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/lit/ - Literature

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15915312 No.15915312[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

new lurker.
what's with the reddit hate?

>> No.15915316

no one hates reddit here, go back newfag

>> No.15915320

Something something site elitism.

>> No.15915323

I'm afraid you're more than a decade late

>> No.15915333

women are bad, reddit is filled with women, therefore reddit is bad

>> No.15915335

reddit is predominantly male

>> No.15915340


/r/books is filled with shit like
>help! I keep trying to read but I keep getting bored
>I just read 1984 and it was fucking amazing
>Catcher in the Rye sucks and Holden is an incel
>I'm 29 years old and just read a book (some YA piece of shit) for the first time!
>YA is for adults too!
>Does listening to audiobooks count as reading?

>> No.15915344

reddit= r/books?

>> No.15915350

the men on reddit are honorary w*men

>> No.15915357

almost half of these get posted here

>> No.15915376

Wait, so basically exactly the same as /lit/?

>> No.15915384

odd way of lurking

>> No.15915404
File: 66 KB, 519x551, EZZWXf6U8AAVano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stfu retard start reading Luther's book on the Jews.

>> No.15915424 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15915425

Reddit via upvotes encourages people to only post opinions that the majority of the user base agrees with and discourses dissent and disagreement because that's punished. It creates communities that are superficially nice for fear of reprisal but it's all superficial and the opinions that filter to the top are uncontaversial and bland

>> No.15915435

Yes but entirely without any sense of self-disgust. We're slightly better in that we know to hate ourselves.

>> No.15915502


i hate i have to post with such dolts, reddit is awful because the users opinions are shaped by their internet persona and majority of the time are posted to get upvotes in hopes to reach top comment. Therefore majority that are using the site literally have no personal opinions and personal freedom, they feel validated by others. If i wanted to do that id go outside. 4chan has this model of absolute detachment, where you only have your thoughts and knowledge to back your posts, so with that depending on the board, its all unfiltered information that can further benefit the posters that read and further discuss. The internet can keep poo pooing this site all it wants but i've yet to see a community of users as a collective have so much power over shaping internet culture and even now modern day culture.

nicely said.

>> No.15915527
File: 199 KB, 465x343, out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these actually r*dditors ITT
Jesus fucking Christ

>> No.15915552

4chan is just reddit in denial, always has been, just a testing ground for avant-garde liberal ideology, just like any counter-cultures, what can makes it into the mainstream is appropriated, the rest is history.

>> No.15915560

>muh upvotes create echo chambers
ok and? I don't care if Reddit has an up vote system so why should I hate it? Why should I hate a site that I have no interest in? The question is why does this site hate Reddit, now what's wrong with Reddit. If we're being honest, most of the people on this site only hate Reddit because of some perceived elitism, not because Reddit has a shitty up vote system.

>> No.15915572

I hate Reddit because faggots like you keep coming here. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.15915581

it is nothing like reddit and never can be because of the differences in how the two sites are structured, and the extremely lax moderation on 4chan.

>> No.15915588

I meant to say "not what's wrong with Reddit" not "now what's wrong with Reddit."

>> No.15915594

gr8 b8 i r8 8/8

>> No.15915607

did you not read what i said? the upvote system literally dilutes conversation and steers it to the upvoted opinion as default. You can make the claim that this happens when people get a lot of (you) on this site but majority of the time it rarely steers the thread off topic. So yes these sites are different from each other, because i dont need some stupid quirky name and a profile to have my post validated. Ego doesn't exist on this site and when it does like a namefag people instinctually call them out on it.

>> No.15915619

leddit man over here

>> No.15915622

Redditors I feel are viewed as naively optimistic and emasculated compared to 4chan. That and reddit appeals to normies more. We're just as miserable and pussified here though. There's also the fact that the front page of reddit is more or less just a place for the left to disseminate propaganda, the same way 4chan is used by the right to incite hate and prejudice against blacks, queers, and women.

>> No.15915624

just gonna say i do like that when i get btfo here i can easily just close tabs and never return to that thread
makes it easier to be bolder in one's arguments, that shit aint followin me

>> No.15915633

The things that are wrong with Reddit are a subset of the reasons why people don't like the site, you can't bitch when people criticize a site when they ask why they don't like it, it gives away that you're retarded

>> No.15915636

When they are asked*

>> No.15915642

I would argue but I realize I'm wrong and I don't really care enough about Reddit to attempt to defend it in anyway.

>> No.15915670

Go back

>> No.15915677

Just look at this thread.

I am telling you. There has been a huge influx of Merdittors. The lefties we see here are all Merdittors, anyone who's an oldfag can clearly perceive this.
And you know what the merderation doesn't do anything? Because they're Merdittors too.

>> No.15915697

reddit is cringe, it's that simple
although cringe itself is cringe (and mayhaps of reddit origin), it gets to the essence of the matter quickly
i find the differences between 4chan and reddit cultures/populations absolutely fascinating, and i find this aspect of "cringiness" is perhaps the best at differentiating the two. (Though, do redditors find 4chan cringey? Even if they did, would that invalidate my point? Or strengthen it?) It's something like a matter of taste.
As for the sociological/biological reasons for why some of us end up here vs there, I think that would make for an excellent study and I honestly hope to pursue it someday.
but yeah, reddit is fucking cringe and shit to an unbearable degree, kys

>> No.15915707

Some niche subs on reddit can be ok. The problem is the site as a whole. Half the posts on reddit are genuinely propaganda and advertisements. All of the big subs have the exact same mod team, who are paid to curate the site. It's just liberal propaganda and onions boys who spend their day reading harry potter and playing on their switch, masquerading as intellectuals and echoing the same opinion as 95% of the sites userbase to increase their karma count

>> No.15915711

Nah. The elitism is justified because the board culture of /lit/ and 4chan generally encourages actual discussion, wherea Reddit encourages stupidity--4chan is just a better site for discussion of intellectual matters. It also isn't nearly as censored as Reddit . You can criticise the CCP here at least, but there has been a pretty extreme pro-china censorship campaign ever since Tencent bought a lot of Reddit; you can outright mock some of the 2020 era anti-racism stupidity here, but any bad word about BLM will get you blocked on a major Reddit board; same with any contentious issue: there is an official position that Reddit as an institution takes, and any view that goes against the official position can be removed without explanation.

So the users of 4chan are justly proud of thier boards, much as the noble Athenians were justly proud of the free-speaking culture of their city.

Another way you can see the problem of Reddit by examining the decline of individual subreddits. Once they reach a certain size, either they become puritanical or they are banned, Can't have too much thinking there, as that would interfere with site's bottom line.

In any case, these relevent differences attract a certain clientele to both sites: Reddit is for those who are willing to accept the authoritative account noddingly; 4chan is for those who want the unvarnished voice of the people, and who have a robust sense of humor.

>> No.15915713

Merde alors

>> No.15915735
File: 606 KB, 3047x909, get a real job.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently a lot of subr*ddits(something like boards) got deleted on r*ddit so there's a migration. Given how 4chanomics works, they've probably started to trickle to niche-er boards like here -- after going through /v/, /tv/, /pol/ and /b/. This thread is packed with r*dditors and r*ddit sympathizers. This board's been bad but it's about to get a whole lot worse
Another thing: This board is so full of ESL's it's shocking. Still, better than bed-wettitors

>> No.15915736

>there has been a pretty extreme pro-china censorship campaign ever since Tencent bought a lot of Reddit
>this is what redditors actually believe

>> No.15915742

>4chan is for those who want the unvarnished voice of the people, and who have a robust sense of humor.

>> No.15915747

Just go back then

>> No.15915749

name a better site nihilist?

>> No.15915750

REddit is not as bad as 4channer pretend it to be, and 4chan is not as good as 4channers pretend it to be.
The coolest subreddit were censored recently, but that is not redditors fault.

>> No.15915757

I unironically love 4chan.

>> No.15915764

This is what immigrants from Reddit look like

>> No.15915767

There is conformism in every community but reddit's is more grating because it's politically correct. I sometimes read a true crime subreddit and there are posts like, "How many trans Does are unidentified due to being misgendered?" And in cases dealing with prostitutes you'll be called out if you don't refer to them as "sex workers." I happily don't read any subreddits about literature but I imagine the same applies. Just a ton of policing about problematic language, inventing problems that don't exist, etc. I get enough of a taste of that reading negative reviews of The Kreutzer Sonata on Goodreads.

>> No.15915769

>The coolest subreddit were censored recently

>> No.15915772
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Now this is a based post. I'll elaborate after I read it

>> No.15915782

Reddit the red pill. But it's been already about 18 months.

>> No.15915789

>Reddit migrant's opinion
into the bin

>> No.15915797

>Some niche subs on reddit can be ok
There are a couple I still go to, but it stopped being an interactive site for me like 5 years ago; around the time the Ellen Pao bans happened.
Every once in a while I’ll go to some sub and view the top posts in the last 6 months
There’s no having a conversation there though

Most redditors are probably under 25 and have literally never used any internet forum that was not social media that was tied in with your actual identity

>> No.15915799

Reddit is the home of the Last Man.

>> No.15915806

>4chan is just a better site for discussion of intellectual matters
like how women are bad, retard?

>> No.15915813

The difference between the right leaning subs and say /pol/ here is that Reddit still maintains the echo chamber where as 4chan because it runs on bumps and (you)s encourage strife and controversy, you're more likely to see sub factions at each others throats here whereas if you called Trump a Jewish puppet or something on r/thedonald it wouldn't fly. Immigrants from Reddit confuse politics with the entirety of 4chans culture and assume that if they're right leaning they'll fit in here whereas they actually carry a lot of cultural baggage from Reddit that make the site shitty and then get mad when people point that out

>> No.15915818

We need to end this meme that discussion on the internet is ever intellectual. If the discussion isn't done in an academic environment the discussion is almost never intellectual.

>> No.15915822

Think you are the big bad wolf? I was on the darknet before you even got here first time. You have no humility.

>> No.15915832

>Think you are the big bad wolf? I was on the darknet before you even got here first time. You have no humility.
Did you really think it was a good idea to post this?

>> No.15915836

>We need to
Found the redditor

>> No.15915841

Nice try redditor. That is if you were trying to make me laugh. Otherwise, bad try. HA!

>> No.15915845

>Found the redditor
Found the redditor

>> No.15915847

>I sometimes read a true crime subreddit and there are posts like, "How many trans Does are unidentified due to being misgendered?"
i like thats theres an example of this right here in this thread


>> No.15915860

Someone's mad they've been found out, I don't even mind you guys if you'd bother to integrate into site culture but you don't, you just make the site worse

>> No.15915868

Discussion on 4chan isn't fucking intellectual. If you think it is you're a fucking retard.

>> No.15915872

>almost never
>is ever

>> No.15915873

ofc the most incel subreddit will be the most 'based' one in the eyes of a 4channer, color me surprised

>> No.15915891

You know what I meant.

>> No.15915894

Yeah like most 4channer, you think you are the shit, but you have never even tried I2P, Freenet, the onion sites, or even Zeronet. You are still here on a centralized website, hosted on a centralized server, in case you didn't even noticed. piece of shit. I only go on 4chan because retards like you don't know how the darknet works, so there is not as much activity on the darknet than on the clearnet, even if it is the borderline clearnet. It is still the clearnet. No need to boast about using it.

>> No.15915895

>ever intellectual
imagine caring what others think.
read books

>> No.15915896

remember which board you are on

>> No.15915902

>Accuses Redditor of being a 4chan native
What did he mean by this?

Most Reddit immigrants are from "problematic" usually right leaning subs that are at odds with the sites management, once they get banned or put under enough pressure from moderation they leave and come here to shit up the site

>> No.15915907


here a cool little intel discussion currently on the steppes and their migration, people discussing and giving their view on a topic you probably couldn't really talk about anywhere else on the internet.

>> No.15915913

LARPing isn't a good look

>> No.15915915

Lots of truth nuggets itp

>> No.15915916

How is wanting an intellectual discussion on a topic caring what others think? Are you retarded, or am I misunderstanding your post?

>> No.15915918


>> No.15915921

Good try redditor. That is if you were trying to make me laugh. Otherwise, awful try. HAHAHA!

>> No.15915926

Which board were you trying to link? Tell me true.

>> No.15915938

I can't see the discussion, but I bet it was filled with misinformation and retards not knowing the first thing about stepped and their migrations. It was probably filled with people who didn't know the first thing about the topic yet they were giving their views on it and attempting to discuss it.

>> No.15915942

Never mind you linked it correctly let me check it out.

>> No.15915943

If you had an IQ of minimum 120 and weren't masterbating all, day, you'll know it's not so hard to use the darknet, so it's not a LARP.
I've never even sign up once on reddit. Been lurking some a few years ago thought. You have an awful intuition.

>> No.15915959

this but I also do that on old ass forums where I can just shitpost someone into oblivion if they ever pull up my user history
I will never stop viewing the internet as my personal wild west frontier

>> No.15915964

I'm sorry did you link the correct thread, because what I'm reading is a far cry from an intellectual discussion.

>> No.15915970

You don't seem to understand why I'm calling you a LARPer

>> No.15915973
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>Been lurking some a few years ago thought

>> No.15915975

If you google “David Foster Wallace Suicide Note” the first result is a reddit thread.
It’s just some guy asking if its publicly available.
Literally every comment is just people who showed up to congratulate themselves on how they’re too morally correct to want to read such a note...written by a writer.
You know just responses like, “no, and it never should be”. Or someone replying to a response with something like “Good.”
Never mind that the poor fuck didn’t know who the note was addressed to (or of it was in the style of a private letter or not).
It was actually irritating to read and the post is like five years old and the site has only gotten worse.

Also I hate googling a 20th Century Master and getting links to /r/menwritingwomen

>> No.15915981

well it doesnt really matter what i say because you're just gonna come back and egg me because some posts weren't reaching the 2000 word limit

good stuff

>> No.15915985

No, and honestly, i don't care. 4chan subculture is not so important for me.

>> No.15915991

>Some niche subs on reddit can be ok
I even find that grating as fuck when there's still an upvote system and elephant is in the room when someone posts something passionate but doesn't get as much karma as some whore taking a picture of herself with something of note in the corner.

>> No.15915994


>> No.15915995

Wow this was surprisingly accurate.

>> No.15915997

The whole point of argument can be a search for truth.

>> No.15916003

The existance of this thread shows you how shitty the mods of this board are.

>> No.15916004

It's not that that hard to understand, even you might be able to figure it out

>> No.15916005

reddit=for fags

>> No.15916007

What about the thread do you find intellectual?

>> No.15916010

what the fuck is that excerpt from?

>> No.15916024
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wait... you guys don't actually use reddit do you?

>> No.15916038

The mods are fags who don't have the brain cells to distinguish between censorship and killing threads that are literal garbage for basic social hygiene

>> No.15916042
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American Psycho you knew phag

>> No.15916046


>> No.15916051

its like reading some shit fucking roleplay in a video game

>> No.15916054

Anon, it's 2016

>> No.15916057
File: 54 KB, 564x868, Roy-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reddit is the reason why humans aren't in a bladerunner like world at the moment.

>> No.15916086
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>> No.15916102

I only saw the film for the first time last year, I'll read the book at some point, I swear

>> No.15916105


>> No.15916114
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only for porn

>> No.15916116

I doubt you read at all. What's the last book you finished and when?

>> No.15916131

yeah to look at /r/gwern

>> No.15916132
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>Reddit? Why the hell would I go on that? Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to search rule 34 for various types of swimwear

>> No.15916134

I stopped going when they got rid of cp

>> No.15916145
File: 924 KB, 1886x951, Screenshot 2020-07-20 at 7.57.47 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go suck a fat cock

>> No.15916148

I just take a lot of acid and then visualize the perfect woman if I ever want to jack off

>> No.15916150

only on lit and mu do open tourists not get the red text they deserve. you deserve these faggots more than /his/ does

>> No.15916159

It's that way of plenty of other boards as well, /tg/ for example

>> No.15916162

>reading on a screen
You're even worse than I thought. I can't believe I have to share a board with such plebs

>> No.15916168

a doesnt count. they have a confirmed tourist as a mod.

>> No.15916169
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>reading on a screen

>> No.15916176

It produced an obnoxious culture of smug retards who end every condescending statement with a meme quip.

>> No.15916200
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>“One can always be kind to people about whom one cares nothing.”

pure insincerity, policed for the secular sins of whatver the climate is, generally a bad culture

>> No.15916250
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>reddit bookmark

>> No.15916278

You have a good eye but that's blatantly a troubleshooting topic for a VR headset you horny brat

>> No.15916293

I can't tell if there's another Reddit bookmark partially hidden behind the mouse-over text or if it's a MEGA link

>> No.15916297

reddit's reddit. Nice try though

>> No.15916350

Its not even my bookmark desu, I shared this PC with my brother for about a year and he's a VRChatfag
I shit on him for using reddit but they do have some decent wiki-like resources; its how I got the FS/N VN to play forever ago when I was into that garbage
Its a GameSpot forums icon

>> No.15916363

Ken dont try backpedaling now. You’re reddit using niggertron

>> No.15916368

My name isn't Ken and I only use reddit for porn, jackass

>> No.15916379

/lit/ is merely an extension of reddit, newfren.

>> No.15916403
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And I don't have foot fetish, reddit faggot

>> No.15916406

>i use reddit
opinion discarded and internet points withheld. why are you here? even a battered wife gets room and board for the trouble

>> No.15916409

Your story’s all over the place Mr. Slow-in-the-brain. You use reddit—you’re a redditor. Haha faggot

>> No.15916422
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>> No.15916437

>4chan is just reddit in denial, always has been
always? pretty neat trick, considering 4chan is ~2 years older than reddit.

>> No.15916449

Sometimes I forget how old reddit is

>> No.15916453
