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15910674 No.15910674 [Reply] [Original]

>don't have any core beliefs
>ideas and epiphanies are forgotten as quickly as they arrive
>nothing makes sense anymore
>in a constant haze of inconsistency and indecision

i'm 22, i feel like most people have a sense of their general 'philosophy' or political stance by now
it's as if i'm too hesitant to stand for anything because of how little i actually know about economics, ecology, and history for instance
i don't know what i think and i don't know who i am
where do i go from here?

>> No.15910683

>I feel like most people have a sense of their general 'philosophy' or political stance by now

no they don't,

>> No.15910774

I recall a man saying one should not speak on politics until after the age of 30. OP, if other people your age are speaking with confidence, they probably shouldn't be.

>> No.15910795

Plato didn’t think you should have a say in politics until you were into your fifty’s. Young people should worry about life and leave ruling to wise people. Not saying ball old people are wise, nor that a young person could not be wise, but when everyone has an equal “say” in politics you get contemporary America. Not something I’d wish on most people

>> No.15910796

People want the satisfaction of knowing themselves but don't want to go through the work of research and study.
It's why people put their personality as subordinate to culture or treat philosophical school of thought as mantra

Be proud of yourself for not falling into the trap of aligning yourself. Your identity doesn't need monikers or names

>> No.15910803

Good post. Rub your penis for me.

>> No.15910805

Post more of the wounded girl

>> No.15910806

Not having any identity at all is pretty shit though

>> No.15910827
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>i feel like most people have a sense of their general 'philosophy' or political stance by now
they don't they just have emotional reactions to what they see on their smart phones and then are sold an "ideology"

>> No.15910859
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>Study history, economics, political theory for years
>keep up with news everyday
>Still feel like a moron and don't know what I believe

>> No.15910909

Age of information and widespread niche cliques with their own universe of propaganda, precipitated by a seething wave of meta social critique. Being wrong is always just around the corner for this generation. It's no wonder that it causes pause for some.

>> No.15910920

Montaigne said that sometimes you just have to believe something and go for it even if other people win over you in debates or "prove" you incorrect, because if you changed your mind every time someone offered a compelling argument you'd never hold an opinion for more than a few moments. I think nietzsche said something similar. It's okay to have a belief in something even if you cannot always justify or defend it.

I have the same problem because I'm not sure what I actually believe so I can't participate in any sort of discussion.

>> No.15910970

stand for yourself. and know that any self identification is schizophrenia. to know oneself is to understand oneself, not classify.

>> No.15910973

what to believe or what to do? lol.

>> No.15910984
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“I’m so despondent about everything. . . . Sometimes I’m afraid to get out of bed in the morning. There’s nothing to get up for.”

- Joseph Goebbels, aged 26

>> No.15910986

If people listened to their grug intuition more the world would be a better place. Ideas are insidious, poisonous siren calls.

>> No.15911014

Good luck anon, you're on a road to maturity. There are no tips that will help you, just remember to be open and listen to your heart. Those nagging feelings are the only compass you'll get.

>> No.15911703

>I recall a man saying
No, you don't. You read it in some Classical world shit. Do you live in Athens 500 BC? No. Anybody can vote past age 18 retard.

>> No.15911723

>Anybody can vote past age 18
which doesnt mean they know shit...

>> No.15911729

>Philosophers are despots who have no armies to command, so they subject the world to their tyranny by locking it up in a system of thought.

>> No.15911744

Roman men did not formally join politics until they were past 30, and even then they had to walk the cursus honorum, beginning as a quaestor or aedile.

>> No.15911763

>I'm stupidly young, why haven't I made up my mind yet?
Please, just read more. Take a stand for what you believe now if you feel strongly about it, but never be afraid to change your mind as you grow older, even when it might be embarassing to do so.

>> No.15911782

Shut up, faggot, I paraphrasing Adolf Hitler.

>> No.15911791
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We channeling Goebbels now.

>> No.15912066
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The smartest of people understand that you can't even come close to knowing everything, and that it's foolish to believe you can.

>> No.15912255

>i feel like most people have a sense of their general 'philosophy' or political stance by now
I feel like they pretend they do

>> No.15912962

>People want the satisfaction of knowing themselves
Can you explain what this means, and how to go about learning yourself?

>> No.15912991

Me one the bottom right

>> No.15912998

The best thing you can do is define yourself by writing out what you think about things. To define yourself start by writing who your parents are and where and how you grew up.

>> No.15913050

>i'm 22, i feel like most people have a sense of their general 'philosophy' or political stance by now

You are sorrunded by sociopaths.

>> No.15913059

>Plato didn’t think you should have a say in politics until you were into your fifty’s. Young people should worry about life and leave ruling to wise people. Not saying ball old people are wise, nor that a young person could not be wise, but when everyone has an equal “say” in politics you get contemporary America. Not something I’d wish on most people

I like you.

>> No.15913072

>i'm 22, i feel like most people have a sense of their general 'philosophy' or political stance by now
Holy kek. Most recognized philosophers didn't have the basis of their system figured out before reaching 30. Kant started being kantian in his 50s. You're suffering from the common syndrome of "young guy thinking he should now be mature and have his life in order".
Protip: you won't get your life in order but you'll get used to the idea that this is how things go for most people.

>> No.15913078

I think we need to go back to the 21 yo white land owning males are the only ones who can vote. And no, jews are not white.

>> No.15913082

Same here. But someday I hope I can stop sucking at writing and maybe write something you may like

>> No.15913102

They do. Infact, some of them assault people because of their political stance.

>> No.15913123

we cavechads now

>> No.15913171

Most people straight-up do not, at least in America. 99% of people here operate purely off of aesthetics