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File: 622 KB, 1079x1192, Based_Shapiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15933820 No.15933820 [Reply] [Original]

Proponents of the intellectual dark web are congregating. Get in here bros.

>> No.15933831

>Proponents of the intellectual dark web are congregating.

>> No.15933832

stop shapiroposting you incel

>> No.15933834

why is that teen celebrity standing next to le MMA man who interviews popular intellectuals?

>> No.15933835

It’s over bros the liberals have won

>> No.15933842
File: 274 KB, 1445x1114, too_based_for_me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15933850

BEN SHAPIRO is 5'4" and here he is TOWERING over turbo MANLET joe rogan who makes MILLIONS OF DOLLARS blabbering into a mic while you just received your FOURTH rejection letter for your shitty LITTLE novel
jk you are all my brothers peace and good will please be safe

>> No.15933854

who is second from the left?

>> No.15933861

Eric Weinstein.

>> No.15933862

Shills doing media stunts

>> No.15933874

I know what it is. I thought you meant they were getting together or something.

>> No.15933876

Platon and Aristoteles

>> No.15933886

Meant to type *have congregated

>> No.15933889

Maybe Ben has big shoes? And you too bro love you.

>> No.15933906

>No Alex Jones
>No Martin Shkreli
>No John McAffee
This Intellectual Dark Web seems like it's missing the actually interesting "Intellectually Dark" people and just consists of palatable academics and academic-adjacents with just the slightest fucking dash of edge.

>> No.15933910
File: 128 KB, 696x461, HTDAI3ES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ben's book is getting some pretty good reviews on goodreads

>> No.15933918
File: 297 KB, 494x494, 126598274165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the alex jones & eddie bravo duo would dominate these two manlets

>> No.15933927

Eddie Bravo and Alex Jones are unironic autists with retard strength

>> No.15933928
File: 49 KB, 512x423, intredasting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BEN SHAPIRO is 5'4" and here he is TOWERING over turbo MANLET joe rogan who makes MILLIONS OF DOLLARS blabbering into a mic while you just received your FOURTH rejection letter for your shitty LITTLE novel

>> No.15933951


imagine if Joe ate 900 calories a day and Ben Shapiro was eating 300g of protein a day and on gear and HGH. Imagine the transformation haha

>> No.15933962

Based. Alex and Eddie are hilariously much more in-touch with reality than Shapiro is.

>> No.15933970

Should I kms if I recognize all of them?

>> No.15933985

i cant recognize the two on the right

>> No.15933993

peterson has been neutralized, rubin is irrelevant, who is next to fall? i'm thinking weinstein, he's been acting pretty fucking erratic lately. rogan and shapiro are the only two with any staying power, even harris has faded into near irrelevance

>> No.15933997

Dave Rubin and Sam Harris

>> No.15934010

first time i watched the original alex jones episode on rogan, i thought eddie ruined it. i've now come to accept their interactions are the highlight

>> No.15934013

>i'm thinking weinstein, he's been acting pretty fucking erratic lately.

I noticed that too. He's starting to go Petersons way. I guess lefty satanism it's getting to them or something.

>> No.15934014

It's those goddamn left leaning Jews. Damn you George Soros!

>> No.15934040

>rubin is irrelevant
he recently had his rival michael brooks killed

>> No.15934141

That’s one Jewish web!

>> No.15934157

He literally brought up the fact that many people consider Jones to be a Zionist shill. Of course Jones and Rogan side stepped that hard but Bravo brought it up twice just to be sure they heard him (first time they acted like they did and talked past him).

>> No.15934161


>> No.15934167

>jews aren't overrepresenta-

>> No.15934171

Oy vey!

>> No.15934204


>> No.15934223

Shkreli is intellectually dark?

>> No.15934242

The worst offenders are the Weinstein brothers
>both have long careers in academia
>one worked in one of the most liberal colleges in the US teaching a soft science (indoctrination potential very high)
>other has ties to bad boys like Epstein and a network of well connected organizations/people
>they see Jordan Peterson get fame and money by reacting against some dumb shit on a college campus
>pretend you didn’t contribute to the campus problem for decades
>act like you are the progenitors of some movement
>”we don’t get the credit we deserve for being so early to the ‘game’”
>Epstein dies
>says ‘I never liked that guy. I always felt he was up to something’ while the entire world is already tweeting he didn’t kill himself and he had been a charged offender for a decade.
>every video they put up involves jerking themselves off over being willing to have a ‘necessary discussion’ but never actually establishing anything besides that.

>> No.15934250

He's certainly interesting. The media essentially lied about what he was doing to protect insurance companies yet he barely defended himself because he thought it was funny. His online discussions exposed a lot of hypocrisy and shady shit in the industry by doing some shady shit that wasn't as shady as it seemed. He's certainly something.

>> No.15934275

>every video they put up involves jerking themselves off
Agreed. I watched the podcast episode where they were talking about some medical bullshit that happened where some bitch stole his research or something. It was interesting but the amount of congratulatory wanking over their self reported intellects and self pity over "going against the grain" is incredible. As expected from jews.

>> No.15934289

Even better is that whenever they discuss the field and discoveries in the field, they tend to use ‘we’ despite no involvement with the research team that accomplished whatever they happen to be talking about.

>> No.15934304

What's the Epstein connection?

>> No.15934315

ben stiller

>> No.15934347

Weinstein works for Thiel Capital and has admitted to meeting Epstein. The big joke here is that, similar to the matter of radical left wing politics on campus, Weinstein has to manufacture a narrative that makes it appear as though he is a whistleblower or on the cutting edge by essentially saying “I don’t believe Epstein killed himself.” as if this is some sort of revelation. He also adds that something seemed “off” about the guy when they met and that he did not like him even back then (of course all of this is only revealed after everyone is talking about this and much more than this in relation to this topic).

>> No.15934600

thats because only sycophants read it

>> No.15934727
File: 64 KB, 400x400, 1540038-1552578028585-d5bf30d7d974d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any of those mongs

>> No.15935146

Who cares? The Republic has an average rating of 4

>> No.15935182

Eh, seems a bit strenuous. He's a bandwagoner but I don't think he's an Epstein type.

>> No.15935184

Does he realise all national identity is already lost worldwide, and any devotion to your country is a devotion to a bunch of banks.

>> No.15935192

Nah it's fine here in Iceland.

>> No.15935202

What exactly is an Epstein type? He says he met Epstein. No one is claiming he got trapped in the honeypot but he travels in the same academic circles as Pinker, Krauss, et al..

>> No.15935605
File: 333 KB, 2048x802, 1595306705759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think you were looking for this

>> No.15935614

There's a lot going on in this post.

>> No.15935620

How fucking short is Joe? lmao Ben is already a gnome so Joe must be a pixie tier manlet.

>> No.15935634

lol two manlets

>> No.15935658


>> No.15935677

Love you too. Stay safe, inshallah brother.

>> No.15935692
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>> No.15935783

Fuck off with this Israel shilling cunt

>> No.15936028
File: 6 KB, 225x225, ee14c348-cdac-4f1a-8310-e272010a6d7f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Joe Rogan considered an intellectual?

>> No.15936153

what the fuck is this shit lmao

>> No.15936175
File: 118 KB, 960x960, The Intellectual Kike Web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15936194

Why don't they take Mencius Moldbug, Nick Land or Jared Taylor in? Aren't they dark enough for them?