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15915550 No.15915550 [Reply] [Original]

How do I into pacing? It seems like I can only either take entire pages to cover one or two seconds, or cover whole scenes in half a page.

>> No.15915610

At least you still ponder and dwell on questions like this. I've masturbated a total of 3 times in the past 7 hours. The only reason I'm on this website now is to distract from the 4th. Porn and sex occupy most of my brain now. I used to write, read and have other interests but farewell to them all. I used to think this would get better but it's only gotten worse. Look at butterfly. Always posts about women, comments on them. Claims to be 50 years old. After I masturbate I see flashes of that terminus in my eyes. That is what happens when you wile away the hours masturbating, fantasizing, fucking. It creates nothing good. Just a memory void that causes you to repeat it over and over again until you die. I wasn't like this when I was a teenager. Now look. Three four, five times a day. It never ends. Just focus on your stories friend, I can't give you any advice. Once this takes over, it IS over.

>> No.15915654

sex sex sex

>> No.15915690

Try doing no porn. Just get off the internet for a few days.

Also here’s a trick to make nofap easier. Turn it into an unserious, maybe even fun, game rather then a stressful challenge determining your worth as a man.

Whenever you notice that part of your brain trying to get you to fap audibly say “nice try big guy” or something like that, give it your own nickname.

Also you can’t fap if you don’t touch your penis.

>> No.15915771
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So will anyone actually answer my question on this literature board, or do you guys just complain about how much you masturbate?

>> No.15915786

I tried. I used to do nofap for weeks at a time. And it wasn't even intentional half the time. Always noticed the connection so naturally I was able to regulate it. Now? My willpower is gone and this occupies more of my mind. It's like a computer with limited space and slowly porn has overwritten everything. Even in the absence of it, I get aroused to the memories of it and am distracted. Even the names or scenes. I'll remember a detail. There was this sign other day that had the last name of a famous porn actress and I got aroused at the last name for no reason and started thinking about porn for the rest of my drive.

>> No.15915803

you should just have sex instead

>> No.15915808

If you can't relate, this advice is either perfect for you because you are young enough not to feel the habit crystallize so you can RUN while you still have the light. .... or you are a woman. There isn't any other explanation for your ambivalence here.

>> No.15915878
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>do you guys just complain about how much you masturbate?
Yes and I will defeat this habit one day.

>> No.15915917

protip: masturbating multiple times a day isnt a big deal if it only takes you 5 minutes, work on your speed-wanking

>> No.15915935

It is a big deal because it fills your mind with porn and makes you just want to masturbage again later on. Your post sounds like a cope more than anything. I've also tried this approach and it doesn't work and leads to even greater frequency of maturbation.

>> No.15915937
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Anon I am a comer too, but i just want to know how to pace my writing better.
Pls shut up

>> No.15915960

That's probably the reason you can't pace your writing. Here's your options. Forget about your writing ambitions and just masturbate and watch as much porn as possible. Eventually it will control your life so much that asking anyone a question about anything unless it's an immediate need is going to seem like such an huge waste of time. You won't care about pacing then. Or you can realize that by asking these questions you're still in a pretty good position to cut out the root of your problem.

>> No.15915968

Also. You stop conjuring questions yourself which is even worse.

>> No.15915986

the only one coping here is you. im a student, i take 18 hours a semester, have a TA job, and i masturbate at least twice a day. its usually real fuckin degenerate shit, too, exclusively 2D
your destiny is in your hands, anon. your future can be fruitful as well as coomful, you just need to actualize it

>> No.15916028

>undergrad manic pseud
You aren't lending any credibility. I didn't masturbate 2 times a day when I was in undergrad, maybe once a week. Now it's two times a day or more.

>> No.15916059
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Anon pls I just want to write.

>> No.15916066

>once a week while in undergrad
im not even sure I believe that
what happened anon? you have a bunch of free time to jerk off once you got out of school? whats your life like now?

>> No.15916106

I masturbated three times a day for a couple of days three days ago, and I still haven't recovered. I shit out everything I eat, and this has been going on ever since I finished my third jerkoff session on the first day, my stomach hurts all the time, I feel constantly dizzy and my feet can barely carry me to the bathroom. Now I have abstained from masturbation for 40 hours, and I already feel better. I am able to eat some porridge and drink tea without shitting it out instantly, so that's good too.

>> No.15916124
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>> No.15916128

look bro im not a doctor but masturbating does not cause that
speaking of doctors you might want to see one

>> No.15916140

>Also you can’t fap if you don’t touch your penis.
I pity your unlearned life

>> No.15916144

I would like that and a dozen other things but I can't have it now. I see your thread and the only thing I feel is a pang that I used to think these questions and build plans around them. You remember the chart fad here about 5 or 6 years ago now? I'd always get the books and think big grand thoughts. Now? I could not care less. Writing techniques, rhetoric, persuasion, technical topics and scientific subjects. All seem as worthless to even consider for my own as passing thought. Even imagination around these topics. A blank at best or if something forces me to them, the coom brain soons interrupts making it all for nothing anyhow.
It increases with indulgence. I never watched video porn until I was 22, a year before I was in grad school. Then I indulged it and I suffered the consequences. I am now unemployed and have given up the struggle and indulge it as it comes.

You sounds like a braindead imebecile who enjoys it and always had at it without even the slightest concern of how it affects you. Don't worry you'll turn into me. I just had the fortunate of life without it for awhile. You know nothing of this freedom, slave.

>> No.15916173


>> No.15916177

what a pathetic man you are

>> No.15916185


>> No.15916192
File: 92 KB, 1152x646, F09B0890-4CE6-4610-8B0F-71604258CB99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone give me advice on pacing pls. I don’t care if you’re a coomer, stop shitting up my thread.

>> No.15916221

just read more, you'll figure it out

>> No.15916224

pacing doesn't need to be hyper consistent as long as it reads well

>> No.15916230

practice pacing faggot
the next 3 chapters you write you will cover ONE day each

>> No.15916240

The coomers have a point.

>> No.15916244
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>I will defeat this habit one day.

>> No.15916253

Why wouldn't you? Have you read the fucking thread?

>> No.15916595

This happens only when I masturbate excessively, that is, my digestion system gets destroyed. I don't need no doctor that costs 50k to tell me what I already know

>> No.15917393

high risk b8

>> No.15918630

Read more, write more, discuss more. Same answer to every dissatisfaction you'll have with your writing

>> No.15919656

I get bad headaches when I do it that much. Doctors used to blame it for epilepsy. I'm sure if I kept going to 8 times a day I'd have a seizure.

>> No.15920233

It depends on the Scene anon, if you are writing a fight Scene all the specific Actions should be described, in other cases it isnt necessary to Mention every single Detail that Pops into your head.
Try to say the Things that actually advance the Story.
Remember that literature is first and foremost About a Story and not prose, so mostly try to trim down the text.