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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 526 KB, 619x568, Caesar2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15936655 No.15936655 [Reply] [Original]

>completely misunderstands Hegel
>pushes the thesis-antithesis-synthesis meme which no Hegel scholar takes seriously
Lmao if this is the best video games have to offer than I'll just stick to books, more often than not when game screenwriters want to appear as "deep" and "erudite" they end up outing themselves as wikipedia readers and massive pseuds

>> No.15936674

>man who lives in a post-nuclear apocalyptic world with very little access to literature (and secondary sources in particular), no formal education and a troubled history "misunderstands" one of the most "misunderstood" philosophers of all time
WOW stop the fucking presses

>> No.15936679

Wait that's a meme?

>> No.15936689

Too bad he didn't read Kojeve's lectures

>> No.15936690

>you need to know what a thinker really thought instead of using his works to formulate your own thoughts
low iq pseud detected

>> No.15936698

Its a bit of a meme but do you honestly think someone can explain Hegel in just 4 lines of text.

>> No.15936704

That's not an excuse for pushing the refuted triadic model of dialectics

>> No.15936732

Play Disco Elysium, you might not like its style or the top down perspective, but it's absolutely /lit/ kino

>> No.15936756
File: 348 KB, 1920x1080, im-finally-playing-chrono-trigger-for-the-first-time-and-holy-crap-does-it-live-up-to-its-reputation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything in the Fallout universe is wacky and had a sense of humor to it. The mistake is quite possibly intentional, since the idea is that the head of the legion isn't just a psychopath like his legions, but an egotistical pseud.

If you want a true fable myth that has the chthonic trip into the underworld of the hero, self development, and an understanding of ones small, but important role within time and nature, you have to go for the true classic.

And the best score.

>> No.15937010

No it isn't. It's both a terrible character study, snobbish political commentary and a "subversive" detective story in the worst way possible, all mixed in with Vonnegut-tier prose. Pathologic is the only /lit/ game.

>> No.15937107

The game takes place 200 years after a nuclear war and he's lucky to have even had access to any scrap of Hegel at all, let alone any other philosopher. He was raised in one of the only places in the setting that read and preserved books but the amount of knowledge they actually have is debatable, and even then they don't really have any tools or proper context to interpret anything they read besides comparing works to each other.

It all ties in with a major theme of the game where everyone is trying to preserve the past or use the past in some way to move forward, and how this is only bringing about more misery and conflict. Caesar is the most explicit example of this because he dug up the most heinous ideas he could and used them to forward his own power, like when he says, "There's a lot you can learn from old books" right after explaining how he taught tribals how to go to war with a scorched earth policy and raze villages to the ground. In a way it's supposed to contrast to the Follower's noble pursuit of knowledge, because someone reading the wrong text at the right time can lead to disastrous results.
>Oh yes, raised in that tradition. And the teaching stuck. I was taught it was my responsibility to bring the torch of knowledge to the wastes.
And there's a whole DLC that goes over the innocence of the tribals in the sense that they're the only truly post-war people around) and how exposing them to old world culture and values can lead to disastrous results.

>> No.15937120

Shadow of the Colossus is a /lit/ game as well. At least it's very aesthetic and emotional.

>> No.15937126

It's a very archetypal game, I'll give it that. The OST is amazing, too.

>> No.15937134

New vegas is based and you're just a little faggot

>> No.15937490
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I only play fighting games or Mega Man-likes/Classicvanias, I don't need a faggot story told to me while I'm pulling off slick moves and enjoying actual gameplay.

>> No.15937517

You cant understand FNV until you've played the classics
Start with Mario and Planescape, then work your way to FNV

>> No.15937526

A character not understanding something does not equal a writer not understanding something.

>> No.15937547
File: 181 KB, 1480x827, p5hegel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15937562

Ok but I think it's pretty safe to say that the writers thought this.

>> No.15937578

FNV writers are socialists and marxists, so I doubt it.

>> No.15937669

wtf i love FNV now

>> No.15937697

>3d Fallouts
pleb spotted

>> No.15937703

pleb spotted

>> No.15937749

>why does he look like Steve Martin

>> No.15937761

pleb spotted

>> No.15937870

He has a New Yorker accent to compliment that which makes it funnier

>> No.15938218

>any video game
pleb alert

>> No.15938548
File: 33 KB, 500x483, FUCK YOU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>game quotes Hegel at all

>> No.15938556

>JRPG shit

>> No.15938590

Doesnt neccasarily help their case

>> No.15938595

>doesn't even attempt to explain what the fuck the dialectics are and just says "HAVE YOU OPENED A BOOK?" in a very smug sarcastic tone.
Can't tell if I should praise the writers for making Caesar out as a vehement pseud, or the writers didn't actually see the irony in any of this.

>> No.15938597

Isn't it the point of the character that he misunderstands Hegel? Did you just get filtered by a fucking video game OP?

>> No.15938608

>Isn't it the point of the character that he misunderstands Hegel?
every midwit on /v/ says his actions are hegelian in nature.

>> No.15938622
File: 56 KB, 1080x648, FB_IMG_1587841621641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those three months where my dad let me live with him as a NEET
>Days spent reading Phillip Roth and discussing Plato with him
>Nights spent playing Castlevania and watching anime on dual monitors
I mean, I have a wife and I'm going back to school soon, but I can't help but feel like I won't get that level of comfy back anytime soon.

>> No.15938651

every midwit on /lit/ says evolution isn't real

>> No.15938655

If you take what's his name along, the doctor guy, he pretty much calls Caesar a pseud

>> No.15938678

>the doctor guy, he pretty much calls Caesar a pseud
Did he? I think he was more annoyed at his general arrogance and disregard for life rather than anything about his actual arguments.

>> No.15938955

reminds me a bit of the world old blues dlc
there was some pretty /lit/ kino there, when the introduction claims how they had answers for every question possible, but ultimately they had created answers for the wrong questions

>> No.15938970

>evolution is real but my niggers and every other human being are exactly the same nuh-uh races don't exist open up the borders, bash the fash, let 6 year olds transition, etc

>> No.15938987

If he read Hegel's works or parts of it he wouldn't have stumbled on the thesis/antithesis/synthesis meme because it's not there

>> No.15939044

>ok chud

>> No.15939061

Maybe he just read shitty commentaries.

>> No.15939115
File: 2.97 MB, 1920x1080, screenshot077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most /lit/ vidya?

>> No.15939155

pic unrelated

>> No.15939163

Have sex

>> No.15939201

What tiresome prose.

>> No.15939213

haha footpenises

>> No.15939226

Nigga, what? That's just the character telling you some trivia

>> No.15939241

Yes... which is written in prose.

>> No.15939260


>> No.15939274

He was born in the ash among the Velothi, anon Chimer, before the war with the northern men. Ayem came first to the village of the netchimen, and her shadow was that of Boethiah, who was the Prince of Plots, and things unknown and known would fold themselves around her until they were like stars or the messages of stars. Ayem took a netchiman's wife and said:

'I am the Face-Snaked Queen of the Three in One. In you is an image and a seven-syllable spell, AYEM AE SEHTI AE VEHK, which you will repeat to it until mystery comes.'
Then Ayem threw the netchiman's wife into the ocean water where dreughs took her into castles of glass and coral. They gifted the netchiman's wife with gills and milk fingers, changing her sex so that she might give birth to the image as an egg. There she stayed for seven or eight months.

Then Seht came to the netchiman's wife and said:

'I am the Clockwork King of the Three in One. In you is an egg of my brother-sister, who possesses invisible knowledge of words and swords, which you shall nurture until the Hortator comes.'
And Seht then extended his hands and multitudes of homunculi came forth, each like a glimmering rope through the water, and they raised the netchiman's wife back to the surface world and set her down on the shoals of Azura's coast. There she lay for seven or eight more months, caring for the egg-knowledge by whispering to it the Codes of Mephala and the prophecies of Veloth and even the forbidden teachings of Trinimac.

Seven Daedra came to her one night and each one gave to the egg new motions that could be achieved by certain movements of the bones. These are called the Barons of Move Like This. Then an eighth Daedroth came, and he was a Demiprince, called Fa-Nuit-Hen, or the Multiplier of Motions Known. And Fa-Nuit-Hen said:

'Whom do you wait for?'
To which the netchiman's wife said the Hortator.

'Go to the land of the Indoril in three months' time, for that is when war comes. I return now to haunt the warriors who fell and still wonder why. But first I show you this.'
Then the Barons and the Demiprince joined together into a pillar of fighting styles terrible to behold and they danced before the egg and its learning image.

'Look, little Vehk, and find the face behind the splendor of my bladed carriage, for in it is delivered the unmixed conflict path, perfect in every way. What is its number?'
It is said the number is the number of birds that can nest in an ancient tibrol tree, less three grams of honest work, but Vivec in his later years found a better one and so gave this secret to his people.

'For I have crushed a world with my left hand,' he will say, 'but in my right hand is how it could have won against me. Love is under my will only.'
The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

>> No.15939275

Is this considered dialogue or monologue?

>> No.15939298

It's a dialogue with the guard.

>> No.15939312

Unless someone has a PhD in philosophy and is a Hegel scholar, they have literally nothing of value to say, same goes for most philosophers.
People only listen to certified people in their fields, why is philosophy always an exception nowadays, why is it taken so lightly that a shitposter thinks he can refute hundreds of years worth of theory in 4chan shitposts.
This is why I fucking hate """philosophy"""" threads in this board, it just ousts every poster in this board as a pseud, and the worst thing is that they cannot recognize that because they are talking to fellow pseuds, they are far worse than some game dev's half baked attempt at writing.

>> No.15939342

>you need a phd in a field to talk about it
I guess no one is allowed to talk about the economy and politics now.

>> No.15939364
File: 1.94 MB, 1920x1080, wherever i am, i must rape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vidya is plural. I meant for you to post em

>> No.15939371

unironically this

>> No.15939378

But you're meant to play a video game for the gamplay (nv has trash gameplay though)

>> No.15939392

Even if they have a PhD they probably have nothing of value to say either

>> No.15939397

Democracy is a mistake

>> No.15939407

Unironically yes. Have you seen the 99% of posters on pol/ or /biz/? There should be PhD verifications in order to voice your opinions.

>> No.15939411

>/pol/ boogeyman
rent free you disgusting tranny


>> No.15939415

I didn't know there was a PhD in crypto

>> No.15939428

What do you have a PhD in?

>> No.15939431

The whole place is just a 1929 stock market simulation on loop

>> No.15939439


>> No.15939447

Oh wow, so you're saying the bad guy was wrong? Woah.

>> No.15939451

Urban Studies

>> No.15939484

>Your opinion becomes valuable the moment someone wearing big boy pants waddles over and stamps "PhD approved" on it.
Shut the fuck up, loser.

>> No.15939509

You must finish high school first before posting on this board.

>> No.15939551

>copy and pasting 4chan_hivemind_approved_comeback_372.txt
Oh shit btfo

>> No.15939561

That's right, make sure you go to a Harvard tier University and spend half a decade of your life solely to pigeonhole yourself into a masturbatory academic position solely to get /lit/ discussion cred.

>> No.15939744

history is made of rulers and politicians misunderstanding philosophers

>> No.15939751

>not starting with atari

>> No.15939805

>consolefags not starting with the arcades

>> No.15939907

I don't play any videogame made after 1950

>> No.15939919

Planescape, I guess. I've heard good things about Disco Elysium as well

>> No.15940050

That's why I slaughter all of them. Fuck Hegel.

>> No.15940077
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>> No.15940708

does nora really...?

>> No.15941226

not /lit/ related

>> No.15941235

>post-apocalyptic speculative fiction with radioactive monsters and zombie people
oh nonononono

>> No.15941477


>> No.15941488

Why not bach?

>> No.15941505

>Nooo anime how could this be
Discord trannies detected.

>> No.15941561
File: 198 KB, 1280x720, raul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fallout is kino on the sheer strength of its worldbuilding and the aesthetic and atmosphere, not because of the writing in general (though that too tends to be great for vidya standards). The world it creates is something special and worth cherishing: and this might be the only way in which games have been able to ascend to the level of art so far. The story ideas for the Sierra Madre and Old World Blues were pretty great though, besides the expansions being interesting aesthetically.

>> No.15941605 [DELETED] 

Can someone explain hegelian dialectics without buzzwords or repeating the same word 5 times?

>> No.15941614

Someone please explain hegelian dialectics to me without using weird terms or repeating the same word 10 times.

>> No.15941617

chuck in the void as well

>> No.15941635

What's so special about it? It's fucking ugly, and the whole "1950s America" shtick is unappealing to everyone who isn't American. It's a decadent modernist work and it shows.

>> No.15941674

Why are philososhitters so obsessed with video games?

>> No.15941719

>instead of reading a good novel or a good game play this bad novel made into a bad game