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15945801 No.15945801 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that Musk read 10 hours a day as a kid and you can’t read 2 mins without thinking of porn

>> No.15945808
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>you can’t read 2 mins without thinking of porn
I can't. I hate this shit.

>> No.15945809

Daily reminder his father was a millionaire BEFORE they got the emerald mine from seedy aparthied shit, and their profits were all cash to the point they couldn't close their safe with two maids helping.

>> No.15945812

Do you think that someone who actually read something worthwhile for 10 hours a day would be appearing on Rick & Morty?

He was probably reading gay sci fi shit for 10 hours.

>> No.15945813

yeah but isn't he an aristocrat? probably grew up really wealthy and had the best teachers and caretakers who made him who he is

>> No.15945829

Yes but I can read after I spank it

>> No.15945833

Reminder that all porn is gay

>> No.15945839

Thanks for reminding me fren

>> No.15945840

He is not a decent writer. Just your regular bugman. What is your point, anon?

>> No.15945844
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But what if I am reading loli age-play BSDM manga?

>> No.15945937

is this something he said himself?
because you know Elon Musk is pretty much in constant psychosis, right? I would not trust anything he says, and certainly not anything about himself. he has this weird myth about himself he has to keep going for the internet.

>> No.15945957

And Musk is a retarded NPC cuckold, your point?

>> No.15945963

elon defo reads self help books with 'fuck' in the title

>> No.15945970

He also plays dumb vidyagames like overwatch

>> No.15945972

>Daily reminder that Musk read 10 hours a day as a kid
wtf i love insane rich man now.
brb buying a tesla.

>> No.15945975

I used to read Harry Potter, Dan Brown and kiddie science and history books as a kid and look how I turned out

>> No.15946036

and I'm an idiot so I believe the billionaire reddit man

>> No.15946045

im trying my best to stop, but its so hard :(

>> No.15946058

iirc elon's musk brother said this about him

>> No.15946069

This post hit me.
The literary diet of our generation as youths was abominable.

>> No.15946072


>> No.15946080

>constant consumption of information is seen as intellect
didn't know it was the 1800s

inb4 he refers to being on the internet as reading

>> No.15946086

source about Musk being in psychosis?
i mean, just fucking look at him go or literally any interview or video.

>> No.15946089

yeah. It is not normal for a kid to be a shut in reading books. You should be out there having 24/7 fun

>> No.15946114

>Kimbal, Elon Musk's brother looks back on their childhood together and reveals, "He would go through two books in one day." In Musk's biography, author Ashlee Vance writes, "As a child, he loved to read. From very early in his life, he was always spotted with a book in his hands. Sometimes, while his family went shopping, they used to discover that Elon had gone missing. Almost always, they found him in the nearest bookstore, sitting on the floor and reading a book."
>Kimbal, Elon Musk's brother looks back on their childhood together and reveals, "He would go through two books in one day." In Musk's biography, author Ashlee Vance writes, "As a child, he loved to read. From very early in his life, he was always spotted with a book in his hands. Sometimes, while his family went shopping, they used to discover that Elon had gone missing. Almost always, they found him in the nearest bookstore, sitting on the floor and reading a book."

>> No.15946113
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>Musk read 10 hours a day as a kid
He's a dumb fuck who watches hentai

>> No.15946118

>Interviewed on Bloomberg, Musk explains, "I was this little bookwormy kid... So I just like, read a lot of books... I read everything I could get my hands on from when I woke up to when I went to sleep. At one point I ran out of books and started reading the Encyclopedia." His mother described Elon as the "genius boy... after he read an entire Encyclopedia Brittanica around age 8, she said. Though Elon found school 'boring,' he was always reading — even in the car — and could retain most of what he read. He also devoured anything associated with space and astronomy as a kid."

>> No.15946125

I still don't understand this post of his. Was he joking but this doesn't sound like a joke at all?

>> No.15946144

>Sometimes, while his family went shopping, they used to discover that Elon had gone missing. Almost always, they found him in the nearest bookstore, sitting on the floor and reading a book.
Sounds like the king of thing that happened like once.

>> No.15946163

He is moron who has no idea about what socialism means and he doesn't even know anything about marx. That's how ignorant he is.

>> No.15946170

one time in an interview he said dostoyevsky and tolstoy is shit and boring and douglas adams is the greatest writer and philosopher

>> No.15946183

he's rigth

>> No.15946189

hell yeah brotha

>> No.15946193


>> No.15946203

I was also like that as a kid, surprisingly enough I didn't become a billionaire.
>you can’t read 2 mins without thinking of porn
Nah I'm fine. I read 80 pages today and more that 100 yesterday and the day before that. I'll probably end the month with a daily average of 60+ pages over the past 30 days.

>> No.15946206

> who watches hentai
pretty based
what's his favourite?

>> No.15946209

He's the son of an important engineer who worked in the mining sector in South Africa.
He's clearly the "curious and gifted" kind of kid, but he did have an ideal environment as a child.

>> No.15946217

did you play any games tho?

>> No.15946228

T.b.h my family must have something like three or four stories of the same kind about me. It's not that rare, probably more than 3-4% of kids are like that.

>> No.15946231

wasnt he living off the streets of canada though? i dont think he speaks to his dad either. definitely not entirely privileged.

>> No.15946240

Yes, I was fond of Age of Empire 2 in particular, but I also have fond memories of Red Alert 2.
Are you saying playing video games is what prevented me from being le ebin successful man? Because if so, I guess I should have planned my childhood entertainment more thoroughly.

>> No.15946251

Yes, me too.
But the way his brother "remembers" it makes it seem like it happened all the time while it probably happened only a small number of times.

>> No.15946258

Cognitive privilege and emotional privilege are different things, and in some cases they can even be decorrelated.
Norbert Wiener, the father of cybernetics and a noteworthy contributor to both engineering and probability theory, was homeschooled by a super strict father who who wouldn't end a lesson before his son was exhausted and almost in tears. Wiener has awful memories of it, but it did help him channel his own talent into becoming a world-class intellectual.

>> No.15946265

Quite possible. There's an element of familial mythology being used to craft an entrepreneurial mythology in those stories.

>> No.15946269


>> No.15946342

no I meant today or yesterday, did you play anything interesting

>> No.15946351

It's kind of funny to me

>> No.15946405

He read ten hours of genre shit a day, like every kid who wasn't a retard did. You didn't?

>> No.15946411

I only read erotica though :(

>> No.15946425

Elon Musk would like to fancy himself an Edison type figure despite having no real talent himself. His claim to fame was paypal, which is okay. Tesla is the most overrated car brand ever. They are not revolutionary or "cool" unless you consider smart doors, a tablet panel, and electric battery "cool". Don't be surprised when neuralink doesn't work as expected and spacex never flys a manned mission.

>> No.15946428

>reading = economic success
Why is this such a big meme?

>> No.15946439

Oh sorry they did do a manned mission recently. Well, perhaps they can succeed. I still doubt mars is even viable.

>> No.15946446


>> No.15946459

It’s all for show. His stock value is so inflated because those same tech worshipping morons who love Rick and Morty buy and hold any time it dips below 5% on a given day.

>> No.15946490

Literally just stop watching it and the urges will fade.

>> No.15946496

Yeah like when he said he works 80 hours a week lmao

>> No.15946508

Yes, I spent some time on Red Alert 3 trying to win a free for all map with 4 AI players (because I'm a noob).

>> No.15946509

The people shorting TSLA are the same kind of clowns that said AMZN was an unprofitable dotcom stock that just hadn't collapsed yet back in 2000, or the kind of people who said the iPod was "lame" in the 2000s, which is to say, losers who will never make money because they can't think.

>> No.15946540

cool game, enjoyed when it came out back int the day, feel like replaying it again desu, expansion was fun also

>> No.15946574

You sound like you think you know a lot.

>> No.15946590

Looking forward to reading the profile of you in the next article about people who lost all their money shorting stuff in Robinhood lmao

>> No.15946596

Yes it's pretty fun. The whole franchise in general is good nostalgia fodder.

>> No.15946646

yesss anon, search for the substance outside of yourself, AND FORCE IT IN YOURSELF

>> No.15946706

Tesla down another 8% this morning.
Keep your fingers crossed for the S&P500.

>> No.15946717

Wow, I guess it's over for TSLA. Shut down the factory and scrap the cars!

>> No.15946727

And all the books in the world can't stop you from being a shitbag rich kid

>> No.15946754

Most leftists are rich kids, so if you go to Portland, Seattle, or any other protest city, prepare to seethe cuz it's gonna be all rich kids

>> No.15946787
File: 68 KB, 334x334, 412DCB50-BBCB-4395-A40F-6A14668C434F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don’t understand why my real life Batman’s stock dropped 20% in two days after a profitable earnings report!!!!
>why’d I buy at 1680???
>people need to be more energy efficient
>man maybe if I buy a Tesla it’d help...
>better hold for the S&P announcement

>> No.15946806

>he thinks I didn't buy TSLA at $40

seethe on my dude

>> No.15947103

Why would he need to know that

>> No.15947126

Reading for fun is relatively rare (amongst the normie population) and if the claim is true he did read 10 hours a day then that's another rarity. People will seek casual explanations for people's success in their habits because they can be imitated. So take a normie rare skill like reading, add a huge time investment and out comes a super billionaire whose success is not the result of luck.

>> No.15947205

>Musk read 10 hours a day
>named his daughter some random Unicode string that will get her bullied until she becomes a FtM tranny named Bob and hangs herself
clearly he should have spent more time in the real world rather than polluting his mind with scifi garbage so he'd know that kids should be named after saints and nothing else.

>> No.15947236
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>> No.15947246

>74% of US adults have read a book in the last year
bullshit, I wanna see what they call a book

>> No.15947248

Night shift nurses

>> No.15947376

>elyon, future ruler of mars
It helps to be raised in as weird and cultish a millenarian environment as Julian Assange

>> No.15947497

>Missing the joke in a blatant shit tier sarcastic tweet
I thought you were better, /lit/. Maybe you need other social interactions than 4chan.

>> No.15947511

>Something unrelated
>Tranny tranny
Rent free. It's unhealthy to be so obsessed about something you hate so much anon.

>> No.15947561

>Self-reported data
Absolutely meaningless.

>> No.15947786

Today you learned about sarcasm.

>> No.15947804


Are you living in a cage?

>> No.15947853

What does he do at Tesla?
He just pours in the money from his unlimited funds and make interviews, right?

>> No.15948262

phones really fucked us all up, I remember having an attention span as a kid, good times...

>> No.15948318

There wasn’t porn at his age, there wasn’t YouTube or MOOCs
If you’re still reading, you’re unironically ngmi

>> No.15948340

Thats how all losers spent their time prior to the internet

>> No.15948397

>back int the day
Fellow programmer I see. Cheers to you. Wish you a good day.