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/lit/ - Literature

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15917391 No.15917391 [Reply] [Original]

Can /lit/ explain the significance of object and subject in Kantian philosophy and point me to which books of his I should read and in what order?
Please give a detailed explanation.

>> No.15917446

No. The concepts of subject and object are so fundamental that I wouldn't know where to begin.

Read the critique of pure reason. But first at the very minimum read Hume's enquiry concerning human understanding.

>> No.15917454

Give it a shot. Define object, then define subject.

>> No.15917465

object: a general term for any 'thing' which is conditioned by the subject's representation, and so is capable of being known. The thing in itself is a thing which cannot become an object. (Cf. subject; see thing in itself.)

subject: a general term for any rational person who is capable of having knowledge. (Cf. object; see also representation.)

>> No.15918878

Unfortunately, most english works sucks at translating Kant's works. That's where we germans have a big advantage here. The "Eisler Lexikon" is a really good piece of work that explains every term accurately that Kant used. If you happen to be german, you should use that one.

>> No.15918882
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Also, pic related should help.