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15947218 No.15947218[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is guppy right?

>> No.15947230
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>> No.15947316

yeah it's a fact

>> No.15947328

Don’t care

>> No.15947348

>Greece, Italy, and Arabia...produced no intellectual fruit
>Meanwhile Britian

>> No.15947351

So just throw Greek philosophy out the window? Socrates was basically a beach nigger, and Diogenes, as we all know, enjoyed his sun. Plus Plato went around sand-nigger area to gain a lot of his insight. And Aristotle thrived while walking under the sun.

>> No.15947352

I thought about this when I was ten. I asked my mom if cold weather makes you smarter since you have to build stuff to survive and plan ahead for longer periods of time. She told me that she had never thought about if before and then asked me to clean my room

>> No.15947372

Nietzsche literally thought the opposite lmao

>> No.15947383

Historically his statement is complete shit, he seems to be a little bit cognitively impared. Currently, yes, hot spaces don't make shit. But they did made a lot of contributions in the past.

>> No.15947395

Does this nigga not know about anything pre 1500?

>> No.15947397
File: 383 KB, 592x552, NIGGA NO OH NO OH NO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine thinking Nietzsche was talking about the actual weather.
That guppy guy is retarded, but come on nigga

>> No.15947401
File: 82 KB, 437x550, Jean_Bodin[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't unique or novel, coming from some rando on twitter. In the 16th century Jean Bodin devised a similar "climate theory" that claimed that hotter areas produce stronger, better soldiers, bigger empires, and better architecture, while the northern climates produced better philosophy and literature.

sage for stupid literal whos on twit

>> No.15947403

Stop posting your own twitter hot takes you massive, insufferable faggot

>> No.15947412

and Jean Bodin's theory would be better than the shit spouted by that guppy autist.

>> No.15947413

Based mom

>> No.15947416

This is an argument you hear among maybe 8 year olds when discussing Africans.

If the West had been hot but Africa cold, they would have said 'it's hard to develop intellectually when you gotta try to stay warm!'

First class coping.

>> No.15947425

Al-Buni, Al-Kindi, Avicenna, Ibn Khaldun and Al-Biruni would like to have a word with this literal who insufferable a*glo faggot

>> No.15947426

pick one

>> No.15947435

You’re a nigger guppy

>> No.15947447

the low quality bait threads have ramped up, i guess the trolls rather have high brow (You)'s.

>> No.15947485

Yeh but didn't Plato die because he was on holiday at the beach and a bird dropped an egg on his head. I'm just saying if he wasn't in the sunshine and that maybe he wouldn't have died that way.

>> No.15947524

Lmao that has to be bait

>> No.15947528

Everyone in this thread needs to go read some Dickens.

>> No.15947530

No, he speaks of it in his book. He says it's the reason behind the true development of the planet as we see it today

>> No.15947555

That entire zone of Twitter is full of dumbass pseuds

>> No.15947581

>single factor-reduction of overdeterminate subjects
>Greece, Italy and Arabia have produced nothing worthy of intellectual admiration
Big, BIG cringe

>> No.15947606

What’s his book called?

>> No.15947608


>> No.15947614

He actually wrote a book with that thesis? How do you spend that much time on something and do that little research

>> No.15947624

Is this a troll account? Or he is just making fun of the weather determinism theory?

>> No.15947628


Greece and Italy??? I mean you could argue that the best Arabs actually only contributed when they were in Alexandria, etc, not living in Arabia itself, but WTF.

Has to be some weird dry sarcasm.

>> No.15947662

Twitter is not propitious to intellectual activity.

>> No.15947672

So he unironically thinks Greece, Italy and Arabia have produced no intellectual achievments? How? Is he retarded or is he reducing what he considers valid intellectual fruits to post industrial revolution techological advancements?

>> No.15947685 [DELETED] 

Montesquieu beat him by 300 years. Twitter threads deserve to be instanuked

>> No.15947710

>No Intellectual fruit from Greece or Italy
>Britain, the coldest kingdom in Europe
>Britain, leading the way philosophically and artistically
There is no way he’s being serious, there can’t be people this confident in their lack of knowledge. Britain is significant scientifically, particularly in Biology, but not especially moreso than most other significant European countries. However British philosophy is pitiful and art is no better than anywhere else outside of theatre, which is only ahead because of one man; even the greatest books written in the English language were not written by people from Great Britain. Scotland has even been a particular meme, is he really going to claim that Hume was the greatest philosopher in history?
t. Englishman with scot ancestry
Also, remember all fields, posting Twitter screencaps should get you permanently banned from /lit/.

>> No.15947996

name one good british composer

>> No.15948032

Britain does have the best choral music to be fair

>> No.15948037


>> No.15948076


>> No.15948081

Isn't that the guy that once came to /lit/ and got figuratively raped and whined about it on his Twitter? Can someone remind me what exactly happened?

>> No.15948082

His tweets are his book. This nigger shills his book on the board now and then, and tells people to go and read Dickens. It's called "ha, ha, ha. Delightful. Selected Tweets", he just tweets and calls it a book. He's a nigger faggot.

>> No.15948104
File: 43 KB, 353x353, 143296646830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has led the way philosophically, artistically

>> No.15948116

fair enough
still waiting

>> No.15948123


>> No.15948141

Tony Iommi

>> No.15948181

>Was literally German

>> No.15948197

Greece, Italy and Arabia have each contributed more to the intellectual world than Britain could ever dream of achieving. I'd even argue that Britain has all in all done more harm than good artistically and philosophically.

>> No.15948530

if this take had any weight behind it, this would imply Scandinavians and Eskimos are the biggest intellectual powerhouses. But no. He's as dumb as a nigger.

>> No.15948550

Wow, an actual retard. Literally read any history.

>> No.15948588


>> No.15948606

clearly a joke.

>> No.15948659

No, he actually believes in it. Now go like and retweet your bf's shit, you faggot

>> No.15948690

hes clearly joking. he has literally listed the three classical flourishings of knowledge which inform western culture in the exact order that they occurred.

>> No.15948697

if he was being serious he would compare ecuador to scandinavia or something

>> No.15948701

yeh it was yeh

>> No.15948727

The mediterranean is hot but its also dry and breezy. In my experience, that sort of climate does not hamper the thought proces. On the other hand, humid and muggy climates do make my performance slower.

>> No.15948741

weren't the greeks living during an ice age though? so it was cold then

>> No.15949134

obviously bait - and not literature, so fuck off

>> No.15949202

>all these mongoloids not understanding obvious sarcasm

Does /pol/ cause brain damage?

>> No.15949231
File: 34 KB, 576x436, CYLSSulVAAAsTVO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these fucking retarded redditors ITT falling for the most obvious bait of the century
I've been here too long.

>> No.15949234


greece and italy are breezy and comfy. it's the extreme temps that pose a problem, you won't be getting much out of equatorial africans or eskimos.

>> No.15949329

Is he being ironic or something?

>> No.15949406

Underrated post

>> No.15949435

he was though

>> No.15949482

>Greece, Italy, and Arabia
>Some of the most influential works in philosophy and math have come from these places

>> No.15949546

Europe's achievements are basically caused by.

1. Adaption to a seasonal climate, with a season of plenty followed by a winter.

2. Semi-regid class system that seperated different groups within the population from intermarrying.

Thats mostly it.

>> No.15949670

In which book does he say this?

>> No.15949738

Which aphorism?

>> No.15949790

>Pessimists as Victims. When a profound dislike of existence gets the upper hand, the after-effect of a great error in diet of which a people has been long guilty comes to light. The spread of Buddhism (not its origin) is thus to a considerable extent dependent on the excessive and almost exclusive rice-fare of the Indians, and on the universal enervation that results therefrom. Perhaps the modern, European discontentedness is to be looked upon as caused by the fact that the world of our forefathers, the whole Middle Ages, was given to drink, owing to the influence of German tastes in Europe: the Middle Ages, that means the alcoholic poisoning of Europe. - The German dislike of life (including the influence of the cellar-air and stove-poison in German dwellings), is essentially a cold-weather complaint.