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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 253 KB, 1624x800, image-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15911919 No.15911919 [Reply] [Original]

Is music the only art form that can be said to have surpassed literature or at least be on par with it?

>> No.15911949
File: 318 KB, 1280x960, italian gothic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Painting, sculpting, architecture.

>> No.15911950

Music is a farce. It's just an excuse to go to a place where suitable mates and alcohol are present, music exists so you can claim you're there to see the band/orchestra/bongo circle without seeming like a junkie or pervert.

>> No.15911973
File: 234 KB, 1527x1081, Wagner profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you mean Gesammtkunstwerk.

>> No.15911989

Music at its best represents the world with pure generality without being an empty abstraction. Literature at its best offers rich particularities or at its worst empty abstractions. They are essentially different and complimentary, one being general and the other particular, but we could say music due to its purity and comprehensiveness is the superior one.

>> No.15912004

That time has long passed.

>> No.15912008

>The highest Voice ever heard on this earth said withal, "Consider the lilies of the field; they toil not, neither do they spin: yet Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these." A glance, that, into the deepest deep of Beauty. "The lilies of the field,"—dressed finer than earthly princes, springing up there in the humble furrow-field; a beautiful eye looking out on you, from the great inner Sea of Beauty! How could the rude Earth make these, if her Essence, rugged as she looks and is, were not inwardly Beauty? In this point of view, too, a saying of Goethe's, which has staggered several, may have meaning: "The Beautiful," he intimates, "is higher than the Good; the Beautiful includes in it the Good." The true Beautiful; which however, I have said somewhere, "differs from the false as Heaven does from Vauxhall!"
>Nevertheless, you will say, there must be a difference between true Poetry and true Speech not poetical: what is the difference? On this point many things have been written, especially by late German Critics, some of which are not very intelligible at first. They say, for example, that the Poet has an infinitude in him; communicates an Unendlichkeit, a certain character of "infinitude," to whatsoever he delineates. This, though not very precise, yet on so vague a matter is worth remembering: if well meditated, some meaning will gradually be found in it. For my own part, I find considerable meaning in the old vulgar distinction of Poetry being metrical, having music in it, being a Song. Truly, if pressed to give a definition, one might say this as soon as anything else: If your delineation be authentically musical, musical not in word only, but in heart and substance, in all the thoughts and utterances of it, in the whole conception of it, then it will be poetical; if not, not.—Musical: how much lies in that! A musical thought is one spoken by a mind that has penetrated into the inmost heart of the thing; detected the inmost mystery of it, namely the melody that lies hidden in it; the inward harmony of coherence which is its soul, whereby it exists, and has a right to be, here in this world. All inmost things, we may say, are melodious; naturally utter themselves in Song. The meaning of Song goes deep. Who is there that, in logical words, can express the effect music has on us? A kind of inarticulate unfathomable speech, which leads us to the edge of the Infinite, and lets us for moments gaze into that!

>> No.15912021
File: 101 KB, 856x1172, Carlyle T..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nay all speech, even the commonest speech, has something of song in it: not a parish in the world but has its parish-accent;—the rhythm or tune to which the people there sing what they have to say! Accent is a kind of chanting; all men have accent of their own,—though they only notice that of others. Observe too how all passionate language does of itself become musical,—with a finer music than the mere accent; the speech of a man even in zealous anger becomes a chant, a song. All deep things are Song. It seems somehow the very central essence of us, Song; as if all the rest were but wrappages and hulls! The primal element of us; of us, and of all things. The Greeks fabled of Sphere-Harmonies: it was the feeling they had of the inner structure of Nature; that the soul of all her voices and utterances was perfect music. Poetry, therefore, we will call musical Thought. The Poet is he who thinks in that manner. At bottom, it turns still on power of intellect; it is a man's sincerity and depth of vision that makes him a Poet. See deep enough, and you see musically; the heart of Nature being everywhere music, if you can only reach it.

>> No.15912020

Music is the highest form of art by far.

>> No.15912055

>That time has long passed.
The Milan cathedral was completed in 1965.

>> No.15912064

>That time has long passed.
Name one artform that you couldn't say the same thing about. "Vidya"? Lmao.

>> No.15912070

right, because music didn't exist before the invention of music festivals

>> No.15912075

Times changed.

>> No.15912089

So what are you saying? What's your actual belief on the subject?

>> No.15912097

>So what are you saying?
Beauty is slowly slipping away from the World.

>> No.15912098

What's your point? Time has no effect on whether or not the Milan cathedral is an impressive work of art next to a great book.

>> No.15912099

>t. doesn't know what music is

>> No.15912125

Then why did you respond only to architecture and grand-opera with a "that time's gone" and not also music?

>> No.15912164
File: 2.35 MB, 5760x3240, Bloodborne Cinegrid (Colored - 2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vidya isn't a legitimate form of ar-

>> No.15912167


No, it didn't. You sat around a campfire with the tribe, got high and tried to find a mate.

>> No.15912200

Bloodborne is a beautiful game in every aspect, but the gameplay of Souls games in general is incredibly boring. I tried Dark Souls 2 and 3, but got bored quickly because everything works and expects you to work the same way.

>> No.15912667

Utter garbage for the instantly stimulated, it's "aesthetic", but only in the immediate sense of a gripping of our consciousness. Very little more, grow up.

>> No.15912697

No, cinema and the fine arts are also above literature.

>> No.15912724

that is a beautiful man

>> No.15912750

Vidya is high IQ.

>> No.15912771

The visual arts don't reach the same level of the sublime as music does.

>> No.15912792
File: 74 KB, 850x400, Kant_sublime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Music for this feel?

>> No.15912821

Music is manipulation. It's the opposite of self-control.

>> No.15912822


>> No.15912856

Film has surpassed every art form.

>> No.15912865

Nobody respects a 2nd person narrative anon.

>> No.15912885

>A serious art-form
top kek

Architecture is an awfully constrained, pale form of sculpture. Painting is gay.

Sculpture and Music are perfect counterparts. Add in literature and you have the holy trinity.

>> No.15912920
File: 402 KB, 1566x2000, Thomas Carlyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, yes he is. He used to be more popular on /lit/.

>For if we will think of it, no Time need have gone to ruin, could it have found a man great enough, a man wise and good enough: wisdom to discern truly what the Time wanted, valor to lead it on the right road thither; these are the salvation of any Time. But I liken common languid Times, with their unbelief, distress, perplexity, with their languid doubting characters and embarrassed circumstances, impotently crumbling down into ever worse distress towards final ruin;—all this I liken to dry dead fuel, waiting for the lightning out of Heaven that shall kindle it. The great man, with his free force direct out of God's own hand, is the lightning. His word is the wise healing word which all can believe in. All blazes round him now, when he has once struck on it, into fire like his own. The dry mouldering sticks are thought to have called him forth. They did want him greatly; but as to calling him forth—! Those are critics of small vision, I think, who cry: "See, is it not the sticks that made the fire?" No sadder proof can be given by a man of his own littleness than disbelief in great men. There is no sadder symptom of a generation than such general blindness to the spiritual lightning, with faith only in the heap of barren dead fuel. It is the last consummation of unbelief. In all epochs of the world's history, we shall find the Great Man to have been the indispensable savior of his epoch;—the lightning, without which the fuel never would have burnt. The History of the World, I said already, was the Biography of Great Men.

>> No.15912954


>> No.15912965
File: 277 KB, 1000x1500, The-Most-Beautiful-Buildings-in-the-World-According-to-Lonely-Planet-02-e1524753328907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine getting filtered by architecture.

>> No.15913005
File: 6 KB, 205x246, headless wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>architecture doesn't relate to dwelling

>> No.15913017
File: 91 KB, 799x561, Ehrentempel 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15913044
File: 1.83 MB, 898x1274, 先生、どっちか選んでよ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15913061

based retard
or based bait

>> No.15913084

>painting is gay
You have no clue about anything

>> No.15913088

Lol absolute degenerate here

>> No.15913101

>tfw going to a music school right now and also studying architecture during my spare time
Imho painting is superior to these arts, but I just cant paint for shit and I've already spent most of my time since I was like 5 playing music so its probably too late to start painting now

>> No.15913119

It's no different than fashion, auto design, or any other tool making. It isn't a pure art as it is a tool.

>> No.15913125

The closer architecture moves towards a dwelling, the less beautiful and pure it becomes. The purest architecture is indistinguishable from sculpture. Go back to your hobbit hole faggot.

>> No.15913128

Do you play bass?

>> No.15913147

Music is by far the highest art.

>> No.15913154

Most architecture is political, not artistic.

>> No.15913161


>> No.15913187

Computers can compose just as well as humans. Romanticists BTFO.

>> No.15913214

>Computers can compose just as well as humans.
Weak b*it.

>> No.15913216

I always knew yuros weren't human but I didnt know they were artifical intelligence

>> No.15913232
File: 280 KB, 1600x1023, Hephaistos_Temple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gothic pleb

>> No.15913292

just listen to these and tell me what you think



>> No.15913501

yes based oud man so much beautiful drama in that sound

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7a_K6kQ8p0 i love this, such a moving narrative told through music, starts at 05:20 absolute ripping at about 12:00

>> No.15913546

i love Naseer Shamma he inspired me to start playing.also you have great taste i think you might like this


>> No.15913576

explain how any of this is "art"?
still frames of a game doesn't make the game itself "art" by the way.
a game may feature great paintings but that by itself doesn't make the game "art", does it?
now these are pretty pictures, like story book illustrations for children.

>> No.15913628

Arguments of superiority of some (established) art forms over others just tend to boil down to personal preference, so kinda pointless

>> No.15913685

That's literally just sculpture you fucking retard, and you seem to be forgetting that "dwelling" is no so simple a thing to be merely the cottage home on the inbetween walk of the town, the town house that is. The neoclassical epitomises the opposite of the living house, one cannot relax there. You cannot sleep or live there, it has a character of death about it. In much the same way modern art is incapable to be lived in, to be relaxed into or provide a homely living space, it offers nothing more than its own ugliness. While neoclassicism of the traditional arts is life-denying, it offers us a vision of ghost and hierarchy. The ghost of the past, the nation, transformation. Because we do not see death as the end, it is glorious, it is more. We even wish to die in tradition. In the well of tradition.

One common part of the neoclassical being an example of being by its definition architecture, dwelling, but impossible for the individual, is this: That is a communal architecture, like a church, man is a social creature. It is like the vision of Hitler, this neoclassicism was and could only be "the nation", and this is a type of dwelling, just as there was Schinkel, or Rome, or Greece, or ANY GREAT ARCHITECTURE, TO DWELL IN AS AN INDIVIDUAL, OR A GROUP!

I have put this in barely a way as a classical philosophical treatise, that is words as stated truths, or made such by later words which in essence by firstly or secondarily derivation(likened to Plato's magnetism in the form of single book; energy flows through) is taken at face value. But I have said it in such a clumsied muddled way that in its own context, startled like a hare, you would be able to understand it. This is fundamentally the state of an unprepared work, and of characteristically the 4chan post. But nonetheless it shall make sense. And as a result, this last paragraph must be taken as the only intentional organisation of this whole collage of previous thoughts, I must make new to me again. So your blessed brain could understand a thing thought so simple to the moral person, what may even be called an "intuitive naturality", which all men should hold. Even as enjoyed construction, mirthful, you can appreciate it.

>> No.15913693
File: 3.00 MB, 1280x720, Ludwig.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vidya synthesizes several forms of art (film, music, paintings, literature, and more) into a new cohesive product. On top of this, it adds a direct interaction component that elevates it above all other mediums.

>> No.15913704

They have their different values.

>> No.15913747

It literally isn't.

>> No.15913750

without beauty, life would been an mistake

>> No.15913763

>Vidya synthesizes several forms of art (film, music, paintings, literature, and more) into a new cohesive product. On top of this, it adds a direct interaction component that elevates it above all other mediums.
Too bad it got little beyond that cohesive. If a Beethoven symphony was played to the back of the game, it would only lower the music to the representation of at best some unique architectural expression or experience, and besides that only a further lower, lowering, lowering to the abyss of modern borgious laziness, flute-huffing, a bun-bun a bun-bun, huff huff huffiffifuff! Man lazy and low to a neoliberal lukewarmness. Pink, sodomic serenade to a self-deception, life-death.

>> No.15913774

Would it have been, though?

>> No.15913802

>architecture has no relation to dwelling
And what is it now? Is the Colossus of Rhodes considered architecture? If it grew pillars would it then be sufficient to call it architecture? And you have found it, an architecture without a definition. If it is to not be related "phenomenologically" as it were, then it is without definition, and that is apart from the previously raised question of any truth in the architecture, highness of mind or expression. But furthermore a definition by mans existence, and its purposes, historic and current. Will always lead to the obvious realisation of its artistic dependency on these values and experiences.

>> No.15913813

pure art is a bourg idea. most art was tool

>> No.15913827

Yes, I would off myself and I wouldn't even be able to appreciate it. Utter nihilism. These strict definitions of beauty here, and truth there, they are wrong and come from Plato's definitions but without the thought to what the basis of those definitions were to him. That is the true having the good and the good having the beautiful, and to pull it out of this framework, unthinking like a STEMfag to how we shall understand it, is part of dumb modernity.

>> No.15913848

Was that video supposed to be particularly impressive?

>> No.15913863

>Vidya synthesizes several forms of art (film, music, paintings, literature, and more)
Yet it excels at none of those individually

>> No.15913874
File: 139 KB, 872x264, Redditgineers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

STEMlords are pretty much exclusive to e*ngineering and C* major undergrads.

>> No.15913895
File: 979 KB, 1896x4870, Bloodborne Story Flowchart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were saying?

>> No.15913908

How is a flowchart "art"?

>> No.15913941

Reddit has kino pics.

>> No.15913982


>> No.15914002

>implying it's not a mistake even with beauty
Beauty and pleasures aren't enough to redeem the suffering, meaninglessness and how it's fundamentally involuntary – really nothing but a prolonged rape of the soul.

>> No.15914031

>attaching beauty to pleasure

>> No.15914063

Stop shitposting and rest in peace, Schopenhauer.

>> No.15914065

wow, the story as represented in a flowchart has so much nodes, it must be so complex and subtle, it must be art because it takes reading multiple wikis and youtube vids to truly understand the story

>> No.15914080

Schopenhauer would literally say the opposite. Stop memeing philosophers you haven't read and read a book, retard.

>> No.15914093

He literally wouldn't.

>> No.15914183

yes, vidya is extremely good at creating complex plot structures but does that itself make it art/literature? Is Game of Thrones good art?

>> No.15914220

No, but Malazan is.

>> No.15914230

I didn't, I said "and"
fuck off retard

>> No.15914263

Ok hobbit

>> No.15914306

Literature and music are art, everything else is cope.

>> No.15914347

music is not as good, it's fun and even an obsession, but I do not see it solving anything or is productive. it is like simpletons literature.

painting. no longer relevent due to photos.

photos. film's retarded cousin.

sculpture, architecture. cope lesser fags

film... it has the lowest barrier of entry of them all which means the canon is films like the good the bad and the ugly, star wars, the godfather, which shows it is basically a medium for children and pseuds.

videogames... still an advanced cinema at best.

no one mentioned sports as an artform.

no one mentioned psychedelic drugs as an artform.

but for now. literature is the best, nothing comes even close. literature is everything people pretend music is except has a barrier of entry requiring intelligence, empathy, intellect, and knowledge. since this locks most people out, they cope with muh music and film

>> No.15914382

This but we know that brainlet will cry about his vidya games because he still hasn't grown up

>> No.15914386

What medium is the biggest cope?

>> No.15914414

>intelligence, empathy, intellect, and knowledge
You don't have any of those.

>> No.15914431

bugman take of the month

>> No.15914454
File: 3.39 MB, 3264x2238, Bloodborne Cinegrid 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'Vidya is for children' meme

>> No.15914462

>Is music the only art form that can be said to have surpassed literature or at least be on par with it?
Literature is the most pleb of all kinds of arts. I'm just talking about schop and nietzsche here but, music was appreciated because it was the image of pure action without object, something that every other art, that is not text, can do at this time.

>> No.15914475
File: 295 KB, 882x1346, The Divine Comedy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literature is the most pleb of all kinds of arts.
You were saying?

>> No.15914538

The purest architecture is called the doric order and is about the expression of a perfect equilibrium between support and weight, sculptures have nothing to do with that

>> No.15914578
File: 407 KB, 1366x768, KOUROS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one mentioned psychedelic drugs as an artform

>> No.15914604

It's still just aesthetic theory applied to buildings. Functional things. It is unseemly for art to be too practically purposeful.

>> No.15914639

I love Bloodborne but it’s entertainment, not art

>> No.15914646
File: 40 KB, 573x738, 0A5BCBE1-4AB9-4328-B60A-79A560CB5B00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it’s made in an office building it’s not art you consooming faggot

>> No.15914669

This but unironically.

>> No.15914681
File: 7 KB, 220x220, 94006558-4733-4C07-9058-C6ED24C4D639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Adorno or I meant it ironically

>> No.15914780

Where is a group of artists working on a project supposed to work for it to be art? A commune, a circle of stones in the forest?

>> No.15914848

That's just music scenes.

>> No.15914940

2 and 3 are shit, 1, demon's souls and bb are amazing

>> No.15914974


>> No.15915016
File: 72 KB, 1024x1024, 0DC3790E-1E1D-4B6D-A79C-43B92812AD8F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you were an actual artists you’d know theirs a thing called studios where you can work if where you live isn’t conducive. Me, for example, I can’t fit my jazz band into my small apartment so we practice at a studio.

>> No.15915030

I know this is weak bait but people actually unironically believe this. All art needs human intent.
ignoring the fact that you linked an incredibly retarded meme example of generative/algorithmic music, it isn't even such a thing as computer music, a computer never "makes" music, a human makes the computer, the compositional process would then be assembling that computer algorithm.

>> No.15915066

>artists are supposed to create massive projects like video games of their own accord in studios
>not to mention the requirement of technical elements which aren't artful or fun to create

>> No.15915075

And? Beauty is its own end, there is no suffering in which to destroy when in its presence for we do not suffer. It IS redeeming.

Do I live in a hobbit hole?

>> No.15915086

Yep, it's no better than being obsessed with anime as a grown man or capeshit, different degrees is all.

Again, the bright colours sustain the life force of an immature mind.

>> No.15915096
File: 58 KB, 626x626, 3CE2A1C7-C7AD-44E9-B127-A98C60ADFFEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Video games, like all commodities aren’t art, so no need to worry about where to create them.

>> No.15915124

Not in my experience. The pointless suffering lives of the entire animal world are also in no way redeemed by muh humans experiencing beauty.

>> No.15915140

You said "theirs" instead of there's so I think it's safe to disregard any opinion you have about anything.

>> No.15915146
File: 771 KB, 998x516, F603524E-18E3-41A6-BDDC-65511D97820F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15915147

This is either bait or you don't have a soul.

>> No.15915150

>itoddler filenames
Yep. Fuck off retard.

>> No.15915164

The world is your representation.
Your own redemption is the redemption of all

>> No.15915187

>literal nonsense babble
Are you a solipsist?

>> No.15915205

If you're going for that angle anon you should have shat on him for it from the very first post, now it just looks like damage control. And that's what half the filenames on this board are now so there's little you can do

>> No.15915321

Hiromoot needs to ban phoneposters. Imagine how much the quality would go up.

>> No.15916016

Nope, just a much higher intellect than you I see.

>> No.15916081

Sonic the hog inspired a generation of talented writers and artists. Video games are inspirashunal

>> No.15916110
File: 483 KB, 1080x1082, 1594753688536 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Music's greatest strength is that it can't directly stimulate your emotional side without having to deal with the inefficiencies of story or context. Whenever you see an artfag in another genre doing dumb shit like humming for two hours straight or shoving spaghettios up their snatch, it's an attempt to recreate this "experience bypass" that music does all on it's own. If all other mediums are man, then music is God by comparison.

>> No.15916133
File: 35 KB, 444x666, path bulls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So use an actually good game for your example then you fucking pleb.

>> No.15916141

>we shouldn't help humans in a particular moral way because we can't help animals in the same way
Utterly nihilistic and degenerate and immoral and unthinking because I know you consider yourself moral and think you said this out of morality. You need to have Strength in this world, it is a basic virtue, but still utmost necessary for almost any of the others.

>> No.15916367

Nothing in your post adresses anything I said, ESL monkey. Stop responding to my posts when you're just talking to voices in your chimp brain. I didn't say anything about morality or how one should act, I'm only saying that life is a meatgrinder that is irredeemable and cannot be justified.

>> No.15916596



>> No.15916606
File: 27 KB, 650x448, 1527778718350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. Most mediums are about other things, while music is the thing itself. Other mediums require abstraction and interpretation, as well as active involvement – music affects directly and doesn't require effort; it cannot be stopped from affecting you unless you plug your ears. No other medium can hope for inducing experiences as intense as music can; nothing else can reach the same heights of sublime beauty. It can evoke new emotions and feelings inexpressible by any image or story. Music engages all areas of the brain, especially powerfully when you're the one playing it. Music isn't just an artform among many, it's The Art, one to which all others are subservient and attempt to mimick in one way or another. Anyone who would disagree hasn't known music.

>> No.15917864

imagine being obsessed about how grown up you appear to be
you can't truly enjoy anything if you do that
you will always feel insecure

>> No.15917882

>I didn't say anything about morality or how one should act
You might as well have, see>>15915124

What a dumb and nihilistic statement when before the only branch of hope. You are a nihilist, and you like to delude yourself that you are not.

>> No.15917936

>muh emotions

Not art

>> No.15917941

>Most mediums are about other things, while music is the thing itself.

That disqualifies it from being an art then which is always about representation.

>> No.15919573

Stop making strawmen anytime. I'm not a nihilist at all – a nihilist would say that it doesn't matter, I'm saying it's awful that it is the way it is. It's a branch of hope but it grows out of a very miserable tree

>> No.15919793

define art

>> No.15919797

You can probably make some argument about how it is actually representational, but it's definitely the closest to the thing itself that we get. That's why it's not "an art", it's the art. It's the closest human beings get to divinity, to imitating the work of God.

>> No.15920203



>> No.15920213

music is dead OP

>> No.15920587

What God are you talking about? Art is generally defined by the logos, not music. Any discussion about art is also defined by the logos and has no place in a discussion of music, so there is no possible way that one can elevate music to 'the art' without violating its independence from the logos. It's either art, in which case it is governed by the logos (and there are better arts out there in terms of logocentrism) or it isn't, and it is the thing in itself.

>> No.15920626
File: 61 KB, 680x454, b72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was Kant a halfling?

>> No.15920645
File: 318 KB, 1200x675, oj-simpson-white-bronco-06-17-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is noise art? I can drive through a city and listen to bullshit all around me f I wanted my ears stimulated.

>> No.15920654
File: 61 KB, 421x837, 1522834501071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like gusic ;3

>> No.15920666

Based Cage

>> No.15920678

name any music that changes the world the way the bible or karl marx did. music is impotent. books can be as poetic and beautiful as music, but it can also create change in our real world.

>> No.15920690
File: 62 KB, 850x400, Bach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can literature even compete?



>> No.15920697

>What God are you talking about?
Shiva, obviously.

>> No.15920711


>> No.15921342
File: 7 KB, 150x208, pater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All art constantly aspires towards the condition of music. For while in all other kinds of art it is possible to distinguish the matter from the form, and the understanding can always make this distinction, yet it is the constant effort of art to obliterate it.

>> No.15921346

I was ignoring your "point" to say something worthwhile, I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Why does art have to be about representation? Isn't the world the artwork of God?

>> No.15921354

>muh real world
no one cares

>> No.15921515

No, anime is.

>> No.15921627

Imagine talking about beauty when you're sublimely ugly.

>> No.15921630


>> No.15921783
File: 149 KB, 1536x1108, Frank_Bramley_-_A_Hopeless_Dawn_1888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is because you cannot see, well, not seeing properly. If you did, you would notice small nuances, every detail that makes whole composure great artwork.

>> No.15921799

Wagner, for better or worse

>> No.15921802

t. pagan sentimental


That being said, I'd say music, architecture, and painting are equal in quality. Architecture has a presence that can't be replicated by a picture.

>> No.15921847
File: 364 KB, 1110x1600, Immanuel_Kant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kant was quite handsome.

>> No.15921865

The Beatles, unironically.

>> No.15921878

Is this long for >cope?

>> No.15921988


>> No.15922955
File: 682 KB, 1369x1800, 012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Music is only good when you're high.
When you're sober, it's nothing special.

>> No.15923021

fake and gay.

>> No.15923039

But shouldn't we aspire to be in the immensity of the infinite present?

>> No.15923567

>a circle of stones in the forest?
Yes, ideally.

>> No.15923921
File: 27 KB, 240x336, 240px-Young_Bach2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes... but only classical music.


>> No.15923999

>quick anon, you're mother is going to die, throw her this rope!
>I don't see how it's going to help the animals, it isn't going to help her!
Wow anon, definitely a strawman. You're just a retard with no appreciation of Strength and no actual care about what you can help, it was literally pointless unless you're some edgy emo to lament in the place that you did.

>> No.15924013

Coomer addict.

Just as deferring instant gratification, we grow higher to the true immensity of the present, and not a lowering condition of vague contentedness.

>> No.15924018

Never heard this piece before, very nice.

>> No.15924049


>> No.15924055

>you're mother
You fucking retard.
I didn't say a single thing about what your reaction should be to the circumstance, I'm only describing the circumstance. You're an actual mental midget for strawmanning me like this when I said literally nothing on the subject. I do think that you should still do the best you can – just know that nothing can or will redeem this world. Even if all of humanity lived perfect lives from now on, it wouldn't redeem the animal kingdom or the billions of years of history.

>> No.15924094

As with music, especially symphonic pieces. But the fact that one who is entirely untrained to appreciate nuance can still transcend with music speaks volumes.

I've drawn all my life (mostly portraiture and nature) and am currently an architecture student. As much as I've always adored the visual arts through n through, the few years I immersed myself in playing music (especially with others) took me places only heavy doses of psychedelics have since compared to.

>> No.15924122

>Beauty is a redemption in itself anon
>"Yeah well animals can never experience it!"
I said Beauty is a redemption in its own, then you said "not in my experience. The pointless lives of the entire animal world are also in no way redeemed by much humans experiencing beauty" and I do believe animals can experience beauty, obviously not a human one. You denied even the effect it had on humans, because of your weak heart, not large heart, for the same artistic beauty not redeeming animals(it may to an extent but I don't know). The natural conclusions of your response would be that it's all worthless and pointless and to give up. Why even respond to such a hopeful message such as I???

>> No.15924312

This is the truth. Music and architecture shit all over literature and ph*losophy.

>> No.15924399
File: 72 KB, 868x658, ThanksGoogle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15924404

How idiot? Literature's status needs no argument from most people, and it's been adequately explained in this thread. The arguments for music and architecture have been mostly incoherent, as they don't complement the higher mind as deeply, with music commonly understood to appeal to emotions.

>> No.15924433

Yes, architecture literally shapes the lives of people and cultures. It is so fundamental to our experience it might as well be a second skin. I think some people in this thread think that means its a lesser form, but if anything it's the opposite. Others are saying modern architecture is deficient and therefore architecture itself is deficient, but you could say that about any art form. It's only so noticeable in architecture because architecture is so fundamental and in-your-face.

>> No.15924438

Games have an enormous amount of potential, but they are far too infantile right now. They need to shake off being simply games and become more like interactive art. They could simulate experiences, the vision of the artist, and sublime worlds in such a way so as to surpass any other medium, but as it stands they are a long way from doing this.

>> No.15924450
File: 149 KB, 530x600, 1492972743155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>architecture is so fundamental

>> No.15924461

There's not much to most architecture and it's tied to function which limits it. There are exceptions but not enough to carry the medium.

Yes, this including hypertext/visual novels have strong potential. The future form need not even be called games. I think it's a fifth of the way there.

>> No.15924478

>There's not much to most architecture
it's about how intrinsically powerful it is
standing at the feet of a beautiful monumental cathedral is literally awe-inspiring, it grips your entire being

>> No.15924505

That awe is reduced in light of explosives. The printing press made literature more awe inspiring.

>> No.15924524

It literally doesn't.

>> No.15924536

Lmao, what country do you live in????

>> No.15924547



>> No.15924555
File: 328 KB, 1200x1200, travel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"It literally doesn't."
>implying architecture is not constructed from dwelling, and in this further constructs dwelling

>> No.15924558


>> No.15924565


>> No.15924566

The one thing that great music and great literature have in common is that there is a fixed progression that builds up to something. You have to invest time into it and connect with it emotionally as its artistic merit is unraveled before you. With painting/sculpting, it's basically all there in the flash of an eye. After staring at either a painting or a sculpture for a minute, you've seen just about everything. They are still incredible feats of human ability and have artistic value, but they are revealed too quickly oftentimes for you to connect with the work. Architecture like your pic related is certainly impressive and evokes a particular mood, and actually walking around it and looking at the statues that decorate the exterior would be otherworldly. I'm sure the interior is decorated immaculately with stained glass, paintings, and statues also, however given the amount of effort that goes into making something like this, the emotion it evokes is just not as impressive.

>> No.15924569

Lol, well that fits I guess.

>> No.15925100

the most beautiful video games in the world are tetris and counter strike

>> No.15925135
File: 2.98 MB, 640x360, Counter Strike vs Quake.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>counter strike

>> No.15925840

No, that's manga.

>> No.15925917
File: 76 KB, 600x403, galacticwine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15925922

Modern quake looks so ugly.

>> No.15926134


>> No.15926820
File: 279 KB, 1024x775, Takehiko-Inoue-Vagabond-Landscape-1024x775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15926823

More actual art than literature certainly. A pictures worth a thousand words.

>> No.15926827
File: 327 KB, 1117x1200, GoED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is art.

>> No.15926831

Sure, I wouldn't call it better though.

>> No.15926905


>> No.15927159

>Art is a diverse range of human activities in creating visual, auditory or performing artifacts (artworks), expressing the author's imaginative, conceptual ideas, or technical skill, intended to be appreciated for their beauty or emotional power. (wiki)

>> No.15927175

Unless, of course, we're talking about Super Mario 64, which is the greatest work of video game art.

>> No.15927183

Braindead retard

>> No.15927232
File: 544 KB, 2452x1324, IMG_20200722_105221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15927437

Film also surpassed literature. No amount of literary descriptions can match the beauty of good cinematography.

>> No.15928032


>> No.15928051
File: 18 KB, 380x467, consoom tears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15928153

Great refutation there anon

>> No.15928258

you already refute yourself, consoomer

>> No.15928266

Sorry to break it to you anon, music predates literature, literature is still trying to catch-up to music.

>> No.15928269

Film doesn't begin or end with Hollywood retard. Arthouse exists

>> No.15928338
File: 2.97 MB, 500x368, behelit soy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15928578
File: 2.86 MB, 1200x500, Avengers Infintiy War - Strange versus Thanos.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He fell for the 'Marvel isn't kino' meme

>> No.15928797

While good literature can describe scenes, landscapes and moods as well as the best of cinema, even the best cinema cannot do the same for literature. What distinguishes cinema is in the editing process. Rest is superfluous.

>> No.15929827

>entirely untrained to appreciate nuance can still transcend with music
How so? What are you experiences with music? Given that you are playing it, you had to learn it of course, how did that go?