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File: 336 KB, 1536x1045, FB14C0A9-6414-4125-AB5C-3F55217F6201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15936721 No.15936721 [Reply] [Original]

one must imagine Sisyphus happy

>> No.15936758

where you got that pic?
i didnt know they had such sophisticated GUIs in the mid 90s

>> No.15936796


>> No.15936969

I hate the overused cope meme but if there is one instance were its use is justified is this goddamn quote.

>> No.15936981


>> No.15937024

It's a comfy job, I don't know what your deal is or how you could perceive it as suffering.

>> No.15937030

eveyone in this board is an edgy faggot who thinks having any normal job is equal to being on a slave ship
>inb4 nice goy
>inb4 wagie cope

its all so tiresome bros

>> No.15937048

What's so wrong with this?

500 years ago their ancestors would be literally toiling in fields, during blistering heat and heavy rain, to pick crops for barely any money. These guys work 9-5 in a room with regulated temperature, earning a lot of money (relatively speaking, both historically and globally) and at the end of the day they have 5-6 hours of free time. By the 2010's they are probably only working 4 days in the office and 1 day at home, and by the 2020s many will be working remotely full-time.

>> No.15937063

It isn't comfy at all. You lack privacy, autonomy and purpose. I was much happier working from home as a contractor working on dynamic tasks with the majority of initiative coming from myself, and I was also happier working as an independent (although I found this stressful and ultimately too demanding). But being a wagie is mental first and foremost, and if your personal life and health doesn't suffer, you have nothing to worry about.

>> No.15937076

It sucks, but why don't they just do something else. Join an army, learn a trade, go find enlightenment in India, etc... If you're in this long term you deserve it.

>> No.15937085

>You lack privacy
Don't tell me you browse 4chan while working or something
Yes, I suppose. The same could be said of most jobs though, and this kind I find to be the least exhausting
I would never derive purpose from what I do for sustainability/monetary gain. I find my purpose in other things.

>> No.15937091
File: 555 KB, 1152x900, NeXTSTEP_desktop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was plenty of sophisticated software and guis long before windows 95. Pic related is 89.

>> No.15937093
File: 152 KB, 1200x800, 543543543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one must imagine Sisyphus happy

>> No.15937094

>le wagecuck
be actually happy that there are some people out there doing the hard work
a society needs firefighters/plumbers/sewer workers
neets are just leeches

>> No.15937096

>dude waiting in traffic is literally hell brah

>> No.15937136

You're taking privacy too literally. I'm talking about having to deal with coworkers bothering you, superiors micromanaging you, having to share scarce resources, etc.

Contrast the boring office job with work that involves socializing with people in a way that enriches your personal life or work that allows you to keep learning while on the job, and it's clear which is preferable.

>> No.15937153

People on this board never had to endure any serious difficulty in life so they think waiting in traffic is the equivalent of nihilism because it helps them cope with the fact they can never find anything fulfilling in life

>> No.15937160

>I'm talking about having to deal with coworkers bothering you, superiors micromanaging you, having to share scarce resources, etc.
These are mild inconveniences at best.

>> No.15937166

Imagine complaining about having a job.
Fuck off faggot

>> No.15937172
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one must imagine Sisyphus happy

>> No.15937181

T zoomers. Enjoy putting up with it until you are in your 60s

>> No.15937184

"your life is bad, bud it can be even worse" isn't a very optimistic view.

>> No.15937190

Thanks, I will. I've worked a lot of jobs (factory work, retail, call center, delivery) and office work is the comfiest of them all.

>> No.15937191

Holy shit Windows really was behind it´s times !
this looks like between Win2000 and XP

>> No.15937196

So? They're inconveniences you don't have to deal with when you are self-employed or valuable to your employer.

Imagine feeling grateful for having a job. Grow some talents and others will be grateful to have you work for them. It's from this position that you're able to negotiate yourself to work that isn't unpleasant at best like the typical office function.

>> No.15937203

>Has a job
>Thinks his life is bad
you seem to have the mindset of a faggot

>> No.15937206

literally what is wrong with that image? I swear this board is filled with such privileged faggots. I don't hate privileged people btw, I just want them to realize that complaining about having a job/living in a capitalist world is only a worry of the privileged

>> No.15937213

Fuck off faggot, go and complain to your mom then.

>> No.15937219

t. bitter neets who can't even find a job at McDonalds

>> No.15937228

define "privileged"

>> No.15937236
File: 31 KB, 601x508, midwit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>define "privileged"

Reminder that midwits like you are a cancer on society

>> No.15937242

>all these bugmen defending their self-inflicted slavery
announcing downsizing feels so good
like a firecracker in a crab bucket

>> No.15937248

Does Camus ever say anything on 'false happiness'? Did he say if Sisyphus was truly happy or if Sisyphus deceived himself into thinking he was happy as a coping mechanism?

>> No.15937250

great reply

you can fuck off now thanks

>> No.15937254

t. thinks the whole world is North America

>> No.15937256


>> No.15937262

The point is a lot of this work doesn't need to be done

>> No.15937265

I think that the fact that Sisyphus never gives up and just keeps on rolling the bolder up implies that he is content with doing it

>> No.15937269

Any idiot can face a crisis; it’s this day-to-day living that wears you out

>> No.15937270

You sounds like someone with an enormously sad and bitter life, so why should we listen to you.

>> No.15937272

Imagine being such a soft, privileged faggot that you call having an office job Sisyphean. Oh no the drudgery, woe is me. There's no tragedy here, unless you include the attempt to portray it as such.

>> No.15937277
File: 7 KB, 259x195, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't be serious my nigga

>> No.15937285

There is no such thing as false happiness, except when referring to deceiving others

>> No.15937288

If you live in hell, it will not help to realize that there are many levels of hell behind you.

>> No.15937296

You are truly a modern day Greek tragedy, I will never forget your sacrifice

>> No.15937297

I'm an artist with a very flexible lifestyle. I can go on vacation whenever I want. Really, the only thing that is waking me up in the morning is my choice to do so. So pretty much any job is wageslavery to me. There is a tragedy here: the wageslaves who have deluded themselves into thinking there's nothing wrong with OP's picture.

>> No.15937308

>office jobs are hell
How fucking sheltered are you? I bet you're the kind of guy who could be given the most blissful of lives and you would still find something to complain about. Believe it or not, suffering IS absolutely quantifiable, and it's your lack of suffering that allows you to think like this.

>> No.15937309

Ironic for an artist to have such an uncreative worldview

>> No.15937319

I hope you people get brutally put on your knees by life and then try to say having an office job is the equivalent of being Sysyphus

Unironically kys

>> No.15937320

Whenever there's a thread like this everyone suddenly starts pretending that they're really happy

>> No.15937323

Once again, if there are unsheltered people who suffer unimaginable tortures, that does not make your smaller woes any better (and also does not make "sheltered" a bad word, quite opposite)

>> No.15937329

>can do whatever I want whenever I want
>the only person im making money for is myself and not some corporate overlord

>somehow I'm wrong

>> No.15937330
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>> No.15937334


>> No.15937335

I didnt mean that anon, being self employed is always better than to be employed for a jew overlord, but its the people that complain about having a comfy job that I hate

>> No.15937339

Both office workers and medieval peasants will grow old, decay physically and mentally and die. Sure, office workers may live several decades more, but that does not change anything in the long run.

>> No.15937352

Anon, if you are a tortured sufferer loser, that just means that your life sucks. It does not give you any profound revelations or wisdom.

>> No.15937354

>I bet you're the kind of guy who could be given the most blissful of lives and you would still find something to complain about.
That's literally all humans ever. Are you 12? Have you ever read anything written by any human being ever?

It's because they still think they can get something out of the system. No, -I- can become a billionaire, easily, YOU just want to take that away from me because you're UNGRATEFUL!

>> No.15937355

Clearly the best and only way to be happy in this world is your one specific vision. The sheer irony of such a viewpoint complaining about drones.

>> No.15937357


>> No.15937358

>if there are people who are dying of starvation, that does not make the fact that you're hungry sometimes any better

I wouldn't say that I am the epitome of personal happiness, but at least I'm not some ungrateful prick who thinks an easy job with some inconveniences is comparable to some sort of overwhelming suffering

>> No.15937361
File: 183 KB, 771x804, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Clearly the best and only way to be happy in this world is your one specific vision

>> No.15937367

>>if there are people who are dying of starvation, that does not make the fact that you're hungry sometimes any better
That's literally and obviously true.

>> No.15937375

Everyone grows and dies, you idiot. That doesn't exclude the fact that some lives are objectively better than others.

>> No.15937376

Oh, so you think about it in terms of "grateful" and "ingrateful"? Who should you be grateful to?

>> No.15937378

>Have you ever read anything written by any human being ever?
no, we're on /lit/ buddy

>> No.15937385

>thinks an easy job with some inconveniences is comparable to some sort of overwhelming suffering
No one in this thread said this. You're projecting your own insecurities onto others because you know that they're right, you just think that you personally can get ahead in a system designed from the ground up to prevent that.

>> No.15937389

Except it isn't. When I feel hungry I don't think I'm some malnourished african kid biting down on his fingers, nor do I believe our "suffering" is comparable

>> No.15937391

>Everyone grows and dies, you idiot.
Yes, you retard. That was literally stated in >>15937339 you dunce.
>That doesn't exclude the fact that some lives are objectively better than others.
That also was stated in >>15937339 you silly thing. Can you even read?

>> No.15937400

>When I feel hungry I don't think I'm some malnourished african kid biting down on his fingers
Do you think that the african kid has some deep wisdom?
If some values differ, that does not mean that they are incomparable. The fact that we can compare them makes them comparable.

>> No.15937401

Grateful that I have a pleasant life with the least amount of pain, a good family, and enough time to satisfy both basic needs and artistic sensibilities. What a hellish life I lead, huh?

>> No.15937404

Grateful to whom?

>> No.15937407

>Do you think that the african kid has some deep wisdom?
He isn't allowed to have wisdom given his circumstances. I do. That alone makes my life better than his.
>The fact that we can compare them makes them comparable.
Ok, I'll change that to "equivalent". Satisfied?

>> No.15937409

>Clearly the best and only way to be happy in this world is your one specific vision.

>> No.15937413

Just grateful.

>> No.15937416

Good for you. Why does that mean that others aren't allowed to try and live lives wherein they can have those same things?

>> No.15937418

>He isn't allowed to have wisdom given his circumstances. I do. That alone makes my life better than his.
That's great, your life is better than his. What does that exactly refute?
>Ok, I'll change that to "equivalent". Satisfied?
Ok, they are not equivalent. Now what?

>> No.15937425
File: 1.19 MB, 1252x2020, Scourged_back_by_McPherson_&_Oliver,_1863,_retouched.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically believe that my need to get a job to survive is comparable to being a slave to someone else, yes.

>> No.15937427

Just grateful to whom?

>> No.15937429

holy cringe

>> No.15937438


>> No.15937440

I never said they couldn't or shouldn't. I just think that the assertion that a life like mine can be considered "hellish" or "riddled with misery" for the simple fact that some, even if it's miniscule form of suffering exists in it (as so many anons here do) to be ridiculous.

>> No.15937447

It is. Corporate overlords will try to convince you otherwise.

>> No.15937454
File: 213 KB, 576x2734, worse_than_you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This a position some posters ITT seriously proclaim.

>> No.15937459

>That's great, your life is better than his. What does that exactly refute?
You said in this post >>15937323
>"if there are unsheltered people who suffer unimaginable tortures, that does not make your smaller woes any better"
Have you changed your mind, then?

>> No.15937460
File: 139 KB, 1080x817, 1557841959322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y-y-yeah im lovin' it™, no retirement for me...

>> No.15937461

Per >>15937339 >>15937375 >>15937391 it is actually hellish, although some lives may be more hellish than others.

>> No.15937463
File: 452 KB, 1431x899, 1531526562170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having any normal job is equal to being on a slave ship

It is if you work retail or fast food desu. I'd like to be an office cuck so bad right now. The movie Office Space is hard to watch because those assholes don't know how good they have it. I know they were all gonna get fired anyway, but that's just a plot point to get the story moving.

>> No.15937464

I would rather kill myself than be a fucking wage slave.
I wish I was born in a welfare state.

>> No.15937471

>if there are unsheltered people who suffer unimaginable tortures, that does not make your smaller woes any better
is still perfectly true, and your previous posts does not refute that in any way.

>> No.15937472

I’ve worked in setups like this. You get used to it but cubicles are really a lot better. Bitchy faggots who didn’t even work in them (like the people who made Office Space) really fucked everybody by implying an “open floorplan” is better.
Plus a lot of what makes any setup comfy is the fact that you can use headphones all day, but people in this pic obviously couldn’t.
But there’s always plenty of outdoors work available if people really wanted it

>> No.15937480
File: 192 KB, 386x661, wageslave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you could have got rich from something as stupid as mining bitcoin but you have 40+ years of wagie life to look forward to instead

>> No.15937481

You said yourself that my woes were better than the former's.

>> No.15937489

Yeah I was working my first job after college when I saw that movie and I had a 30 minute lunch at an office too secluded to go anywhere and a timecard I had to keep up.
10 minutes into the movie they all just fuck off to a restaurant for an hour I remember being mad jealous

>> No.15937491

Camus is unironically retarded.

>> No.15937494

terrifying image

>> No.15937500

Windows was intended for a wider market of home users, and NS was mainly for business and education, so it cost more.

>> No.15937504

>that does not make your smaller woes any better
does not mean "any better than someone's else woes", that means "any better compared to itself before I knew another suffering person". If you know someone healthier or more sick than you that does not change your health too.

>> No.15937510

Shut up you humblebrag retard noone cares. I’m grateful for my job too but it doesn’t mean I can’t empathize with people doing shitty work and living their lives for 14 days off a year with absolutely no guarantee their situation won’t decline because of circumstances totally beyond their control

>> No.15937512

Is that a graph for women?

>> No.15937525
File: 48 KB, 1000x1000, NOTHING2HIDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one must imagine Sisyphus happy

>> No.15937549

>I hate this fast growing tendency to chain men to machines in big factories and deprive them of all joy in their efforts — the plan will lead to cheap men and cheap products.
Richard Wagner

>> No.15937557

It's too mundane and banal to be tragic, that's the very tragedy of it

>> No.15937558

Stop being so grumpy, Wagner! Things could always be worse!

>> No.15937559

>No, -I- can become a billionaire, easily, YOU just want to take that away from me because you're UNGRATEFUL!
That’s really what 99% of all the corporate dicksucking and all the bragging in these thread revolves around.
Ditto people unironically arguing in favor of strict copyright laws.

>> No.15937564

>I can’t empathize with people doing shitty work and living their lives for 14 days off a year with absolutely no guarantee their situation won’t decline because of circumstances totally beyond their control
I never said you couldn't. I'm saying that people who think having an office job is a Sisyphian tragedy are fucking retarded.

>> No.15937569

Yes, for example medieval peasants had it worse.

>> No.15937573

They unironically did.

>> No.15937575

No, it's pretty sensible.

>> No.15937586

what kind of literature do you enjoy? which writers?

>> No.15937588

I wonder, what constitutes *not* living a Sisyphian tragedy to you?

>> No.15937589

I was expecting this exact pathetic "self-effacing" response

>> No.15937590

I agree. It's just that "current lives of humans are hellish" and "in the past they were more hellish" are both true and do not contradict each other in any way.

>> No.15937596

Oh, boy, here comes the internet psychoanalyst. Piss off.

>> No.15937599

how out of touch are the people on this board for fucks sake

Im actually glad that I have a comfy IT office job and dont have to wake up at 6 a.m for some retail/warehouse hell
>b-but muh corporate slavery
if you arent spending your money like a retard and have some basic personal finance knowledge you can quit your work at any time you want and always look for something else

>> No.15937612

Yeah but all those jobs are comfy because a long time ago a bunch of people decided working 12 hours a day, 6 days a week was bullshit. Even though there were people around them telling them how good they have it.

>> No.15937614

Congrats for being yet another retard who can't even understand fucking Camus of all people to not understand.

>> No.15937616

It's no use. To these people not being a slave is just doing what gives you those dopamine pumps non-stop.

>> No.15937618

>i don't read
fair enough

>> No.15937625

americunts are at it again

>> No.15937629

Owning a couple of planets, having a perfect cyborg body and a robocatgirl harem.
>but that's sci-fi
Alas without sci-fi you can't make your life unsisyphian.

>> No.15937634

If only we understood Camus as well as you do

>> No.15937636

"to be happy you need to enjoy your life" will not stop being true if you will use some chemistry terms you don't even understand.

>> No.15937639

How would you achieve any of these things without the kind of work you would consider to be Sisyphian in nature?

>> No.15937642

Based anti-work chad

>> No.15937643
File: 34 KB, 910x800, 26C6BE44-6373-4C3A-9D12-5E5E3DF35048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One must imagine Sisyphus happy

>> No.15937645

That’s like saying it’s no big deal a broken leg could cost $12k without insurance because Hospitals always eventually write those off anyway and don’t pursue collection.
It’s a courtesy that can disappear overnight, on a whim and whatever security you think you have is really just owed to someone else’s largesse.

>> No.15937656

You theoretically can, it's just that this process itself will not become good (especially if the result is not guaranteed).

>> No.15937658

>never hope for anything better.
This is optimism to zoomers

>> No.15937660
File: 294 KB, 1558x1004, EarlyRain_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one must imagine Sisyphus happy

>> No.15937667

Reading all this hieroglyphs is Sisyphic indeed.

>> No.15937681

So, you realize that to reach a non-Sisyphian life you need to go through a Sisyphian one. Yet you refuse to do Sisyphian work, because well, you ain't no slave to nobody. Following this train of logic, wouldn't that make your idea of non-Sisyphian life inherently unnattainable, even if the prospect of attaining it is there?

>> No.15937683
File: 65 KB, 890x501, E98F4F16-363D-4639-B496-B5454E7605CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one must imagine Sisyphus happy

>> No.15937722

>So, you realize that to reach a non-Sisyphian life you need to go through a Sisyphian one.
Not necessarily. A medieval peasant can peasant all his life and die. Modern office worker can also office all his life and die (or acquire the sci-fi stuff if the progress will go fast enough). Effort alone is far from enough, circumstances, luck and the direction of the effort are more important.

>> No.15937755

>Effort alone is far from enough, circumstances, luck and the direction of the effort are more important.
This is true, but if everyone followed your perspective absolutely no work would ever be done. All great civilizations realized that individuals should conceive something higher than themselves if they want the world to be fruitful. In this instance I'm not defending capitalism, I am defending meaningful work.

>> No.15937800

Almost all people work because without work they get no money and without money their life quality will dip. Important people with enough money to live work for power, respect and fame. Charitable aspect goes the last, probably even after just liking what you do.

>> No.15937906

I’m so glad I majored in STEM and not the humanities.

>> No.15937951

In the original myth what will happen is Sisyphus will stop pushing the boulder? Will he be hit with electric shock?

>> No.15937985

those aren't even drag & drop interfaces nigga, just tiled so you can do a couple things at once

>> No.15938004

Malformed jaws from not eating solid food

Terrible diets and postures from weakened core muscles

>> No.15938027

The most memetically wageslaveish country is Japan. It is also the country with the largest life expectancy. Shows you what things are basically memes.

>> No.15938037

>4 days in the office and 1 day at home, and by the 2020s many will be working remotely full-time.
>what is 2008 financial crisis
>what is unpaid overtime

>> No.15938042

Yes, modern people also have a purely luxurious diet even compared to the medieval king.

>> No.15938056

>what's wrong with heroin? it makes you feel good!

>> No.15938064

I'd much rather work a decent-paying office job than be a broke wagie all my life. This thread just reeks of teenagers who aren't on their own yet.

>> No.15938070

>what's wrong with heroin?
It will make your life much shorter.

>> No.15938082

>You lack privacy, autonomy and purpose.
true. it gives me digestive issues not being able to shit in private. you're trying to squeeze out some dried up log using coffee as internal lubricant and some 600 lb guy who you aren't sure how he even walks without his knees simply collapsing in on themselves, comes down and plops on the toilet in the next over stall, and you feel your own toilet BOUNCE and realize the plumbing forms an axel like two front tires on a car. and he unloads his ammunition and your shit that was half coaxed out retreats back into your asshole, so you just hold your breath and go wash your hands and tell yourself, "in another hour when i can take a piss break without my manager barking at me, i'll try to shit again then."

i have to kill myself with an hour commute to sit on a computer in some office tower instead of my own house, sit in freezing cold air conditioning until my fingertips are numb because the obesity epidemic remains yet unaddressed and 65% of my coworkers will surely some day die of diabetes complications, and get the shit raked over me by some asshole with an associate's degree who spends 2/3 of the interactions saying "ummmmmmm, uhhhhhhhh, uhhhhhh, ummmmmmmm," because their 92 IQ is completely overloaded by anything more complicated than a missing 0.

>> No.15938139

So, you're saying that things that are pleasurable are not inherently good, and indeed can be bad for you?

>> No.15938152

If a thing is immediately pleasurable, but noticeable reduces your life quality or kills you a bit later, then it is bad.

>> No.15938157

What am I looking at?

>> No.15938188

No, I think a lot of the people here are teenagers or college kids who’ve never in their adult lives seen the effects of things like a housing crisis or a corporate scandal.
In a housing crisis they would say shit like “haha dumb wagie shouldn’t have bought a house he can’t afford” but in other circumstances they would say, “hahah dumb consoomer shouldn’t have thrown all his income away on rent; that’s just money down the drain”.
You literally can’t win with these people. Things beyond your control can always fuck you no matter what choices you make. They just arrogantly assume that whatever market they buy in won’t crash, or that whoever they work for will never implode, or that a business they choose to start themselves will never suffer in a contraction.
You can tell because nobody with the emotional maturity of a healthy adult over the age of 22 would ever tell somebody they should be grateful to work in a temperature controlled room.

>> No.15938197

Looks comfy.

>> No.15938223

>my life sucks
>therefore people who say that my life sucks are silly
Do you want us to support you emotionally?

>> No.15938228


>> No.15938242

So then having sugary candy and treats that our peasant ancestors (who would have dined on fish, cheese, yogurt, multiple kinds of bread, eggs, various vegetables, herbs, spices, and meat, as ample historical and archaeological evidence indicates) is not inherently good, and "you can buy reeses cups" isn't actually all that much of a benefit, given that reeses cups are immediately pleasurable and reduce your quality of life.

>> No.15938250


>> No.15938263

No, my life doesn’t suck. But i’m not gonna qualify my point by outlining my education, work and finances on 4channel because it’s besides the point.
People who don’t think it should be normal and acceptable to try and better your lot are pathetic.

>> No.15938265

>ITT insects trying to cope with their insect life

>> No.15938306

> fish, cheese, yogurt, multiple kinds of bread, eggs, various vegetables, herbs, spices, and meat,
As ample historical and archaeological evidence indicate, this stuff was usually unavailable to a large fraction of population (and sometimes they were not able to get even a single thing to eat). But now it is available to everyone. That explains why modern life expectancy is much higher than peasant one. So modernity improves both pleasure and life quality questions.
Of course you are not writing your posts seriously, but what if you are actually projecting and actually don't eat anything except "sugary candy"?

>> No.15938307

I think the point is that security is more important than air-conditioning and lumbar support for an actual adult

>> No.15938348

If you want to better your lot, than it's not good for you, and that's what this thread is about. Also if you are forced to choose between two bad things, that's bad for you.

>> No.15938376

If you are not secure and to get the minimal security you need to deal with discomfort, then how is it good?

>> No.15938394

>that's what this thread is about.
Where does one find an explanation of the etiquette for responding to a 5-word, off-topic shitpost?

>> No.15938424

Other than the suicides?

>> No.15938441

>claiming to be happy
Yeah, you’re not fooling anyone bro.

>> No.15938446

Yes, their suicide is also not memetically sky-high and not even in top 20 compared to other countries. But even in top countries it is irrelevant compared to other death causes.

>> No.15938456

>I would never derive purpose from what I do for sustainability/monetary gain. I find my purpose in other things.

You just hit the nail on the head and I think this shit trend of "loving" your work is the most deplorable thing the self help gurus sell.

Your purpose has to exist in another aspect of your life. Work is how you fucking put bread on the table.

>> No.15938466

This. There is always someone who has it worse off than you, it doesn’t delegitimise your own suffering. Everything is relative, but your own phenomenology is absolute.

>> No.15938480

No, it wasn't. Could they eat certain items year round? Certainly not, but to say that fucking cheese was unavailable to "a large fraction of the population" or to imply that peasants were constantly starving apes wallowing in the mud is just flat out wrong. It's ahistorical nonsense.

You're creating an artificial past to justify the present. Of course, everything today is good and special and nice because the past was absolutely god awful and everything sucked and everyone was in pain and there was nothing good because you've axiomatically defined it as such.

Have you ever considered that the people who are trying to sell you garbage don't have your best interests at heart? Why would you trust someone trying to sell you something to tell you about why you should buy it? Of course we should gorge ourselves on sugary garbage, who cares that it's bad for you, people in "The Past" couldn't have it. Yeah, they couldn't give themselves diabetes, how horrid.

>> No.15938482

>Does Camus ever say anything on 'false happiness'?

Sisyphus found his purpose. It might be hell but he's content with it.

>> No.15938488

And the irony is that billionaires aren’t much happier than normies, oftentimes they’re alienated and lonely, plagued by depression and anhedonia. eg Notch, Dan Bilzerian.

>> No.15938505

he's serious, why do you think people get so excited about disasters

>> No.15938516


>> No.15938532

Are you seriously implying that Enlightenment myths about the world used to justify mercantile adventures and policies are just that, myths, and that they don't accurately reflect history?

>> No.15938539

>That's literally all humans ever. Are you 12? Have you ever read anything written by any human being ever?

You're arguing mostly with edgy college kids or neet faggots. We are in a board were philosophy is discussed and human discontent it's literally one of the most common subjects but then you have astroturfers here wanting you to settle for less because you could be worse... it's preposterous.

>> No.15938541


>> No.15938553

Peasants weren't constantly starving, they were just periodically starving and their general diet was much poorer than that of a modern one.
>Of course, everything today is good and special and nice because the past was absolutely god awful and everything sucked and everyone was in pain and there was nothing good because you've axiomatically defined it as such.
That's half-true. Modernity isn't perfectly nice, but the past was much worse.
> Of course we should gorge ourselves on sugary garbage, who cares that it's bad for you, people in "The Past" couldn't have it.
If you can't even buy sugary stuff, then you are absolutely impoverished. Also if you will die before the diabetes will develop, you will have no diabetes. But you should actually stop eating sugar, go out to the nearest shop and just buy
> fish, cheese, yogurt, multiple kinds of bread, eggs, various vegetables, herbs, spices, and meat,
, that's absolutely easy.

>> No.15938569
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DESU that looks like Windows 98

>> No.15938575

Let it go. Everyone here missed the bitcoin train.

>> No.15938623

Monica Ruiz

>> No.15938653
File: 270 KB, 620x412, 76r878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one must imagine Sisyphus happy

>> No.15938654

>“haha dumb wagie shouldn’t have bought a house he can’t afford” but in other circumstances they would say, “hahah dumb consoomer shouldn’t have thrown all his income away on rent; that’s just money down the drain”.
How about you buy a house you can easily afford, taking into account potential market fluctuations?

>> No.15938661

ok we get hauling a rock up a hill is better than the modern existence, you can stop

>> No.15938711

>Just find an affordable home within commuting distance of your job with good school and forecast forty years of economic activity and crime rates bro, it’s super-easy. Literally nothing can go wrong with any of these variables at any time.

>> No.15938720
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Camus was right, but the modern world is a bugman world that destroys your soul.

"If one wanted to crush and destroy a man entirely, to mete out to him the most terrible punishment ... all one would have to do would be to make him do work that was completely and utterly devoid of usefulness and meaning.”- ma boi Dostoevsky

>> No.15938732


>> No.15938735

>if you arent spending your money like a retard and have some basic personal finance knowledge you can quit your work at any time you want and always look for something else
But that is not true, if you stop working for a year or two suddenly nobody wants you anymore, you are out and have to spend the rest of your life washing dishes.

>> No.15938755

It’s also funny how everyone defaults into imaging some old boomer who’s had his whole life to save but spent all his income on frivolous shit instead. As if there was nobody between the ages of like, 22 and 35 the last time a recession hit and that there won’t be any the next time

>> No.15938880

Never read the book but always hated that gay ass quote.
Who cares what one imagines what another is feeling? It has zero impact on what the person is actually feeling. Everyone on earth can imagine that I'm happy and that won't make it so. Fuck everybody.

>> No.15938931

no crypto will make me rich any day now
t. /biz/

>> No.15939363

although it wasn't the intended interpretation by Camus, anyone else read this quote as;
In order to be happy, one has to force themselves to see Sisyphus as happy.

>> No.15939483

What if I'll manage to see Tantalus happy? Will I transcend?

>> No.15939614
File: 5 KB, 150x84, 154820696080s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retard here; can anyone explain to me why would Sisyphus be happy?
I don't get it.

>> No.15939644

He can do the next boulder push in a refined artful way.

>> No.15939661

Mmmhhh... that's actually brilliant, thanks.

>> No.15939684

>The only way to get back at the Gods and face the absurdity of his eternity is do embrace the absurdity and be happy.

So gay that you know it is French, even though it is really just restating Nietzsche.

Someone should have kidnapped Camus and made him roll a boulder up a hill for 50 hour straight until he shit himself, cried like a bitch, and asked for death.

You know what makes absurdity bearble? Beer and puss.

>> No.15939721

It's not the same, since Sisyphus is literally immortal, eternity is a looooong time so eventually is logical for him to like his job at some point. Also, you need to understand that since pushing the boulder is his only task, he could be satisfied by only doing it right, which he eventually will.
Laugh is what makes absurdity bearable, it's not necessary to be lobotomized.

>> No.15939981

haha i got really lucky

>> No.15941031

Sisyphus already tricked Gods a few times. Imagine how mad Zeus will be if Sisyphus will start enjoying the boulder.

>> No.15941762

nowadays its literally hell
if I just could work on PC all day with no human interactions I would enjoy life better
but no, you must be social 24/7 because women and soiboys took over the workplace

>> No.15942270

>worked remotely today for the first time ever
>no fatigue, no/little frustration, barely feels like i did anything
>have energy, am happy and feel good

boomers took this from you because they are afraid of technology

>> No.15942920

Working in an office sounds like heaven compared to food service:
>Sit down all day
>No oven making the place hot as fuck all the time
>Guaranteed break
>Work normal hours
>Guaranteed 2 days off in a row
>Don't have to worry about getting called in because some asshole didn't show up
>Don't have to wait on customers hand and foot
>Don't have to worry about stupid cunts getting mad about petty shit
>Don't have to worry about crazy druggies/homeless people running around begging for money or harassing people

>> No.15943029
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These threads are hilarious
>someone implies life isn't all that great
>immediately people emotionally lash out with
a barrage of insults

the cope is palpable, is it really that hard to admit it to yourself? jesus anyone with a brain can see that this shit is garbage it's not hard to admit and potentially come to terms with it instead of getting all butthurt. Anything to keep their illusions in place

>> No.15943047

i used to work in food service and preferred it.
>friends you can chill with and talk real with (office folk are all easily offended, you have to walk on eggshells, and they all try to backstab you)
>exercise (most office workers get fat or crippled from posture)
>fun work (office work drags on forever, but shifts flew by in food work)
>free food and drinks (as opposed to shitty machine coffee)
we had the crazy hobos come in our lobby a lot, in the skyscraper you know, the bottom floor with all the elevators. so if you went down for a break you got to see security dragging the trash out.

>> No.15943066

I'm sure you can appreciate the difference between "life isn't all that great" and "working in an office is a Sisyphean hell"

>> No.15943105

the worst part of life is experience deep, loving relationships and then losing them

people will cope with shit like "don't be sad that it's gone, be glad that it happened" but I genuinely believe those people love themselves far more than anyone else

>> No.15943135

>the worst part of life is experience deep, loving relationships and then losing them

Nothing is forever.

>> No.15943146

Not that anon, but I'm sure you can also understand that a dejection towards life can be a little more cosmic than "I had a bad day". And having said that, this feeling may be symptomatic of something far greater. There's a disquiet within the essence of everyone that no one can shake. The fact that people have periods of personal enjoyment does not change this either. If you converse with people long enough and actually pay attention to what they say, this tends to show itself.

>> No.15943409

>apply for job
>realize it starts in fall 2022

>> No.15944451

What about never building up a deep relationship? You have no idea what a bad life is.

>> No.15944482

This is like an unspoken truth everone knows about but tries to hide in everyday life.

>> No.15944613

Nga wot?

>> No.15944684

Delete this.

>> No.15945355
File: 509 KB, 793x457, Jurassic Park 1993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mid 90s
that picture is from the 80s

>> No.15946561

Says who? You made that up

>> No.15946567

>Cope bad

Your axiom is retarded. Peak Midwit

>> No.15946628

delete this RIGHT NOW

>> No.15946905
File: 219 KB, 858x866, 333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one must imagine Sisyphus happy

>> No.15948196


>> No.15948211

eine musste Syssyphus verglück vorstellen

>> No.15948813

One must imagine shitposter happy.

>> No.15948984

I've seen conflicting research on the effect cubicles have on productivity. I work in an open floorplan like in OP's pic and I feel stressed when people can easily look over my shoulder at what I'm doing all day. Whenever I've had a little bit more privacy I feel much more relaxed and become tangibly more productive. But I'm not sure if everyone feels the same about it.

Some people might say "you shouldn't feel stressed about anyone looking over your shoulder if you're actually working." But I am highly doubtful that most offices have enough work to keep people occupied for nine hours a day. My own office certainly does not. Even if there was enough work, there should still be time to click away for a moment to read the news or browse something else that interests you for moment so you don't get burned out every day. The problem with this is if your shitty boss catches you doing something other than working, you'll be met with scrutiny and be made to look bad in front of your supervisors or co-workers.

If you ask me, the only reason supervisors might prefer open workspaces is because they don't trust their subordinates. Which, if true, becomes obvious very quickly. And, personally, causes me to resent my boss rather than respect them.

>> No.15949040
File: 85 KB, 1000x667, scarab-2490586_960_720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one must imagine the dung beetle happy.

>> No.15949064

Kek'd hard

>> No.15949194

Egyptians considered it sacred for a reason.

>> No.15949983

Dostoyevsky put it better with the parable of the guy who had to walk a quadrillion kilometers through limbo. He gave up and waited for a thousand years or something, but eventually got up and kept walking.
The point being that when you’re trapped in an eternal system, “giving up” isn’t truly an option. Sissypuss has it even worse because he doesn’t even have a goal.

>> No.15950068

Seriously. Am one of these people (web developer). I fucking love it.

>> No.15950082

When you have thousands of years, you can build entire philosophical systems and fantasy worlds in your mind.

>> No.15950529

>web developer
You are a useless faggot. You will never become a real programmer. All you do is waste user's computational resources with your garbage, bloated, framework ridden, abysmal products.

>> No.15950534

Poorfag cope.

>> No.15950549

Pajeet cope.

>> No.15950568

Holy based.

>> No.15950720
File: 26 KB, 600x337, 1593806026057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>, he babbled angrily at the stroke of his fifth hour spent addictively in the day on a platform conceived by web developers.

>> No.15952173

Sisyphus bumped the boulder up and it fell down again.

>> No.15952225
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One must imagine Sisyphus happy.

>> No.15952382
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>> No.15952443

help me escape
*guitar solo*

>> No.15953465

The point isn’t that imagining Sisyphus happy suddenly makes him happy. The point is that we must imagine him happy because his condition is so absurd that we are better off deluding ourselves that he’s happy because otherwise would be to try to make sense of an absurdity that has no chance of any redeeming byproduct. So we may as well say “fuck it, let’s act like he’s happy because then we can ignore the problem”.

>> No.15953487
File: 269 KB, 2048x1152, 1568124774476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

besides the obvious subjectivity of an individuals sufferings, what never seems to be included in the idea of "life could be worse", which has been brought up continually in this thread, is the fact that material conditions aren't the end all and be all of a human life. Obviously yes people on average live better lives physically than a peasant in the medieval age. But thats not what OP was getting at, or any of the other anons who were complaining that a modern life is shit. The peasant at least had religion and psirituality, community, family, and hope. The corners of the map were not filled in, and no matter how shit your life might of been at least there was hope, no matter how vague, that something could come about that increased your rank in life. Whether that was war or invention or simply a discovery.

Now, sure I live better than the kings of old, but I'm probably not even as happy as the average peasant. If you've got a purpose and a fulfilling life, it might not matter your station in life. Ignorance might be better in some cases.

t. have worked many jobs, have not been satisfied by work or the things outside of it

>> No.15953634

I'm horribly depressed, but I don't blame society or my job for it because that's juvenile. I've made a lot of poor decisions in my life and I've neglected myself and others and now I'm alone and helpless. I blame myself and suffer alone with 4chan as my one and only outlet. My job is shit but I appreciate it for providing a distraction for me; I couldn't care less if I'm making someone else a profit because I recognize culture's need to have a master and slave class, and I recognize myself as a slave. I am weak, but my core is strong enough to admit where I stand in the hierarchy of the species. I enjoy whatever independence I can muster and don't demand any more than that. I don't spend hours on end stewing over the other guy. The world has become increasingly harder for other whites and it mostly has to do with their arrogance compelling them to constantly and unjustly retaliating against their employers who they chose to work for.

>> No.15953669

Am I the only person who’s super resentful to work for someone who’s essentially a brainless meat golem? My manager cannot write one sentence without a typo, does not have a very interesting personality, clearly not educated, is very basic, and yet he makes at least double what I make. I cannot BELIEVE this moron is doing better in life than I am.

>> No.15953706

On the other hand, it is similarly infuriating to have multiple friends who lead extremely stable and successful lives (Harvard grads, doctors, lawyers with their own private practice, a hot shot engineer who has a brilliant dual career as an actively concertizing world renowned musician, the accolades go on and on) and be an intellectualoh and maturity-wise equal to these friends yet have a pathetic entry level J-O-B in some mega corporation.

>> No.15953713

On the other hand, it is similarly infuriating to have multiple friends who lead extremely stable and successful lives (Harvard grads, doctors, lawyers with their own private practice, a hot shot engineer who has a brilliant dual career as an actively concertizing world renowned musician, the accolades go on and on) and be an intellectually* and maturity-wise equal to these friends yet have a pathetic entry level J-O-B in some mega corporation.

>> No.15954070

honestly, web in 2000 without JavaScript in every tag was far more comfy. Web developers constantly "improve" until it becomes unbearably toxic. just like anything else, art, science.

>> No.15954088
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AutoCAD first released in 1982.

>> No.15954575

If you are not born to resourceful and intelligent parents in the upper middle to upperclass, you are very likely to become just another common consumer and worker slave for the rest of your life. You know all those savy kids in high school that did really well and are now getting into some exciting jobs? Yeah, all had mothers and fathers who themselves were accomplished.

It has nothing to do with you as a person, everything was literally determined before you had a chance to make an impact albeit how hard you try, which is why life is such a cruel joke that one cannot imagine being a slave while also being happy.

>> No.15954614

Of course, there are some exceptions to that, but they are *very few*. Certainly far fewer than people realize, what with their delusions that they’ll one day “make it” and all.

>> No.15954619

Camus didn’t think very hard about things, so no.

>> No.15954755

Ohh noo traffic is horrible, i have to sit here for half an hour drinking my coffee, smoking a fag and listening to music
This life is too cruel to live

>> No.15954792

>what is famine and disease
>what is raiders raping and pillaging your home

>> No.15954812

>it's impossible to not buy unnecessary consumerist garbage, like iPhones, every single year, and save up for a down payment
>getting a car loan makes me A TRUE RED BLOODED AMERICAN
>it's impossible to buy a house that's inside your budget rather than putting down 5% and getting shafted by lender's insurance
You sound like a retard who doesn't understand anything about money
>t. zoomer with more money than you

>> No.15954813
File: 21 KB, 250x361, alfredjanny2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one must imagine Alfred Janny

>> No.15954838

Only people that create something have the priviledge of being happy with their work because it give you the feeling the feeling of power over the world that we naturally crave.
You can never find joy in a job where you are a tool in someone else's creation, only the least level of unhappyness

>> No.15954863

Based. Most office wage slaves and even most Americans are in perpetual debt. There is a reason all good religions and societies forbid usury.
Many of you coping losers seem to value wealth over freedom. Cringe.

>> No.15955573

You can still earn bitcoin by leverage trading or you can kill yourself. Wageslaving for 40 years is not the only option

>> No.15955684

Extremely based self awareness anon, I wish more people had this level of awareness

>> No.15955699

Quit being resentful faggots. Project an outlet for your envy and declare war on your enemies

>> No.15955761

Based post

>> No.15955970

Why you using drugs?

>> No.15956001

I think you're a very vain person.

>> No.15956027

me on the left

>> No.15956252

This is exactly me, to a single point (I mean I don't want to kill my boss - he's retarded but come on). It's ofc coding, so there is some light of retirement around 45 in the tunnel but at 45 my life will be finished, no? What do? Only thing I can think of is to try to go into a hedge fund and maybe get rich quickly? I'm (was) relatively smart

>> No.15956536


Why didnt GUIs get common faster, that´s insane...

>> No.15956607

Because the tech wasn't possible for it yet? This isn't a chicken/egg scenario, there just wasn't the graphical power or screen real-estate possible for graphics to coddle you with layers and layers of icons and taskbars if that's what you're looking for.

Am I just getting old or is this anon just particularly dumb

>> No.15957605
File: 175 KB, 1016x970, 1584198244829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Laughing at all the cuckolds in this thread justifying their slavery

Here's the thing, if you aren't an athlete, artist, or scientist, you are a little bitch who failed at life. Have fun living vicariously through your hobbies until the day you die while the worthy live like gods.

>> No.15958572


>> No.15958587

I worked on a towboat for a bit (by choice, obviously) and retail and fast food workers don't know how good they have it.

>> No.15958933

best post itt

>> No.15958940




>> No.15958948

How does it feel to be that edgy?

>> No.15959114

*if you are not an olympic athlete, famous artist or nobel-tier scientist

>> No.15959148


based and Xenophonpilled

>> No.15959990

What do you mean faster? It was pretty common in the 90s.