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/lit/ - Literature

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15917591 No.15917591 [Reply] [Original]

What are some /lit/ youtube channels?

>> No.15917598

Probably Alexandra.

>> No.15917601
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>> No.15917614
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these guys too

>> No.15917723

Jesus. I've never seen so much cringe in one place.

>> No.15917730


>> No.15917741

lmao ik. weinstein looks like such a try hard with that stern look and umbrella

>> No.15917769

Nice bait

>> No.15917862

how gauche

>> No.15917905




>History with Cy

>Historia Civilis

>Study of Antiquity and the Middle Ages

>Many lecture playlists, plus a history of architecture on the channel

>Bruce Gore (you have to dig, he has a whole series on Aristotle)

>Arthur Holmes history of philosophy

>> No.15917913

Robert Paul Wolff

>> No.15917970

Thank you
Found some intresting channels

>> No.15918005

np ;-)

>> No.15918035

Even Peterson had the good instinct the dodge that one

>> No.15918086

Leaf by leaf is good

>> No.15918091

read a book, faggot.

>> No.15918390


>> No.15918398


>> No.15918418

Michael Millerman has a good amount of content.

>> No.15918438


>> No.15918463

Holy shit she's completely schizo.

>> No.15918932

I second that

>> No.15918948

She's right. Using those terms get you shadow banned from youtube.

>> No.15919057

Keith Woods
Morgoths Review
Philosophical Overdose
Oswald Spengler (Absolute favourite)
Promethean Gnosis

The Great War
History Time
Kings and Generals

Myth of the 20th century on bitchute (another favourite)

>> No.15919147

i would rather burn in hell.

>> No.15919242
File: 100 KB, 1080x609, Screenshot_20200721-131550_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

our queen of course

>> No.15919875

>Keith Woods
Enormous faggot

>> No.15920138

I enjoyed his series on Sellars

>> No.15920139

Cuck philosophy unironically

>> No.15920152


Came here to post this. I don't agree with many things he says, but he is a great presenter and clearly very intelligent, and he has made me reconsider my positions on multiple subjects. Also he has a sense of humor and good taste.

>> No.15920175

For me, it's The Distributist

>> No.15920188


>> No.15920189

For Guenonfags:

>> No.15920190

How many of them are Jews?

>> No.15920289

what in the fuck is thiiiiiiiisssssssssssssss

>> No.15920295


give my leaf nigga more subs

>> No.15920320

All of them except Rogan I think

>> No.15920336


>> No.15920349

bunch of Jews and Joe whos Italian so basically a jew, wow what horseshit

>> No.15920359


>> No.15920374

people have mentioned some good ones, but i have to recommend the slightly normie their Lindybiege. of course, never take the guy as gospels as he isn’t always right, but he is almost always entertaining and presents things in an interesting way.

ABAlphabeta is also interesting.

>> No.15920379

maybe so, but at least he has some interesting perspectives. much better than most people in that sphere and actually has though and read a decent amount of phil.

>> No.15920384

>those Engels quotes
Does Engels have any evidence to back that up

>> No.15920390


>> No.15920402

holy based.....

>> No.15920406
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>> No.15920467

Of course he does. He literally studied that shit for his book The Condition of the Working Class in England.

>> No.15920474

I like this one https://www.youtube.com/user/theblackponderer

>> No.15920475

>He studied that shit
>He had an opinion and then tried to shove all of history to fit into it while disregarding anything to the contrary
as is tradition for all of Marxism

>> No.15920506

Uhuh, unlike the common right-wingers hot take that just calls everyone who doesn't agree with them immoral or scum. Very stellar analysis.

>> No.15920521

Not quite unlike a Commie/Marxist lamenting everyone they dislike as bourgeoise.

>> No.15920538

Even most right wingers dont have retarded takes like "ALL history is class struggle". There's usually some room for perspectivism or other forms of non-universalism.
And they also dont claim to be scientific, only to then go on a tirade of polemics in asupposedly scientific work like some bearded fellows do in the Germany Ideology.

>> No.15920543

Well perhaps you need to learn to differentiate between someone who affects being a Marxist and someone who actually is one and analyzes society that way.

>> No.15920561

He's a good guy

>> No.15920580



>> No.15920590

There's nothing retarded about all history being class struggle because it's true. Every society on the planet has changed because one economic group in society has either supplanted or outright murdered another.

>> No.15920601

>Kill(ss)ing Asuka
he's dead btw

>> No.15920627

>There's nothing retarded about all history being class struggle because it's true
>There's nothing wrong about MY myopic reductionist statements because i believe in them!
Uhuh. And the reason why Marxism has fallen out of favor with any respectable economist is a capitalist conspiracy, right?

>> No.15920628

Thoughts on this highly autistic jew and an obscure esoteric researcher with a PhD


>> No.15920660

Sì sì sì tu mi piaci

>> No.15920728


>> No.15920748

I know...

>> No.15920776

how is having your voice recorded different than having your thoughts recorded by writing them down, retarded pussy

>> No.15920779

>And the reason why Marxism has fallen out of favor with any respectable economist is a capitalist conspiracy, right?

It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it. - Upton Sinclair.

>> No.15920806

why do they all look mentally retarded. Weinstein or whatever looks like he just shit himself

>> No.15920864

s-sorry for your loss...

>> No.15920890


>> No.15920895

>marxists in every area of humanities
Uhuh, being a marxist is really a threat to the salary of an academic. Couldn't be because his ideas are just outdated, right?
Nothing ashamed of being outdated, either. The problem is that Marxists are inherently unscientific and deny the possibility that Marx could ever be outdated.
Can you imagine geocentrists saying that Galilean heliocentrism is only in vogue because the salaries of astronomers depend on them not understanding it? It's the same with marxists and economics.

>> No.15921264

Is this Pynchon's daughter?

>> No.15921546

I will marry this woman

>> No.15921943

redpilled women are hot as fuck

>> No.15922050

is it though? nothing having to do with the zeitgeist and the cultural psychology of the place? pretty sure japan wasn’t exactly tipping over from class conflicts before being opened up by the americans. could this not be a contingent particular?

>> No.15922080

Based Bonevac

>> No.15922194


>> No.15922197

bitch did you just post David Pakman in a thread that calls for /lit/ .

p.s. get your news/opinions from somebody better than pakman. dude is a dishonest wiesel

>> No.15922213

It is culturally contingent obviously, but even in a country like Japan the feudal system was destroyed by new forms of economic development, some coming from the Meiji state itself and some coming from newly rich Japanese who had started trading with the West thereby supplanting the economic system of the shoguns and daimyos.

The point of Marxism is to explain why a society changes, and it's never an easy answer.

>> No.15922218

yeah, why? i've only watched his one vid on fascism and i discerned no obvious objections to him. granted i know next to nil on the topic he was talking about.

>> No.15922252


>> No.15922374


>> No.15922390


>> No.15923228


>> No.15923236

Define 'feudal system' as being a real social and economic 'system'.

>> No.15923270

Comfy channel bro
qt /lit/gf as well

>> No.15923276

Are there any good poetry channels? Preferably not too modern in their tastes, I've been trying to find something like Bernadette Banner but for poetry.

>> No.15923358
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>the guy just standing in an ivy patch at the side of a parking lot
Gets me everytime

>> No.15923439

Who the fuck are these people? I only recognize Joe Rogan.

>> No.15923448

For spics: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRaVE4HC0N86FZzgcw5WU-Q

>> No.15923624

kek never thought I would see someone on /lt/ recommending these guys, but yeah they are kino

>> No.15923630

I don't know much about them except one or two but I believe it's Michael Shirmer/Shermer, Bret/Eric Weinstein, notsure, Rogan, Dave Rubin?, Christina Hoff Sommers (she did pretty good research/writing on child psychology and outcomes of male students before blowing up with the MRA/gamergate/altright crowd, which she rode to a bit more renown), Sam Harris, Bret/Eric Weinstein

They're all pretty shit. The Weinsteins are involved in some kind of free speech on campus stuff because one of them got fucked over by SJWs during the Trump election cycle culture war shit. No idea on Shermer/Shirmer. Rubin I believe was a Young Turk who drifted to the right and broke off to do his own, typical neocon/libertarian friendly "conservative" show. Sommers is fine if you just ignore her recent PR stuff and watch her old lecture on Youtube called The War on Boys (not the shitty PragerU one, the 30min long one). Harris is some kind of scientism guy and secular buddhist who became associated with free speech for daring to say Muslims are violent and world Islam is not a fun multicultural friendship waiting to happen.

One of the Weinsteins also hangs out with that one silicon valley faggot with airs of being Cosimo de Medici, I think Thiel.