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15904952 No.15904952 [Reply] [Original]

>got into Stoicism recently
>decide this is it, this is the philosophy i will dedicate myself to living by
>after a year or so of battling severe hair loss finally decide it's time to nut up and take the shaved-pill
>remind myself 'the Happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts'
>feel confident and thankful to Aurelius for his wisdom
>wince as i catch sight of his bust and its beautiful, full head of hair as i place my copy of Meditations back on the shelf but remind myself that 'Loss is nothing else but change, and change is Nature's delight'
>arrive at work feeling pretty positive
>the first thing i here when i walk in is 'omg look at anon!'
>immediate sinking feeling in my stomach as several of my coworkers fail to curtail their laughter
>they begin trying to determine what melon my head most resembles
>one of the girls goes 'anon you look like you just escaped an alien abduction lmao!'
>try to keep a stern demeanor and reflect on a few maxims from the Enchridion
>all I can think of is Death Grips lyrics
>even the rotund latina milf who clears the tables and who i always considered a very sweet person asks why it looks like i smeared sour-cream on my head
>choking back tears by the end of my shift
>get home and immediately look up hats on Amazon
stoicism is a lie

give me a philosophy that will actually help me cope

>> No.15904969

dude you should have just laughed with them. you'll look weird at first when they shave because people aren't used to it. it's funny dude. you shaved your head. how is that not funny?

>> No.15904974
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Lmfao what a loser. Kys

>> No.15904982

lmao Marcus Aurelius had to deal with war and plague, you can't deal with a bunch of sassy coworkers
kys fag

>> No.15904991

I thought you went for a hat as first option. You should go bald the next day also. Would be alpha as fuck.

>> No.15905003

You should be happy people know you well enough to make jokes about you. They actually noticed you got a haircut. Better than being a ghost-like nobody.

>> No.15905035

You have clearly have never had a fucking job before because people become friendly with you in like two fucking days retard and its cancer you just want to leave.

>> No.15905038

>Can't handle a bunch of retards' stupid remarks
Epictetus wouldn't even spit in your direction.

>> No.15905042

Post a pic op

>> No.15905057

Leaving this world is always an option. Buy a handgun.

>> No.15905073

Thats not what i was trying to say retard. I mean you want to leave fucking work so you don't have to talk.

>> No.15905077

People are evil. What else is new?

>> No.15905105

It has been said that blowing your brains out is the greatest feeling in the world.

>> No.15905109

>obese autistic NEET coworker comes in to work randomly with a totally shaved head
>tfw we didn't even notice he was balding
>coworkers endearingly poke fun at him
>anon stares at the ground, grits his teeth, clenches his fists, and stands there shaking
>everyone says: "whoa anon, are you OK? it was just a joke"

Are we in danger?

>> No.15905120

First of all you're a pussy

Second, Nietzsche already refuted stoicism

I'd say take the sciencepill and fuck all that philosophy bullshit

>> No.15905124

how to into stoics? any charts floating around?

>> No.15905133

> be 24
> hair thinning
It’s only a matter of time, this is worst than being bald. It’s as if the sentence has already been declared and I am just sitting in my cell contemplating the inevitable unstoppable end that fate has laid out for me.

>> No.15905134

I had a short Stocism phase before finally coming to the truth of Jesus Christ.

John 16:33
> 33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

>> No.15905135

Bro some little letters on a piece of paper aren't gonna solve your problems lmao

>> No.15905142

>Just be the bestest goyim

>> No.15905147

my dad has dense hair and he's approaching 60 years, my hair is the same, but I have no proper beard

it's a tradeoff I guess

>> No.15905164
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>self-help shit

>> No.15905167

is this post supposed to mean anything?

>> No.15905170

This. If you go with the punches they'd probs stop much quicker. Also, try a buzzcut or something, might look better.

If your confident with your looks, people will probably end up liking the way you look

>> No.15905179


>> No.15905185

You know nothing of either philosophy, or science.

>> No.15905250

>stoicism is a lie

no, you are weak

>> No.15905255
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Study this image.

>> No.15905275

lmao this entire post is just baseless ramblings

>> No.15905282

Start with the greeks.

>> No.15905287

Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.

He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.

Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall;

but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

>> No.15905346

>just accept the bullying bro
Yeah I tried that. It only makes you more pathetic and entices them even more.

>> No.15905352

>Better than being a ghost-like nobody
Opposite is true.

>> No.15905378
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A big part of Marcus' writing was that humans are social animals. You shouldn't have just conversed, talked to them about it, and made some jokes yourself. You know, be a cool dude. While at the same time having respect for yourself and acknowledging that a shallow physical change like that means jack shit.

>> No.15905389

*should have just conversed
Sorry, typo.

>> No.15905463

OP is a humorless autist. He can't comprehend the social purpose of ball-busting, or why jovial self-deprecation is sometimes the alpha move.

>> No.15905482
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>all I can think of is Death Grips lyrics
You deserve everything that happens to you

>> No.15905519

>He read Aurelius and Epictetus yet didn't even grasp the basic concept that a few silly jokes at work have no impact on him unless he chooses to consider them important
Read everything again, try to understand this time

>> No.15905775

You never left the cuck mentality. You never became a stoic lol. You are too cowardly and weak for stoicism. Go back to consoomerism, cope and endless escapism. You are a bugman through and through. Don't try to be anything different lololo

>> No.15905782

What a huge faggot OP is kek

>> No.15905789

Your understanding of life is based on shitpoasts lol

>> No.15905794

t.100 geccer femboy

>> No.15905797

Goyboi slave. KYS faggot bitch

>> No.15905804

He can't he's too much of a sissy cuck faggot. He needs his safety and comfort, cuck porn and tendies, else he becomes discomforted and cries

>> No.15905817

Image being this scared to leave the mainstream bugman life

>> No.15905832

>>got into Stoicism recently
Lol. No you didn't

>> No.15905858

Like half that book is just "don't care what others think of you" you're just bad at stoicism lol.

>> No.15906018

>got into Stoicism recently
well that your first mistake, if you want some greek philosophy to help with life go with epicureanism. stand tall and laugh to enjoy life

>> No.15906054

More like too many drugs and have an epic aneurysm.

>> No.15906095

immortality is the way

>> No.15906104

what a fucking baby. nobody is bullying you

>> No.15906111

>one of the girls goes 'anon you look like you just escaped an alien abduction lmao!'

That is when you slap her anon. The idea that men should never hit women is sexist. It is the current year meme anon and we will treat the sexs equally and fight the matriarchy.

So the next time you see that bitch, punch her and give her a black eye. Then say "You look like you date orcs". Lol its true most orcs beat their gfs. Feel like a baller for the rest of the day knowing that bitch will never say that shit to you again.

>> No.15906184

>Feel like a baller for the rest of the day
As you sit in a locked cell.

>> No.15906363

Yes they are.

>> No.15906411
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of course stoicism is a lie! it is nihilism, denial of problems. tolerate and pretend, restrict yourself, don't complain, be in prison, fight natural reflexes, fight nature, fight yourself, hate yourself and world around. and why? fetish! larping. be like someone else, don't be yourself.

>> No.15906451


>> No.15906453

>t. has no self confidence
Have some pride in yourself, some honour. And lead your way forward in life.

>> No.15906475

>burp, Morty, take the sciencepill, burp

>> No.15906494

>other people's judgments disturbed me
Maybe you should have read the fucking books

>> No.15906500

>fight nature
of course the schizo namefag hasn't read any of it either. anyone on this board read?

>> No.15906583

>after a year or so of battling severe hair loss finally decide it's time to nut up and take the shaved-pill
>one of the girls goes 'anon you look like you just escaped an alien abduction lmao!'
why did you skip the part about staying in shape, you stupid faggot?

>> No.15906810
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>tries stoicism
>still cares what others think about him

>> No.15907284

Read Seneca, Aurelius is mostly just a meme (not the best example of stoicism, was just an amateur philosopher). Repeating his maxims like 'the happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts' is not going to help

>> No.15907366

He only "refuted" the metaphysics of Stoicism, the idea that the nature of reality was inherently rational and something you could align yourself with. Nietzsche, as with Kant, agreed with Stoic ethics as to living life, the amor fati was not a new idea

>> No.15907375

Wrong. Stoic ethics is slave morality.

>> No.15907391

actually amazes me that people still cite arbitrary and often nonsensical quotes from the Bible as if they represent anything beyond a dogma, literally the same as Muslims quoting the Qur'an as some kind of proof in an ethical argument. Is it just Americans who still do this? If someone were to cite a Bible quote to you in my country (England), they would be perceived as a complete moron - even by Christians

>> No.15907410

In regards to living virtuously yes, rather he agreed with parts of the Stoic approach, probably most of all the indifference to adversity

>> No.15907427

you would not bitch and moan so much if someone had quoted a philosophical text, or even a Buddhist text. Regardless of the truth of the claims in the Bible its message is certainly valuable in the same way that Stoicism can be valuable. Stop being such a reddit faggot

>> No.15907433

Us platonists pride ourselves on the true Sage Aesthetic.

>> No.15907436

to be honest didn't even read the quote, I just saw John 6:9 and I glazed over it. Yeah it's not bad in this context

>> No.15907442
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>> No.15907455
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pretty much this

>> No.15908428 [DELETED] 

You forgot about dichotomy of control.
And you should have respond those insult with humor.

Either you are lying that you have read stoicism or you still not matured enough to accept things.
If you cannot accept stoicism, go to aristotle.

>> No.15908556
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I took the shave pill when I was in college. My hair loss was bad and didn't feel like having it when trying to start my career so I shaved it.

They laughed and I got flack for a few weeks but I just said I lost a bet on a sports game. Close to the 1-year mark, people started to compliment me on it as my skin tone is the same color.

>pic unrelated
I pretend I look like this. I could care less about Jeff Commerce.

>> No.15908566

>>decide this is it, this is the philosophy i will dedicate myself to living by
lmao wtf who even thinks like this?

>> No.15909405

tell me, faggot, what is the purpose of stoicism? what is the final goal, product, result? what and who is 200.00% stoic?

teachings of buddha, jesus, krishna, castaneda have certain achievable ultimate goal, seeing, nirvana, samadhi, ultimate knowledge of oneself, a science of oneself, of human, of body as an instrument.

>> No.15909412

Stoicism is literally a loser's cope, same with the buzzpill.

Hold on to your hair even if you have the biggest baldspot known to man.

>> No.15910118

Awful advice, don't walk around with an obvious overcomb, it shows how you can't let go, that you are very self conscious about your hair and vain.

Buzzing or going full bald will look so much better and signal that you don't care about trivial things like holding on to strands of hair, you'll also look more masculine and confident.

>> No.15910133

KEK anon, I did that on my teenage years and got a similar reaction. Don't mind and people will get used to it in a month or so.

>> No.15910153

>tell me, faggot, what is the purpose of stoicism? what is the final goal, product, result? what and who is 200.00% stoic?

probably some homeless dude who only takes what he needs at the time
or some dude in a cave just breathing

>> No.15910161
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our appearances is a an extension of ourselves

>> No.15910179

Haha, thanks for the funny story anon.

>> No.15910448

I kek'd. Thanks OP. Rome wasn't built in a day. Stay strong!

>> No.15910455

Stoicism has not failed you, you have failed it. You think Aurelius complained about being "bullied"?

>> No.15910460

Is it thinning everywhere or MPB-style?

>> No.15910471

Wasted the opportunity to massage your temples and shoot pretend-beams at them to make everyone laugh. Could have gotten a free drink out of it

>> No.15910475

>or some dude in a cave just breathing
I laughed

>> No.15910518

>muh science