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/lit/ - Literature

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15937748 No.15937748 [Reply] [Original]

and is it any good?

>> No.15937751

Don Quixote
Pretty good and funny

>> No.15937781

Erich Fromm's "Forgotten Language". Pretty interesting

>> No.15937791

On the second to last book of the Iliad. Bros Hector was a prick, but they could have at least left his body

>> No.15937804

It is definitely good but also easily the hardest thing I've ever read. If I'm being honest I was pretty much lost from the cheese sandwich and wine bit at the pub up to the end of The Oxen of the Sun. I have sort of managed to turn it around with Circe tho, I've only got 15 pages left of it and it's definitely one of my favourite chapters.

>> No.15937840

The Count of Monte Cristo
Great book, based storyline, based Characters
Yeah. It's KINO

>> No.15939040


>> No.15939154
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I want to fuck those tiddies

>> No.15939172

I liked Hector because I sided with the Trojans. Kind of hard to feel sorry for Patroclus' death when he didn't have as much of a presence as, say, Aias, or Odysseus, or Akhilleus IIRC

>> No.15939206
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>The Book of Genesis
pretty eye-opening for someone who was raised Baptist, Jacob is a got damn prick
>Le Morte D'Arthur Book II
Arthur such a badass when Pellinore breaks his sword and the former just tackles him, throws off his helm, and just starts being the shit out of him
>Antony and Cleopatra
Not nearly as fun as Julius Caesar
>The Sun Also Rises
Probably the book that saved me from going full on /sffg/ as it showed that literary fiction can still hold my attention
>Hamilton's Mythology
even though its a primer on the subject I really love its excerpts and context on some of the great myths
>Beast in View
started off really good then went to shit as soon as they picked up the antagonists POV, forcing myself to finish it
>The Wizard Knight
the only Gene Wolfe I've ever read and I have to take it slowly because of how dense it *feels*
Probably one of the few Hero's Journey novels I've liked as an adult

>> No.15940674


>> No.15941192

Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious by Jung
actually pretty neat book, I'm only 100 pgs in but I already like it

>> No.15941205

Fulton's Algebraic Curves.
It's doing me head in!

>> No.15941282

a canticle for leibowitz
yes, i like it

>> No.15941289

This thread

>> No.15941314
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American Psycho. It's better than I thought it would be.

>> No.15941329

>A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again
Very good once I got past the boring Geometry/Tennis/Tornado one. His famous essay on television, irony, and advertising is fucking amazing. Currently on one about a state fair that's pretty funny but probably the most unflattering self-portrait I've seen him do thus far.
>A Confederacy of Dunces
Took me a while to get into the swing of the humor, but fucking hilarious right now. Ignatius is hilarious and it's clear that so many tv characters have entirely ripped off his personality.

>> No.15941348

That book made me realize what hack-jobs most "Golden Age of Television" shows are. Dumas' plotting is fucking incredible, he ties in characters and plots in a way that makes it seem effortless. Makes all those "kino" shows look like fucking plot-dropping vomit written by total hacks.

>> No.15941378

The Illiad.
Yes, I was expecting something long-winded but it's quite dynamic and entertaining.
Also Diomedes is beyond based

>> No.15941489

OwO i like big booby!!

>> No.15941809
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The Story of Philosophy - Will Durant
It's pretty good so far, I'm listening to the audiobook at work. Gonna start the section on Kant tomorrow. Honestly got fed up during his exposition on Spinoza glorifying Jews, but I have to admit he had me in awe of the man at the end of the section.

>> No.15941908
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The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. I'm currently working my way through the Narnia series, and it's been a joy so far. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe was fine, but I had my doubts I would enjoy the series, but then Prince Caspian reeled me in hard. I really, really enjoyed it. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader is much more up and down though. It has really good bits, and then some sub-par bits. The good bits are probably the best so far, but the worst bits are also the worst so far. Overall I've enjoyed Prince Caspian the most so far.

>> No.15942591


>> No.15942885

Cold Mountain by Charles Frazier.

Pretty interesting book, but I'm only about a 3rd of the way done with it.

>> No.15942895

Weird. I was rooting for Achaeans but I sympathized with Hector.

>> No.15943300

Where did you get this book from? Asking for a friend, of course

>> No.15944193

Infinte jest
I hope this book is good.