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/lit/ - Literature

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1590699 No.1590699 [Reply] [Original]

I find it hard to focus on what I'm reading. My speed varies between slow and normal. I find myself reading paragraphs without retaining anything.

I also find it hard to visualize and imagine what I'm reading, this makes descriptive fiction very tedious.

I want to read. I remember enjoying it. :(

>mfw I'm reading fiction

>> No.1590704


>> No.1590711

wtf are you reading, bro?

>> No.1590717


been trying to read moby dick, keep failing

also gormenghast

>> No.1590725


dude, moby dick is boring as fuck, even for people who read all the fucking time. Go read the hitchikers guide to the galaxy or some shit.

>> No.1590728


Hey fuck you Moby Dick is ten kinds of awesome.

>> No.1590734

OP, I think that you are just autistic.

>> No.1590737


I dont think so. I don't have issues when reading non-fiction, science, history, and things I find interesting.

But I'm trying to "culture" myself by reading the classics. That's where I seem to exhibit ADD.

>> No.1590740

You must hate literature. Why are you on this board?

>> No.1590746

i gave up reading fiction ten years ago. you should embrace your dark side and read solely for information, not feelings.

>> No.1590747

the classics are a shitty way to get introduced to literature, i think. If your witty, read something that appeals to your taste for wit. Same for cynicism, or romanticism, or how macabre you act around people. I started out reading the classics, and i got largely turned off and bored out of my mind because they didnt interest me.

>> No.1590752
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>I started out reading the classics, and i got largely turned off and bored out of my mind because they didnt interest me.

Oh, hmmm...

>> No.1590754

if your into science and history, get your hands on arthur c clarke, or some 'hard sci-fi' author.

>> No.1590758


I also have that problem. But for me it stems from a feeling of guilt. I feel that I'm wasting time with "classic fiction" instead of reading something I can actually learn from.

Strangely, I don't get that feeling when I'm watching cartoons or playing video games.

>> No.1590763
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>> No.1590765

But you're reading Moby-Dick. You can learn a lot about whales and whaling from Moby-Dick.

>> No.1590767

i agree with hard sci-fi-fag over here. Reading shit parallel to your non-fiction tastes is a good way to go (if not the best way). I dig reading what i read because its fun seeing some of my philosophical ideas i have subtlety played out in some fiction realm.

>> No.1590773

>I'm wasting time with "classic fiction" instead of reading something I can actually learn from.

Did anyone else have two strokes while reading this?

I am now an invalid.

>> No.1590778


but most of it is wrong

>> No.1590781


but most of it is common sense...

I think people read classics for the aesthetics, not for learning facts or life lessons

>> No.1590788

i find novels fundamentally boring. who gives two shits what happens to that slut madame bovary, or dorian gray, or any of those old european douches. deep down, OP, you know you agree with me.

>> No.1590793


ya but when I was a kid I cared about Bilbo and his gang.

now I dont care about fictional things :(

>> No.1590797

I loved Catch 22 and hurriedly swallowed each paragraph. Reading The Odyssey which is of a smaller page count, it's already taken perhaps twice as long.

I think this is normal, OP.

>> No.1590802
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>dude gets bored reading moby dick
>mfw im not surprised

>> No.1590811



I guess I have to just read what I actually enjoy

>> No.1590816
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>I guess I have to just read what I actually enjoy

what a fucking concept

>> No.1590817

Of course, it isn't to say I don't enjoy The Odyssey, it's just that I find the pacing is a lot slower than Catch 22. Moby Dick has a slow pace, if I recall correctly.

Still, don't waste the effort if you REALLY don't appreciate it and are only reading the book to have one more under your belt.