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15934446 No.15934446 [Reply] [Original]

I'm trying to collect as many as I can before Marxist takeover happens in America.

>> No.15934458
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>> No.15934462

When will you immature boys learn that life isn't all about IQ?

>> No.15934463

KJV Bible
Something Something 'Struggle' something something 'Hitler'
Anything by the founding fathers
anything by any Dead White Male

all biology

>> No.15934473
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Probably won't be banned, but fucking hilarious.

>> No.15934480

Heart of Darkness is starting to get this weird African studies pushback. It isn't that certain books will be banned. (Though some do get banned once in a while at least where I live) It's that certain books will be no longer printed, thus harder to acquire, eventually bordering on impossible.

>> No.15934487 [DELETED] 

Nobody said it was.
But there are disastrous results for dumbing down your society with the inclusion of retarded, low impulse control third worlders.

>> No.15934497

>Marxist takeover happens in America.
There's no takeover that will happen, the anarchists you see in the street as just liberal lapdogs posing with a faux radicalism.

>> No.15934499

god you are so dull

>> No.15934518

that has nothing to do with IQ, we should just vet immigration better

>> No.15934524

something like the USSR could easily happen in USA. Sure it's not actual communism but that sort of thing, easily. There are obstacles, all those angry white men in the police force, the military, and the citizenry, but they could be overcome and made to be like the kulaks without that much trouble.

>> No.15934577

You guys are totally delusional. The USA is not going to turn into the soviet union

>> No.15934587
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I would hope so, but the Bolsheviks themselves were 'angry white men'. The anarkiddie larp you see today affirms the system's values, it doesn't challenge them.

>> No.15934596

/pol/ schizo's are on it again.
Marx is based, we should strife for collective ownership of the production of our goods. Why let monolithic corporations with strict hierarchical structures rule over our production and be the dictator of our work? You /pol/ schizo's only care about race, falling for the trap of dividing our comradery as people being exploited as wageslaves for elites to fulfill their dreams of snorting coke in their mansion filled with hookers. While these elites are fucking underage girls on private islands you are online being paranoid about the black man living a few blocks away from you. Wake the fuck up and stop being an absolute moron.

>> No.15934652

What book is this?

>> No.15934654

>Marx is based, we should strife for collective ownership of the production of our goods.
We shouldn't be mass producing goods in the first place you shithead.

>> No.15934672

>/pol/ /pol/ /pol/!!!!
you'll never take on the elites if they use minorities as a cudgel against you. you can claim to have as many black friends as you want but the reality is that non-totalitarian socialism can only be achieved in an ethnostate
god i wish there was an angry white male communist uprising
probably only way you'd implement gobunism

>> No.15934693

What's driving us to mass produce in the first place, dumbfuck? Profit motive. Not only that but we're paying engineers to design products with planned obsolescence so that we don't saturate the market.

>> No.15934741

>socialism can only be achieved in an ethnostate
I don't buy that, it's only due to division that's being created by the obscene focus of identity politics.

>> No.15934742

Communism needs work to keep the proletariat employed and will strive just as hard to produce total meaningless plastic garbage. You are just as reliant on capital under communism as you are under capitalism. Communism regulates capital and cannot function without mass industrial production.

>> No.15934762

How about working less hours and more focus on creative endeavors or furthering your education.

>> No.15934774

Everyone is magically creative and dedicated to academics in communism?

>> No.15934781

the same fucking thread with the same fucking book every week

>> No.15934785

>working less hours
I knew a guy from Laos that worked 14 hour days in a sheet metal factory and had to hitch a ride on a stolen fishing boat to leave that shit and had to take adult education at an elementary level once he got here. Communism turns nations into industrial shithole slave states overnight.

>> No.15934788
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I'd recommend the Turner Diaries. The first 3/4 of the book aren't a terrible read and I think reading controversial subject matter can help broaden your horizons.

>but the Bolsheviks themselves were 'angry white men'.

They were predominantly angry Jewish men. Take from that what you will.

>> No.15934821

with more free time people search for things to do, maybe some will only interact with culture by consuming it but even then most people nowadays use the internet and they post their own thoughts and feelings online which I see as an creative endeavor.

>> No.15934879

>post their own thoughts and feelings online which I see as an creative endeavor.
It's the total opposite of a creative endeavor. All they do is repost stupid shit that's already been said a hundred thousand times or more. They have produced nothing of value, they've actually taken value away from the original thoughts by relentlessly running them into the ground rendering them unpalatable.

>> No.15934890
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This will be banned for sure.

>> No.15934891

wtf Jews are based

>> No.15934894

So creative culture will basically remain the same and mostly be for the lowest common denominator

>> No.15934904

No, they are not. All jews are backstabbing subversive kikes. They will not think twice about stabbing their own for more power. All communist uprisings have just been jews going after other jews.

>> No.15934906

That's fucking retarded. The vast majority of the population consists of subhumans. If you give them more free time, all they will do is consume drugs and fuck.

>> No.15934912
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But they brought about the Soviet Union which was based.

>> No.15934916 [DELETED] 

more like the Soilent Cuckion lmao

>> No.15934919

>i'mmmmm asooooooming

>> No.15934930
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More like the Union of Soviet Chad Republics

>> No.15935100

american psycho

>> No.15935122

>What books are in danger of being banned?
>I'm trying to collect as many as I can before Marxist takeover happens in America.

>> No.15935243

Anything written by a racist, so everything predating the 21st century.

>> No.15935331

>before Marxist takeover

Unironically Marx's actual works. They'd be considered problematic by the modern left.

>> No.15935367

Specifically on the black problem, Moynihan's books/the Moynihan report, James Q. Wilson, Edward Banfield.

Yep this. It's being done very intentionally, otherwise phony progressives wouldn't be destroying black neighborhoods by justifying their shit behavior and nihilistic culture. They go out of their way to ban anything that tries to help the black community by encouraging it to manage itself or take pride in itself.

This too. Marx hated blacks, jews, fags and other degenerates.

>> No.15935369

The entire world outside of White countries is a big trash heap, retard. Where are you going to bring people in from?

>> No.15935407
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Based and racist Marxpilled

>> No.15935434

>(Though some do get banned once in a while at least where I live)
Australia? UK?
> It's that certain books will be no longer printed, thus harder to acquire, eventually bordering on impossible.
Unlikely on the long run, assuming there is some at least limited academic demand for them.
And most other cases of books not being in print anymore has far more to do with their being negligible demand anyway.

>> No.15935448

Imagine thinking that there will be academic demand for anything worth reading once all heterosexual White men have been replaced in academia.

White men are the only ones who actually care about preserving the past and having a "fair and honest discussion".

>> No.15935471

I don't like to mention my country of origin on here.
>books not being in print anymore has far more to do with their being negligible demand anyway
For the most part. There are some who very unnaturally go out of print, despite demand not declining. I like that you bring up academic demand because if you want to pick up any book that is "banned" here, you can, but you can't own it. You have to go to the library, provide ID and provide credentials just to rent for a week.

>> No.15936636

Why is charles murray immune to being cancelled?

>> No.15936647

What book is that? The American Jew? Who is it written by? It didn't show up when I googled it

>> No.15936660
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>> No.15936722
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>> No.15936747

>lefties are proud of their illiteracy
>make up for it with bad memes
Checks out.

He was cancelled ages ago, dude.

>> No.15936767


>Heart of Darkness is starting to get this weird African studies pushback.

Why? It was the first text assigned to me in a postcolonial studies seminar. I'd always thought it was racist or something myself but was pleasantly surprised when it described Leopold and the European.

>> No.15936793
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>readers of these books are so retarded they chimp out and go full terrorist when they read a shitty novel written by an untalented autist

it´s cause you cant treat some people as adults and who could imagine it would be fascists after all

>> No.15936810
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How do Leftshits reconcile their belief that all races are equal in intelligence with the absolutely astronomical outlying performance of Ashkenazi Jewish people in matters of intelligence?

>> No.15936829

Why don’t whites look like this anymore and your average Nigger looks like this. Serious question

>> No.15937072
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I rest my case, Marxshits

>> No.15937164
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>> No.15937195
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>> No.15937382

Trump is casually black bagging protestors (including peaceful protestors), meanwhile conservatives still fear the authoritarianism is going to come from marxist college professors.
Are conservatives just dense? Or they are fine with a police state when it arrests people they don't like? Help me Conservabros I don't understand you.

>> No.15937475
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aw shit that's it now I gotta read it

>> No.15937768

"The american jew- an expose on his career" is the full title.

>> No.15937806

They were kikes not white

>> No.15937816

USSR > current state of USA

>> No.15937850

If they thought systematically, they'd be on the right.

There are no racial differences but muh Holocaust people are super smart and the slavery people have big dicks, umad whiteboi?

Whites oppress everyone and there's no such thing as white.


Religion is stupid but Islam is great. Etc.

>> No.15937927

eventually, any book by a white author that includes the dreaded n word. either banned or "revised".

>> No.15937977
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B-b-b-but much honorable Aryans would never rape

>> No.15937989

>Marxist takeover
Totally laughable

>> No.15938005

Very few people actually hold these opinions, even on the left

>> No.15938026

why doesn't anyone care about germans raping women?
is it because of the aryan genes?

>> No.15938084

Because people fundamentally accept the Nazi myth that the Germans were somehow "more civilized" and eat up all the stories about Soviet barbarism. Despite the barbarism cutting both ways.

>> No.15938087

But they're the compulsory public opinions

>> No.15938098
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>> No.15938117

No they fucking aren't, that's what I'm saying. You're living in your own oppression fantasy

>> No.15938141

Man it would be nice if you were right

>> No.15938487

no I mean why didn't east europeans mind it?

>> No.15938496
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>> No.15938515

Brown people scawy

>> No.15938535

Those arguments>>15937850 don't work on liberals. The liberals are using them against conservatives to get what they want.
Liberals don't support IQ, race or big dick stereotypes. In fact most liberals won't even agree that these things exist, these are purely conservative constructs. But when you're talking to a conservative you have to pretend these things exist. For the sake of argument

>> No.15938557
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Got Hitler's Revolution by Tedor on the way from Amazon, snag it before it gets shoahed

>> No.15938577

convenient for you to describe shitposting online as a creative endeavor

>> No.15938696
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>> No.15938741

It's more likely than you think honestly. All you need is a botched liberal "revolution" that can't control its pawns. It's easy to see how we might be living in a "February Revolution" in the US right now, sponsored by liberal elements, that could give way to full-on Racial Communism when they're too weak to stop the radical elements.

>> No.15938761

>only refers to hyperbolic jokey stuff
how about
>whites don't exist
>whites oppressors
>religion bad
>Islam good
liberals totally (attempt to) believe these

>> No.15938767

What are you going to do about black resentment in the USSA when the nomenklatura is 100% white? Black resentment only increases as nominal "equality' is approached, so it stands to reason that under socialism it would be even greater than it ever was.

>> No.15938782

>Liberals don't support IQ
scientific studies of race in that tradition are derived from British empiricism and were supported by the liberals of the time kek

>> No.15938793

Exactly. The more you tell them they are equal to Whites the angrier they get that slavery happened at all. Beyond a certain age the better blacks understand that they're lucky to be surrounded by white competence. But cultural collapse + dysgenic fertility are shrinking that segment

>> No.15938857

Reminds me of Pinker's Enlightenment Now, which could be titled Mass Immigration Now. He forgets what huge racists all the Enlightenment thinkers were

>> No.15938863

come on lol this is a board for literature not bound toilet paper retard

>> No.15938871

The dial of ideas has been turned to the hot position

>> No.15938892

Just look at DSA meetings in the US lel, if you didn't know any better you'd think it was an Aryan Brotherhood meeting. In reality what will happen is that the trust-fund anarchists, salon socialists, literary leftists etc. will be the first ones to get executed when the worst people get power and implement racial communism. This is how it has gone in every major left-wing revolution.

>> No.15938906

Individuals who make a career out of strenuous physical activity look like this, white or otherwise.

>> No.15938909

US blacks are among the fattest people in the world.

>> No.15938913

Let's hope. If the white and fellow white leftists get massacred by vibrants the problem's pretty much solved.

>> No.15938998

Not really, then you have rule by drug cartels.

>> No.15939037

Based. \o

>> No.15940114

that nigerian psued didnt like it

>> No.15940270

>I'd always thought it was racist
Then you missed the point entirely.

>> No.15940291

>black bagging protestors
Are you taking about the feds extracting their informants? lmao

>> No.15940298

How about I dislike both authoritarian police an authoritarian Antifa.

Now what?

>> No.15940322

Germans have a long prior history of being respectful to their enemies. Russians do not. They also lost the war, the victors, being the nations who comprise the Allies, can and will say anything to paint them in a bad light as they have historically done with prior defeated adversaries.

>> No.15940323

his book on white america was pretty well discussed a few years back. i bought my copy at barnes & noble

>> No.15940735 [DELETED] 

It’s not Marxist, it’s democratic liberal humanism that has been spreading since over a century before Marx was even born. Marxism is still stupid but it’s not a modern threat, I can tell because modernity cares far too much about pretending the mentally ill are healthy whereas if it were Marxism I’d be starving whilst sad viola music played in the background

>> No.15941508

>an expose of his career
i bet that book's hilarious

>> No.15941530

my gut reaction to "marxists" is a la Dr. Evil, "You just don't get it, do ya? You don't."
you just don't get humans, you don't get humanity, you don't get how this works.
i aint mad, it's just weird and sad.

>> No.15941781

Achebe misread the entire book and still gets lauded in academic circles because his misreading fit a narrative. The book is strongly against Leopold's rule in the Congo. He calls Brussels a whited sepulchre for goodness sake, how harsh of a rebuke did he need to put in to satisfy the anti-colonial academics?

>> No.15941836


>> No.15942226

and you don't get marx

>> No.15942256

Anon, you're a literal retard.

>> No.15942264


>> No.15942279

Bill Maher had him on for it. It made me stop watching Bill, he was so stubbornly dumb

>> No.15942370

Why did you tag my post? I'm pro-USSR, I was just saying that US liberals are poor replacements.

>> No.15942376

>Why don’t whites look like this anymore and your average Nigger looks like this. Serious question
Maybe you should stop watching porn and go outside. Almost everyone, especially blacks, in the US is obese.

>> No.15942380
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Hell yeah, based Jews

>> No.15942388

You're so close. The fact is that there will be no revolution. Those leftists are just the useful idiots to give the establishment more power.

>> No.15942438
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>I'm trying to collect as many as I can before Marxist takeover happens in America.
Get back to /pol/ with your pseudoscientific bullshit, heredetarianism has been debunked by the scientific community harder than astrology or phrenology.

>> No.15942477

>hierarchical structures
Unavoidable. You're retarded.

>> No.15942500
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The "Holocaust Handbook" series is already illegal in many countries.

>> No.15942530
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>evolution is real
>traits are not passed from parents to offspring

>> No.15942644
File: 137 KB, 860x819, 128-1280582_pepe-nerd-png-download-smart-pepe-transparent-png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My goodnesa, equivocating genetics with hereditarianism on a dedicates literature board is beyond embarrasing.

Please look up definition of hereditarianism and its scientific status before you proceed to embarras yourself even further. No serious scientist in our times takes Charles Murray seriously.

>> No.15942668

You're a joke. Heredetarianism has not been debunked, but tabula rasa has.

>> No.15943205

>Works at AEI
>Published multiple books after this
>feted as an "Intellectual" everywhere he fucking goes

Yeah he got punched at a college once (which none of his critics probably wanted, because it instantly made him a Martyr of Rationalism). No one shoved him into a gas chamber. Enough with the pearl clutching.

>> No.15943302

>we should strife for collective ownership of the production of our goods
No, because the average person has absolutely no idea how to run a business, and communists even less so. You shouldn't be letting inmates vote on how to run the asylum.

>> No.15943496

Kill yourself retard.

>> No.15943967

I don't think it will be banned per say but the research that that book cites frequently will be retracted for being dangerous by the end of the decade. Its already happened to some of Hans Eysenck work. The work is bullshit but a retraction is super rare. Almost all bullshit is allowed to stand.

>> No.15944261

>Enough with the pearl clutching.
>Wanting to ban his work and ruin the man's life over a book is not pearl clutching
Shut the fuck up you stupid faggot. Anyone who speaks in memes like "witch hunt", "pearl clutching", or "McCarthyism", etc. is a fucking total dipshit.

>> No.15944284
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>> No.15944290


>> No.15944380
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You're a fool. Corruption will always happen in any human system, but a cardinal value of Ethnos severely limits what the corrupt can get away with. Allowing the population to become multi-racial puts so many more tools at the oligarchs/globalists disposal.

>> No.15944876

Rioters are not protestors

>> No.15945200

I am talking about the feds not identifying themselves, and proceeding to kidnap people without probable cause. Trump is just ignoring the law at this point.

>> No.15945225

Indeed, but peaceful protestors are also not rioters

>> No.15945228
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Yes, Marxism is a cult.

>> No.15945310

based af

>> No.15945347


they won't be openly burned but replaced

>> No.15945420
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>> No.15945958

you should, it's a pretty unique book.

>> No.15945992

Yeah that's because they aren't kidnapping people you retard. They are extracting informants. If they were kidnapping people, they wouldn't make an obvious scene in front of everyone. They need to make a scene so that their federal informants don't get picked out. They do this shit all the time. What, you expect them to just walk up to them, say "HELLO FEDERAL INFORMANT IT IS TIME FOR YOU TO BE BROUGHT IN FOR QUESTIONING" and take them out on a parade float?

>> No.15946047

Can't wait to be exploited by worker owned corporations instead. Or for some non-worker owned corporation to outcompete my worker owned one so that I lose my job.

Remember: wage labor, commodification, commodity fetishism are all okay as long as they are democratic!

>> No.15946078

post pic of lunch on instagram
wow im such an artist thank you communism

>> No.15946095

>No one shoved him into a gas chamber.

There were no gas chambers, so frankly, this comparison falls flat.

>> No.15946099


I wish I could say it was my collection, but it's some anons. It's very nice.

>> No.15946328

What part of peaceful protestors did you not understand? No shit there are cases were the police is justified in arresting people.

>> No.15946360

>Yeah that's because they aren't kidnapping people you retard. They are extracting informants. If they were kidnapping people, they wouldn't make an obvious scene in front of everyone. They need to make a scene so that their federal informants don't get picked out. They do this shit all the time. What, you expect them to just walk up to them, say "HELLO FEDERAL INFORMANT IT IS TIME FOR YOU TO BE BROUGHT IN FOR QUESTIONING" and take them out on a parade float?
What the fuck are you talking about. You can't just take someone for questioning without probable cause, and yes they have to identify themselves, America is not a fascist police state. Not yet, at any rate.

>> No.15946393

Holy shit, it reads like a greentext.

>> No.15946469

They aren't taking in random people for questioning dipshit. Learn what a federal informant is.

>> No.15946477

>You can't just take someone for questioning without probable cause
And yet they are. I hope they all end up in Gitmo.

>> No.15946497

It's been over 50 straight days of domestic terrorism committed by communist trannies.
Trying to lock officers in a government building before burning it down has nothing to do with free speech, and it's utterly ridiculous how they haven't started using live rounds on you yet.

>> No.15946569

Almost fell for this lol

>> No.15946589

America is doomed. You are going to have a dementia patient puppet doing the bidding of extreme-left lunatics. No police, criminals released, black ghettos installed in the suburbs. Sad!

>> No.15946598


>The Essential Hitler


>> No.15946659

I thought about what to say for like 5 min while looking for an appropriate reaction image but I think I'll just settle with Based.

>> No.15946709


>> No.15946714


>> No.15946745


>> No.15946813
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>> No.15946824

Dial 8

>> No.15946838
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>> No.15946999

Biden will do the bidding of corporate interests

>> No.15947124
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None does anything against these elites or their multinational conglomerates, you all just whine on social media while waiting for a revolution. Only when they do something against gays, blacks or women do you even bother to protest (in futility).

>> No.15947734

The Holy Bible

>> No.15947763
File: 117 KB, 500x773, edw-dutton-ethn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything by Edward Dutton...

>> No.15947768

>Marx takeover
Remember that you believed this in 10 years and laugh at yourself

>> No.15947788

Wrong. The Floyd protests started out as an anti-police brutality anti-capitalist movement and were co-opted overnight into anarkiddie LARP and radical liberal anti-"whiteness" protesting. The actual gommies were told to stay in their lane.

>> No.15947810

"Class reductionist" Commies are easily shut down with two fucking words lmao

>> No.15947909

Fuck off faggot I like private property, enjoy a 5.56 to the head commie

>> No.15947940

Nod an argumend.
t. Stefon Bolido

>> No.15948510

where the fuck do you get these ideas?
it's because you were told them by your parents or you have no value in your life except being white
go outside and talk a walk or something

>> No.15948524

You don't even know what I am refering to, do you. It has nothing to do with federal informants, I am talking about ordinary people.

>> No.15948556

I am talking about peaceful protestors, so it has everything to do with free speech. The question is why you pretend to care about it, you don't need to keep the good optics here.

>> No.15948608

I see you talking about how there are people who want to ban his book
but I never see anybody talking about this book unless it's brought up here by people saying that it would be banned

>> No.15948627

The whole thing about Culture of Critique thing with Amazon makes me wonder. Amazon is so huge that delisting books from it may well be equivalent to "banning" them in a decade or so. Makes me wonder if Barnes and Noble will become the "edgy alternative" bookstore (which is also expensive as fuck lmao).

>> No.15948646

Whoa, what? Culture of Critique was delisted from Amazon?

>> No.15948736

It was, yeah. At least in the States, I can't speak for other countries. I remember it happening a year or two ago. An anon bought one for a mini library last week as a joke and had to get it from the B&N website instead.

>> No.15948774

I have often thought that this incident is the basis for 70s german predilections towards S&M and shit porn. A significant portion of the entire population was raped and bound, surely that affected the sexual character of the nation going forward. Can a German anon who has gone through their grandmothers stuff and found ballgags and sob letters verify?

>> No.15948784

It'd be fucking hilarious to see CoC in those "WE LOVE BANNED BOOKS!" signs in public schools next to Harry Potter and Huck Finn.

>> No.15948864
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>> No.15948867

everyone who wants to ban a book is right wing

>> No.15948990
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>> No.15949011

When did I mention political sides? I just find it funny because there's a certain hypocrisy to say you "love banned books" whilst unofficially banning books. Besides, I'm pretty sure there are a ton of people on both the left and right-wing sides that want CoC gone. I don't really side with either, so I don't really care, but I think you're oversimplifying.

>> No.15949034

what does it mean to "unofficially ban a book"?

>> No.15949068

importing migrants only serves the same elite interests. its a way of importing cheap labour & driving down wages & a way of creating additional demand for bloated industries. it has the additional effect of keeping the proletariat divided among racial lines so that they don't notice class divisions. it creates alienation as each local community now hosts 5 incompatible sub-communities that have clashing customs and aren't always even fluent in the same languages. please wake up yourself and think about these things - im sure we both agree that blaming the west's problems on the actual people who migrate here is absolutely moronic, but the system that allows for current patterns of migration is not set up in either of our favour.

>> No.15949159

I know and understand

>> No.15949172

John Locke
>“…every Man has a property in his own person. This no body has any right to but himself. The Labour of his body, and the work of his hands, we may say, are properly his.”

>> No.15949195

I'd say refusing to carry it in one of the biggest retailers online, which could limit who gets access to it, is an "unofficial ban". If I had to put a firm definition, I'd say "the act of intentionally limiting or disallowing access to a book".

>> No.15949253

wait fuck sorry
anyway you just have a store doing something for profit
simple capitalism

>> No.15949293

Still seems oversimplifying to me. I certainly don't think a firm communist regime or even a weak one with a focus on "being decent to less-heard voices" would let it on the shelves either. People just don't like hearing opinions that aren't their own, man. That's on both sides.

>> No.15949313

yeah people do have an authoritarian streak don't they
but what you have issue with is a store isn't selling a book
and you can get it in other stores
or at the library if you ask for it

>> No.15949348

Oh yeah, don't worry, I'm not freaking out about "we can't get CoC!". I'm more just pointing out the humor of the self-defeating nature of the "Banned Books are Rebellious" campaigns seen in American public schools and libraries. Are you an American? Other countries might not have such campaigns, or they may do them differently.

>> No.15949394

>The Floyd protests started out as an anti-police brutality anti-capitalist movement
He believes in spontaneous mass uprisings in a year divisible by 4. The absolute state...

>> No.15949405

self defeating?
what are you talking about?
the book isn't even banned
so it's not an issue

you just talked about a hypothetical situation and then that proves it's self defeating

>> No.15949451

ferguson was in 2014
black lives matter protested in 2013
it's almost it's like the issue they were protesting about wasn't fixed

>> No.15949470

I'd say the humor lies in the presentation as reading books deemed unacceptable as being "rebellious" and "cool" whilst being an authority figure who a child would want to rebel against. It becomes a kind of "administration-approved rebellion" that becomes sort of farcical when tested. The Culture of Critique example is humorous because it's such a sort of inherently offensive book that such an authority really couldn't encourage it the way they do those other books, so reading it would become a much more genuine act of rebellion than reading something like Harry Potter. But again, it's just a joke, not really anything to get particularly focused on.

>> No.15949492

What issue exactly?

More whites are killed by cops than blacks.

>> No.15949516
File: 13 KB, 1152x394, BLM trends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. BLM will be forgotten about (again) until June 2024. Same as last time. When will you people learn? Democracy is ficticious. Black activist movements are ficticious, they aren't going to rise up and redeem you and bring about socialism.

>> No.15949539

>Victims were majority white (52%) but disproportionately black (32%) with a fatality rate 2.8 times higher among blacks than whites. Most victims were reported to be armed (83%); however, black victims were more likely to be unarmed (14.8%) than white (9.4%) or Hispanic (5.8%) victims. Fatality rates among military veterans/active duty service members were 1.4 times greater than among their civilian counterparts. Four case subtypes were examined based on themes that emerged in incident narratives: about 22% of cases were mental health related; 18% were suspected “suicide by cop” incidents, with white victims more likely than black or Hispanic victims to die in these circumstances; 14% involved intimate partner violence; and about 6% were unintentional deaths due to LE action. Another 53% of cases were unclassified and did not fall into a coded subtype. Regression analyses identified victim and incident characteristics associated with each case subtype and unclassified cases.

>> No.15949545

They won't be fixed until BLM (or preferably a less retarded group) fixes their strategies. The Civil Rights movement was pushed forward by some of the smartest Black Americans in recent history; BLM is pushed forward by some of the most retarded White Americans in recent history.

>> No.15949571

you have said that the uprising was always in a year divisible by 4
2014 is not divisible by 4
2013 is not divisible by 4
2017 is not divisible by 4

>> No.15949574

If you want to be retarded and base your worldview on population proportions go ahead. Here in the world of facts though we know that black people also commit the vast majority of violent crimes and when accounting for this they are actually disproportionately LESS likely to be shot by police.

>> No.15949589

The spike is in 2016 genius.

>> No.15949601


hey you didn't include the units of the y axis on the graph
100 what?
and did you know that because of that big spike it makes it look so flat?

>> No.15949665

You should know the people behind BLM are Jewish, not White. They are not retarded either, these protests serve two purposes, possibly more. 1. Make Trump look bad. 2. Make you forget about Epstein. If you dont remember who that is then it is working.

>> No.15949681

Trump makes himself look bad
person woman man camera tv

And just because /pol/ forgot about epstein doesn't mean everybody did

>> No.15949691

they hated him because he told them the truth

>> No.15949744

I certainly haven't forgotten him, but then again I constantly shove him in my friends' faces for calling me a conspiracy theorist for saying rich Jews fuck kids. Maxwell's getting tried, so that may go somewhere.

>> No.15949782


>> No.15949797

>monolithic corporations
I think communism is cringe, but some sales advice: you guys would do so much better at this if you just called them by their real name.

>> No.15949814
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>> No.15950022

So why don't American leftists and media talk about greedy billionaires and income inequality, but talk about racial and gender bullshit?

>> No.15950103

because they are radical liberals
who are actually not left
but center right

>> No.15950124

You should lead by example comrade, take in as many homeless people you can in your house, give them part ownership.

>> No.15950126

The media is because it's run by "greedy billionaires" (lol) and it's against their interest to point out their own crimes. As for college liberals, it's because they're addicted to "I'm a good person" brain chemicals and the race/sex/sexuality shit is more immediately gratifying to that end.

>> No.15950139

>if I give an extreme situation that means you are wrong

>> No.15950144

Because the media doesn't really give a platform to people being more left than maybe social democrats, and even these social democrats get put into a bad light. American media also really is a gigantic hierarchical enterprise and platforming those who speak against it would go counter the class interest of the owners.
Also there are definitely american leftist who do talk about income inequality and all of that, many of which use social media like twitter. Many leftist do stand in solidarity with minority groups, but there is also this criticism that those who focus way more on class struggle are 'class-reductionist'.
I'm not american myself but maybe this list interest you:

>> No.15950464

I know exactly what you're referring to. I've seen the videos. YOU have no idea what a federal informant is. It's not like it's a fucking officer you dipshit. It's a member of the group that's a snitch to the feds. You don't know who could be a federal informant. There are tons of informants at these types of gatherings because it helps lead to solid arrests.

>> No.15950487

I haven't read it, nor could I care any less about it. I take issue with the use of terms like "pearl clutching" because it degrades the conversation at hand.

>> No.15950577
File: 109 KB, 1280x720, barnes-noble-storefront-1280x720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Insane that B&N of all places is selling based literature. The absolute insanity of the timeline we live in.

>> No.15950612

based, definitely stealing a copy of this from my local library after i've finished reading dubliners

>> No.15950614
File: 273 KB, 1012x594, ostara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, Brad & Chadble even carry Ostara

>> No.15950633

Just stop, dude. Projecting your embarrassment onto others won't make your life better.

>> No.15950639

Shut the fuck up about it then. Don't make a fuss.

>> No.15950711


This is true. We need to preserve this fountain of knowledge.

>> No.15950721
File: 97 KB, 750x920, 9A7C7380-2CC5-43E9-9CFE-3D65B144D873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even listed on amazon

>> No.15950737

And it won't be listed on B&N neither if you don't shut the fuck up about it mongoloid.

>> No.15951033

>I'm trying to collect as many as I can before Marxist takeover happens in America.

IQ is just astronomy for people who think they are underemployed due to sheer unfairness.

People with higher IQs and better lives than you don't know their IQs.

Also, you seem confused about what Marxism is.

>> No.15951057

Horses for courses. Their minds don't beat the childlike races of the east, and they lose jobs to first gen immigrants thereof, but they accrue metabolic disorders and wasting diseases faster than gold. So all are equal, because equality is not about merit, but about worth as a human.

>> No.15951259

Literally the opposite of that. It's an explanation used to rationalize wealth inequality, because if you accept that the amount of money you have is arbitrary then you'd have a stronger case for redistributing money to people who ended up on the bottom because they were unlucky. I suppose you could use that logic to explain your situation if you thought you were stupid, but most people think they're above average intelligence when asked on questionnaires.

>> No.15951374

>soft-banning is not banning, it's ok as long as we use ideology-terrorism to black list, make you lose your job and have anonymous mobs telling you to kill yourself
motherfucker, you'll live the day you say "but it's not my true ideology"

>> No.15951396
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Holy fucking based, anybody got a source?

>> No.15951417

lmao at that image i can only imagine the seething euro who made it

>> No.15951420

Mike Brown assaulted a cop after robbing a convenience store.
Grayson Martin was shot after assaulting a member of the neighborhood watch.

The issue is niggers.

>> No.15951433
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nah couldnt be

>> No.15951457

It looks like you are blaming me for what a store has done.
did I make you feel bad?
Sorry anon
but I'm not the enemy here

>> No.15951501

Wow 2 criminals
how about googling
Philando Castile,
Michael Brown, Walter Scott, Breonna Taylor,
Tatiana Jefferson, Oscar Grant,
Tamir Rice, Matthew Ajibade,
Paterson Brown Jr., William Chapman,
Kevin Matthews, Michael Noel, Jamar Clark,
Christian Taylor, Darrius Stewart, Tanisha Anderson,
Sean Bell, Charles Kinsey, Willie McCoy,
Jonathan Ferrell, Stephon Clark, Randolph Evans,
Terence Crutcher, Timothy Stansbury, and Jeremy McDole.
The last guy there was a paraplegic

>> No.15951515

>if I can't censor it in bookstores, I'll try to censor people from talking about it!
Fuck off tranny.

>> No.15951524

I could list a way longer list of people killed by islamic terrorism, so should that justify hating islam the same way you hate the cops?

>> No.15951525

Blacks are so stupid, they are one step away from primates.

>> No.15951530

Which one was the "jogger" again? That shit was hilarious.

>> No.15951540
File: 53 KB, 768x576, 152a5d49-0f8a-410e-8af1-45a28ca6ca07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is crime statistics from the fbi of solved crimes
notice how big the unsolved rate is
the cops don't do their jobs

>> No.15951542

>Mike Brown assaulted a cop after robbing a convenience store.
>Wow 2 criminals
>how about googling [...]
>Michael Brown


>> No.15951544

I remember when I was 12

>> No.15951546

Mostly because of nigger ideology of "snitches get stitches".
Since we don't live in a complete surveillance state, we often rely on eyewitness accounts, which niggers refuse to do against "their own".

>> No.15951559

this is all crime tho?
not just in one city
all crime

>> No.15951579

>(revised definition)
That's super sketchy, but at the same time, that one's hard to put on anybody because most women actively refuse to report it.

>> No.15951596

I'm not trying to censor you fucking retard. I'm trying to prevent books from being removed from B&N before I buy them. If you dipshits start making noise about this they'll pull the fucking books moron.

>> No.15951597

where did you get the fact that he assaulted the cop?
every other source says that the cop assaulted him first

>> No.15951615

>this is all crime tho?
Any area where people refuse to cooperate with police to bring criminals to justice suffers from this problem, and these areas tend to be niggerholes.

>> No.15951625

you can't just blame this on the niggers anon
this doesn't explain how all of the property crimes never get solved

>> No.15951638

This but unironically. iq is pseudoscience. Grow up.

>> No.15951643

>this doesn't explain how all of the property crimes never get solved
How is it supposed to get solved?

>> No.15951663

ask the cops
they're the ones that don't know
or how to solve 40% of the murders
that's almost half of them

>> No.15951674

Since you're apparently a total fucking retard, the answer is "gather evidence from security cameras", and if there aren't any, "gather statements from eyewitness accounts". If there aren't any of those either, or people refuse to cooperate, then there isn't any way to solve it.

>> No.15951686

Just imagine what the black crime rates REALLY are once you account for uncleared murders rapes etc.

>> No.15951695

so it's the people's fault that they can't do their jobs?
or is it them?

that's a presupposition
based off of racism

>> No.15951705


>> No.15951718


>> No.15951720

If niggers refuse to cooperate with police in apprehending criminals, then yes, it is absolutely the fault of niggers that they aren't called to deal with a crime commencing that they don't know about, and can't prosecute criminals that they have no evidence against because they weren't there.

>> No.15951737

anon, i know it might be hard to tell living in your suburban upper class neighborhood, but sometimes to solve crimes you need witnesses to come forward and talk about what they saw. That's hard to do when the inhabiting culture acts violently towards their members that do so. Can't blame the cops for not doing their jobs in niggerville without blaming the blacks for their antisocial culture

>> No.15951758

Most uncleared murders are in ghettos and most people are murdered by someone of the same race/ethnicity, it's a fairly reasonably assumption to make.

>> No.15951762

Yeah I hate it when these fucking shitheads go around spamming stuff like Culture of Critique, then act all surprised when it gets pulled off of amazon. How could they not understand? The people running these corporations are not your friends and will pull anything off their marketplaces as soon as it comes to their attention that you like it.

>> No.15951786

boy you sure are making a lot of assumptions to justify your racism

>> No.15951803

"Racism" would be just sitting there and letting them kill each other - what's needed is basically a full-blown military occupation of major US ghettoes.

>> No.15951810

yeah sure
militarize the police some more
that would surely not escalate things

>> No.15951816

Race realism.

>> No.15951832

It would probably work pretty well.

>> No.15951839

Not real at all actually

weasel words

>> No.15951873

>reddit spacing
>improper sentence formatting
>can't even bother to capitalize
Why are you faggots even wasting your time arguing with this retard?

>> No.15951904

I see that I have made you angry
do you have anything besides assumptions?

>> No.15951937

Historically the opposite has happened; the secomd police ease off their patrols because "dey be racist n sheeeit", crime skyrockets, and is only brought back under control with zero tolerance policies for a length of time.

>> No.15951999

You act like rscism is normal outside your echo chamber. It is not.

>> No.15952092

Racism seems to be common otherwise these past few months would make no sense

>> No.15952107

Go say that at work and see if you can keep your job. At least outside your redneck rural town.

>> No.15952153

That racism still exists in society and is common enough that there are riots over it? Don't know theyd probably agree but isnt conductive to the work environment. Unless you mean overt racism I guess you have a case...

>> No.15952461
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>> No.15952541

post-colonial studies is brown cope the department so it's not surprising

>> No.15952549

I'm already mad at the medical industry
and whats the source of this data

>> No.15952600

thanks for calling out these retards. this is correct.
I really wish these race-baiting fuckers would leave this board alone.

>> No.15952726

Oh boy. That's quite the Hitler corner you have there. And is that a little religious corner right next to it? gg anon, gg

>> No.15952869
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>> No.15954007

so you're telling me /lit/ is just /pol/ with books now? okay.

>> No.15954020

Well yeah, rightwingers like to read all sorts of stuff.
Leftycucks just scream for everyone to waste their time reading karl, when they haven't either.

>> No.15954027

Hmm, based on the stats here it looks like a greater percentage of the black population is affected by white violent crime than the opposite

>> No.15954030
File: 342 KB, 1691x1012, the iliad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of them. Eventually they'll come for the Iliad itself.

>> No.15954041

Tbh I've read a bit of Karl and at least from a cultural angle he comes off as right wing lmao.

>> No.15954585

Reddit buzword

>> No.15954670

>while these elites are fucking underage girls on private islands you are online being paranoid about the black man living a few blocks away from you
It’s so easy.. just.. kill rich people?

>> No.15954753

>if we remove wealth disparities communism will Just Work
I get you’re trolling but it’s a good way to pander followers at the same time.

>> No.15954776


Top fucking kek.

>> No.15954805

scared of debate anon?

>> No.15955920

When you do ravens matrices fast than me

>> No.15956065

ray cyst?

>> No.15956082

factor in the violent crime rate of whites and black and its whites that are disproportionately killed

>> No.15956525

You can also buy from ostara directly from the site tho.
Only place I could find a hardcover version of myth of the 20th century.

>> No.15956713

Nigger tongue my anus

>> No.15957153

That was already factored in
>Most victims were reported to be armed (83%); however, black victims were more likely to be unarmed (14.8%)

>> No.15957166 [DELETED] 

>black victims were more likely to be unarmed (14.8%)

That's why rappers are so loath to be "caught without the choppa" etc.

>> No.15957180

you are now using your racism to assume shit

>> No.15957206

Where did this "le unarmed therefore harmless" meme come from anyway?
A PCP-addled silverback gorilla doesn't need a gun to pose a threat to everything in the vicinity.

>> No.15957209 [DELETED] 

>Most victims were reported to be armed (83%); however, black victims were more likely to be unarmed (14.8%)

83% vs. 85%
17% vs 15%


>> No.15957251

where did you get the idea that they weren't harmless?
and nice using that gorilla dogwhistle

>> No.15957254

lol didn't this retard say that jesus was around a lot of muslims?

>> No.15957296

It wasn't a dogwhistle, niggers are literally gorillas.

>> No.15957311

good to see that you don't have anything but blatant shitposting

>> No.15957670

You unironically use the term dogwhistle.
There is no bigger shitposting than the shit that comes out of your brain.

>> No.15957704

I see that you don't understand language works
if you think that people can't intentionally imply shit or something
or say one thing and mean another

>> No.15957742

Is there any link or torrent to download a library filled with similar books? I’d like to save as many as I can before they become impossible to find

>> No.15957882

How is giving different people the same logical problems not a great way to assume problem solving skills?

>> No.15958039

Lead by example, let the homeless roam your house
> the elites are fucking underage girls
That is the responsibility of the family and friends of the girl, the most any government can do is punish them if caught

>> No.15958094

there are no books left to ban because nobody reads anymore, lol