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15928992 No.15928992 [Reply] [Original]

I just finished this, it really resonated with me, I want to adopt the bronze age mindset instead of being a bugman. he mentioned the possibilities you have in africa, how it's possible to become a pirate/warlord/conqueror there. Realistically, how do I start my adventure there, become a mercenary? what do I have to do? I'm somewhat smart, tough and bold, I think I have what it takes

>> No.15929139

lol sell your shit, go to Africa and get laughed at white boi

>> No.15929166

Seeking status is a surrogate activity you only think you want because "it would be cool to have status". Real power is obtained from thine own self sufficiency. Move into the Montana wilderness and become a farmer. Read Kaczynski.

>> No.15929193

>how it's possible to become a pirate/warlord/conqueror there.
you are surely joking anon. You will die in 24 hours if you try to become a 'warlord' in africa. If you were that type of person you'd already be a criminal wherever you live.

>> No.15929243

read the book before criticizing me, I was paraphrasing I don't mean a literal warlord, but working with regimes

>> No.15929262

go rob a bank to see if you're really up for that stuff. Or at least go rob someone in a park or whatever

>> No.15929271

OP, look man, you fell for a meme book. I know it was very compelling and all, but as soon as you go and try to work with a regime you'll get mugged or killed. Stay in your comfy house and work on yourself. you seem to have some self-esteem issues.

>> No.15929324

>how it's possible to become a pirate/warlord/conqueror there
Lol dude

>> No.15929398

>missed the point of the book
>can't into metaphors

>> No.15929409

we didn't read your cringy book anon

>> No.15929500

everyone itt is too retarded to pick up on OP's mockery

>> No.15929513
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>real power is when you give up the will to power because it would make a moose cry instead and move to a cuckshed at the mercy of feds
primitivism is cringe that was retroactively refuted by futurism

>> No.15929557

organize with like minded people and by a plot of land in buttfuck nowhere USA and make an anprim commune. perfectly legal..

>> No.15929669

Seeing as OP is asking about how to become a mercenary, I don't think it's that metaphorical. He should try killing a dude first, and maybe do some extortion as well, before he moves to Africa to do it professionally.

>> No.15929687

OP, go out and kill some people, do crime and shit. If you get caught be sure to name the book that lead you to it, just so that the media knows you are a true one

>> No.15929703
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no it's all larp listen to this interview
he fake and gay like everybody else in dis age
he just wonna sell you product to consume, a fantasy for looser
gibs me dat faggot, he thinks

>> No.15929716

>Go to Africa
>Get castrated, robbed, raped and then beheaded by malnourished Africans

Wignats really are this dumb, aren't they?

>> No.15929728

Bronze Age Pervert is a good example of capitalism selling opposition to capitalism.

>> No.15929794

Yep, this book is one of the fucking dumbest pseud pieces of shit ever written in the history of mankind. Anyone over 14 can see its a money grab.

>> No.15929819

he not necessarily against capitalizm but just globohomo big corporations
da funniest shiet is fake communist or anarcho-sysndakalists making thousands by manipulating hopeful lozers into consoooming podcust produkt
every honest soul is dead, only merchants exist in this age, some more honest and consistent some less, but all they want is to sell you something

>> No.15929839

He literally says how to, OP. He actually, literally and unironically, says EXACTLY how you do this. I'm not joking when I ask, did you even read the book?

>> No.15930723

Try harder.

>> No.15930733

he named some examples but I need a detailed guide on where to start

>> No.15930749

No, it's just a lot of stolen ideas lumped together into a polemic. He really wasn't being ironic with the first line. Large portions are direct rips from Schopenhauer.

>its a money grab
Doubt it, you don't make much money from Amazon self-pubs. At most a shill for his patreon and podcast.

>> No.15930767

This has to be bait.
How many people have you killed in your life? How many times have you been shot at, attacked with a melee weapon, or otherwise had attempts on your life? Edgelord neckbeard retard who has lived a completely sheltered life and doesn't know what violence and pain actually mean.

>> No.15930768

>Literally says he isn't larping.
Did you even listen to it?

>> No.15930779


The Agricultural Revolution was the beginning of the end. Why would he become a farmer? The ideal is joining a hunting-gathering tribe.

>> No.15930798

>At most a shill for his patreon and podcast.
Same thing desu

>> No.15930814

Really the ideal is a mixed agricultural/forager lifestyle. Best of both worlds

>> No.15930846

it's all metaphore bro
"me no support violence"
"this no call to action"

>> No.15930847

The book says get a job in the antechambers of real power. You can't ironically dismiss that advice.

>> No.15930860

read industrial society and its future, can life prevail then harassment architecture start lifting weights and wandering the forest, do this enough times and u will be enlightened

>> No.15930868

I dln't want to get an office job in the government that's gay

>> No.15930897

This book is just an artificial presentation of manliness adapted by men to appear more manly. It is disgustingly obscene, with all interpretations of manliness fed back into it, redoubling manliness while at the same time destroying it as part of some game of fashion and self-production. No more are there harsh games with high stakes that this book dreams over (or at least wants to pretend to dream over), there is only the ludic manipulation of profiles in networks, where everybody becomes their own terminal, managing their "look". This book isnt radical and manly, it poses as radical and manly to spread like a contagious virus consumed and perpetuated by children and weight lifters (what has exercise become but another layer of auto-interactivity and appearance management for the presentation and indication of athleticism and manliness?)

>> No.15930909

>No more are there harsh games with high stakes that this book dreams over
crime, war, politics?

>> No.15930910
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>he named some examples but I need a detailed guide on where to start
I bet Jorge could kick your ass

>> No.15930917

If you actually want to become a PMC you need military or swat experience. Do that first.

>> No.15930920

>There are no more high stakes games

You're not even alive

>> No.15930940

Don't listen to the dreamless faggots.
The first step is raising your worth as a person. You do that by amassing a few assets, building your body, mind and soul. You will need enough to live comfortably (it isn't much once you abandon superfluous things, you just need a roof, water, food, hygiene and internet). You also need to train to be reliable in combat. Read the references BAP tells you in his book.
The second step, after becoming ready to escape your western cocoon is to travel. Travel around, know enough likeminded people, find your hill to die on.
The third and final step is the execution of the plan. You'll have to be able to be the nexus for the people you knew in your travels, or have found another person capable of doing so. A man is not an army. You can all join forces and start operations. You'll need to research weaker, more degenerate groups and become their predator, until you gather enough might to overthrow a small regimen or two.
I look forward to hearing about your Rhodesia my friend, semper erectus.

>> No.15930950

Join the military. A recruiter will tell you what to do. Go apply to a PMC company. They'll tell you what they want on your resume.

You didn't read the book, so nobody cares about your opinion on it.

>> No.15930958

I got my experience from fucking your mom.

>> No.15930964

there is probably not a man alive today of Cecil Rhodes' calibre and yet you'll notice Rhodesia no longer exists.

>> No.15931045

Politics. Lol. Yes, democratic tv politics and a 20 billion dollar technoarmy against third world countries sure are high stakes! Oh, and crime, individuals murdering one or two people in a society of billions against the most advanced and expensive defense system to ever exist? Yes, that sure does have some high stakes!

>> No.15931062

I did read the book. It was garbage. It was a shit book and I immediately recognized all the pretensions of the author which became even more clear as I kept reading (and flat out unavoidable when I looked at the twitter community and the disgusting fans).

>> No.15931067

Really dumb response

>> No.15931073
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ISIS is growing rapidly there

>> No.15931078

And neither are you. That is the consequence of living in a society trying to eradicate all forms of reconciliation in the name of world peace and tolerance.

>> No.15931088


>> No.15931089

isis still around?

>> No.15931103

what be your path?

>> No.15931107

Anon, I think it is time to get back to sitting in front of the television to watch those high stake games of politics! Did you hear, trump is finally wearing a mask!!!

>> No.15931149

OP doesn't have a hill he wants to die on, he just wants to escape his shitty, boring life

>> No.15931162

Please explain or tell me where I can read more. I have kind of dug myself into a hole with a lot of the Ellul/Kaczynski/Jacobi stuff.

I want a positive vision that isn't just transhumanist fanfic.

>> No.15931181

Are you saying I'm not doing anything with high stakes but that I should? Sounds familiar.

>> No.15931185

ISIS has grown far bigger than it has before and could easily take over Iraq if America left or Syria if Russia left

>> No.15931193

I already told you my issue with bap. You can read my original comment again since you forgot so quickly.

>> No.15931206

Ludic networks something something no high stakes the US military is omnipotent but fighting it isn't high stakes ludic networks

>> No.15931210

me support their effort and ideas, only issue is their obsession with no alcohol

>> No.15931213

Just like everyone and everything today

>> No.15931246
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Muh alcohol

>> No.15931308

puccy nice but kant enjoy anything without drugs
only people who don't have sex think this so important

>> No.15931450

He probably has to be careful not to directly incite violence. Which notably he doesn't do in the book. Even in the shithole country he lives in there are some lines too risky to cross.


Interviewer: sooo all this stuff you wrote about women is..... hehe .... really funny

BAP: Is serious, I'm not joking about women.

>> No.15931470

Hmmm you seem like one of the troubled transecsualz Paglia describes. You are quite literally obsessed with masculinity and yet in denial about this very fact. I strongly advise you to read the book.

>> No.15931481

What does Kant have to do with this?

>> No.15932044

Islamic extremism will always exist bro. The Quran literally primes all 1+ billion Mohammedans for violent jihad. ISIS may come and go but there's always an Islamist group active somewhere

>> No.15932258
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>> No.15933399

>You are quite literally obsessed with masculinity and yet in denial about this very fact.
BAP fanbase projection. Freud would have a field day with you.

>> No.15933750

>how it's possible to become a pirate/warlord/conqueror there
Read Strauss and vote for Trump

>> No.15934178

The thread is bait and you’re all dumb

>> No.15934834

OP can be him. Anyone can.
If he doesn't then he needs one, I'm giving him a way to find it.

>> No.15934953

Freud could have a field day with anyone, he was all projection.

>> No.15935878
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>> No.15935891
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>> No.15935921

He states again and again the he envisions a "national capatilism" that serves the material needs of the actual citizens of the country. Also, listen to the Timoleon episode of Carriben Rhythms where he talks about a leader restoring the culture and economy of a people.

>> No.15935930

I'm sure the 2,000 copies it sold allowed him to finally purchase a PS4 down in Brazil.

>> No.15935983

Wako was perfectly legal and they were murdered by the feds.

>> No.15937060

Obviously you don't do it alone, you need trusted friends.