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15949874 No.15949874[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books that can help you become better at dating that are not meme pickup artist bullshit or "just bee urself" bullshit?

>> No.15949893
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You can't get a gf of this caliber without having actual substance. Pickup is just scamming, they will catch on sooner or later.

>> No.15949896
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Dubs and you get a /lit/ gf tomorrow

>> No.15949926

Books won't help, son. Everyone who is successful at dating is so because of passive, auxiliary traits that determined the outcome. They are attractive, well to do, charismatic, etc. Slaying pussy isn't an intellectual conundrum.

>> No.15949941

Pickup KIND OF works. But don't pay a dollar, just spend a night reading it all night. What kind of relationship are you looking for?

>> No.15949954
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''What women want from their men''
''Corey Wayne how to be a 3% men''

All help me get a cute 5'3'' blonde Aryan chick, that has a good relationship with mum and dad, is motherly, and hates the jews and niggers. She is great.
Then again I am 6'2'' and at least 5/10 looking so that might also be a factor

>> No.15949966
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>> No.15949971

Good job, fren. Hope you get your /lit/charts printed into a nice binder on time.

>> No.15949980


>> No.15950047

oh God she's perfect.
Lads, just imagine waking up with that beautiful face every morning.

>> No.15950052

What's the sauce? I want to hear her talk.

>> No.15950057



>> No.15950065

4chan threads, anon. You will be a chad in some years.

>> No.15950074

The rational male
Any book on evolution psychology

>> No.15950096

Zyzz didn't read any of this bs.

>> No.15950223

Intelligence is completely irrelevant to a woman's attraction. Groog's and Chad's will always get sex, no matter what.

>> No.15950253

Listen to The Black Phillip Show. 8/10 correct which is better than your current outlook.

>> No.15950259


>> No.15950274

>huge titty Iranian girl is constantly busting my balls
>not in the good way

Please god let this stupid bitch come through.

>> No.15950316
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What do you mean better at dating? If you mean actually starting dating pua's are good for that. Its just a rejection numbers game in addition to having basic hygiene and social skills.
If you mean how do you start dating objectively attractive women who out of your league, there only two options are becoming in their league by becoming successful/rich or finding one mentally fucked enough to date you.

>> No.15950331

A native english speaker wrote this. I cant even blame drink this time.

>> No.15950346


>> No.15950350

Roll. My dignity's long gone, so I got nothing to lose now but my virginity.

>> No.15950367

Read Francisco d'Anconia's spiel on love and money

>> No.15950381


>> No.15950398


>You can't get a gf of this caliber

You moron, stop putting women on a pedestal

>> No.15950506

bros, I can't get over my approach anxiety in any way whatsoever, wat do
Every time I see a cute girl I either freeze up or talk myself out of it or my feet subconsciously carry me away from that place. I have approached long time ago but right now it feels like for the first time all over again.

>> No.15950539


>> No.15950555


Just be confident bro

>> No.15950583
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Now delete the thread.

>> No.15950618

Girls really like Murakami. I don't know why.

>> No.15950788


>> No.15950994


>> No.15951050

Unironically you should read books that you like and develop your own interests, this will make you way more interesting than reading a pickup book or whatever

>> No.15951059

>responding to chain letter-tier shit.

>> No.15951139

True. Besides The Tunnel I don't think my wife has read anyone else in the last 15y.

>> No.15951160


The chosen one

>> No.15951378

I need this

>> No.15951419

>The Tunnel
What the fuck. Those are at completely opposite ends of the casual spectrum.

>> No.15951514


>> No.15951606

I can’t wait to see her

>> No.15951980


>> No.15952176
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>> No.15952188


>> No.15952224
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>> No.15952239
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let the wisdom of the oldfriends tell you why

>> No.15952464

>finding one mentally fucked enough to date you.
that was always my plan

>> No.15952474


>> No.15952511

The best thing that happened to me was realizing how much energy I put into women and how women never truly made me happy. Seeing the truth of what chasing women did for my life was really liberating. I no longer see them as something I desperately need to make my life whole and I feel so much better.

>> No.15952560
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>> No.15954328


>> No.15954344

Robert Greene the art of seduction

>> No.15954977

trips and i take two

>> No.15954996

Any book that helps you grow become a better person will help you in dating.