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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 382 KB, 409x425, Poppins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1591031 No.1591031 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.1591034
File: 10 KB, 272x185, Wonka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1591035

which one /lit/?

>> No.1591040


>> No.1591042

Mary or Willy?

>> No.1591045

not clicking either you PoS.

>> No.1591044

>/lit/- queer sing alongs

Stop fucking posting shit that isn't /lit/ related faggot.

>> No.1591051

>not /lit/ related
just get the fuck out you fool

obvious that you haven't read a book in your life

i want this to be a nice thread so i'll kindly ask you to leave

>> No.1591061

This thread pretty much confirms that Fabulous has no friends and probably no life.

If he had friends, he'd share this stupid shit with them. Instead, /lit/'s all he has.

>> No.1591074

>hey guys let's talk about two of the most beloved literary characters ever written

>> No.1591092
File: 10 KB, 200x251, Poppins2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a spoonful of sugar...

makes the medicine go down..

>> No.1591126

I vote Mary Poppins. Like you wouldn't tap that if you had half a chance.

>> No.1591657
File: 89 KB, 804x554, trollroy was here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumping for sage

>> No.1591666

I didn't know Mary Poppins was a book...

>> No.1592137

it was

so was willy wonka

i actually think mp was a series of children's books

>> No.1592141

OP literally likes buttsex.

>> No.1592147

>saging an innocent /lit/ thread
i'm going to resist the urge to proclaim that
anon is cancer
for the sake of my own thread

>> No.1592155

>Children's musicals
>/lit/ related
Like I said, buttsex.

>> No.1592161

>mary poppins and willy wonka
>dismissing them as "children's musicals"
>not /lit/ related
like i said, anon=cancer

>> No.1592164

>implying the songs you posted were in the books

>> No.1592171

Do you have some sort of problem with liking buttsex, Anon?

>> No.1592173

i asked you which
>mary poppins or willy wonka
it had nothing to do with the songs they were just there for fun

i doubt you knew they were books in the first place and are now just gripping for straws

i should've guessed this would happen when i started this thread

>> No.1592177

Maybe if you fucking discussed the text or posted something related to the books, but no. You fucking post parts of movies/songs. The movie is not the same as the book, so discussing the movie is not okay on a literature board. If you want to discuss which character IN THE BOOKS people enjoy more, fucking talk about the books. If you don't think many have read the books, recommend them (if you've even read them, you giant faggot) to us with reasons.


>> No.1592189

You really should have. Because all you are is VAGUE in a manner which leads us to believe you are RETARDED but also allows you to say we DON'T GET IT and lets you FEEL LIKE YOU'RE RIGHT when all you are is an IDIOT.

>> No.1592186

>start a thread about mp and ww
>some faggot anon comes in and (because he never knew they were books in the first place) says some shit about how it's not /lit/ related
>anon realizes his brains are made of play dough
>anon gets all ass robbed about how
anon is legion right?

>> No.1592195

That was my first post in the thread, the other guy(s) are stupid too.

>> No.1592197


>> No.1592206


i hope they're trolling

how can people be so cruel?

and so dumb

>> No.1592225

well okay

but i just want to have fun

OBVIOUSLY you're RIGHT because you're YELLING like SO

>> No.1592231

If I have to choose, then I go for Willy Wonka (The novel is called Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and had a sequel, Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator. They were written by Roald Dahl, who also has a smoking hawt daughter, pic related)

I've always thought of Mary Poppins as being efectively about telling kids to sit down, shut the fuck up and accept the status quo while trying to cheat your way through the system, whereas, Charlie. Actually, Charlie teaches kids the same thing - do as you're told and you'll get the chocolate factory, and a factory is a good thing to have. I used to love that book when I was a kid, but now I look at it with adult eyes, the message is not so anarchistic as I thought.

On second thoughts, fuck them both. I liked the Borribles when I was a kid.

>> No.1592272

Obviously you're ignoring my point and attacking the manner in which I conveyed it in order to avoid confronting the idea that I actually am correct, and that you're either the worst kind of powerless, middle-class, human trash - or a huge troll. Probably both. But your utter ignorance and denial through not acknowledging others' points is all I really need to know; whether it is a persona or an honest (perhaps moreso than you'd ever be willing to see) expression of yourself, it doesn't matter to me. You are a sad person, and exactly the sort I despise. (I am arguably no better for talking to you, but that's okay. Takes one to know one, as they say.)

>> No.1592282

i don't think charlie was supposed to be as moralistic as you thought

and i think that poppins was meant to show children that within societies rigid grip you can still have fun, you at the same time have to face the reality of the situation though

i already told you that the links had nothing to do with the question

they were just for fun

i know you may not be used to fun, but it's a great thing to sport

>> No.1592307


>to show children that within societies rigid grip you can still have fun,

That makes it even worse, to be honest. Now it sounds like the kind of children's story that the Third Reich would have promoted.

And I didn't say Charlie was moralistic - he actually cheated when he drank the pop that made you float, but Wonka let him off when he showed loyalty to the firm and wouldn't take the everlasting gob-stopper to sell to the competition.

He's a bit of a corporate shill really. I do remember reading it as a kid (and I grew up dirt poor as well) thinking "Why doesn't he just go and rob the chocolate? That's what we do, we don't wait to find coins in the gutter, we thieve from Woolworths".

I still liked the book though, even though as an adult, the position of the oompa-loompas is a bit troublesome. Do they have Health and Safety representation? Do they have a union? Are they even paid?

>> No.1592308

Yes, you said they had nothing to do with the question. But you said it after six or seven people replied. All you did was post links to songs and say "Which one?" Which is a very open-ended question and not at all related to literature. even though you may have intended to discuss the books, you did not express this in any way in your initial three posts nor in the following succession of arguments with other users who were pissed off about it. If you don't see what I mean about vagueness then you're willfully ignorant, I think.

What you posted was not /lit/ related at all. And many people (I'm sure you'll enjoy lording this over all the 'plebs') are likely not aware that they were books. After all, no one ever discusses the books and it's unlikely anyone here lived during a time when they were popular reading. Your thread could have been an interesting discussion on two often over-looked literary characters. But you had to be a faggot and muck it up with your bullshit.

>> No.1592314


I can't speak for Mary Poppins, but the oompa-loompa songs were in the original book.

>> No.1592321

yeah i can see that

i think that wonka was supposed to be more eccentric than anything

and that charlies loyalty to the company wasn't meant to be applied to another situation

but you sound pretty right too

well it was meant to be lit related

fuck the movies ARE lit related asshole

just admit that if hadn't made the thread you wouldn't be here

>> No.1592338

"Hell isn't merely paved with good intentions; it's walled and roofed with them. Yes, and furnished too."

Whatever you meant is worthless. Only what people understand. Don't be a lazy bastard next time, and actually fucking type out a decent topic, will you? Since you won't stop posting like I (and many, many others) wish you would.

>just admit that if hadn't made the thread you wouldn't be here
what the fuck kind of request is this? Of course I wouldn't fucking be here; if you hadn't made the damn thread, there'd be nowhere to be. You stupid son of a bitch.

>> No.1592343

>what the fuck kind of request is this? Of course I wouldn't fucking be here; if you hadn't made the damn thread, there'd be nowhere to be. You stupid son of a bitch.
god damn you are one dense PI

anyone with and decent social skills could tell that i was explaining that if an anon had made the thread you'd be listening to mr willy serenade you

you fucking pauper
>Whatever you meant is worthless.
stop thinking that you're making sense

any thread could be misconstrued by a retard

this being a shining example

>> No.1592357
File: 567 KB, 750x530, fuckthis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OK. I'm out. I tried to be constructive, and actually talk about the books, but it's another tripfag vs Anon tardfest.

I'm actually starting to agree that this board needs to be euthanised

>> No.1592360

That would've made more sense if we'd even broached the topic of your tripfagging affecting the topic. I'm pretty sure no one mentioned it. I know I didn't. And it's not that you're a tripfag per se, but rather that because you're a tripfag I know your personality online and you irritate the shit out of me with your consistently vague and self-praising topics and your willfully ignorant arguments in which you address no counter-arguments but rather insult everyone lavishly to improve your self-esteem.

I'm sorry if what I said in that line made little sense to you. What I mean is that it doesn't matter if you intended to discuss the books here; what really affects the thread (as you can plainly see) is what everyone else takes from your topic.

If a dozen people get something different from what you said than what you intended, the odds are that you're just not being clear. "It's not me, it's them!" Your argument seems to shout. But, my dear faggot, it is you.

>> No.1592365
File: 513 KB, 240x180, Stop_posting.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sage because sage because sage because sage because sage because sage because sage because sage because sage because sage because sage because sage because sage because sage because sage because sage because sage because sage because sage because sage because sage because sage because sage because sage because sage because sage because sage because sage because sage because sage because sage because sage because sage because sage because sage because sage because sage because sage because sage

>> No.1592366

If a dozen people get something different from what you said than what you intended, the odds are that you're just not being clear. "It's not me, it's them!" Your argument seems to shout. But, my dear faggot, it is you.
but see

this is where

your argument falls apart

because who is it really? but an assplowed anon

even if you had misinterpreted my thread as not very /lit/ related (which i could see)

you still wouldn't be whining and moaning if i didnt type something into the name field

fix you before you complain about me

>> No.1592367


you mad OP? cuz im stylin on you?

>> No.1592371
File: 7 KB, 250x201, Jeffersonbetterthanyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new tripfag
>anime gifs
>mad at Fabulous!!GXZe+d0RTva
what a lame-o

we can talk about the books while i fight with the anon

>> No.1592373


>> No.1592383

sage because nobody cares about merry poopins

>> No.1592381

saging twice doubles the effect shitface

>> No.1592386


fagulous cannot into sage

>> No.1592390

I wouldn't be arguing if you were anon, that's right. I don't understand why you keep saying that like it changes anything about the argument. It's not about who you are (though it is because of who you are), it's about what you do.

And you wouldn't put anything in the name field if you didn't want people to respond to it.

I'm going to be off, now. This is our second clash, we shall have another. I hate you, Fag. Good bye.

>> No.1592391
File: 6 KB, 207x244, Genwt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't understand what i was saying
>mary poopins

>> No.1592396

>loses argument
>runs off to beddy bye
anons are babies

>> No.1592401

my bad, I'll fix it

>merry shit-eating I-have-a-penis Poopins


>> No.1592409

that's a beloved childhood figure

you're pathetic

>> No.1592413


U mad?

>> No.1592422

go back to be you boring dildo magnet

>> No.1592423

sage grows in every field but the captcha

>> No.1592424

I didn't lose. How the fuck could I, when my only point was that you are too vague? I'm not going to bed, it's five thirty in the afternoon. I'm eating dinner and going on a small road trip with my friends. You know, like an adult who enjoys a fun lifestyle with like-minded individuals and only has a certain amount of time to spend online.

>> No.1592435


psst! you forgot your sage

>> No.1592445

>arguing with an 18 year old on the internet about mary poppins literary standing
i've already won

>> No.1592452

so you're admitting that you're just barely not an underage b&?

>> No.1592454

i never said i wasn;t

i'm ashamed to admit i'm this old

>> No.1592458

>only 20, myself
>not arguing about Mary Poppins
>arguing about you being an idiot (as evinced by you not knowing what we're arguing about, even after I stated it directly)
>only doing it because I don't argue about pointless shit IRL and it's fun online, like a sport

>> No.1592467

this thread isn't about the literary weight of the novel, you just wanted a selfserving thread about some faggotty musical scene from the film.

>> No.1592469

>it's fun online, like a sport
so anons are the trolls?

and trolls are cancer?

anon is the cancer?

>> No.1592479

I'm not trolling. I believe what I say, but the only reason I say it is because we're online and it doesn't matter.

Also, as a personal opinion, I don't think trolls are cancer. They make the site a hell of a lot more fun, though this may come from my being a /b/tard.

>> No.1592486

>it's fun online, like a sport

everything makes sense now

thread over unless someone wants to talk about the books

or the movies

>> No.1592507

sage-ity sage sage

>> No.1592534

>doesn't have anything to say
>boring in general
>that's why he's on 4chan
>can appear to be "aware" things by saging, a popular 4chan expression of disproval

>> No.1592562

oh god

i fucked that anon so hard

i am kind and queen of lit and all in between

>> No.1592563


>> No.1592571
File: 5 KB, 120x177, op is a fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1592577

Who here is sick of seeing fabulous' bullshit and would like to see him permab&?

Your desperate attempts to be witty and intellectual are almost unbearable. Your juvenile goal of making some kind of a name for yourself on the /lit/ board are excruciatingly transparent and quite sad. Your threads are all shit. Just scroll up. 80% of the posts in this thread are by you. You're a fucking joke dude.

At least, stop bumping your own fucking threads.

>> No.1592600

oh wait i'm on 4chan...

>> No.1592616

yeah, he's mad

>> No.1592618


Stop bumping this fucking thread!!!!!

The ONLY reason this thread has lasted this is because fabulous has been bumping it himself since 11:00 LAST NIGHT. Fucking give it up dude. If you hadn't have shamelessly bumped your stupid fucking thread so many times it would have died in about 5 minutes. BECAUSE THE THREAD SUCKS. It's just fucking stupid. Stop it for fuck's sake. Just fucking stop you annoying asshole.

>> No.1592634

So for fuck's sake get off 4chan and off yourself.
You'll be doing everyone a favor, including yourself.

>> No.1592639

>greentext of a mad anon
go back to wherever you came from /b/itch

i bumped it once

rest was retarded anons who needed the last word

and the cycle will continue

>> No.1592711


>> No.1592738

>can't even sage right
>trying to get the last word in
it's not even your thread

back down asshat

>> No.1592757

mary poppins is superior. i want to be her little student

>> No.1592772

can't trust ya O

>> No.1592781
File: 28 KB, 355x190, pfft.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is me giving a fuck

>> No.1592785

then just go away you cranky cooter

>> No.1592800

actually you're the only women i respect

>> No.1592817
File: 51 KB, 352x356, 1298794901614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1592877

>fabulous abandons /lit/ for musels

And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.1592889

I was just visiting /fit/

i won't leave you guys ever