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15912567 No.15912567 [Reply] [Original]

Is this good prose style?


>> No.15912579


>> No.15912607

I have that jacket.

>> No.15912623

Bin in it

>> No.15912655

Why is this always the photo you guys use of him? Do you guys think he held his hand in that waving position for a long time for the photograph, or was it captured naturally?

>> No.15912662

not a bad jacket. keep in mind, anything he would wear would look bad because he's quite unattractive. the trick is to hide your bulbous cell silhouette, which this jacket does sublimely. and if you're not fat, or ugly as a bonus, then it would probably look quite good

>> No.15912665

>Do you guys think he held his hand in that waving position for a long time
look at him, do you honestly believe he could hold his arm up for a long time?

>> No.15912689

Well if you look at his posture, like his head/neck, he looks a little slouched. It's like he's burdened by something. Maybe the hand, if he held it up too long?

>> No.15912698

It's too big for me. I hate it. I bought a medium when I should have bought a small. Anyone know if American clothes are just larger?

>> No.15912704

Was it bought used? It might have been his mantle of power.

>> No.15912707

Heavy backpack, and two layers of long sleeves on a sunny day + fat.

>> No.15912720

>Heavy backpack
German philosophy will do that to you.

>> No.15912723

Are you just fat (you seem to know about the topic) or are you just Kantbot?

>> No.15912736

>Anyone know if American clothes are just larger?
im not sure if its just an american thing but indeed, american clothes tend to be on the larger side in spite of the fact that americans are on the smaller side. i think its simply because americans are fat. if you are 5'9 or less, then you would get a patagonia small unless i guess you are very fat. 50%+ of US males are 5'9 or less.

>> No.15912739

this is horrible.

Is it a meme? I'm new-ish here

>> No.15912740

It's a nightmare finding small or medium sized shirts in American shops, but somehow there's always an overabundance of XXLs.

>> No.15912770

>It's a nightmare finding small or medium sized shirts in American shops,
ayap. good riddance to these shops going out of business. ill order all my stuff online since once you order a few things you eventually get the hang of finding the right size

>> No.15912780

>good riddance local economy
>can't wait to support a monopoly

>> No.15912787

Lurk more

>> No.15912791

i agree, i couldnt have put it better myself. thanks anon. fuck local shops

>> No.15912803

Hello Kantbot

>> No.15912805

he's a faggot that can't german but thinks he's one of the german idealists by posting on twitter

>> No.15912818
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>everything ordered online is a monopoly

>> No.15912891

Why not?

>> No.15913047


>> No.15913104

The monopoly is the only truly authentic form of trade. As Aharon-Feurberg stated (I don't hope you have ever heard of him) "The truly trascendental configuration of man is the union of the enterprice", for it is the actualization of truly pure formality, a formality that the CIA has been trying to destroy by means of Frankfurt school tendencies.

>> No.15913109

>first sentence has 5 commas
Yea, I stopped reading it after the first sentence, it's garbage, 5 commas is just too much, better if it was broken up in sentences instead, but then again I'm a retard.

>> No.15913133
File: 743 KB, 1384x1496, 1563466643167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do we have TWO Kantbot threads up right now? Why do we even have one?

>> No.15913145

Kantbot is proof knowledge doesn't necessarily make you smarter.

>> No.15913190

Who do you think is shilling him? Hmmmm.

>> No.15913225

why does that weird looking guy have titties is he a tranny?

>> No.15913252

That says a lot when your close match some giant mouther breathers. yike my man

>> No.15913263

It reads okay, it's just kind of long and rambling.

He's says the documentarian sought to accurately portray the incel identity, and succeeded to some extent, but didn't admit or explore their own association with that identity.

>> No.15913281

Kantbot is absolutely autistic and self-important enough to make threads about himself on /lit/.

>> No.15913285

Its not at all. There are like 3 comma splices in the first sentence...

>> No.15913299

How tall is he? Anyone know?

>> No.15913326

They think it embarrasses him, which it really doesn't seem to

>> No.15913341

Because our resident rightoids are extremely triggered that he's pro-riot.

>> No.15913698

>Imagine rioting for some poor black degenerate druggard
You amerilards are true cucks

>> No.15913733
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they truly are and their adoration for nogs is absolutely hilarious.

>> No.15913800

, the aforementioned rightoids

>> No.15913900
File: 12 KB, 258x245, 354deaa3770912621bb816da070346ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go cry over a degen black druggard you giant americuck.

>> No.15913909

>You amerilards are true cucks
These mutts are even vandalizing their own towns over some bum nigger which is really quite sad to say the least.

>> No.15913918

See how it seethes? Probably F5ing riot posts in /pol/ for the last two months trying to see what the niggers are up to now, lol.

>> No.15913921
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>, the aforementioned rightoids

>> No.15913925
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>See how it seethes?
Who are you talking to? Your imaginary friend to make it look like you aren't upset? Kek.

>> No.15913935


>> No.15913937
File: 126 KB, 1280x720, 4changuy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't make fun the black worshiping amerimutts!

>> No.15913943

You make fun of /pol/ but then go to screeching this /v/ tier newfag meme language? Yikes.

>> No.15913950

leave the teenager newcancer alone.

>> No.15913955

I actually post on pol all the time, and I'm quite likely the most racist person in this conversation. I'm the only one dropping hard Rs so far. But Kantbot supporting the riots and triggering you 1D thinkers is hilarious to me, and he's 100% correct to say that your opinion about it literally doesn't matter. You don't influence world events. No one needs your approval to do anything.

>> No.15913962

yeah, poltards should be ignored until they scamper back home

>> No.15913966

>I actually post on pol all the time,
No one cares if you go to /pol/ amerifart now go back to walking around with a picket sign

>> No.15913970
File: 106 KB, 711x698, 1516141252454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I absolutely love the word "rightoid". It shows in plain daylight the absolutely depressing state of the modern left. Incapable of creating an original insult that is witty and effective, they simply steal an inherently racist insult from the right,"leftoid", the combination of left and negroid, and say "no u", by saying rightoid, all while conveniently ignore the overtly racist root of the word and pretending the word has no history, true their worldview of existing in the now, with no culture of their own, no roots to call home nor roots for their terminology they so shamelessly ripped from the right and divorced it of its past in their mind.

>> No.15913974

kek you guys can't keep it straight
Unable to integrate new informaion, back to seething.

>> No.15913983

I'm not on "the left." I'm not on the "the right" either. You're a classic 1D thinker. Kantbot supporting riots is a 3D move and you retards get so mad about it. Cracks me up

>> No.15914006

legit curious, why do you keep making threads about this obese jew? nobody cares about him. if he were an actual writer or a thinker, i could see it for the meme potential ("german idealism" would pretty funny if he ever did anything with it) but he's not.

>> No.15914030

there are probably like a total of 10k people in the entire planet than 'influence world events' and they're not involved in this conversation at all so idk what your point is. Cheerleading the riots is just joining the state-sanctioned mob, which im sure is plenty of fun but it's not saying anything interesting

>> No.15914222

it's kinda funny how his life would be completely meaningless if nobody paid attention to his tweets

>> No.15914314
File: 106 KB, 1920x1080, 1595023131220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kantbot would be bullied in my high school but on the Internet he's considered a cool intellectual

>> No.15914823

Yes, it is indeed very funny that he gets to post as a career, while we're all stuck in the amateur league.
You're mentally in high school still? Are you physically old enough to post here?

>> No.15914876

hope he sees this brah

>> No.15914886
File: 89 KB, 382x321, faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as a career

>> No.15915407

why does he look like something from the hills have eyes imbred

>> No.15915448

I doubt that he will.
Is your pic tfw you will never make a patreon dollar?

>> No.15915499

>You're a classic 1D thinker. Kantbot supporting riots is a 3D move and you retards get so mad about it.

Anybody who talks like this is a certified pseud.

>> No.15915537

imagine thinking the suffix -oid comes from that

>> No.15915566
File: 188 KB, 640x590, 1588954387357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Philosophy today is Animal Crossing. But in those days, it was Dark Souls

>> No.15915569

It was p good,
Moyer is a fucking BPD slut post-wall train wreck. Sean made the mistake of getting wrapped up in her crazy.

>> No.15916442
File: 14 KB, 672x441, comments.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15917178

>Philosophy today is Animal Crossing. But in those days, it was Dark Souls
You know I have a vague memory of once visiting Kantbot's blog and taking glances at his written stuff. To be fair I only glanced but I was not made privy to the fact that he's utterly garbage that time. Now I know better. That Medium article is fucking terrible. I couldn't keep reading past a point. And fuck Medium too for publishing so much garbage like this.

>> No.15917336

It is to laugh

>> No.15918340

I have that jacket AND that haircut. 6ft and 85kg ottermode though

>> No.15918358

If you get those glasses you guys should hang out.

>> No.15918372

I take it you guys aren't the anti-semitic right (unfortunate) because this has been one of the most effective, Chinese-engineered disruptions of Jewish capital I've ever seen.

The globohomo corps are literally paying tribute to the golem they created. It's beautiful.

>> No.15918378
File: 107 KB, 1000x1121, gaddafi-Katrina_20170724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just sound mad that they can subsume the meme you made. In a Nietzschean world you would conquer such a man, but here you just rage at him impotently.

I hate the left because they are powerbottoms for kike capitalism. You guys are just getting fucked in the ass in the amazon position. Still gay.

>> No.15918510

prose style

>> No.15918968

Wait, what? Isn't this completely at odds with the rest of frogtwitter?

>> No.15919006

Kantbot was never frogtwitter, not according to him, and not according to those that remain of that culture.

Rightwing twitter isn't really a unified doctrine, and like most things there are various viewpoints on the riots. You get law and order types right next to burn it all down types. And in between them you have people whose opinion on rioting is dependent entirely on which race is doing it.

>> No.15919008

oh god this is terrible

>> No.15919020

>I feel most justified in doing this, because, as I’ve observed, Moyer is perhaps the real incel herself. Something which, as the movie shows, is no crime. She admirably worked her way through various rejections to get this made, rejections from festivals, rejections from financiers, rejections from the subject candidates she wanted to shoot. She wanted, like her supposedly loser subjects, some recognition. A recognition she felt she wasn’t, or maybe would never get from Industry she worked in. And that same desire for recognition, she was quick to project on myself, and the other participants in the film, and on the Twitter subcultural sphere she tried to establish herself in like Sigourney Weaver in Gorillas in the Mist. She came to the sphere she wanted to make a movie about, not as a truth teller, but as a participant, and she never established any line between herself and her subjects in this regard. Perhaps you could go so far as to say, this film isn’t so much about those in it, as it is secretly about Moyer.

THat's pretty based, and he's right that her, like he and all of these other people, just want to be recognised for something.

>> No.15919170

Nah, it's kinda trite