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15925512 No.15925512 [Reply] [Original]

Slow Pace edition

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>> No.15925530

>The Wheel is a 2 light year diameter circle around the black hole at the center of the Galaxy, has the mass of several thousand stars, rotates at very near lightspeed and because of relativistic distance distortion, the Wheel actually has a circumference of thirty million light years
>The Wheel withstands an explosion with the power of a hundred supernovas every 10,000 years and has an inertialess system that protects it from impacts by instantly accelerating anything that hits it to the same velocity
>The Wheel has three decks, so far apart that the Solar System could fit between them, with the surface area of a hundred billion Earths
>The Decks move at different subjective times, so that for one year on Deck One, 5000 years on Deck Two, and 500,000 on Deck Three, 3 million years pass in the external universe
>On Deck Two, for every day that passes, 17 months pass externally
>On Deck One, for every day that passes, 14,000 years pass externally

>> No.15925539

fuck branderson
fuck abercrombie
fuck rothfuss
fuck martin
fuck female authors in general
fuck grimdark
fuck maps
fuck the chosen one
fuck trilogies
fuck sagas
fuck chronicles
fuck grimdark
fuck sci-fi
fuck female protagonists
fuck chinkshit
fuck trite revenge stories
fuck half-baked languages

>> No.15925546
File: 12 KB, 225x225, meme wolfe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love gene wolfe

>> No.15925610

Exhalation readalong in progress: discord.gg/KWPCM7m

>> No.15925626

>like you can't get sued for using mermaids in your story because Disney made a movie once
You don't know the mouse.

>> No.15925637

Okay seriously, what is left?

>> No.15925725

>and it’s all made out of magic super dimensional impermeable materials

>> No.15925732

Stand alone caveman ego-death

>> No.15925765
File: 88 KB, 378x640, THORNS1967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck sci-fi

>> No.15925785
File: 20 KB, 324x400, Terry Chadkind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck did you just say about my Sword of Truth?

That's right - NOTHING you little bitch.

Enjoy your nerdy little ""fantasies"" you raging faggot.

>> No.15925787

Seriously thinking about getting an sffg tattoo. Man, I Fucking love you guys.

>> No.15925802
File: 189 KB, 800x1202, r8xjcec1xlx41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck chinkshit

Careful now, son.

>> No.15925801

fuck you

>> No.15925867

FUck e william brown

>> No.15925956
File: 40 KB, 326x499, aurora-rising-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I in for?

>> No.15926021

Pretty neat mystery set in space with cool sci-fi implications, also the Revelation Space universe at the height of its technology.
Bit slow-paced but a great story and the second is paced much better.

>> No.15926143
File: 8 KB, 227x222, Terry GoodChad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Cleans out earwax

Pretty sure I didn't just hear what I think I did. Come again little boy?

>> No.15926149

Thank you, blessed Anon. Was hoping this would be good after my disappointment with Absolution Gap.

>> No.15926166

next time just type "fuck fiction"

>> No.15926170

>trusting some random anon over your personal experience
Bad move

>> No.15926201

They're wholly different stories set at different timescales within the same universe. The book he is referring to is the third of a trilogy even so it's not his first foray.

>> No.15926264

>not including magic systems and world-building
Ya blew it.

>> No.15926271


>> No.15926370

He probably doesn't like fuck fiction either

>> No.15926437

>the sex I write is the sex I have

>> No.15926495

Do you expect us to read your rambling schizoid sex fantasies? Just decide who or what you want to fuck and stick with it, but make it one thing.

>> No.15926503

I had no idea who this is so I read the synopsis of his Daniel Black series. Am I correct in assuming this is a power and sex fantasy for pathetic nerds?

>> No.15926511

And Kull. Solomon Kane, maybe?

>> No.15926588

What novel isn't a power and sex fantasy?

>> No.15926683


>> No.15926855

Most good novels aren't power fantasies. Sex fantasies are OK though. When you mix them both it's absolute wankery

>> No.15927033
File: 304 KB, 890x1363, 81+K1jmYanL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any other examples of generic premise and stories elevated by character writing?

>> No.15927179

>book set in future where 400,000 amerifats died in a terrorist attack
>It was a false flag for some bullshit
>False flag gets exposed
>Public is up in arms and wants the people who did it to pay
>Riots in the streets, martial law about to be declared, talk of revolution
>>>>>>>>>>Main character says it's just like the #MeToo movement of a few decades ago
What a fucking joke

>> No.15927273

sounds like you're finally about to mentally mature and start reading real literature instead of video game stories

>> No.15927309

>disappointment with Absolution Gap.
what didn't you like, besides the obvious baddies get btfo offscreen. it was a 5 star book for me - feels and sense of wonder

>> No.15927372

Please tell me this is a joke.

>> No.15927408

>and some bits are very creepy
You sound like a faggot or a woman.

>> No.15927449

>can't name a single one

>> No.15927452

Any stone age settings for novels or stories? I already ordered the complete Conan

>> No.15927573

There's the Earth's Children series, which is okay so long as you can deal with the protagonist being an overt mary sue and significant amounts of the series being dedicated to her getting footlong dick from a 6'5 gigachad frenchman.

>> No.15927592

Already got the mobi for my e-reader. I was hoping there were more novels on the topic. Sadly, it looks like I have to write it or wait for an anon to fill that niche.

>> No.15927606
File: 53 KB, 520x610, 1423022470011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic not related
goddamn i spent so many hours re-reading everything david eddings wrote as a teenager and all I can remember is a woman with "the stars" for skin and that sparhawk had a broken nose at some point.

>tfw you will never have a 7ft copper skin wrestling waifu

What's it called?

Does anyone remember the name of a book about a wizard who takes his protege back in time to try and break up her relationship with some teenage boy?
It's an old book.

/sffg/, would be a copyright issue if one my characters had an explicit Bag of Holding?

>> No.15927617


>> No.15927778

Zone War, book 3
He doesn't directly say #MeToo, he just says some shit along the lines of "this is like the social media campaign revolving around sexual harassment in Hollywood a few decades ago.
And now it's somehow turned from fighting super AI drone to building a communist society. They bought a bunker and wrote a constitution and the book is just about making a society now and recruiting new people. But they stopped chasing the dumb robot to do it. As in, society is still functioning yet they are making a society already instead of trying to stop the evil robot. This shit is getting real stupid but I'm too far in to stop now.

>> No.15927864
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>Fuck Brandon-San
A thousand times yes. I've gotten to the point where I stopped defending him because his personality and mentality is becoming irritating more so than his fans.
Sanderson's entire purpose of writing Stormlight was so that he could make video games or table top RPGs.
Like, why the fuck would you give the advice "Don't add another magic system, refine one you already have" PUBLICLY; and then boast to have 30 magic systems in a single setting?
Why would he write literal tutorials in a novel for a simple gravity manipulation?
It doesn't make sense that he writes such drivel and people praise it.

The second his Kickstarter is over, I guarantee there will be an announcement for a vidya in the same world. He's already made the TTRPG, and boy I can't wait for non fans to cringe at it.
And when it fails to deliver, or when it fails to be made at all; I will be so happy.
To see that the hackfraud's dreams evaporated again will be so sweet.

Terry fucks (sex dolls).

>> No.15927968
File: 767 KB, 800x400, cropped-China.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is sffg so anti Eastern fantasy?

Explain yourselves.

>> No.15927979

I told another anon on /tg/ to make a native Taiwanese setting, and he happily said he would. Wait a while and it might turn into something.

Sources on Taiwanese mythos:

>> No.15927980

I'm not anti eastern fantasy, I'm just anti chinkshit and LitRPG shit. The Moribito series is fantastic.

>> No.15927989

Because once you have read one you read them all
>Chang Wong is a super martial artist
>He beats up the big demon
>Also he uses ALL the magic
>His love interest, Ping, is fine with his harem of side character sluts who had an introduction and are never mentioned again except to describe his harem

>> No.15928076

they're either very bad writers or it's too difficult to translate properly

>> No.15928097

Pretty much that. I wasn't expecting to read about the war for most of the story, but I wasn't expecting Reynolds to cop out and skip it all. The Aura but was interesting when I thought she was some superintelligent kid, until we find out that apart from the knowledge she has programmed inside, she's just a bit above average.

>> No.15928104

A lot of it is mass produced, there are some gems though.
Reverend insanity here's looking at you, creatively shits on anything ever released in the west.

>farm boy in villiage
>mentor figure who dies
>taverns with ale and bread, banter between women about how fucking gay the MC is
>evil overlord who is related to the main character in some way

>> No.15928278

>>farm boy in village
>>mentor figure who dies
>>taverns with ale and bread, banter between women about how fucking gay the MC is
>>evil overlord who is related to the main character in some way

Mate I have read a lot of fantasy and I have encountered something similar maybe once. You are confusing Jnovels with western fantasy.

Chink shit is 99.9% the same repetitive garbage guided by complete deux ex machinas and mary sues protagonists.

>> No.15928292

>Mate I have read a lot of fantasy
clearly you haven't

>> No.15928325

You do realize there is more than one book series in the fantasy genre right?
Just looking at what I have read recently, LORT, noting of the sort, The lyonesse, nothing of the sort, Lord Foul's Bane (haven't finished) yet but so far) nothing of the sort, The fucking whole Conan series(I haven't reads all the books but i doubt they would suddenly change the protagonist).

Tell me where are you getting this stupid idea from?

>> No.15928334

Simple farm boy born on battlefield is at best a subversion of a genre.
you know full well western fantasy is loaded with cliche shit just as often as chink web novels are.

>> No.15928339

>Tell me where are you getting this stupid idea from?
Not him but Eragon immediately comes to mind.

>> No.15928345

post your goodreads

>> No.15928393


>> No.15928423

That is a fair assessment. Still one book series not representative of the genre as a whole.
No chink chink is a hundred times worse and now I will vie you a list of several titles that fall into that same category. All of which i have personally read at least a few chapters.
A Step into the Past
Chronicles of Primordial Wars( i really thought it was going to be different the pre historic setting is nice but i just developed into cultivation artifact hunt shit)
Against the Gods
Immortal Mortal
God Of Slaughter
Imperial God Emperor
Martial God Asura
The Amber Sword( again the beginning was slithery better than average but it went down the same shitty route)
Chaotic Sword God
Zhu Xian


>> No.15928425
File: 58 KB, 308x500, 51uck8w4lGL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been reading this series, nobody ever talks about it but it's pretty good so far

>> No.15928436

I was reading chink shit on the novelupdates website. I don't use good reads.

>> No.15928438

Why did you pick chinese stuff that outside of MGA isn't even that well received lol, of course it isn't brilliant.
Stuff like Lord of Mysteries is different and usually right near the top of rating/voting on the sites

>> No.15928451

Normies coming here was a mistake

>> No.15928474

Point them out to me.

>> No.15928483


>> No.15928500

found one >>15928474

>> No.15928504

Against the gods, as an example, was one of the top Chinese novels on the website and yet is was pure garbage, a step into the past as also at the top and had a better writing style but the story was just a bad. If i'm not mistaken the amber sword as also a top novel at the point I started it.
There are more an higher rating novel I have read that are shit but these are the one I dropped outright before completing them. The high rated ones are even more generic for some fucking reason. I stopped searching for the high rated ones based on the fact they are even less original than the ones I mentioned and started searching for "original" stories.
Chronicles of the primordial wars was by far my biggest disappointment on that regard.
Still that point stands that there's no comparing the chinese novels inability to diverge from one another with the cliches used by western authors.

>> No.15928515

>No chink chink is a hundred times worse
It's easily comparable, don't be silly.

There is no distance greater than that between reverend insanity and I will not defy the heavens anywhere in western fantasy.

Anon that has more to do with the CCP selectively filtering content and media available for mass consumption in china, the best selling western fantasy series is harry potter and percy jackson.

>> No.15928535

>Reverend insanity
Okay so you love edgy shlock

>> No.15928579

>It's easily comparable, don't be silly.
I really don't think so. Maybe If you have absorbed enough Chinese culture in a way that those small differences seem incredibly. but as an outsider to that i find it really repetitive.
>There is no distance greater than that between reverend insanity and I will not defy the heavens anywhere in western fantasy.
I haven't read reverent insanity but I have read I will not defy the heavens and it's yet another story that follows the same formula I mentioned almost beat by beat.
>Anon that has more to do with the CCP selectively filtering content and media available for mass consumption in china,
That seems likely the case, it makes no sense for the adherence to an such an strick formulaic story telling otherwise.
>Anon that has more to do with the CCP selectively filtering content and media available for mass consumption in china, the best selling western fantasy series is harry potter and percy jackson.
Both of which have nothing of in the "famr boy trope" that was mentioned and you forgot to mention the another of the most sold books of all times that completely goes against that. Lord of the rings.

>> No.15928585

Just to finish I will still give a try to the tree body problem as it was recommended several times already to see if I was jut in the wrong genre. If it's shit Chinese authors just aren't for me.

>> No.15928598
File: 25 KB, 220x364, 220px-The_Black_Company.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've read 8 Black Company books and can barely bring myself to read 9. Keep restarting it over and over, then letting my interest fade. Book 1 was great and I've enjoyed bits of the series since then, but holy hell the last few books have been a mess of storytelling.

>> No.15928665

>reverend insanity
Anon come on, don't be dense.

>tfw you will never realize life will always be worth living if you do it while pursuing goals you've chosen for your self

>> No.15928912

Looks p generic from the cover

>> No.15928922

He looks like every TV/movie villain from the 90s. Also I forced myself to read through his books and man does this guy have a lot of fetishes.

>> No.15928923

How is it really?
I have it as tbr and don't know when I added it to that list.

>> No.15928982
File: 132 KB, 800x800, 1595185749205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good coomer fantasy?

>> No.15929067

Are there any good fantasy stories out there revolving around a female necromancer?

>> No.15929084

I haven't read it so don't take this as a recommendation, but that's apparently what Gideon the Ninth is about.

>> No.15929165

Has anyone here read Expeditionary Force?
If not I highly recommend it.

>> No.15929252
File: 126 KB, 907x1360, hurr durr lesbians yall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gideon the Ninth
Please don't ever recommend this to anyone. Even as a joke.

>> No.15929289

I explicitly said I wasn't recommending it.

>> No.15929296

is this smut? the only books i have read that boldly proclaim the sexual preferences of the characters in the cover have been smut.

>> No.15929345

Why is there always some smooth texture alien-like animal in these paintings?
Also has escaping made her horny? Her nips are out there.

>> No.15929400

Good Lord. I finished the series 2 years ago and I thought I had read 7 books max, but turns out it was actually 9. What a waste of time the last 4 were.

Just read Soldiers live and don't bother with any spin off if you want some closure.

>> No.15929432

Lol, go read some real novels!

>> No.15929444
File: 185 KB, 1280x752, 1517779436499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Besides SCP stuff, what has similar feel to pic related?
Spooky is good.

>> No.15929476

There are John Norman and his Gor the Counter Earth books of course.

>> No.15929489
File: 1.44 MB, 1920x2560, IMG_20200722_093942_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking hyped boys who's ready for the Pale King

>> No.15929529
File: 101 KB, 600x600, 1575998271783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dune? More like Duncan.
Dune Messiah? More like Duncan Idaho.
Children of Dune? More like Children and Duncan.
God-Emperor of Dune? More like Duncan Forever.
Heretics of Dune? More like Here Comes Fucking Duncan Again.
Chapterhouse Dune? More like Duncan Is Stuck On a Boat.

>> No.15929542

The Abhorsen Trilogy.

>> No.15929543

How are Fred Saberhagen's Swords books? There's a hardcover collecting them at a used bookstore by me and I've been eying it, but I haven't heard anything about it.

>> No.15929546

Conan is fucking trash for contrarian retards or closet homosexuals drooling over Frazetta's art.

>> No.15929553

>he reads harem garbage

>> No.15929578

People who like Frazetta art are less gay than you, not more. You're projecting your latent homesexuality to musclebound men as erotic lol

>> No.15929590
File: 78 KB, 640x680, 38e97d02fc7e52b511e45b15196c85d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Gor books. They're so based they even made that faggot Moorcock butthurt because "muh sexism". Also if you want peak comedy read the Goodreads reviews for it.

Why does the mere mention of Conan or any sword and sorcery stuff always draw in the same types of faggots who project their own issues onto others. There was one last thread and now here we are again.

>> No.15929596

Fucking homofaggats reading about conan. Inserting themselves as the females to be rescued.

>> No.15929607

Gor is awful... I read a few and they are just ridiculous smut that dropped the space opera aspect

>> No.15929630

The first couple of books are bearable, and some of them are quite decent (like God-Kings of Gor, or Nomads of Gor), but yeah they do get progressively worse.

His "slave books" are pretty much unreadable, he drops all pretense of not jerking off under the table while pecking away at his typewriter there.

>> No.15929634

nice argument retard Frazetta single-handedly ruined sword and sorcery genre with his naked faggot drawings. Conan was not supposed to be stripper. He wore armor. But now every hack has to imitate Frazetta's shitty drawings and make sword and sorcery absolute joke of a genre it is. But the thing is Howard was a pussy ass mommy's bitch boy too so the genre was dead from the get go.

>> No.15929699

Sounds like a personal issue. It's 2020 sweetie, its okay to be a raging faggot.

>> No.15929756

you seem upset
consider not being upset

>> No.15929980

>This is just my collection of Gor books by John Norman. The 26 books are about a different planet where women are slaves. These books are not for the faint of heart. There is explicit sexuality and women have no rights. The books are pretty controversial and written in the 60's or 70's, I believe. If you're a feminist, you don't want to read these books.

What the fuck, it's like these books were made for /sffg/. Good bye Gene, hello John Norman!

>> No.15930031

Memes aside most of the Gor books are pretty bad. There are a handful of decent ones though. Also there were two movies but those were so cheap and campy that they were more of comedies. The girls were hot at least, but good look finding a copy of the second movie anywhere.

>> No.15930050

>These books are not for the faint of heart. There is explicit sexuality and women have no rights. The books are pretty controversial and written in the 60's or 70's, I believe. If you're a feminist, you don't want to read these books.
Always found these claims of how shocking it is funny when actual feminist sci-fi like Joanna Russ treats its female characters so much more harshly than Gor does.

>> No.15930271

Oh my god, it's isekai. I'm in love.

>> No.15930313

tell that to Frazetta

>> No.15930385
File: 88 KB, 800x1070, 1581306645418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this assblasted about Frazetta. Though I do recognize this schizo. Every time Frazetta is brought up he comes in and goes "if you like this art y-you're gay because frazetta was also secretly gay because I said so!". Nice to see you're still having constant meltdowns over Frazetta.

>> No.15930431


Glad you made the same mistake as me. But I was counting a spinoff, The Silver Spike, as one of the eight books I've already read because it basically reads as if it's Book 6 when you're going through the collected Black Company books. And I actually think it was one of the better ones thanks to some good new characters. That's how I remember it. Don't quote me on that.

>> No.15930443

dune sucks

>> No.15930444

frazetta is based as fuck and this faggot just doesn't know how to be in touch with his sexuality

>> No.15930457

I'm going to write, wish me luck

>> No.15930508

>1000 years into the future
>STILL raving about holocaust and slavery

>> No.15930845

don't forget about the eight gorillion!!

>> No.15930890

I don't think Frazetta is a faggot. I think He is a hack. Conan stories are trash. Only good thing about them is scantily dressed women, but at least they don't fight. Red Sonja ruined that, not only she is a badass, but she is also a naked badass who needs no armor. That's fucking retarded. Male protagonists don't look cool, but opposite they look like bunch of faggots cosplaying gay strippers. Also I don't know who are you talking about, but at least there are other people here who know how much of a trash sword and sorcery genre is. Death of this faggotry was the best thing that happened to fantasy genre.

>> No.15930960

Reminds me of Ozymandias.

>> No.15931425

Reminder. August is next month and books will be released.

>> No.15931635

Seconding this

>> No.15931668

It's like you only have the dumbest opinions on every possible subject. Off yourself.

>> No.15931683

>reading modern drivel

>> No.15931727


>> No.15931843

is that picture just art or is there an actual story behind this?
id read a story about some alien amazon that escapes her captors and somehow lands up on earth.

>> No.15931963
File: 409 KB, 1482x2303, 81wlucdnSoL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Left Hand of Darkness - Ursula K. Le Guin, Hainish Cycle #4 (1969)
This book, and Le Guin in general, have so far not been what I've expected given the reputation I've seen. Though, apparently she changed quite a lot in the decades following these novels. Most of what I've seen describes her as a feminist icon. From the five Hainish novel(las) I've read now, I haven't seen that at all. At this point in her writing, it seems to me that she's not even sympathetic to feminism from what I understand how it was at the time. In-depth discussion of such in her novels in a different matter for a different time. Suffice to say that in this novel, almost all references to femininity and women are derogatory, and almost the only character directly referred to with female pronouns is a sole human female. In the foreword by China Mieville it's stated that Le Guin preferred "the generic he" at the time. It also states that she received much criticism from feminists and later wished she had done better. What is present is explicit statements about Taoism in this and the preceding works.
Once again we have a lone man who this time isn't quite stranded on an alien ice world which isn't primitive by our standards. I found the novel to be slow to start. I was rather skeptical, as I am of anything well-regarded, but it won me over in time. The novel is almost entirely discussions and journeying. It's very character focused. If you need combat, war, and similar, then you're going to be disappointed, as this society doesn't know the concept of war. I found myself wondering just different would this really be if this were instead something like an early EU investigator determining whether a country was eligible to become part of the EU. The description of the Ekumen reminded me a lot of the modern day EU. As a non-Euro, I may be misunderstanding.
One of the most mentioned aspects of this novel, from what I've seen anyway, is how the humans of this world are androgynous for all but a few days of the month, and during those few days they become male or female and are more or less forced by biology to have sex. Each person can become male or female and does and there isn't much difference to them. I was disappointed by what I saw as a lack of exploration of this. All relatives are free to have as much sex as they want with each other, excluding with forebears, but they aren't allowed to "marry". There are community orgy places where all can come and have sex with whomever. Even today this would be considered highly transgressive by many people, let alone at the time. I don't consider it as such. The above are secondary concerns in the novel.
The first half of the novel is discussions, consultations, political intrigue and similar. The second half is depicted on the book cover. I enjoyed the first half more.
Rating: 5/5

Coming of Age in Karhide (1995)
An included previously published story. It addresses some of the lack of exploration I noted. Enjoyable.

>> No.15931976

A Man of His Word by Dave Duncan

>> No.15931982


>> No.15932032
File: 504 KB, 640x640, 1570489650999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reading Black Company past book 4

>> No.15932170

The Atlan Series by Jane Gaskell

>> No.15932198

What are "real novels?

>> No.15932207

What is real literature?

>> No.15932252

Real literature is just any novel that takes place in a time and place contemporary to where it was written and revolves around cuckoldry. Once you've read one, you've read them all.

>> No.15932374

Is there any coming of age story where the Protagonist doesn't start off as a bullied and/or insecure faggot?

>> No.15932430
File: 264 KB, 946x1360, 81rayNe34HL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are any of these worth a read?
>A Prince's Errand (Dan Zangari and Robert Zangari)
>Never Die (Rob J. Hayes)
>Galaxy's Edge (Anspach and Cole)
>Oblivion (Andy Blinston)
>Sol Shall Rise (G.P Hudson)
Thanks in advance

>> No.15932477
File: 64 KB, 750x422, 1595458680445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What book would you isekai yourself into in order to escape the clown world of reality, /sffg/?

>> No.15932492

Imagine what other sff books will be looked upon in the future.

>> No.15932498

This is the third time you've asked.

>> No.15932518
File: 604 KB, 1539x2056, genre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey all, pretty new to sci-fi/fantasy (pic related) and looking for some recommendinos. Drop me some knowledge.

>> No.15932536

See in the OP where it says
question mark
The following link is for newfags such as yourself.

>> No.15932540

A Canticle for Leibowitz

>> No.15932599

Earthsea, Chronicles of Amber, Small Gods, Wizard Knight
Forever War, Time Out of Joint, The Dispossessed, Parable of the Sower, Player of Games

Just pick something from there and go, I'm assuming from that list you're fairly young but nothing here is too long or experimental.
tbf I just glanced through it and there's way too much in the charts section now. Most of the charts have serious issues and they pretty much all overlap with another chart seemingly on the same subject. If you've read literally 5 books in spec fic nothing there helps too much.

>> No.15932616 [DELETED] 

But I'm looking for personal, tailored recommendations with which I'd expect fine knowledgeable gentlemen such as yourselves could easily assist.

>> No.15932627

But I'm looking for personal, tailored recommendations with which I'd expect fine, knowledgeable gentlemen such as yourselves could easily assist.

>> No.15932651

And they bring it up with aliens as if the aliens give a flying fuck

>> No.15932662

Looks interesting, thanks.
>Wizard Knight (Gene Wolfe)
That's the guy who did New Sun, right? Is Wizard Knight a gentler introduction to his writing?

>> No.15932664

Anyone read The Corporation Wars? Based or cringe?

>> No.15932670

Don’t read anything written by someone living in the west, any race.
I read xianxia

>> No.15932707

try looking at the sffg goodreads group

>> No.15932824
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>pic related
Arcadia, Iain Pears

>> No.15932845

Nice joke~

>> No.15932852
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Opinions on worldbuilding?

>> No.15932853

I don't know why you guys hate Brandon Sanderson so much.
His books are entry level, sure, but he did some research before writing and it shows.
Probably 7/10 at worst, 6/10 if you hate his mormon tier philosophies. But he's nowhere near as bad as Goodwill.

>> No.15932880

>he did some research before writing

What research should a fantasy writer do before writing?

>> No.15932947

His characters are dogshit and his dialogue is awful

>> No.15932960


>> No.15932968

Lift and Shallan. The last Sanderson novel I read was WoR.

>> No.15932971

Biggest problem with Sanderson is that he wears his influences on his sleeve but he's probably a worse writer than all of them.
So you just end up thinking "this was so much better when they did it" if you've read them. Especially so with Hambly who could actually write characters.

>> No.15932982

What in the absolute fuck did I just fucking read?

>> No.15933059
File: 359 KB, 862x1200, D4W39z5XsAArtlH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can go to literally every other website to talk about brando sandersu since he's one of the most famous fantasy writers, here in /sffg/ it's all about GRI and self-published books with less than 100 ratings on goodreads

>> No.15933131

What's GRI?

>> No.15933138

the staple of fantasy novels really.

>> No.15933168
File: 700 KB, 2397x1625, latest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's /bo/, and why is this all under Sci-fi?

>> No.15933249

How good is the Witcher book series?

>> No.15933323


>> No.15933332

It's shit. Read Elric instead since Witcher is just a ripoff of him.

>> No.15933340
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Based Conan STILL triggering the bugmen to this very day.

>> No.15933361

I enjoyed the short stories

>> No.15933371

shorts good novels ehh

>> No.15933395

hmmm, I have The Last Wish and have enjoyed all the stories thus far. The Striga, the Bruxa, Shriker, Urcheon, and now I'm early into the Dandalion chapter.

Blood of Elves is the next in the chronological order correct? I understand it's a novel instead of a collection of shorts, but does it retain the quality of TLW? Is Ciri in it? I haven't run across her in TLW, though I suspect someone in the Urcheon chapter may be related to her (no spoilers please), and that the ending of said chapter gives a clue as to when she may show up. Still haven't run across Yen either. Or Triss.

My waifus from Wild Hunt aren't in it yet but I still am finding it a fun read. That's gotta mean it's a pretty good book.

Also, does Triss really have a bad case of the runny shits in Blood of Elves?

>> No.15933409
File: 240 KB, 1080x1350, godz1568592828434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give me some kaiju kino bros

>> No.15933412

boring fights, his dialogue is third-grade tier and his females characters are some of the worst I've ever read

>> No.15933419

there aren't

>> No.15933464
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the only thing I've read from this NIGGER is the first several chapters of his ebil Superman fanfic before it devolves into high school romance shit.

>> No.15933617

Sword of Destiny comes after The Last Wish, but you could jump into Blood of Elves if you want. I haven't read the novels myself so I can't say anything about Ciri or Triss.

>> No.15933686

You can't really "jump in", Elves is a direct sequel to half of the stories in sword of destiny

>> No.15933810

ahhh shit, then I guess I better go get a copy of Sword of Destiny then. Oh, so SoD is another short stories style of book huh? That's good.

>> No.15934096

Borne by Vandermeer


>> No.15934261

I think I like the Dark Tower.
Do I have shit taste?

>> No.15934271

>His books are entry level, sure, but he did some research before writing and it shows.
Research for what???

>> No.15934280


>> No.15934290

How much of the series have you read?

>> No.15934297

Just finished the third book.

>> No.15934296

>For Mistborn, I researched canals, eunuchs, and London during the mid 1800’s.
Canals and eunuchs okay? But why would he need to "research" 1800s London for a fantasy series not set in London? Sounds like he "borrowed" elements of that era of London and applied it to his own book. That isn't really research.

>> No.15934305

Oh sweet baby child summer time girl. There's a reason why a lot of DT fans say to stop after the third or fourth book (I can't remember which).

>> No.15934311

Wait, why?
Does the story get that bad?

>> No.15934319

You know how one of the common criticisms of King is that he doesn't know how to finish a novel or that his endings are weak or even outright bad? Well you can apply that to the entirety of the Dark Tower series. Starts off good with the first 3 or 4 books then King runs out of good ideas and starts using bad ones until he rushes headlong into an absolutely terrible ending.

>> No.15934349

Fucking great. God damn what a waste.
I feel like most of the series I read either end terribly or never finish.

>> No.15934360

King literally writes himself into the story at one point. That meta bullshit is the epitome of hackery.

>> No.15934402

Is it racist to make an Eastern Fantasy but with White people instead? I find them better to write about than Asians.

Nobody got mad when Frank Herbert did it.

>> No.15934421

Well, that could get a pass 20 years ago.
But with today political climate, good luck publishing a book like that without being labeled racist.
I'm an actual Asian and I don't give a shit to be honest.

>> No.15934438
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>I'm an actual Asian and I don't give a shit to be honest.


Gonna put you in the book as a Based Asian just for that.

>> No.15934440

I just finished The Stand. I don’t know what I expected but such a damn dull ending. The 30 pages of then walking back was somehow the best part.

>> No.15934443

That's the main antagonist of the series;
His Imperial Radiance, the EMPEROR WILLIAM THE TWENTY-THIRD OF THE HOUSE AVANT; Firstborn Son of the Earth; Guardian of the Solar System; King of Avalon; Lord Sovereign of the Kingdom of Windsor-in-Exile; Prince Imperator of the Arms of Orion, of Sagittarius, of Perseus, and Centarus; Magnarch of Orion; Conqueror of Norma; Grand Strategos of the Legions of the Sun; Supreme Lord of the Cities of Forum; North Star of the Constellations of the Blood Palatine; Defender of the Children of Men; and Servant of the Servants of Earth.

>> No.15934474

There's no such thing as racism because there's no such thing as race. Write whatever you want to write.

>> No.15934514

>if you don't like blatant homoerotic shit, you're a closeted faggot
>bugger boys mentality

>> No.15934528
File: 265 KB, 665x913, absolutely problematic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a shitload of books that have asian culture but center on white people. The "racism" comes in when people don't like you. Its kinda like the double standards when dating. If you are an attractive man then slapping a women on the ass is seen as flirting or friendly but if you have less then stellar looks its considered creepy and sexual harassment. The same is applied to books and subject matter. Only as an author you cant really decide because the people that read your books decide that for you.

>> No.15934558
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Then don't use colour.
Saying someone is pale or another descriptor of shade is often ambiguous enough.

Sanderson straight up doesn't do research.
He either looks at pretty images, reads a definition or retroactively finds things that conveniently fit his creation-tisms and says he 'researched' it.
This isn't difficult to see in his writing or his general misunderstanding of how things work.
Overlapping plates for example is said so much that I'm convinced he's never seen armour outside of video games or anime.
Stan a better author.

>> No.15934564

You mean market force by Richard Morgan?

>> No.15934602
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>> No.15934622

Wished someone fucked that 100 year old granny.

>> No.15934637 [DELETED] 

Neat. Would you recommend the series? Is it based and red-pilled, or cucked and blue-pilled?

>> No.15934772

Neat. Should I check out his stuff? Is it based and red-pilled or cucked and blue-pilled?

>> No.15934887
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Get them all, 5 at some point in the future

>> No.15934961

Is Elric good? How is Witcher a ripoff? Is Elric also a monster slayer. Does Witcher take from Elric scene for scene as blatantly as The Lion King takes from Kimba the White Lion? Some similarities aren't that bad, and you can probably find similar similarities across many different stories.

>> No.15934966

Any recommendations if my favorite books are ringworld and dune?
I love reading about space and energy.

>> No.15935011

Oh god it's you.

>> No.15935035

>Is Elric good?
Ehh, quality varies based on the story. Not to my taste I admit, Elric himself borders on villain protagonist territory quite often.

>How is Witcher a ripoff?
Geralt is a white haired non-human who relies on potions and alchemical mixtures and is often referred to as the White Wolf. That's basically where the similarities end though, the series isn't at all like the Elric series, either in terms of setting or characters.

>> No.15935118

But elric is worse than witcher.

>> No.15935234


>> No.15935241

Witcher fanqueers are genuinely insufferable.

>> No.15935293

Rendezvous with Rama

>> No.15935547

these battletech books are pretty good

>> No.15935579
File: 1.95 MB, 1683x849, dog eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any book that explores the concept of a universe where births aren't biological?

>> No.15935708

The second or third Vorkosigan book has a main character from an entirely male planet sent out into the universe to acquire new ovarian tissue to allow them to continue growing their population.

>> No.15935785
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I talked about it a month or two ago, but essentially his writing doesn't reflect what he teaches nor should it reflect his popularity. At all. It's amazing that he's the golden standard for modern fantasy when by any sort of critical perspective he'd be passive, on the john reading, at best.
He's at most writing okayish Fantasy YA long form novels, I can't deny that they are written. He's at least made something for the reader to read.
At worst he's forcing a dark age of mechanically driven fantasy where he's telling people to write like him, using a system where 'solving the problem with magic is epic-cool!' and not 'the problem caused by magic or powers beyond the average human is what makes fantasy interesting to begin with'.

While I don't completely agree with >>15927864, there's a part which sort of makes an okay point;
>Sanderson's entire purpose of writing Stormlight was so that he could make video games or table top RPGs.
I honestly thought it was a natural progression of make book, make merch, hey now a vidya.
Yet the way the books are written, feels that the 'lore' can be lifted and put into a game without too much issue.
It's similar to the feeling I got with Harry Potter when I read it years ago - I can either read something that I don't like how it's written, or give it a year or two until the film comes out and get pretty much the same information.

and >>15933412 with;
>boring fights, his dialogue is third-grade tier and his females characters are some of the worst I've ever read
My lord, I have never read an anime fight scene before, and he's either made it to be purposefully boring or just straight up doesn't listen to himself speak during lectures. How the fuck can he say 'Blow by blow isn't interesting' when that's all his fights are? so confusing.
All the female characters are the same too, either vapid or witty - no in between.

>> No.15936019

All births on non-shit planets in Vorkosigan are not done by a woman

>> No.15936027

Any book that has the villain basically be friends with the protagonist throughout the book/s, but ultimately remains the villain?

>> No.15936054

really retarded criticism on the safehand thing, that was pretty imaginative and made sense

>> No.15936065

The immediate association I had to all the left hand stuff was that the left hand is the hand you put a ring on, representing the unknown parts of you, the parts you tie off to other people, spiritual side, etc etc, while the right side is the ego, or the known parts of you. But it never comes up and all the book the hand is protected because it is.

>> No.15936078

Left hand is haram because it's the hand you wipe your ass with.
Note: Literally, with the hand.

>> No.15936103

Oh yes, I remember a book about tribalism that also referred to that. Also the sword of truth had a village where you should eat with the left or right hand, eating with the other is eating for evil spirits or something.
It's a motif that shows up again and again, but I never read an explanation in Sanderson books of what the symbol means to him.

>> No.15936160

My mom is left handed and they forced her to learn how to write with her right hand. I thought it was something along those lines (left = deviant, untrustworthy, etc).
Turns out the answer is dumber. In Sanderson's mind a 'famous book' by some artist can somehow change society to the point of restricting the use of one hand, you know, one of the skills that made us different to animals
>As a student of human nature and of anthropology,
How does a person manage to be so cringe all the time, Jesus Christ.

>> No.15936161

It means nothing unless it's the hand for marriage - or as said in the image, Mormon prudishness.
Adolin could have been a good avenue to explain.
But nah, the dude that arguably talks to the most women and is a bit of an indecisive dater - somehow not used for the purpose of explaining relationship customs at all.
No, 'Courting' is vague as fuck, that is not an excuse.

>> No.15936172

yeah haha it would be crazy if one book like the bible totally changed society :)

>> No.15936191

>Did I miss the explanation for why women have a safe hand and why they must keep it covered?

>Brandon Sanderson
>No, you haven't missed it. People have asked about this. There will be more explanation in-world as it comes along, but it's for much the same reason that in some cultures in our world you don't show people the bottoms of your feet, and in other cultures showing the top of your head is offensive. It's part of what has grown out of the Vorin culture, and there are reasons for it
So there are reasons, which he then explains, but in your three (is it four) doorstopper books, you couldn't spare the page or two to talk about it? Or show how people refer to it symbolically? His books are huge, and he constantly refers to the clothed hand, but never beyond shallow mentions.

>> No.15936209

Well, seems like reading comprehension and critical thinking are not your forte.
I tried to make the silliness more obvious by referring to it as "famous BOOK" by "some artist", which are almost Sanderson's own words btw, and yet here you are, comparing it to Holy Scripture written thousands of years ago, a fundamental text with hundreds of versions, revised by thousands of scholars. Sanderson's take of how culture work is just as dumb as if Marie Kondo imposed a new ascetic minimalist way of life which would last for hundreds of year and have further implications other than just how your arrange your living space.

>> No.15936263

So his symbolical explanation is that by limiting one hand, a woman shows she is feminine, since femininity involves tasks that only require one hand.
That's an interesting take, and if we expand on that we can see that a woman restricts herself and shows femininity by restriction. Not only that, but being gloved is so important (there is a mention of whores or brides being makes EXCEPT for the glove in the books) that a woman who cannot or will not restrict herself in that way is not really a woman.
It's an interesting take, but Sanderson takes 0 time to delve. It's just is. There is no shred of an explanation in the book or study of it. It would be like you walked into India and after three books of exploring you would still not ask why some of the women have dots on their heads, and what does it mean for the women or men in that society.

>> No.15936537
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>fuck female authors in general
>fuck female protagonists

>> No.15936547

Anyone know the name of that website where you put in a series or author name and it would generate a word cloud based on similar authors and works?

>> No.15936891

I meant as in biological births don't exist. They aren't a thing, not even a concept. Think of stork brings the baby, or babies appear inside of a very special cabbage and shit like that.

>> No.15936949
File: 112 KB, 600x940, RotCC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm reading Return of the Crimson Guard.
>no idea who most characters are
>keep forgetting names
>no idea who is affiliated with whom
>cant follow where everyone is located
>unsure of when it takes place compared to the main Malazan books
Am I just a brainlet?
I liked Kharkanas and didn't have trouble following Malazan, even enjoyed Gardens, but this is beyond me.
What is even the big deal with the Crimson Guard? I know they managed to bloody Dassem's lot and all, but thats it? Everyone is scared shitless of them.
Are the rest of the books written by Esslemont like this one?

>> No.15937005

Any good books about samurai/shinobi? Been playing Ghost of Tsushima and I'm looking for something of that nature

>> No.15937026

First and foremost read Musashi

across the nightingale floor for the latter, it was a massive hit when it came out
shogun is dadcore but I dunno if it holds up, think it's supposed to be good tho

>> No.15937028

Six Expressions of Death. The Moribito series somewhat but it focuses less on the samurai aspect and more on the fantasy elements.

>> No.15937032

It's manga but read Lone Wolf and Cub, it's incredible

>> No.15937186

>absolutely terrible ending.
People are divided about it, I personally liked the ending a lot, but yeah, books 5, 6, 7 are not very good when compared to the previous ones.
Anon, you'll never know id you don't read it. I suggest you give it a chance.

>> No.15937215

Lol the way she went on about cream pies I thought someone just might

>> No.15937227
File: 90 KB, 800x600, 018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone recommended you a manga, so I'll recommend you the visual novel Hanachirasu. It's not particularly about samurai but it has a lot of detail about Japanese swordsmanship (even down to how it works on a physics level -- momentum, etc.).

>> No.15937390

>Sounds like he "borrowed" elements of that era of London and applied it to his own book. That isn't really research.
If he wants to be consistent it is.

>> No.15937486

Moore-cock lovers are onions-cucks

>> No.15937529

How do I avoid being brainwashed by the books I read?
Like many books have things that promote paganism or new age hippie buddhism or hinduism or something and I don't want to think of those beliefs as the good guys but lots of these authors from point of view where they show those beliefs as victorious. Over time it takes it's toll on you

>> No.15937550

>How do I avoid being brainwashed by the books I read?
Have more conviction in your own stances and beliefs

>> No.15937565

keep crying faggots. Your trash genre is dead for a good reason. Literal male stripper worshipping fags.

>> No.15937571

It's explained why the safehand began a thing. Read book three of stormlight.

>> No.15937572

same applies to you as well>>15931668

>> No.15937584

Conanposting is clearly an attempt to react to something right? Back in the dinoposting days even the dinos themselves would admit that conan kinda sucks

>> No.15937595

It's supposed to be in the OP. Fucking ocd fag and his correct number of lines.

>> No.15937611

this seems to just list authors of the same nationality and time period

>> No.15937631

being repeatedly exposed to propaganda makes you lose

>> No.15937632
File: 95 KB, 647x1000, 61LTNLuJuiL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just picked this up, what am I in for? After I finish it, I will be watching Stalker and playing S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow of Chernobyl for the first time.

>> No.15937635


>> No.15937651

I figured. So the Witcher author most definitely took inspiration from Elric, but ultimately did his own thing. That's fine to me.

>> No.15937657

Moorcuck fags are even worse then Conanfags

>> No.15937665

The want (you)s. It's the only books they read, so they are trying to force discussion.

>> No.15937672

By what I've read about Cyclonopedia (the dessert, the oil sentience, etc), it reminds me somehow of Dune (Arrakis, the Spice...), am I wrong? Is it worth a reading?

>> No.15937685

I wasn't planning on playing the game and reading the novel concurrently, but last night I installed the ZRP mod and fired the game up so that it was ready to go, which awakened my itch to play. Should I hold off and stick to my novel -> movie -> game plan, or just say fuck it and start playing the game?

>> No.15937711

I'd stick to your plan, they're all good in different ways and each is influenced most by the prior work/adaptation.
Film just has a drop off because Tarkovsky has done better elsewhere.

>> No.15937719

Ken Lui and Ted Chang weren't Russians from the 80's last I checked.

>> No.15937731

Will do, thanks lad.

>> No.15937784
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>How dare people post something thread relevant, in my thread of that Conan is categorically part of.

Big brain boys in the thread tonight it seems.

>> No.15937787

Look at the results for Strugatsky Brothers or Arkady and Boris.
He never published anything as just "Boris Strugatsky" so it turns out less 'accurate' results.

Same thing happens if you look up something like Herbert George Wells instead of his publication name of H.G. Wells where it has Earnest Cline as a link

>> No.15937846

It's the fucking Australians. No wonder they like naked men fighting monsters.

>> No.15937975
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Has anyone read either of these books? They're digital only as far as I know so I don't know if that speaks of their quality or not, but I've always been a paperback person by preference and I'd hate to start reading on a screen for objectively poor quality books

>> No.15938002

an anglo writing samurai books

>> No.15938052

anglos are allowed to write about anything because everyone speaks their language they understand every culture

>> No.15938107

I'd rather have it straight from the horses mouth.

>> No.15938155

>I'd hate to start reading on a screen for objectively poor quality books
Get an ereader (with eink, not your fucking cellphone), it would feel like you're reading a book.

>> No.15938227

>muh cultural appropriation
Get fucked

>> No.15938344

are there any other books like stars my destination where they benefit from being physical

>> No.15938377


>> No.15938395

Buying my nan books for her birthday and get free delivery if I make the order over £20 and the delivery charge is about the same as the cost of a book so I might as well get something.
I read faster on an ereader so I might as well get something that doesn't translate as well to digital

>> No.15938420

Also I was gonna get romance of the three kingdoms but they only stock the abridged version at the store that has her books :(

>> No.15938583

house of leaves

>> No.15938662

Even though there's footnotes you're probably best pirating the classic novels like that.
Dunno why but they all are really expensive and divided into enough volumes to make it like $90 for the whole 2000 page thing

>> No.15938813
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>How can I exercise a greater level of dogmatic obstinacy in my beliefs?

>> No.15938854

>that image
gods she so hot

>> No.15938861

yes how can I?

>> No.15938939

Maybe knock the IQ down a few points by bashing your head against a wall. Just don't overdo it anon, as you're probably around 90% of the way there.

>> No.15938996
File: 98 KB, 318x474, 914886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any fantasy 'novels' where female characters, preferably the protagonist, gets utterly and totally sexually destroyed by bad guys and monsters and doesn't immediately rebound from it?

It's part kink but also part annoyance of the trope that side characters can have anything happen to them, no matter how grisly, but the main females (especially if she is the protagonist) will always slip by misadventure or it will be something relatively minor (a fingering or near- rape) compared to another character being thrown into a pit of prisoners and ravaged into insanity. Terry Goodkind is a prime example. He is a degenerate after my own heart but he often seems to develop a case of protectiveness over his actual waifus.

>> No.15939008

please have sex

>> No.15939021
File: 118 KB, 231x250, 1593281077295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any decent Greek/Roman fanfics that aren't by Rick Riordan?

>> No.15939041

Shogun is great and has a great ending. Across the Nightingale Floor had a great tone but the sequels fell apart at some point. First is definitely worth reading.

>> No.15939046

Circe by Madeline Miller, Ilium by Dan Simmons

>> No.15939053
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I read so much generic fantasy when I was a lad. In fact, it's where I learned you can get away with so much deviant fetish shit, with none of the stigma due to nobody else who doesn't realising what your typical generic fantasy book contains. Hell, books in general. John Irving for example is a wild ride if you have memories of women and girls introducing you to sexual situations. Most female 'tell all' books seem to be effectively their shlicking to their embellished experiences.

>> No.15939087

>having kinks means you are a virgin/incel
lol, right back at you

>> No.15939293

>Read, for about an hour, Saunders' Bounty novella - a future dystopian America like Fallout - which is also really funny
Holy fuck I feel revitalised. Does anyone else feel really happy while reading or afterwards?

>> No.15939309
File: 1.94 MB, 720x1280, 0528157238554.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Enter /lit/sffg/
>Choice of Magic
>0 results, phrase not found
>Leave /lit/sffg/

>> No.15939347

I got bored in the second book once I realised he'd not only written one of the better characters out of the book but also written out the character who was set up to at least stand in for them
Might go back to it might not

>> No.15939372


>> No.15939387

Yes, that is the book that is currently being pushed hard by you in basically every thread.

>> No.15939434

Not me, I don't post very often.

>> No.15939791

Fuck E William Brown

>> No.15939818

Anyone feels meh when you read older work?
I know they are the original creators of the once-novel ideas in these genres, but I have seen them quite a few times in novels of later generations, it kind of reduce the impact.

>> No.15939889

I wish authors would shitpost on 4chan

>> No.15939934

They do, they just don't use their publishing name

>> No.15940138
File: 453 KB, 1835x1080, Screenshot_20200723-144019_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any books that combine the spaghetti western with fantasy?

>> No.15940175

the genre is called weird west.
google it.

>> No.15940297

Dystopian western = Bounty by George saunders

>> No.15940405

The Hawkline Monster

>> No.15940620

I don't get why faggots here where shiting on niven. I began neutron star and it has been great so far. I'm getting hyped for ring world.

>> No.15940836

Let's get it

>> No.15940837

August is next week.

>> No.15940853

You should.

>> No.15940976

New thread when?

>> No.15940997

When we reach limit, you newfag piece of shit.

>> No.15941005

Crown of Stars by Kate Elliott

>> No.15941056

Thanks anon, I'll take a look.

>> No.15941408

I just finished Inferno and loved it. Do people really dislike him? Or is it the same way they hate everyone?

>> No.15941440

I think it's mostly the same way they hate everyone, although much of his later work is legitimately bad.

>> No.15941454

Are there any good synopsis/summaries of Gene wolf's soldier series?
I read the first two but was a bit unprepared. All the names for the places and God's, the history, battles and so on left me thinking I could have got a lot more out of the book

>> No.15941512

I wouldn't get a tattoo, but agree this is the only place on the internet to talk SFF

>> No.15941533

Loved these books so much when I was 14. always on the cusp of doing reread but scared it'll be disappointing.

>> No.15941547

Jerusalem Man trilogy

>> No.15941567


>> No.15941570

Someone make a new one.

>> No.15941575

I love how much that triggered you lol

>> No.15941631

Not yet, It's still on page 3

>> No.15941970

Never forget, the Australians are conanfags. They like half naked men killing wildlife.

>> No.15941977

WE on page 6 now fagget

>> No.15942009

Not yet, wait until it's been archived.

>> No.15942022


>> No.15942046

You'll come out of that closest some day.

>> No.15942149

How to I write an antagonist/villain's dialogue? I have a grasp on my entire cast, but every word out of the main villain's mouth feels stilted and dull.

>> No.15942170

Make yourself believe his point of view and communicate what he's trying to communicate

>> No.15942197

>stop coming to /sffg/ close to a year ago because thread quality was getting bad
>come back and threads are worse than ever
fucking how?

>> No.15942210

They always gets worse and the amount you'll tolerate is always lower.

>> No.15942234
File: 35 KB, 700x394, 50460750_303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for a first contact story. One where the alien's culture and biology is actually fleshed out, not like the space voodoo bullshit in "Contact". I enjoyed the Pequeninos in "Speaker for the Dead", if that's any indication of taste.

Anyone got a recommendation?

>> No.15942414

We on page 9 and will 404 soon.

>> No.15942447

Blame the bugmen who cry over Conan and epic fantasy queers.

>> No.15942455

herbert wrote about a colony on another planet. if youre IN asia, then you should have a good reason for having a white colony to write about. but if its fantasy, its your world, do whatever. robert jordan based a lot of his world on asia

>> No.15942487


>> No.15942554

No, it's nothing alike. It's an attempt to write the ramblings of a crazy person, but it is uninteresting shit. I'd recommend against reading it.