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15918603 No.15918603 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone recommend me a book on how to not be an antisocial sperglord?

Just seems like making it in life isn't about hard work, but more about who you know and how much people like you...

>> No.15918616

I tried to find a class that would teach me social skills but none exist. The world is going to be for a big shock whem autistic births become normal in the next 80 years and everyones a fucking sperg

>> No.15918620
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>> No.15918641

Why are they making everyone autistic? Is it because autistic people like programming and computer stuff, so the elites have an autistic programmer class of people to build their technocracy?

>> No.15918643

How to read a person like a book is useful for reading facial cues. It's rather basic but will help you notice when people are engaged with you in conversation, or when they feel uncomfortable or bored.

I've heard good things about Conversation Casanova: How to Effortlessly Start Conversations and Flirt Like a Pro. I haven't read it yet, if anyone has please give me a quick review

>> No.15919484

Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude by Napoleon Hill

>> No.15919538

Really doubt it's a conscious effort. It probably has more to do with people interacting through computers and being obsessed with exactness

>> No.15919545

interpersonal communication is what you're looking for

A friend of mine credits my mom's class with being able to open up socially.

>> No.15919556

try smiling more, saying less and being fit
it takes much longer for people to realise that I’m socially retarded now that I do this

>> No.15919976

You mean asocial, not antisocial anon, unless you're a psychopath

>> No.15919981

there is a whole canon of works on 19th century rhetoric that is still perfectly acceptable in polite society. Start with Cicero.