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/lit/ - Literature

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15912519 No.15912519 [Reply] [Original]

>The Divine Comedy
>Paradise Lost
>I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream
>Brave New World
>Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
>Atlas Shrugged

If you haven't read these, get the fuck off my board you /lit/lets ;)
Also share your own Elite /lit/s

>> No.15912533

>I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream
I picked up Ellison’s collection of short stories by this name and they were literally the worst things I’ve ever read in my life. Whenever anybody posts about IHNMAIMS or any of his other stories, I know I’m dealing with a retard.

>> No.15912553

I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream is legitimately godtier you filthy little pleb. Get the fuck out of my thread and never so much as set your sodden eyes upon a thread posted by I again on this board or any other!

>> No.15912555

The Divine Comedy and Paradise Lost are of entirely different tiers than the rest of your list

>> No.15912569

In a good sense or a bad sense. The Divine Comedy is the greatest thing I've ever read in my life, especially in the original Latin :smirk:

>> No.15912587

I think he just posted every book he’s read since he discovered /lit/ a month ago. You have to be 18 to post here OP, btw.

>> No.15912669

awe that’s so cute

>> No.15912682

>Atlas Shrugged
OP is not just a faggot, he is 15.

>> No.15912745

It's in Tuscan you fucking munter

>> No.15912784

Yes, the Tuscan Latin dialect, imbecilio :smirk:

>> No.15912826
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>> No.15912844
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>What are the Romance languages for 500, Alex

>> No.15913095
File: 300 KB, 643x480, absolutely disgusting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Divine Comedy
>Paradise Lost
Good so far...
>the rest of that list
Oh shit what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck WHAT THE FUCK

>> No.15913135

You may as well post fucking To Kill a Mockingbird if you're going to post your high school curriculum tier tastes in literature. God Damn. I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream? Are you for fucking real?

>> No.15914311

Brave new world is shit.

>> No.15914393
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>Not mentioned as E/lit/ists

Yikes. I’m out of here.

>> No.15914781

>original Latin

Oh no no no

>> No.15915057
File: 534 KB, 530x511, 156873574354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brave New World
>Atlas Shrugged
>>>>>my board

>> No.15915865

Decent quality bait, though your bait gets more and more obvious every reply. 6/10 for the op, 4/10 for the replies

>> No.15916556


>> No.15916915

Half of those books are normie tier

>> No.15917611

You won't find any of my recommendations in the school library so I don't see the point in mentioning them but since you asked ill give you two books I like. I like Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy and The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera.

>> No.15917612

Is there anything actually wrong with Brave New World? Or does /lit/ hate it because some normies have read it?

>> No.15917705

Huxley is a good author but, funnily enough, Brave New World is probably his least interesting work. Point Counterpoint is an order of magnitude better and I've heard the same about Eyeless in Gaza. It's less bad than it is just culturally overexposed by the last decade or two of Americans being absurdly obsessed with the big dystopian novels.
The point isn't even that the books are bad, they aren't the worst. The point is that OP's list is indistinguishable from one you'd find by googling "good books" and looking through blogposts written by illiterate pajeets or autogenerated by text-combing bots to farm clicks. He's either a tourist or trolling.

>> No.15917712

It is freshman year curriculum tier shit. Not read by some normies but read by literally everyone.