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15913118 No.15913118 [Reply] [Original]

>book is written in future tense

>> No.15913134

name one book that does this

>> No.15913162

>the thread about books written in the future sense was a disaster

>> No.15913202
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My Future Diary Desu

>> No.15913205

what a retard

>> No.15913228
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>book has a gaping asshole on every page literally squirting diarrhea into your face

>> No.15913235

>he will not know

>> No.15913667
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>book is written in 2nd person

>> No.15913712

I don't remember much about The Fall other than that it was fucking boring

>> No.15913817


>> No.15914106

In future tense in second person.

>> No.15914135
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>Book is written entirely in the subjunctive

>> No.15914140

>every sentence begins with "if only you ever will"

>> No.15914554
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>'You will go to the gas station near your old school -- you know the one -- and wait there. You'll bring this book with you so it I can give you further instructions. There I'll tell you to purchase a jerrycan of gasoline and I'll ask if you brought your lighter: To which you will say yes. Next I'll tell you that "You need to go to 237 Red Maple Drive and burn it down. The people inside have been keeping files on you. The car that drove by your house was one of their agents." After reaching the house you'll check the book for further instructions. After walking around the neighborhood and after destroying your phone because you know someone's been listening to our conversation, you check the book, "look for an open window -- it was hot today," to which you see their garden window is open, then you'll check the book again, "pour the gasoline on the floor, the files are hidden in the walls and floorboards so this is the fastest way. Don't lose faith in me now. Nobody lives here: those portraits are fake -- you can tell they're stock image of children and families." You will then, after emptying the cherrycan all over the bottom floor of the house -- leading to the mail slot -- exit through the front door. After doing this you'll light a piece of scrap paper you prepared with your lighter and push it through the mail slot. You'll check the book again and I'll tell you to go home and await further instructions.'

>> No.15914576

>book has a first person narrator but also switches to other characters' perspectives as well as seems to go omniscient third person at times
Moby Dick's perspective is all over the place.

>> No.15915225

>book switches to third-person during hallucinated action sequence
oh Patrick Bateman, you wish you could blow up those cop cars

>> No.15915274

Any book of prophecy.

>> No.15915294

based timetravelerfag

>> No.15915605

I swear it has a line in second person too

>> No.15915616
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>book is not written

>> No.15915698

I just finished it recently and can't remember where in the book that happens but I'm pretty sure you're right

>> No.15915758

Future shock

>> No.15915780
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>> No.15915877
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>> No.15916030
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good one

>> No.15916257
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Don't tell anyone this but I made this thread just to make that one joke because I knew someone would ask for a book example setting me up for a most clever bon mot

>> No.15916351
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Just told my mom and showed her this thread.

>> No.15916421

Did she laugh at the joke?

>> No.15916433

Don't post anime you stupid fool.

>> No.15916452
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>book is written in 5th person

>> No.15916469

wonderful, sauce?

>> No.15916491

The image or the excerpt?

>> No.15917045

I think Oedipus Rex is written like that.

>> No.15917204
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>Book ends abruptly

>> No.15917229


>> No.15917264

But my english teacher docked points when I did it.