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File: 6 KB, 194x259, ideology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15928513 No.15928513 [Reply] [Original]

What is your most strongly held belief, /lit/?

>> No.15928516

Fractal localism

>> No.15928517

Thus Spoke Zarathustra is non-fiction

>> No.15928520


Something is

>> No.15928530

Universal literacy was a mistake

>> No.15928580

The internet was a mistake

>> No.15928586

>What is your most strongly held belief, /lit/?
Not to hold any belief strongly, except this one.

>> No.15928589
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The world ended in 1789.

>> No.15928613

>nooooo my nobility, my monarchists, my high society noooooo
you'd just be another peasant had you been born pre-french revolution

>> No.15928621

i love my gf

>> No.15928638

a shame, the world began in 1776
why must the world die young

>> No.15928643
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>the average annual hours worked by Americans in 2017 reached 1,780, whereas an adult male peasant in the United Kingdom worked an average of 1,620.
Enjoy the borgeouis cock down your throat, Amerishart.

>> No.15928652
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>a shame, the world began in 1776

>> No.15928656

nothing i do in life will truly matter

>> No.15928661

I don't know why you would post a basedjak when the people that hate America and despise the founding fathers are the ones that consoom all those products

>> No.15928664

AHAHAHAH, three centuries of """progress""" and a wagecuck is still working harder than a medieval peasant. Leftoids eternally BTFO.

>> No.15928666

Women peak at 14

>> No.15928671

too much knowledge is making us weak, we need some kind of romantic revival that makes us feel rather than think.

>> No.15928680

when do men peak? 16?

>> No.15928688

the races are unequal

>> No.15928695

>he thinks I'm American
>he thinks his bong country is better than mine
average annual hours worked in France in 2016 was 1472.
and reminder that your shit country has become a democracy and their royal family has no political power whatsoever from the sheer fear of losing their heads due to the French BVLL's revolution, tremble in fear Oliver.

>> No.15928710

it is your responsibility as a human being to be constantly learning and trying to better yourself

>> No.15928721

Wow, amazing. You work some hours less than a medieval peasant. And you only had to give up your soil, your identity, your soul and 300 years of semislavery in a shitty factory. Everything makes sense, I will call Tyrone to fuck my wife now.

>> No.15928749
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That the world is boring and I wish I wasn’t alive but I’m too much of a body (thanks Merleau-Ponty) to kill myself

>> No.15928755

The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

>> No.15928792


>> No.15928807

That you are yourself always responsible for how you act and how you cope with things in your life. That also goes for what you do and don't do with your it.

>> No.15928823

Marx, Darwin and Freud were all correct.

>> No.15928839

i don't want to be stabbed against my will, unironically
this thought got me out of a pretty deep hole

>> No.15928848

voting should be a right that has to be earned via exam.

>> No.15928867

That most people are full of shit because morality begins with the most basic principle, "do my actions have victims?" yet they are still carnists. The meat industry creates suffering that in one year dwarfs all the human misfortunes in history, look at those PETA gore videos.

>some anti-racist faggot starts crying about muh empathy
>can't even empathize/sympathize with a cow that was literally tortured to death by mexicans beating it with rebar because it won't get out of the truck fast enough
>reason why they're not vegan: it's not like me so i don't care :^)

Dwelling on this for too long will make you blackpilled though because who wants to live in a world where 99% of people are, by any reasonable standard, mustache-twirling villains worse than slavers or whatever. Morality to most people is affectation, they lie to others and themselves because it's easy. I literally refuse to even entertain any carnoid nigger's arguments about anything that involves morality ever.

>> No.15928898

nothing is infinite

>> No.15928910
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>> No.15928925

ethical meat eating is possible, just not through mass farming which is the most convenient and profitable way to produce meat
life is sustained by life, when you eat plants you are also consuming life that has been proven to have sense-perception as well, but it's not like you so you don't care :^)

>> No.15928933


>> No.15928943

How do they hate America? They consume American products? They obviously love American culture so they don't hate America

>> No.15928954

nothing is nothing

>> No.15928963

>morality begins with the most basic principle, "do my actions have victims?"
The fact that we kill insects for pleasure disproves this. The most basic axiom of morality is “what will lead to preferable experience?” And killing people leads to bad experiences for you, whereas the best way to deal with ants is to get enjoyment out of killing them. Similarly, some animals are most valued for their meats, and so they should be eaten. But other animals, like dogs, are better as companions and don’t taste as good and so that’s why we don’t kill them.

The reason why you’re a vegan and I’m not is because the animal industry causes you to suffer but not me. The suffering of the animals is only an indirect cause.

>> No.15928966

Even if you'll switch from meat, you will still kill and torture plants.

>> No.15928988

>The fact that we kill insects for pleasure disproves this.

insects are likely incapable of suffering


>> No.15928989

They don't hate America, my dude. They hate the things that prevent them from reaching the egalitarian utopia that was written in the constitution. These people ARE the quintessential American mongrels.

>> No.15929002

>when you eat plants you are also consuming life that has been proven to have sense-perception as well, but it's not like you so you don't care :^)


also i'm not actually a vegan anymore and agree that it's mainly just the industrial aspect, but given that industrial animal torture is here to stay until luxury gay space communism, eating industrial meat is evil

>> No.15929006

Plant argument immediately destroys vegan ideology.

>> No.15929018

Medics are the group of people who get the most unearned respect and they should go under an immense scrutiny.

>> No.15929025

>insects are likely incapable of suffering
it wouldn’t matter if they were. The reason it’s so easy to mess with them is because they can’t retaliate. I can torture an ant and be will never hurt me. No one will stop me, either. It’s not illegal. And since this ant has no value to me in any other way, there’s nothing wrong with it.

Why should suffering matter if it’s not your suffering? I’d like to see you attempt to make a coherent argument

>> No.15929036

The Jews are the chosen people and Israel belongs to them, they need to rebuild the Third Temple of Jerusalem in order to bring the second coming of the Messiah. Judaism is the strongest religion because it showcases God’s strength and ability to cause destruction to the land in the Torah. Christianity is a cheapening of Judaism, they turned the religion of one of forgiveness, when the Jews were about being exclusive, Christianity was about being inclusive and turning the other cheek and sacrificing God’s son Jesus who is also God, which makes no sense whatsoever. Christianity is a death cult whereas Judaism focuses and having children and traditional gender roles, Christianity is inferior to Judaism. Islam is superior to Christianity because it is a warrior religion in which Muhammed spread religion by conquest and by the sword. The way the world is is spiritually ordained by a higher force, and people must transcend the scientific and metaphysical hierarchy in order to by engaged with God. Survival of the fittest is prescriptive of how society should be. Freud was right and children have sexuality and experience sexual pleasure, Jung was right that there is a shadow and an anime. That every person is contrasexual. Life is about transcending the hierarchy, but also about going within. Intersectional feminism is cancer. Marx was right about alienation, but there is no rationalistic solution via his method of historical materialism. Neoplatonism, Gnosticism and Kabbalah correctly describe the penentheism of God. To reach higher spiritual plains. Nietzsche’s concept of Aristocracy and Dionysian aesthetics is spot on, and resentment and petty vengeance is for the weak, compassion is not a virtue, charity is good if it makes one feel powerful. Power is good. Hollywood sells American Propoganda and exports The Pseudo-American Dream to India and the Asia, but its ideology is an illusory joke, the ideology of love at first sight and romance, and finding the perfect job and the worshipping Hero Archetype. All of that is illusory American nonsense that refuses to a introspect and to force its viewers to introspect. Capitalism has created false wantrepreneurs, selling nothing to people, digital marketing is overrated, Silicone Valley is under an ideological delusion that technology will save the world and democratise society. Democracy is poison. It is rule of the mob. Rule of the dumb. Group think is evil. Individuality and individual evil is better than group evil.

>> No.15929044

you’re just valuing the material world over the spiritual

>> No.15929049

Don't you guys realize wokism and multiculturalism is just a secular version of christian empire's tricks? By being "inclusive" they pull everyone into the knowledge-power discourse of western civilization

>> No.15929055

False dichotomy

>> No.15929057


>> No.15929066

Christianity sucks. It used to be powerful during the Roman Empire, but it became secularised and turned into a marxist ideology of inclusivity and egalitarianism. Aristocratic Meritocracy is superior.

>> No.15929070

I am better than most people

>> No.15929072


>> No.15929081

There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his last and final messenger.

>> No.15929082

my penis length and girth are fluid and anyone who tries to defy my perception is dicksizephobic

>> No.15929085

Since a chud like you obviously wouldn't be part of the aristrocratic meritocracy why do you care who rules over you? If Google and Cloudflare decide tomorrow thedonald.win shall no longer be accessible on the internet, why do you care some faceless technocrat execs chose that rather than some duke or count? it's the same to you.

>> No.15929087

What makes you so sure it’s a thing that is?

>> No.15929092

Consciousness is irreducible to material / physical processes

>> No.15929100

Every woman should carry a gun at all times if they are serious about being equal to men.

>> No.15929101

That all of you are faggots

>> No.15929120

Free Will exists and all arguments are just petty squabbles over semantics and word games

>> No.15929123

I eat meat because training my body is my one passion in life and I must nourish it with the most bioavailably complete proteins and amino acids. Plant proteins are inferior for muscle building and recovery. And yes, my passions take precedence over the lives of other creatures. I only coexist peacefully with society for the mutual social contract which allows me to pursue my passions. I have no such covenant with animals.

>> No.15929124


The free choice to turn the other cheek, to be humble, to be merciful -- this is an expression of power, when it is not forced upon us, but desired as an individual -- to subordinate pleasure to your will, realised as love for all beings.

>> No.15929132

The further we drift away from tradition -- proper familial relations and religiosity, in particular -- the more psychologically and socially miserable and disordered we become. This is why Heidegger said, "Only a god can save us."

>> No.15929133

>the jews are the chosen people
Stopped reading there, I don’t have to go any further to see you are based and redpilled.

Also lol at the vegan who cares about morals of meat industry. This is the same faggot who is typing on keyboards and wearing clothes made by tiny Chinese/ Indian slave hands. It’s a clown world we’re living in and you’re bozo.

>> No.15929135

what’s so good about having free will if you can’t even stop yourself from being lazy and procrastinating? No one is perfect. Why is that? Why freely choose what you know is bad for you? Doesn’t sound like freedom to me.

>> No.15929141

Thinking that you can influence state policy in some way is a pure delusion. Even if all people were absolutely equal, then in a country of million voters you'd have almost no chance to changes some decision by your vote. That isn't even relevant because IRL <1% of people have >99% of all power, so your power is even more minuscule.

>> No.15929171

Er, free will exists not because it would be good for it to exist, but because it exists.

>> No.15929180

If you want to influence state power you have to demonstrate your value to the nation/state by founding a major business that moves the needle on gdp, then people will listen to the shit you say. if you're just some guy with a bachelors that works at starbucks, legit why do you think you should have more than a miniscule impact on policy?

>> No.15929198

The question is why a capitalist should have more say than anyone else just because he moves the needle on gdp.

>> No.15929237

Based. Are you a dualist?

>> No.15929245

If you think that your exact copy wouldn't be you, you should stop being ashamed of using the word "soul".

>> No.15929278

My exact copy would be me, but it would also be a copy. The original would also be me, but it wouldn't be a copy.

>> No.15929292

Substance is subject

>> No.15929297

Because it shows he has exceptional managerial skill and an understanding of international trade and relations, and has personally improved the material conditions of the country. I for one welcome Eric Schmidt's work on creating a new elite American tech school. When everyone is pushing to make everything more inclusive, here's a dude who says we need another unapologetically elite tech school in order to compete with China.

>> No.15929309

Sounds like an indictment on America over anything else

>> No.15929315

>Because it shows he has exceptional managerial skill and an understanding of international trade and relations, and has personally improved the material conditions of the country.

It really doesn't. It just shows that he had the capital to start a business and consumers buy his products/services, that's it. 80% of succeeding in the market is luck, and the rest is capital you borrowed from your already rich family.

>> No.15929322
File: 103 KB, 858x649, you&#039;re not conscious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am conscious

>> No.15929323

I'll work an extra 100 hours a year to not have to live in a wood shack with a pile of cow shit next to the wall to keep it warm in the winter.

>> No.15929329

Good goy.

>> No.15929335

But that's not why you work those "extra" 100 hours. All hours beyond justifying your own exact paycheck, is work you do to make someone else rich.

>> No.15929341

There are many ways to raise capital, most of it absolutely does not come from "angel investors". You are stupid, but luckily you will have no say in the management of our civilization, so what you believe doesn't matter. Enjoy wasting you life being a resentful bug!

>> No.15929350

There is no "justified paycheck".

>> No.15929353

>yes, goy, the past was terrible! Now, get in your cagie, wagie!

>> No.15929356


You think peasants didn't spend any time working to make someone else rich? You guys are truly trash. "I can't compete in the modern world, someone make me a serf again so I don't have to think!"

>> No.15929362

He has that power because he has that power. It's a tautology, but it is more wise than asking "why".

>> No.15929366

>There are many ways to raise capital

No there's not. Either you borrow it from someone, or you already had it before you thought about starting a business, usually from a rich family.

>luckily you will have no say in the management of our civilization

Yeah because the people currently in charge are doing such a great job lol.

>> No.15929378

Since we're all meritocratic monarchists here its not really our place to question the order of things. What are you a fucking marxist?

>> No.15929381

>You think peasants didn't spend any time working to make someone else rich?

They did, but they worked way less in order to do it, and the people they worked for didn't take 80% of their productivity.

>> No.15929382

people don't know how to talk to each other, that's one reason why they come up with their own theories about "how evil people are" or other bullshit about society so they can distance themselves from the stranger on the street,

I'm not saying people aren't evil, you can find enough justification for that claim, but I'm still a proponent that you should have a healthy relationship to society, so you don't end up making life choices that are based on that frustration,

banal example, you will talk about how it's hard to find a girlfriend/boyfriend in today's times, once you find them, of course the person will be special, because you rigged the game from the start, and congratulations, your relationship is based on your psychotic takes on society,

t. I've heard every version of it through my pathetic life, people this, people that

>> No.15929384

Of course since people are mortal, most power is created by powerful ancestors and not by you.

>> No.15929385
File: 791 KB, 939x1548, women be like.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If human beings reproduced asexually and only males existed, we would have already colonized other solar systems.

>> No.15929403

What the fuck is that supposed to mean you schizo? Take your meds.

>> No.15929410

That's a nice butt explosion.

>> No.15929415


>> No.15929430

>Women peak at 14
>when do men peak? 16?
Both are unironically true. Teens are biologically the peak of your life, then you start to decay.

>> No.15929436

If it weren't for sexual reproduction men wouldn't have had to become so awesome

>> No.15929462

>the people they worked for didn't take 80% of their productivity

You think a guy flipping dollar menu cheeseburgers for $15 an hour is actually creating $1875 of value per hour? Absolutely absurd brainlet take. Take a fucking business class sometime.

>> No.15929470

this is an interesting idea. i will think about this.

>> No.15929471

I take it as axiomatic that jannies are faggots

>> No.15929472

For truly great men, women were a side meme that they quickly got bored of. Alexander the great and Caesar didn't do what they did for pussy. Pussy is only the goal for lower level plebians. If they didn't have that goal some may be demotivated, but most would find a better purpose in life. Pussy doesn't build empires.

>> No.15929479

Women should not vote

>> No.15929483

No I don't think so, but it's fairly clear that exploitation is far more significant under capitalism than under feudalism, given that the average rich guy in that era lived in the manor a short walk from the serf's house and perhaps employed some knights and mercs, whereas Jeff Bezos can buy the Washington Post because they wrote something bad about him and fire 500 people because he feels like it.

>> No.15929498

If in a future rich people will own galaxies and plebs will just have a couple of planets max, then such a future will be preferable to nowadays.

>> No.15929528

Except that's not the future Mr. "Capitalism is the wave that lifts all ships".

The future will be half the planet starving to death because labor is replaced by machines, and capitalists and their ideology producers in the media will call all the people dying for racists, nazis and deplorables who deserve their fate.

>> No.15929544

You should choose a profession which just pushes the boundaries of your skills/abilities.Doing something that brings out your weakness,does not require any skill or is way beyond your skill level ,is soul damaging and should be avoided.

>> No.15929562

Present has very little starvation compared to past, and that's due to the mechanization and science. So that trend continuing will obviously just improve lives.

>> No.15929565


>15 minutes a day more.

Very oppressive.

>> No.15929570
File: 187 KB, 735x559, serfdom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take the Medieval pill, bros.

>> No.15929573

yeah that's because more people have jobs that pay them money they can buy food for.

But that's gonna stop if people lose their jobs by the millions because of automation.

>> No.15929577

>drinking coffee in your office is equal to pushing the plough

>> No.15929611

that i am smart.

>> No.15929692

A chaotic neutral one

>> No.15929737

preach it brotha

>> No.15929837

Well, Jeff Bezoz isn't really an "average rich guy" is he? I think this comparision is faulty.

>> No.15929867

Based and serfpilled

>> No.15929877

An average person is not someone worse than half of others and better than another half. Average person is someone worse that square root of population. For example if in some town (or trade, or art) there are 10000 people, then average means being 100th best.

>> No.15929916

that's the shit that gets me

>> No.15929922

i feel like using a median instead of a mean would solve whatever issue you're having here

>> No.15929937

Don't they make humanities majors do stats classes anymore? Good grief.

>> No.15929957


>> No.15929959

>15 minutes a day more.
They worked 80 days per year. Literally.

Beat that, wagecuck.

>> No.15929964

Metaphisics is real, I really think there's something beyond.
Ancient cultures were as advanced as (if not more than) us.
Science (expecially medicine) and technology are the new religion: if you question them you are a psycho who should be burned alive. I said this in a negative way of course.

>> No.15929974

Not, it's more about logarithmic scale versus linear.

>> No.15929987

>Science (expecially medicine) and technology are the new religion
Agreed. Especially true about medicine because technology progressed a lot and still progresses, but life expectancy didn't grow that much and is now stopping to grow.

>> No.15930231

Retard take. Maybe this was true in the past but now women are on average as smart, or even smarter than men. Sure, it could be argued that there are more men with exceptional intelligence than women, to think that all men should vote but all women should not Is moronic. Most people,male or female, shouldn't vote.

>> No.15930248

Poor should not vote too.

>> No.15930265

I think the Democrats will push for this if the right continues to be successful on the internet. You can't let the poor vote if they take their marching orders from Qanon instead of CNN.

>> No.15930275

>Most people,male or female, shouldn't vote.
That would be true only if all the political power came from the popular voting. But in reality power comes from the inner elite dealings and voting has only minor consultative part in that.

>> No.15930341

So what's the difference in whether women vote or not?

>> No.15930363


>> No.15930378

In really imaginative areas like math in 20, see Galois.

>> No.15930423

Basedbean is actually poison, I personally can't eat it at all as it gives me turbo diarrhea.

>> No.15930480
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Might controls Everything

>> No.15930495

wow way to pick the most obvious and uncontroversial tautology ever

>> No.15930502

lol i thought about buying some Goya, but I was like wtf ima do with all these beans tho

>> No.15930662
File: 34 KB, 200x200, Pajama Sam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All aspects of human social and psychological behaviour eventually lead towards fascism.

>> No.15930793

Liberal societies are superior to any other and we cannot answer intolerance with tolerance.

Also, everyone who is actually 100% certain about philosophy, theology or anything else that isn't verifiable is a delusional hack at best and a danger to society at worst. I say that as a theist.

>> No.15930827

>liberal societies are superior to any other

Yeah no. You're just very confused.

>> No.15930841

both of the 14 words

>> No.15930870


>> No.15930944

Despite the fact that i am aware that my brain is an imperfect device when it comes to interpreting reality objectively, i believe that an objective reality exists, even if i fail to measure it.

>> No.15931312

No, I simply decide the optimal form of society based on veil of ignorance reasoning. Which invariably leads me to liberalism.

Also, all men are equal before God. Illiberal theism is dogma, not true faith.

>> No.15931395

morality to most people is affectation
that’s good thanks

>> No.15931427

things are more the same than they’ve ever been as we very slowly slowly slowly evolve on an imperceptable timecourse

>> No.15931439

GOD is real and hes BASED

>> No.15931701

imagine if you die, you meet God, and he's an excellent shitposter

>> No.15932136

Sounds cozy desu

>> No.15932201

I'm onto something

>> No.15932211

People seem to think some science-fiction tier future is on the brink of happening, but I believe we have entered a stagnant age that will at least rival the medieval period in length.

>> No.15932218

Niggers are generally stupid and aggressive, Jews are ethnocentric, the Christian Panentheistic God is real and is the sole monistic substance of everything, nonexistence is preferable to existence, morality is objective, the industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race, technological convenience has altered our human essence and made us subservient, feminism is cancer, Capitalism is anti-anthropocentric and will either dissolve due to external factors or accelerate our destruction if the former doesn't occur.

>> No.15932225


>> No.15932625

Capitalism is NOT the best system in the world and even mao's communism is better than a capitalist system where more than 300m people only live to work another day.
The ultimate redpill is the anarcho-syndicate world where there are no gods and no masters.
Inb4 yes i know that wont come in any short time but i still want to believe that one day people will start to realise there is more to life than just having a car and a house.

>> No.15932644

Political Patrice’s and leaders themselves are a fundamental error. Ideas exist outside of this context and platforms should be built around those, not characters.

>> No.15933203

Happiness doesn't exist

>> No.15933488


>> No.15933510

The population of the world is too large.

>> No.15933540

love is real

>> No.15933557

OP is a faggot.

>> No.15933571

There is no God but YHWH and Jesus Christ is his only begotten Son who died for our sins

>> No.15933584

Are you retarded? Working a single nanosecond more than a feudal peasant is an indictment.

>> No.15933674

making an argument you don't believe in to prove a point or win an argument is the most destructive thing you can do to the health of your own reasoning and your image of yourself

>> No.15933688


>> No.15933698 [DELETED] 

At about 21, also women peak at about 16-18, people who say 14 are pedos who say higher than they actually believe as a cover

>> No.15933714 [DELETED] 

>animal suffering bad
Spinoza btfo vegans 250 years ago

>> No.15933718

African Americans are retarded

>> No.15933748

The vast overwhelming majority of people do not believe in anything and only posture beliefs as a sort of fashion statement.

>> No.15933920

this is purgatory, or hell, but I think hell would hurt more

>> No.15934106

I will achieve every single one of my goals and there is no other alternative.

>> No.15934456

I am.

>> No.15934481

fear is the essence of rationality

>> No.15934546

How to cope with this reality? Should we try to get rich and go /rural/?

>> No.15934553
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Covid-19 isn't real

>> No.15934563

Care to explain?

>> No.15935271
File: 400 KB, 632x638, 1594957454364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homosexual relationships are only valid and true between males, there does not exist a woman that is solely committed to other females. I know this from personal experience and analysis of gender relations

Also bisexuality should be illegal and recognized as illegitimate

>> No.15935295

Homosexual men go though hundreds of partners within a year. AIDS patient zero had 250+ different sexual partners a year.

>> No.15935336

my point was that only self-claimed homosexual men have actual lust and desire for other members of the opposite sex so the statement "Homosexual men go though hundreds of partners within a year" actually proves my point further. Compared to self-claimed "lesbians" who will have 1 or 2 girlfriends but will usually say something like "I'm not fully gay" when the inevitably find a male they're attracted to.

>> No.15935362

If you fuck hundreds upon hundreds of partners a year they aren't "relationships".

>> No.15935397

That we're simultaneously the entire universe at the same time. Our current form doesn't know what other forms are perceiving only because they are physically disconnected.

>> No.15935442

You're using the term "relationships" in a modern romantic context that I wasn't using myself.

You're also now arguing semantics which makes you a faggot.

>> No.15935452

why not? or is it because it doesn't agree with your own definition of what makes a "relationship"

>> No.15935458

>Patient zero is a hypersexual faggot
>Every other faggot must be hypersexual too
Nice logic. Got a good laugh out of it.

>> No.15935466

Women write better prose. Men write better stories.

>> No.15935467

1 There is an objective reality. My truth? Your truth? Nonsense. There is only truth, whatever it might be. None of us perceives it perfectly but we should do our best.
2 human being are animals. we're products of evolution.
3 we are all individuals. the things we're born as do not define us. the choices we make, the actions we take, the way we treat other people, these are the things that define us.
4 life is hard. we should be kind to each other.
5 if you think the emperor has no clothes, say so.
6 never join a mob.
7 never try to appease a pack of howling hyenas.
8 the new york times is trash. it's written by trash, it's written for trash.

>> No.15935481

The 250+ men he fucked a year were most likely hypersexual as well, seeing as they would so soon hook up with him. Also this matter is not up for debate. Homosexuals admit to having hundreds of partners a year.

>> No.15935495

I don't think that fucking 250+ strangers a year is what "relationship" means, in any sense. Maybe you could say some other faggot's cock had a valid relationship with the shit in his rectum while you're at it.

>> No.15935500

Logic is a paradox

>> No.15935502

i think deep down butterfly is beautiful man

>> No.15935504

the difference is one you get to choose and the other is chosen for you. No one is making you wageslave you stupid goy. If you didn't need to CONSUME MORE PRODUCT then you can easily save enough money in 5 years to never work again. Too bad you're retarded.

>> No.15935511

I think deep down butterfly is a Latvian tranny with nasty fucking nails who doesn't shower

>> No.15935527

That humans were engineered by something, and not evolved from an ape ancestor.

>> No.15935552

A relationship is any kind of connection between two or more individuals. There is no definition for the term "relationship" that includes the concept of time so yes, a 10-minute cruising session in a men's bathroom stall is still considered a relationship between two individuals. There are relationships where only sex is exchanged. You might not agree with it but they certainly exist outside the realm of your morality.

>> No.15935583

Then by your own logic. Since you have such a low standard for what consists a relationship, Lesbian relationships are valid you fucking retard. You don't even believe this shit either way. This is not your most strongly held belief, it's a faggy fucking hot take designed to get you some (You)s. If a gun were held to your head, and you were asked to proclaim the opposite, you would not hesitate to do so.

>> No.15935589

That social media should be purged and never brought back again

>> No.15935612

The internet should be brought back to telnet bbs

>> No.15935713

Secondly, artificial intelligence should be heavily limited, and not replace blue collar jobs, but only to be used to calculate things like travel trajectories and marketing artificial relationships.
Thirdly, civilization will never expand beyond Earth, and people like Elon Musk are being controlled by current global elite into making sure this is so.
Fourth, it was a mistake for males to give up their forefathers' homesteading knowledge and traditional values in exchange for urbanization, as it has led modern families to be inherently weak, poorly structured and dissolved, men to be inherently ignorant, lost and therefore weak, and women to be misguided, tergiversant and foolish.

>> No.15935726

cats are way better than dogs

>> No.15935752

people are hedonists including anarcho-syndicalists

>> No.15936571


>> No.15936589

how can anybody deny this ?

>> No.15936603

One day you'll turn 17

>> No.15936613

capitalism restrains innovation and we are diving into dystopia because of it

>> No.15936649

>OP asking for beliefs
>it's all political bs
Everyone in this board is so boring

>> No.15936666


>> No.15936669


>> No.15936812

Show your work.

>> No.15936928


>> No.15936979

Romans, renaissance and Nazis were peaks of humanity that well probably never see again.

>> No.15937011

>be medieval peasant
>die at 35 from unknown illness because someone shat in the communal well
Um yeah no thanks

>> No.15937015

There is an objective world.

>> No.15937047
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Can you explain this? The fractal part. I get what localism is but adding fractal seems redundant because my understanding of localism already implies a fractal-like structure.

>> No.15937049

Adorno was right about the culture industry

>> No.15937062 [DELETED] 

The One is good; jews in ovens; niggers in nooses

>> No.15937267

>Enjoy the borgeouis cock down your throat, Amerishart.
Said from the man who is nostalgic for the days the Feudal Lord's cock was in his mouth instead

>> No.15937278

You cannot know nuffin.

>> No.15937877

"Why should suffering matter if it's not your suffering?"
What is the difference between your suffering and other suffering? The whole goal of compassion, as the basis of morality, is to reduce the principium individuationis as far as you can. To be compassionate to other beings is moral. To include more beings in your sphere of compassion is more moral.

>> No.15937911

>What is the difference between your suffering and other suffering?
That it is mine.

>> No.15937926

Consciousness is the mother of all horrors

>> No.15938133

It is possible to enlarge the scope of your identity beyond your individual human mind and body, and to understand that all suffering is your own.

>> No.15938170

my penis is small

>> No.15938171

Then it's purely my choice whether to suffer or not and there is no moral dilemma in that.

>> No.15938239

The moral dilemma boils down to: should you hurt yourself?

>> No.15938329

Sure why not? Lots of pleasure to be had in masochism.

>> No.15938334

Maybe I shouldn't, but in any case that makes it a question of benefit, not of the crime. If I will hit someone or kill him, it's a crime, but if I'll hurt myself or even try to suicide, that's not a crime.

>> No.15938380
File: 2.33 MB, 1076x1104, niceee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey room-mate.
Sorry bout the noice. I know how sensitive you are, but don't worry, Stacy is leaving in five minutes.
What's that? You larping on 4chan again, bro?
Haha, nice job.
Anyways, Stacy is thirsty, could you give her a 10-inch cock cum rush, before she goes home?
My cock is so dry after cumming in the four girls before her.
Nice man.

>> No.15938425
File: 76 KB, 800x600, pleasure-is-never-as-pleasant-as-we-expected-it-to-be-and-pa-author-arthur-schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15938451


Men physically peak in their 20's but their overall value increases until they reach senility. Women peak in their teens, retain some vestigal beauty through their mid 30's (into their 50's if they are exceptionally gifted or proactive), and decline soon after. Their intelligence doesn't matter and their constitution is negligble

>> No.15938454

Schopenhauer was a shitposter.

>> No.15938457
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>> No.15938468
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>>15938425 .

>> No.15938473


Easily the most incorrect belief in the thread

Please tell me you're 13

>> No.15938475
File: 99 KB, 504x499, based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>15938425 . .

>> No.15938479

No, most famous mathematicians reached their peak in 20s (with some extreme examples like Galois before that), and that's the most imaginative area. Of course if you work on less imaginative stuff, you can retain some of the initial value, but even in the best case it's slow decay.

>> No.15938491

Holy shit, that's a massive cock.

>> No.15938498


Crystallized intelligence increases as people age, and for men, their value increases in other ways, mainly their ability to accrue capital

It just isn't the same for chicks. Look at any single woman over the age of 40 with money; she has everything because of the men in her life

>> No.15938501

Woman will not prefer 50 years old man to 25 years old with everything else equal. Of course he can be rich enough to woo her with his money, but that's not a good recipe for happiness. That's especially true if the woman is young.

>> No.15938517

Cats are for pencil necked losers who sit inside all day

>> No.15938571

>Plant proteins are inferior for muscle building and recovery
citation needed. Muscles recover better on a vegan diet and protein is protein

>> No.15938646

I'm not really sure how I should answer this question.

>> No.15938699
File: 51 KB, 765x449, ass-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...that all of humanity's problems stem from their inherent hate for personal autonomy. Ever since the forming of kingdoms and nation states, humans have increasingly given up as much autonomy as they can to increasingly corrupt power structures of governance. If humans learned to detach themselves from governance and invested time and effort into forming direct autonomous societal structures in which they come together as sentient individuals, most modern problems would disappear and they could finally focus on solving the really essential ones.


>> No.15938988

Who the fuck cares about lethedonald site, tranny? Dilate your wound.

>> No.15939522

Might is right

>> No.15939909

No big man ever got big by eating vegan. If your post was true, bodybuilders and strongmen and Olympians trained by the most experienced experts in the world would be on vegan diets. None of them are.

>> No.15940227

Coffee is good for you

>> No.15940781

In the modern world, the principal moral conflict isn't between morality and immorality, but between morality and amorality. Addiction to comfort is the most dangerous of addiction of all. A close second is the addiction to productivity for its own sake.

>> No.15940830

Based and beanpilled

>> No.15940850
File: 19 KB, 420x416, DdCa-lhWAAAXBXN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fractal I think relates to self sufficient, complete, localized units.

I'm phone posting but hopefully pic related will help explain

>> No.15940861
File: 35 KB, 547x692, 40573176_1828878903863827_1660861624275173376_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread mixed with HyperNormalisation

>> No.15940909

forgot link: https://youtu.be/LQwXdfFYigE

>> No.15941061

Actually made me think

>> No.15941097

That most of you are fucking faggots (especially the lefties)

>> No.15941107

That would be pointless

>> No.15941553

Love is real

>> No.15941559

Wholesome :D

>> No.15941595

Maybe purgatory is just reincarnation

>> No.15941604

Romantics unite!

>> No.15941654


Big booty hoes make my dick hard

>> No.15941847



>> No.15941879

That I have no clue what's going on

>> No.15941992

>That which was is that which will be, and that which was done is that which will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun.

>> No.15942098

nothing exists.

>> No.15942174

Do you mean nothing exists as in you don't think anything exists? or do you mean that you think nothing the concept exists!

>> No.15942276

Clarence Kennedy

>> No.15942302

not that nigger but I will entertain your opinion if you post your lifts

>> No.15942359

the first one.

>> No.15942558

OP being a faggot is more apparent to me than my own existence

>> No.15943410

That Western culture is the most precious thing there is.

>> No.15943481

That picture was drawn by a schizo

>> No.15943770

If we're talking about >>15929381's number of 80%, that would put someone making $15/hr at producing $75/hr. The math would be 15/.2, not whatever retard logic you're using.

>> No.15943806

That /lit/ is 99% plagiarism and 1% teenage hormones.

>> No.15943855

Most hierarchies aren't justified.

>> No.15943985

This, or at the very least painfully realistic fiction

>> No.15944042

The only two things which cause Humanity to fall from our highest existential edens are, Retardation, and Cowardice. These two vices trap the human in it's lower animal half.

Rationality and Bravery unlock the gates of Human greatness and make us one with God.

>> No.15944068

They aren't "justified" Because our "justice" doesn't exist, Nature itself is the ultimate judge and too many of us ignore her clear instruction and signal.

>> No.15944070

hierarchy is unavoidable.
Fighting it is a waste of time.

>> No.15945138

You have absolutely no reason to believe your most fundamental belief?

>> No.15945171
File: 2.26 MB, 2196x1514, Screen Shot 2020-07-23 at 11.25.55 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, that's correct.

>> No.15945174

ok, so how do you solve the fractal localism bureaucratic hell of coordinating large scale problems like global warming

>> No.15945301


Our world is riddled with these glorious people you're talking about, and you only need to look around to realise that they are absolutely not doing anything for you or anyone else. Get your tongue out of their asshole you pathetic slave.

>> No.15945312


Why not the one on the left, but without the absolute rule? That would truly be the zenith of based.

>> No.15945977

That the world would be immensely better off everyone went vegan.

>> No.15945981


People who do not believe in objective reality are low IQ morons trying to cope with death

>> No.15945989


You have to be a genuine retard to believe this. I am so fed up with liberal twigs with branches for arms, romanticism farm life while endulging in porn, doritos and mountain dew.

Begone thot of the mind

>> No.15945993

God is Real.

>> No.15946013

You'll always have hierarchy if God exists.
Frankly, any higher order principle creates some form hierarchy.
1 precedes 2
2 > 1

>> No.15946014

I really fucking hate trannies.

>> No.15946040


I agree, trannies are a disease.

>> No.15946044

The understanding of evolutionary processes is vital to understand human behaviour, being, as we are, organisms beholden to those processes
Also God is Truth and Truth is God

>> No.15946052

Do you even understand leftist thought? There's barely anything leftist about capitalism.

>> No.15946061

India should be heaven if that's the case. 30% of them are lacto-vegetarian and the remaining population primarily consumes lacto-vegetarian diet.

>> No.15946090

I saw one in real life the other day for the first time in maybe 8 months.
It was disgusting, but sad. A person obviously with severe mental pain and confusion. I didn't want them to come anywhere near me, like they were like an unpredictable and dangerous being. I just wished they would get better, that they'd get help. It's a person so obviously in distress, silently screaming for help.

>> No.15946100

World/ reality is our representation, never given by itself objectively.

We are made to experience life, it can't be avoided and there is no break from this experience. Death is the mere concept of what it would be like to stop experiencing life, similar to the concept of how we can imagine a dream less sleep, but not experience dreamless sleep.

>> No.15946126

People who have committed unprovoked violence against another person are scum and must be despised by everyone around them until they die.

>> No.15946175

I've been seriously considering running off into the wilderness to live in a shit wood shack that freezes over in winter.

>> No.15946192 [DELETED] 

La France est morte, vive la F.. ah bein non en fait, elle est juste morte, c'est tout. merde

>> No.15946243

The Empire Never Ended

>> No.15946310
File: 21 KB, 280x261, eco1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marx may win battles, but Malthus will win the war.

>> No.15946326

99% of the internet is shit and /lit/ is filled with brainlets.

>> No.15946391
File: 214 KB, 1280x1280, 1554400449795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women need to man up.

>> No.15946545

It's that our society is built around manufactured visions of leaders as characters in a narrative rather than confrontation of ideas.

>> No.15946603

I laughed.

>> No.15946922

based. intellectual pursuits are stagnating. we would be happier as devoutly religious peasants.

>> No.15947711

scifi lit is imagination pollution

>> No.15947795


pretty based


those people are the logical outcome of what creating a country to protect and encourage all kinds of heresies should turn into. There's no accident, we reap what was sowed centuries ago.

Somewhere between their 30s and their terminal decline

based and straightpilled

IQ 98 post

He's talking about human evolution. If you knew about it you'd understand how sexual evolution on both sides selected for the traits you find desirable or take for granted.

>babby's first contrarian opinion
No one should vote.


>he's one of those retards who think average life expectancy at birth of 35 meant people tended to drop dead around 35
IQ 75 post, please add " 4channel.org" to your hosts files

>> No.15947811

Look, a medieval peasant acquired an access to 4chan! How are the crops doing?

>> No.15947868

Could you even make something grow?

>> No.15947879

I grow cherokee purple tomatoes

>> No.15947883

There are too many variables to solidly pass abstract judgement on anything, least of all people.

>> No.15947921

>if you're top 0.001% you're still average because there are ~8 billion people

IQ 82 post or 13 year old poster, hopefully the latter

I don't even know wtf I'm reading

Yeah you're pretty confused

>we very slowly slowly slowly evolve on an imperceptable timecourse
IQ 86 who wants to sound profound by using meaningless words he can't even spell

very syncretic and shahadapilled

OP meant only one, chose one. Also this reads like the sweat pledge.

>I'm clever
no lol

IQ 91 posts

almost based

>I fall for every historical meme

epic, we have a thread filled with pseuds trying to sound smart, and anon right here puts them all to shame with pure honesty

>> No.15947974

go ahead and stop existing then

extremely based

>being cryptic
this isn't your Facebook wall, tell us what you really think

I confirm

My mind says no but my dick says yes

gud seson 4 crops, bet u didn evn kno that

I'm done replying to ever relevant post, goodbye!

>> No.15948017

How do you not understand what I'm saying. Liberalism = good. The end.

>> No.15948030

Also i hate when girls brag about my dick to their friends.

>> No.15948044

Technology was the best thing to happen to the world and universe.
Dopamine dispensers will save us.

>> No.15948066

>Technology was the best thing to happen to the world and universe.
That's the most obvious, true and important opinion ITT.

>> No.15948280

"I regard belief as a form of brain damage" - Robert Anton Wilson

>> No.15949409
