951787

Oh no, where will /pol/tards get their retarded takes now? Just fucking get over yourselves, seriously. I'm sure you can still buy your crappy books on some bootleg site, but normal, healthy people whose lives extend beyond REEEing about brown people on the internet won't tolerate this shit. And they're right to do so, just so you know.

>> No.15951817
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>> No.15951831

>work at a used book store

Looks like im about to score some inventory rejects

>> No.15951833

ok chud

>> No.15951837
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Heres a reading list

>> No.15951838

Good. Nazis are all basedlets who should be eradicated by liberalism.

>> No.15951840

>normal, healthy people
Very fascist thing to say tbqh

>> No.15951843

Except calling a nigger a "nigger" usually improves their life thanks to hate crime laws.

>> No.15951845

>following an investigation by BBC
For whatever reason, this is what bothers me most. I see so many news stories nowadays that are effectively self-generated by the network that broadasts it.

>> No.15951847
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>> No.15951852
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Does that mean even parodies like this will get banned soon?

>> No.15951856

They've been doing this for years, and you're a retard if you still support this company.

>> No.15951857

Might makes right. Amazon and Google have the might, so they have the right to remove what they don't like.

>> No.15951862
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>> No.15951864

You could probably get them from specialized bookshops, or from other retailers, or the publishers could probably upload them to their blogs, digital distribution websites, etc.
It's not book burning. Nobody is destroying those books so they can't be accessed by anyone.
>b-but muh accessibility
Entitled Amerifats are the worse.

America has done worse things in regarding freedom and censorship than Amazon deleting some books, lmao. Learn some fucking history.

>> No.15951874

Commies have been rioting in portland for 60 days straight and their only demand has been to disband the police, a cornerstone of socialist institution. Their enemy is a police union. I know its trite to say this, but theyve been successfully rallied against their own best interests.

>> No.15951875
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>> No.15951879

No way they could get rid of Bolano! He's a world-famous writer. That's like getting rid of Phillip Roth because one of his covers has a swastika on it.
>normal, healthy people whose lives extend beyond REEEing about brown people on the internet won't tolerate this shit
Normal, healthy people have no idea that these books even exist.

>> No.15951882

Bolsheviks in USSR established their own vchk and militsia, but first they wiped the old governmental structures clean.

>> No.15951885
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>> No.15951891
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>> No.15951897

They established their own cops, which were largely the same as the old cops, if anything they were more abusive. Of course they're right to destroy the existing structures from a tactical standpoint but they didn't change anything about the necessity of having cops.

>> No.15951898
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>> No.15951901

>Normal, healthy people have no idea that these books even exist.
Because they’re fucking shit books

>> No.15951915

They don't hate the police as such, they hate it while it is in service of the capitalist state. Though in this case, rather than a collapse of the capitalist state, we're much more likely to see a privatization of some police functions to fill the void.

>> No.15951917

What is a Neo-Nazi book?
Something tells me they don’t mean strictly books by neo-Nazis

>> No.15951919
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>> No.15951921

>fucking shit books
Well James Patterson and Rupi Kaur make me feel they may be up the normies' alley then.

>> No.15951923

>CeNsOrShIp OnLy HaPpEnS WhEn iTs ThE GoVeRnMeNt
But when a multinational supercorporation with more power than most nationstates does it thats Aye-Ookay

>> No.15951927

Its not that they don’t want any police, they just want to get rid of the police and replace them with NKVD style political police

>> No.15951931

You're not actually mad at nazis, you're mad at the people who have made you a slave by making you terrified of even thinking certain things, let alone saying them, but you're a coward so you transfer your feelings of anger onto the only permissible target, nazis.

>> No.15951935
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>> No.15951984

I like to remember the good times with Amazon. It's always heartwarming when someone gets something on that they would obviously wanna ban.

The guy who made a reprint of Blood Passover (Toaff) titled it THE BLOODY SATANIC SACRIFICE RITUALS OF THR JEWISH RACE.

Lmao. Fuck Bezos.

>> No.15951985
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>> No.15952105

I agree with you, but alternating capitalization to mock who you're quoting is annoying. It's an eyesore, it's passive-aggressive, and it makes you look like a redditor.

>> No.15952121

Bought Mein Kampf before its down haha

>> No.15952133

Could have gotten it somewhere else, and not paid this shitty company. You're a retard.

>> No.15952134

Fucking retards. Ideas can't be criticized if they aren't read. This'll backfire.

>> No.15952137

First they came for the Nazis, but I wasn't a Nazi...

>> No.15952185

Shut up /pol/ tard, the books are shit. What are you talking about
>you're mad at the people who have made you a slave by making you terrified of even thinking certain things
What? Muh Jews? Muh blacks? Muh Arabs?
Seriously what?
Nazis are retarded, there books are shit. They only talk about the scary jew, blame every problem them. Think like they're some kind of hivemind controlling the world. Never pointing out that there also are Irish, Anglo, German, asian, whatever billionaires/CEOs/people of power.
Yes okay fuck the Jewish billionaires but also fuck the western European billionaires and the Asian and even the black, indian, whatever. Fuck the entire ruling class and not some specific group.
Marx was right, and we should collectivise our means of production and introduce democracy in our workplace. Stop being such a bootlicking faggot fighting for western European billionaires wanting an even bigger slice of the pie.

>> No.15952197

>giving money to any of those three corporations under any circumstance
Shiggy diggy doo

>> No.15952202

Amazon can do whatever it wants retard

>> No.15952212


It's the foremost problem, you fucking retard. Stop trying to distract from it.

>> No.15952240

>they're right to do so, just so you know

>> No.15952255

Of course it can, but I don't have to support it retard.

>> No.15952294

>can still buy the shitty books on other platforms and just from a billionaire's shitty, terrible, human rights violating garbage

Oh no. Truly they're burning these books.

>> No.15952297

freedom to do business is not freedom from chanposts

>> No.15952308
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And the other 45? You're not seeing the complete picture, you are tunnel visioning only on the Jews. But what about the other ethnic groups? There are more western european billionaires than Jews.
Even if hypothetically all the Jews are gone, what problem have you solved? Literally nothing.
The problems are systematic, they aren't a cause of a specific ethnic group.

>> No.15952313

No it cant. Amazon can only do whatever it can to satisfy the screeching masses.

>> No.15952366
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Jews are less than 1% of the world population, yet make up 17% of billionaires. They own Facebook, Google, and have had the West fighting their wars for hundreds of years. Gaslight somewhere else, you piece of shit.

>> No.15952373

>muh demographics and statistics
American are truly retarded.

>> No.15952375

what most want is a country like Israel
>national ethnic/religious identity
>3 fertility rate, promotion of family values, women are proud to be mothers to many children
>no mass immigration
>no hatred of own people

>> No.15952409

Hes got a point, jews are the only overrepresented group. Looks like you lost the arguement friend

>> No.15952422

Should the government force Amazon to have certain books for sale that would be something else. Those books aren't banned, and hopefully you'll understand this but it's no different from complaining that your local Christian bookshop doesn't carry sex positions for sodimites the manual.

If you want to buy something and Amazon doesn't have it just buy it from somewhere else, boycott Amazon if you want and tell your friends.

>> No.15952427

Will anyone think of the nazis? T_T

>> No.15952439
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Google's CEO is a fucking pajeet, and you don't answer the question what do you solve with removing all the Jews from the world?

>> No.15952440

Was the argument solely that they're overrepresented or that they're overrepresented because of some sinister conspiracy, which allows them to do bad things?

>> No.15952449

Amazon is subsidized by the government, so yes, it should be forced to abide by the same laws that the USPS does.

>> No.15952451

O kewl

>> No.15952455

When the jews are gone, I bet a lot of you are going to complain about 'muh Asian overrepresentation'

>> No.15952469

Why don't we meet in the middle and attack all the elite, but you lefties have to say they "have the Jewish mindset"?

>> No.15952472

Youre presenting a very libertarian stance, and it all makes logical sense, and would even work in practice if amazon did not have near monopolistic market domination.
>complaining that your local Christian bookshop doesn't carry sex positions for sodimites the manual
Thats the thing, this scenario reminds me of the cake shops were required to bake cakes for gay weddings. Itd be nice if such an alternative existed, but the local christian bookstore doesnt exist anymore.

>Should the government force Amazon?
The government should tax amazon the same way it did those small buisnesses. The playing feild is not level.

>> No.15952482

Thats the magic of the JQ

>> No.15952484

I'm pretty sure a lot of the American antisemitism in recent years is due to the disconnect between the "Woe is us, the Holocaust was so bad, most oppressed group in the house" we hear when we're kids, and the "40% of billionaires! Wow so smart and successful!" We hear as adults. Comes off a bit hypocritical. I think if they chilled on the pity-party shit, people's be kinder to them.

>> No.15952488
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He is surrounded on all sides by jews. The chief financial officer, Ruth Porat, is a jew, the founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, are jews. Google is a jewish company. Just because they put a poo out front doesn't change anything. I suppose you think Donald Trump runs America. Fuckin' retard.

>> No.15952490

Cops are class traitors bro

>> No.15952501

I think its just a product of the intensifying of idpol. When the news centers around race and ethnicity, the jews are gunna get brought up one way or another.

>> No.15952503

>Jews are less than 1% of the world population, yet make up 17% of billionaires.
Are you complaining that they're way more successful than you in your own countries? Fucking loser. lmao

>> No.15952517
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>Are you complaining that they're way more successful than you in your own countries?
Yes, and that they work against my interests.

>> No.15952521

>le jews are dominating everything
HAHAHAHHAHAA maybe you should raise ur IQ so you can compete with jewish excellence

>> No.15952527

While I don't sympathize with these factions, I find it very concerning and problematic to remove or censor any kind of media, especially literature. This is a sign of shit times we live in.

>> No.15952531

anyone who challenges jewish supremacy gets destroyed. It's not so simple as having a high iq

>> No.15952533
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>admits he can't compete with jewish excellence
cope harder whitoid, just accept that compared to jews ur basically a shitskin nigger lmao

>> No.15952542

>why are you fucking nazis burning books?!?!
*burns books*

>> No.15952545

>anyone who challenges jewish supremacy gets destroyed.
yeah because you simply can't compete with schlomo, just accept jewish supremacy already whitoid, ur the same as a BLM nigger bitching in the streets about racism, you simply can't compete

>> No.15952556
File: 522 KB, 1680x1050, iq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are more high IQ whites than there are high IQ jews. WAY more. Equivalent IQ does no equal equivalent behavior.

>> No.15952567

Lmao I can't even find the fucking article
I find it hard to believe in "white genocide" when people start making up evidence for it

>> No.15952569

>There are more high IQ whites than there are high IQ jews.
and yet you still get assraped by them and they're still dominating ur countries? hmmmmm lmao anyways it turns out outliers don't matter so much; it's better to have an small population with an average IQ of 115 or whatever than to have a huge population where most of them are retarded, guess which one works better together?

>> No.15952580

white genocide is semi-real, but it's simply because whitoids can't compete with their jewish overlords, they deserve it for abandoning christianity and becoming impossible to tell apart from niggers

>> No.15952588

? What are you saying?

Again why is this such a boogie man? I went to a small restaurant owned by a Jewish man and they had delicious fallafals. Are you not realizing that the hierarchical structure of business is the problem? That's the reason they get wealth and power. You think replacing Jews with beautiful blond haired blue eyed Aryans will solve any problems we have at all?

>> No.15952590

They're way more tribal, that's where most of their influence comes from. Israel makes this obvious, it isn't some super-country, just a normal developed country, what's impressive about Israel are things which are related to being tribal.

>> No.15952593

Ah, I see they haven't bumped the price to $300 yet.

>> No.15952596

Yeah, that's why people need to archive websites, things get deleted. Here's some more jewish antiwhite behavior.

Abolish the White Race

Anti-Defamation League Names Celtic Cross as Racist Symbol

ADL Official at Extremist Event Falsely States 95% of Terrorism in U.S. from White Supremacists

>> No.15952597

good accounts get biffed all the time
they leave dsa tweens and transgender wiccans alone because guess what

>> No.15952605

>average IQ of 115
Debunked. >>15952556

>> No.15952607

yeah, unironically whites will only take control again by acting more israelis and less like faggots with low T, it's hard for me to take white people seriously anymore, they used to dominate the world and now they're reduced to begging not to get censored on faggot sites they shouldn't be using anyways, it's embarrassing. whites carved up africa and now they're literally kneeling to niggers in the streets, i fucking hate these people, embarrassment to their ancestors

>> No.15952611

Nice try, ching chong.

>> No.15952618

Why should amazon have to sell something they disagree with?

>> No.15952619
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I'm saying we can't solve any problems as long as jews run the country. Your pathetic attempts at ignoring the truth do you no favors.

>> No.15952624

>le /pol/ image
forgive me, but i don't care to consume gay /pol/ propaganda, jews are smart in general, it's pretty obvious if you talk to them, i don't doubt the IQ stuff, but anyways they are dominating everything so whether they have high IQs or not doesn't matter, something is allowing them to dominate lmao

>> No.15952629

This is uncharacteristic behavior for a jew

>> No.15952632

Because they're subsidized by the government.

>> No.15952634

Holy fucking shit this is so comical
The first link is written by a black lady, not Jewish
The last 2 links are fucking dead

>> No.15952642
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>AIPAC is just /pol/ inventing things
Absolutely braindead.

>> No.15952643

i wish i was jewish :/ jewish girls got the best tiddies

>> No.15952651

no, i just don't trust that image about jewish IQ, i'm pretty sure they have high IQs, it would make sense considering how they dominate everything

>> No.15952664
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Old notepad archive, need to update it.

>> No.15952677


>> No.15952684

Noel Ignatiev hates Israel though. He even objected to a universities purchase of kosher appliances cuz he thought the university was playing favoritism with jews. Even though he's jewish, he does a shit job actually defending 'jewish interests'

>> No.15952690

>The first link is written by a black lady, not Jewish
>The excerpt concerns author Noel Ignatiev’s role in launching a journal “to chronicle and analyze the making, remaking, and unmaking of whiteness.”
>Noel Ignatiev
Look him up, you retard.

>> No.15952697
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They marry outside the tribe often. You still have hope for the milk, fren.

>> No.15952711

>jews don't argue among themselves

>> No.15952723

I'm sorry, are we banning books now? Just normal looking books? They don't want certain authors to have books that sell? Kind of sounds like what the baddies would do.

>> No.15952724

This. /pol/ seems to be ok with the gay cake scenario

>> No.15952731

You still have options with smaller sellers. Worst case scenario, you will have to contact the publisher, explain the situation, and send a check or money order in the mail. You will have to wait a few weeks, but at least you'll get it.

>> No.15952737

They're no private, they're subsidized by the government.

>> No.15952739

So jews can't decide on anything but they 100% agree on their plans to destroy the white race?
This entire thing is fucking dumb

>> No.15952758

You’re a retard. 10,000 Antifa in GITMO and ADX Florence EOY

>> No.15952763

lmao is this the future?
The internet will be so shit and pozzed we have to revert back to pre-internet ways to accomplish anything?

>> No.15952769
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>So jews can't decide on anything but they 100% agree on their plans to destroy the white race?
Yes. They are nepotistic, and bicker amongst themselves about how best to serve themselves. I believe you have potential to be less of a retard some day.

>> No.15952788

Unfortunately you don't have such potential

>> No.15952814
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Nice dubs

>> No.15952820

Anything that makes the nazi incels seethe can only be a good thing. Just look at this thread.

>> No.15952832

whiteness is not an ethnicity. If a Jewish professor talks about abolishing the Slavic race they would be fucking shunned and kicked out of the university too. FFS people bitched and moaned about Ben shapiro wanting to kill off middle eastern ethnicities

>> No.15952836

>corporate censorship is good
I like how people who don't identify as fascists of any sort openly support big business now. Hurry up and relinquish environmentalism, too. I want "nazis" to be the only people supporting things that are good.

>> No.15952843

Yep, I hope they crush you out of existence.

>> No.15952848

>corporate censorship
did you just literally make that up?

>> No.15952857

Does not mean they aren't private.

>> No.15952863
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Seems to me people know exactly what white is when criticizing whites. Your and others denial of a positive white identity is proof of the anti-whiteness I speak of.

>> No.15952876

That's exactly what it means.

>> No.15952882

you are a little worm, cackling as a giant boot crushes other little worms, imagining yourself to be the one doing it, and imagining yourself to be safe from being crushed yourself

>> No.15952887

>pre-internet days
It has only been 20 years since cash and check mail payments were phased out, you fucking zoomer.

>> No.15952888

There's no such a thing as "white people", there are no races only one race the human race.

>> No.15952889

Keep seething, incel. No one cares.

>> No.15952893

>openly support
Imagine being so quick to assume stuff.
Quick question btw. What % your monthly income goes to big corporations?

Of course he did. He'll probably keep using that expression until he learns of some new term for it, coined by some /pol/ tier retard.

>> No.15952897
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>> No.15952899

repeating the slogans and opinions of the powerful doesn't make you powerful, it makes you a sycophantic slave

>> No.15952904

What do you mean?

I mean that just because a private enterprise is subsidized it doesn't mean that it is no longer a private enterprise.

>> No.15952907

>literally unable to grasp something as simple as corporate censorship
Are you an actual npc?

>> No.15952911

some kind of deer
some kind of apes
some kind of humans

>> No.15952912

>What % your monthly income goes to big corporations?
I pay $25 a month for my phone. Gas for my truck. That's it. I eat local only.

>> No.15952917

>corporate censorship
There's literally no such term, it's a coined term and it has a different meaning to regular censorship.

>> No.15952923

That phrase famous amongst the ruling elite, "Keep seething, incel."

>> No.15952928

A deer and an elk, actually

>> No.15952930
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You outpaced Bezos somehow.

>> No.15952939

I don't give a fuck what private companies do with their platforms, dude. Sorry I'm not surprised or outraged by a shady company executing another shady practice.

>> No.15952941

Your phrase is not important, your kneejerk reaction to certain ideas is what makes you a slave, because you were told to have those reactions to those ideas and you obey mindlessly.

>> No.15952945

Just like how the jews made up racism and sexism

>> No.15952946

You're right, I did make it up. But HOLY SHIT, I just did a google search for "corporate censorship" and the idea has fucking exploded! There's even a wiki article already!

I should get paid.

>> No.15952948

put a cow next to an ox and you have bovines

>> No.15952949

The reason why thosr animals are separated on species is because they can't produce an offspring
A white persona and a black person can produce offspring so they are considered "one specie"

>> No.15952950

did yurope get banned?

>> No.15952954

What makes you certain that you aren't a puppet?

>> No.15952958

I don't care either that's why I choose to post on one of the least censored sites instead of getting angry on twitter about their censoring me, I was just remarking on how stupid you must be if you can't understand what that term means

>> No.15952959

Amazon doesn't actually sell shit, they're more of a federally subsidized platform. Kikes are boiling the frog too fast and people are beginning to notice that "BUT WE'RE A BUSINESS!" isn't an excuse when they also want all the same protections of a public utility.

>> No.15952961

>they can't produce an offspring
Wrong. Nice cope, though.

>> No.15952963

I see you're a negro.

>> No.15952972

OK you didn't even try to make an argument

>> No.15952973

someone think of the "private companies"!

>> No.15952978

What it should mean is that the corporation has been ordered to censor something, by the relevant government, in which case calling it corporate is redundant. If it is an extra-governmental order then it's not censorship unless it is being upheld by the law, which in this instance it is not.

>> No.15952980


>> No.15952983

Ok, if they can produce offspring then they are the same species.

>> No.15953002

Wrong, Nice cope, though.

>> No.15953003

and if the order to censor were being upheld by law then it is irrelevant from where the order is given because it's the law anyway, so again saying corporate is redundant

>> No.15953006

I've been reading it, got through 3 chapters so far. 100% this book seems mostly like a string of (admittedly somewhat decent) criticisms against materialism/atheism, which has been getting boring, but its overarching narrative of tracing how the ideas behind "God" developed chronologically over time is somewhat fascinating.

I would say a worthwhile read, Jones' writing flows pleasantly as well.

>> No.15953013

It's not wrong. It's logic.

>> No.15953020
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>> No.15953023

Censorship is not limited to government censorship, any group or individual or institution can censor.

>> No.15953029

Nuliberals love to nitpick whenever the censorship arguement comes up. Yeah sure its not censorship when its not the government. What do you want to call it when its 3 multinational corporations with 89% market share and more power than most governments combined?

>> No.15953032

See >>15952980

>> No.15953034

donkeys and horses

>> No.15953036
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It's called stop being a bigot.

>> No.15953042

Being able to breed or not(and create fertile offspring) is literally the only sensible definition of a species. Yes it upsets our current categories, eg. Polar and Grizzly bears are now subspecies of the same species, but it is just stupid to retain the old groupings, they're arbitrary.

>> No.15953046

Stay seething.
The science community has rejected your garbage as pseudoscience.

>> No.15953047

Take a fucking high school biology course, you willfully ignorant cretin.

>> No.15953048

what's this now?

Don't care what you call it but saying things like corporate censorship is stupid. It's not censorship when my barber refuses to provide magazines about boats.

>> No.15953052

Those aren't communists

>> No.15953053

I'd be willing to bet that you are shit at algebra.

>> No.15953054

>b-but it should be different
Fuckin rekt. How will you faggots ever recover?

>> No.15953061

Are some humans different species from other humans.

>> No.15953065
File: 3.93 MB, 537x8821, race is real.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bugman social proof cope.

>> No.15953066

I'm ok with them both being bears.

>> No.15953075

Can you please just give a fucking summary of that shit?

>> No.15953077

Its the only barber in town and he just banned you from getting anymore haircuts.

Also youre fired for that one kinda racist thing he heard you say 6 years ago while getting a haircut.

>> No.15953081

No, the term is straightforward, accurate, and self explanatory.
The reason you dislike it is because you haven't come up with some newspeak term to try and twist corporate censorship in a way that somehow makes it look desirable.

>> No.15953088

No, that's too broad and reductive. Different phenotype, different ingroup/outgroup behavior, different species.

You gotta give animal racists more credit.

>> No.15953090

Abos maybe

>> No.15953091
File: 34 KB, 550x413, hold on, baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I fuckin love science, but I can't be fucked to read an article
Absolutely pathetic modern worm of a human.

>> No.15953103

So if the races are completely separate, are we allowed to treat them differently or should we treat them the same like an other person?

>> No.15953106
File: 102 KB, 800x460, albert schweitzer on blacks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Different phenotype, different ingroup/outgroup behavior, different species.
All applies to humans. Heil Hitler.

>> No.15953117

Anyone who's not a retard already does treat them separately.
Around blacks, never relax.

>> No.15953119


>> No.15953121

>corporate censorship
literally is a newspeak term

>> No.15953135
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>> No.15953141

You're being absurd.

>> No.15953143

>corporations censoring
Yes very hard to understand definitely newspeak. It is newspeak to change the definition of censorship to apply only to governments.

>> No.15953154

Every single one of these people said nigger without a licence?

t. license holder

>> No.15953160


Is this one of those analytics philosophy problems?

>> No.15953162
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Fuck off, he never said that. Race realist don't give a shit about facts, they just want to justify killing off black people

>> No.15953172

Corporate censorship is literally corporations using their power to censor things.
There's nothing "newspeak" about it. It doesn't get any more straightforward and literal than that.

>> No.15953174
File: 273 KB, 2048x1365, nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can say nigger whenever I want because I am one.

>> No.15953181

When it is implied that the censorship has legal or societal ramifications, yes it does only apply to governments. If there are no further ramifications than a private enterprise refusing to provide that iten(s) then calling it censorship is disingenuous and misleading to the public at large.
It's also semantics.

>> No.15953188

He's literally saying the same thing in both quotes.
Niggers are inferior, and it's a mistake to pretend otherwise.

>> No.15953192

Ok, those books are not being banned though. We have come full circle, well done.

>> No.15953193

>When it is implied that the censorship has legal or societal ramifications,
censorship literally just means prohibiting books. Everyone understands what it means for a company to censor in comparison to a government censoring.

You are literally just wrong about what the word means

>> No.15953204

Remember that it’s not censorship because it’s not being done by the government. :)

>> No.15953208

A dwindling number of people with zero oversight having complete control over what information people are allowed to access across the entire globe is the single largest problem humanity has ever faced.
These multinational billion dollar corporations are not your friends, and they have the opposite of your best interests at heart.

>> No.15953210

>The negro is a child
Wow, so different from that other quote.

>> No.15953216

The books are not legally prohibited. It's disingenuous to say they are being prohibited without qualifying what that means (ie. the books are being prohibited from being sold through the company by the company itself).

What I'm saying is that coining a term such as corporate censorship is misleading to the public, people will assume that the government has banned the books. Now, in whose interests would some public misconceptions be?

>> No.15953220

this thread is about Amazon but Google deleting all sorts of stuff off its search results is probably more significant. There are alternatives to google obviously but it's pretty much a standard that shapes how most people receive information

>> No.15953223

You're not being disallowed from accessing any of those books. If you are on the internet you can find those books.

>> No.15953227

You keep repeating yourself, yet you're literally the only one here pretending not to know what corporate censorship means.

>> No.15953231

Just don't use Google if you don't like Google.

>> No.15953232

How would the public possibly interpret corporate censorship as being about the government and not about corporations? Like how else can you read that term but 'corporations censoring stuff', a concept everyone is aware of anyway because people know Youtube, Google, etc. do that.

>> No.15953241

Which posts are mine, faggot.

>> No.15953247

thank you lolbertarian for your contribution to the discussion

>> No.15953248

>You're not being disallowed from accessing any of those books.
Yes, you literally are.

>> No.15953262

I get it, but I don't think it depicts what is actually happening.
The guy with the white shirt is demanding that social media platforms censor the guy in the purple shirt. However, the censoring gets him, too. But he doesn't care, he's willing to get censored just to ensure the other guy suffers a decent blow, too.

>> No.15953276

>Yes, you literally are, from Amazon etc.

You're not being disallowed from accessing the books, they aren't being made illegal.

>> No.15953277
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>> No.15953285
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>> No.15953288

Do you have some sort of fetish for getting blown the fuck out? Because you've already been blown the fuck out for this exact cuckshit multiple times in this thread already.

>> No.15953298

Let's not lose sight of the fact that these companies are taking these books off of their listings because it is good business sense for them to do so, according to them and for whatever reason.

>> No.15953299

most of the non-jews aren't participants in the global finance racket. 2nd Shoah should be followed by the creation of Pan-European, African, American, and Asian organizations to outlaw and hunt down any usurers or creditors.

The real solution is a society without credit. Without credit, you will not have usury.

The Spaniards, I hate to say it, were right on this.

>> No.15953312

Whining about "usury" is the most brainlet shit. I'm sorry your parents were dysfunctional and had to take out payday loans at 400% interest to pay the electricity bill, but that doesn't mean we need to dismantle global finance.

>> No.15953316
File: 93 KB, 364x370, Tomoko_TotoMote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This argument is so fucking stupid. Yes races have different average IQs, but that is only because the races on the higher end of IQ measurements have had a better education and more opportunities than people in places like africa, for example. I swear this argument is so simple-minded it hurts.

>> No.15953330

Twin and adoption studies disproves that cuck excuse.

>> No.15953342

link one of these studies.

>> No.15953348

white trash still test higher than wealthy-born niggers
if you were sincerely intellectually interested in learnign about it and not just disingenuously trolling you would go ask /pol/ for the charts. they have them. and they are sourced and cited.

>> No.15953355

It really doesn't. It just shows that iq is affected by heredity, not that race genes had anything to do with it

>> No.15953361

literally don't care about some seething incel, might as well cite vice
based, i hope so, would be amazing to marry into the tribe

>> No.15953365

All the sources I see on /pol/ are either debunked, out of date, or simply made up. Plus chalking it up to race I think eliminates so many other confounding factors that these study do not tell us about

>> No.15953378

Yeah, and as it turns out race is hereditary.

>> No.15953385
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>I can't explain why, but i know it's not true!!!
fucking yikes

>> No.15953397

>akshully ou need to post your sources
>noooooo you cant use those sources CNN debunked them RRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEE
So, disingenuous.

>> No.15953423

>you don't believe the same made up shit i do??? REEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.15953432

I'm Portuguese. Our utilities are taken out pre-tax.

>> No.15953437

Level of education is hereditary

>> No.15953444

If they are debunked that means using them is deliberately wrong, potentially evil.

>> No.15953445

I bet you aren't even a fucking scientist or even know how science is done. Don't fucking lecture me about how I can't accept the science when virtually all scientist disagree with you.
I’m not going to sit here with no science background, listen to you with no science background

>> No.15953447

or whatever you would call "pre-salary". They appear in our check every month as deductions from state providers.

>> No.15953460

That doesn't help with IQ tests.
Do you even know what an IQ test is?

>> No.15953474

I'm literally shitposting from my lab right now.
And you don't need a sciemce background to read IQ studies. It isn't particle physics.
You're just dismissing actual science due to some completely imagined flaw you can't even specify, and I'm really not sure why.

>> No.15953481

Do you ever light your farts?

>> No.15953484
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>If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket.

>> No.15953485

What's your field?

>> No.15953490

>I'm literally shitposting from my lab right now
Quit larping

>> No.15953497

Physical Sciences.
Got a B.S. in it almost a decade ago.

>> No.15953507

The niggers I went to highschool with all got bad grades. I guess they were too busy getting free plane rides (to and from Africa between school days) to do their studying, huh?

>> No.15953512

Or perhaps they aren't fucking trying in school cause they've been taught their entire lives that the system is rigged against them.
Race realist blame problems on black people that their ancestors literally created for them

>> No.15953520

And now youre on a list. Congrats, retard.

>> No.15953540

Any tentative list on the books that are undeniably at least functionally censored?

>> No.15953542

Yeah, a list to get fast tracked for promotions in ABSOLUTELY BASED, INC.

>> No.15953553

You're telling me niggers preach to their own children that the system is rigged against them? Of course, I already knew this. Niggers are their own worst enemy. I guess that's how you bring up thieves into the world who end up being dead niggers.

>> No.15953554


>> No.15953562
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The absolute fucking state of leftists ITT trying to pedal the moronic belief that blacks are only doing worse than whites because of economic reasons.


>> No.15953628

Kinda makes you wonder if they already know they're wrong.
It's hard to believe anyone would bring up Facebook-tier talking points after spending more than a week on 4chan, when this subject comes up daily on every single board somehow.

>> No.15953640

africa wasn't invaded by colonizers until, what, the 1600s?

what the fuck were africans doing before whitey came? china had civilization for 5,000 years at that point. thailand, india, persia, egypt (supra-saharan africa isn't negro, it's a med-levantine-arab funmix). ROME. ancient greece was around in 12,000 BC. what the fuck was africa doing all that time? mayans, aztec, you name it. africans? fucking babies and eating each other

they never even invented the wheel, fire, or written language. they never even made a boat.

>> No.15953646

Maybe because I'm not American but I did meet some intelligent blacks though

>> No.15953647

Pay reparations and ban race.

>> No.15953654

>they never even invented the wheel, fire, or written language. they never even made a boat
Do some research.

>> No.15953658
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Um, so I've been buying Nazi books from Amazon for like five years.

Do the glowies know?

>> No.15953664
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>> No.15953668

This. Literary martyrdom.

>> No.15953672
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>> No.15953673

Ethiopia was pretty advanced

>> No.15953679

The CIA literally hosts their shit on AWS. Of course, man.

>> No.15953691

If you look at Ethiopians those dudes clearly have admixture with something.

>> No.15953715

Same guy you're replying to.
The only intelligent black people I've met were pretty much raised in fucking Africa. One of them from Ivory Coast and the other from Ghana. American niggers are a disgrace to those fine negros.

>> No.15953717

Ethiopia were never colonised and discovered coffee.

>> No.15953724


>> No.15953725
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>> No.15953731
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>Ethiopia were never colonised
Obviously 100% black African. No different from your average nog.

>> No.15953735

I know, but they are so close to the Arabian Peninsula that there was some exchange. But that's really part of why Africa lagged because sub-Saharan African is mostly cut off from any tech advances in the rest of the world until relatively recently.

>> No.15953755

>Doesn't help with iq tests


>> No.15953757

I'm not a zoomer, I don't watch whatever jewtube shit you post.

>> No.15953766

Choose to be ignorant then. Makes you no better than the people you hate

>> No.15953771

>Thomas Sowell
>William F. Buckley
>Zoomer shit

That shit probably broadcast on ABC or some shit in like 1975.

>> No.15953784

We're on /lit/, you retards, use your big boy words.

>> No.15953792
File: 18 KB, 319x499, 1595126082081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the nigger loving cringe cope in this thread is astounding. Aside from that, i download all my books in PDF form, and will be printing every single one of them (over 1,000), and doing book binding for each one. You kike may stop mass producing these based books, but there's nothing you can do to stop me from dropping these off en mass in key locations.

>> No.15953802
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>> No.15953818
File: 33 KB, 333x499, 1593654331626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i also plan on handing out some specific books to some of the niggers i know who are kinda keen to what is going on.

>> No.15953825

>handing out books to niggers
Waste of effort. Just show them the picture, they'll believe you.

>> No.15953826
File: 70 KB, 309x309, 1595607102169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait to kill marxists. With hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of poisoned letters.

>> No.15953857

i won't be getting within shooting distance of nigs. i'll just leave the books in the usual paths they congregate in or near, along with a bucket of fried chicken

>> No.15953859

No you fucking idiot, they want to defund the police so they can setup their own pro commie police force parallel to it. Same shit happened in spain before the civil war. Whatever community social workers' replace the police they defund will be the leftist death squads of the future.

>> No.15953874

Good we need civil war. Social workers won't be armed this has been said over and over again. If you are so scared wait till they come to your door and open fire through it. Problem solved.

>> No.15953892

>we need civil war

>> No.15953904

State your case, make your argument for why linking a YouTube ought to suffice as a post on the literature board.

>> No.15953910

Because we have millions of fighting aged men itching for a war. In Detroit only 1 in 5 murders are solved, that's where I'd start because it will take them a couple weeks/months to work out what's actually going on.

>> No.15953913

>Because we have millions of fighting aged men itching for a war
What a dumb reason.

>> No.15953920

Me wanting to kill people is reason enough.

>> No.15953926

See, you are so low IQ you cannot even look at history presented to you.

>Social workers won't be armed this has been said over and over again

leftists wouldnt lie would they?

>we wont teach about fags in school we just want rights
>we wont go after semi automatic rifles, we only want to band automatics

and on and on...

So let me do the legwork for you, smoothbrain

>social workers police force established
>go into dangerous neighborhoods
>they fail and are subject to violence
>social workers police complain they need protection
>armed criminals and black panthers are now deputized to 'protect' said social
>instead the reign of terror begins.

fucking idiots, I swear, how can you not see how obvious this ploy is?

>Social workers won't be armed this has been said over and over again

>> No.15953931

It's an interview about his literature, named in the beginning of the video (before my timestamp): "Ethnic America" and "Markets and Minorities." But I'm not gonna argue about the fuckin form of the post with people who claim to abide by science and numbers and then fail to educate themselves on the actual usefulness of the data. It's distraction

>> No.15953937

>ohhh noo not the social workers nooo how will I ever defend myself its not like I have a loaded six8 razorback sitting right next to me with 7000 rounds
I hope they can detected an odourless poison soaked into paper.

>> No.15953950

the point is to stop it BEFORE that happens. But you are clearly some edgy freshman nerd who wants to vent their angst, completely devoid of reality. So enjoy.

>> No.15953958
File: 307 KB, 857x935, 20200219_073617_20200621090134228_20200725161438856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come again? I'm a civil engieer :)

>> No.15953969

No, but thanks for letting us all know how insecure you are.

>> No.15953982

I can show you more too. Would you like to see my house and car? Did you think homicidal sociopaths like myself don't so extremely well under a capitalist meritocracy?

How sad for you.

>> No.15954105
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>he bites his fingernails

>> No.15954242

I know, right? Makes you think...

>> No.15954255
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>> No.15955765
